Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1649: The show begins

  Chapter 1649 The Good Show Begins

  Since there is no way out, I have no choice but to fight to the end.

  The Qi family began to frantically buy.

   In fact, it didn't take long for someone to notice that something was wrong.

  The first ones to be conscious are those big households after all.

  They clearly felt that people suddenly began to buy the land they had listed.

   None of these people are fuel-efficient lamps.

   Just when others were still bewildered, this latest news was grasped by them.

  The Qi family started to buy land frantically, holding countless silvers, begging everywhere to buy land.

   When the gentry heard this, they stomped their feet immediately.

  At the beginning, the Qi family sold it first, but now the price has fallen to the bottom. Where did they get so much silver, and they are looking for it everywhere.

  So many families began to go to the tooth shop to withdraw the land they listed for sale.

  In the dental shop, there are crazy transactions here, but sometimes, just after the negotiation, the seller refuses to sell.

It's pity for those ordinary people. After hearing that the land has plummeted, in order to stop the loss, they have to sell the land. They are still ignorant. They only heard that someone is willing to buy the land, so they happily talked to the people who bought the land. Signed the contract.

   But the price has begun to rise slightly.

  Of course, ordinary people are naturally not so sensitive, and they don't react so quickly!

"Second master, second master... I heard that the money of the Qi family is not their own at all. They borrowed from the Xishan Bank and are now buying land everywhere. How much land is there for seven or eight taels of silver? How much did they charge, all the children of the Qi family went to all the prefectures and counties, and none of them would be let go."

  A long follower hurried to the Zhao residence.

  The Zhao family is the largest wealthy family in Zhenjiang, but Nanjing is bustling, because although most of the land is in Zhenjiang, they bought a courtyard in Nanjing long ago, and the family lived here for a long time.

  Master Zhao Er twitched when he heard about it: "Before, how much land did we sell at a low price?"

   "More than 7,000 acres. When the young master heard the news, he immediately withdrew all the land listed for sale. Many lands that were supposed to be sold were not sold. If not..."

   "The surname is Qi..." Mr. Zhao Er's face was so gloomy that ink dripped out, and he gritted his teeth.

He felt that he was cheated. Now it seems that the Qi family sold it earlier because they wanted the land market to crash, but they secretly prepared a large amount of silver. When the price fell to the bottom, they went crazy acquisition.

  Master Zhao Er was very angry, but he still asked calmly: "How did they borrow money from Xishan?"

  The long follower looked at the angry look of the master, and hurriedly said: "As long as there is land and land, you can mortgage it, and you can lend money at any time."

  Master Zhao Er put his hands behind his back and started pacing back and forth, showing a bit of anxiety.

  His eldest brother is an official in Beijing, so he is almost in charge of the Zhao family's business.

  Now Nanjing is very chaotic, like a pot of porridge, which even gave him the idea of ​​returning to his hometown in Zhenjiang.

   But I also thought that if there was a military disaster in the south of the Yangtze River, Zhenjiang, as an important town, would be the first to bear the brunt. The imperial court must take Zhenjiang to suppress the rebellion, so they simply stayed in Nanjing.

   "How much is the current land price?"

"Between eighty-nine, the people of the Qi family are very sophisticated. Although it was a large-scale acquisition, the acquisition was kept secret, so...many people have not responded yet, not to mention...everyone is really scared. If you keep the land and are afraid, it’s better to exchange it for real money. I received the entrustment from the dental bank, but I signed the contract directly and handed over the land deed, so... this transaction is very fast..."

   At this moment, the second master Zhao opened his eyes wide and said anxiously: "Go to the bank! Hurry up! You can't let the Qi family eat alone."

At this point, Master Zhao Er has already recalled that this is a premeditated harvest. His knife has obviously been sharpened long ago. Not only is he going to buy the land of those small people at a low price, he even Their Zhao family also took away more than 7,000 acres at a low price.

   More than seven thousand acres...

   This surname Qi is really ruthless.

   Master Zhao Er is a very shrewd person. He took charge of the family business and made the Zhao family flourish.

   Isn't the current situation very clear?

Whoever has silver can buy the land at the cheapest price, and whoever can make huge profits from it. This is what the Qi family does. However, they are all big gentry, and there are plenty of land and real estate, even in warehouses. Countless food, but cash, is their weakness.


  The Qi family can borrow money, and so can the Zhao family.

Because it won't take long for the price of land to skyrocket. At that time, there will be no land with seven or eight taels of silver. If it returns to before the sharp drop, the price may even rise to thirty taels, and it may even return to the original value. Fifty two.

  Thinking about it this way, Master Zhao Er couldn't sit still.

Not to be missed.

   Such a large family can enjoy the prosperity and wealth of more than ten generations, and it is definitely not by sitting back and enjoying the success.

  If there is no well-informed information, enough contacts, or even enough straightforward means, without superhuman vision, it is absolutely impossible to reach the point where it is today.

  When Mr. Zhao Er arrived at the Xishan Bank... unexpectedly bumped into quite a few old acquaintances.

  These people are all local celebrities in the south of the Yangtze River. When they met each other, they couldn't help but greet each other, but they didn't explain why they came, but they smiled at each other tacitly.

   This made Mr. Zhao Er more aware that next... the land will skyrocket. Now, all those who are capable have come to Xishan Bank.

  What do you come to Qianzhuang for? Still not a loan? Borrowing is for the purpose of buying land, and more people are buying, but less and less land is being sold. Even Mr. Zhao Er, who has never read The Wealth of Nations, knows that in the future...the land will have a price but no market. Who will seize it? Whoever takes the opportunity first will be able to buy the cheap land of those who have been taken advantage of lately, and whoever is a step behind, from then on, among these countless families, they may have to be willing to stay at the bottom.

  The land of the gentry will be returned in full, and the land of the common people will be bought at a low price.

  Master Zhao Er probably understood the Qi family's routine, which is actually not bad from the previous gameplay, and there is no essential difference.

  Master Zhao Er hurriedly met with Wang Jinyuan, and he went straight to the point and borrowed two million taels of silver.

  He had already prepared the land deed and house deed for the mortgage, and Wang Jinyuan seemed to have been prepared, and quickly ordered people to lend money.

   In the past two days, he has received dozens of borrowers.

  These people have a big tone. Of course, they are also rich. At least, the loan is hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. There are almost no other requirements, the only requirement is to lend money quickly.

  Facing such a big client, Wang Jinyuan did it himself.

  For the Xishan Bank, this is a lucrative business, anyway... no loss at all.

   As for the risk.


  Wang Jinyuan took advantage of a gap and took a sip of tea in his spare time, Shi Shi ran his feet up.

   Working with the young master, the most important thing is the stimulation, which the former him would never be able to perceive.

   Next... the show is about to begin.


  In the city of Nanjing, it seemed as if the sky had changed all of a sudden.

  Even dental shops everywhere have noticed the drastic changes in the market.

   On the one hand, a large number of lands began to remove their brands, and were told by the owners of the land that they would not sell them now, and they would not sell them for as much money as they had.

On the other hand, many people came to the door, waving countless cash, demanding to buy land immediately, how much...even some land, the asking price reached ten taels, eleven taels, they didn't ask about the quality of the land, Regardless of whether the land is good or bad, the delivery should be made immediately.

  Between a day…

  Land prices started to rise.

  In Nanjing, in Zhenjiang, in Hangzhou, and even in Nanchang, which is hundreds of miles away.

   This land in the south of the Yangtze River is full of such people. The land in Nanjing rose first, and then other prefectures and counties also began to rise slightly.

  Everyone still doesn't understand what's going on.

  The countless lands were quickly traded, and within a day, the price increased by 50%.

  The price has reached thirteen taels...

  Qi Zhiyuan was already insane.

  He was the quickest, and the price of the land was also the lowest, with an average of 89 taels of silver. In one day, if the valuation is considered, I am afraid that he made hundreds of thousands of taels of silver for nothing. just the beginning.


  Purple Mountain.

  Even though Emperor Hongzhi killed someone, no one dared to enter Xiaoling to take someone.

   Therefore, life on the mountain is unpretentious and boring.

  Emperor Hongzhi sent countless decrees every day, and it seems that he has begun to make arrangements for the Jiangnan affairs.

  Fang Jifan also stays in Xiangdian where he lives every day, and seems to be planning something.

  Occasionally, Emperor Hongzhi would call Fang Jifan to drink tea.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion when the monarchs and ministers sat down.

  Fang Jifan saw Emperor Hongzhi's preoccupation, and said: "Your Majesty... don't worry, when the British prince arrives, this little boy in Nanjing will die without a place to bury him."

Emperor Hongzhi sighed, shook his head and said, "What I'm worried about is just a few thieves. To me, these are just a bunch of clowns. It's just... I went to Jiangnan and saw all kinds of things, but I realized that this Jiangnan Although they are rich, the common people are still suffering. There have been many evils accumulated over the past hundred years. It is not easy to clean up this situation. Look at the Zijin Mountain..."

He took a deep look at Fang Jifan, and said: "The imperial court has clearly ordered that people are not allowed to enter the Forbidden City for poaching and logging. This is where Emperor Taizu Gao's mausoleum is located. Anyone who enters the forbidden area will be punished severely. But what, the day before yesterday , Xiaolingwei captured seven people, and yesterday, Xiaolingwei captured three more people. I have personally seen these poachers and thieves. I guess they are rogue thieves, but they are just honest. Ordinary people, Ji Fan... They burst into tears, saying that they can't survive, why... the court has so many good governance, and so many ills have been corrected, but there are still people who have endured so much hardship, so that... they risked their heads to enter Forbidden land of Xiaoling?"

  (end of this chapter)

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