Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1652: god **** me too

  Chapter 1652 I am dead

   This is harmful.

  What kind of person Qi Zhiyuan is, he knows better than anyone what this announcement means.

   First of all, this subsidy is almost aimed at the rent-free farmers of Xishan Bank, and naturally has no share in other lands. In this way, the production of rent-free land in Xishan Bank is bound to increase, but what about other privately owned land?

The same is for arable land. Your investment in the early stage is higher than others. With the increase in production, the grain harvest is bound to be bumper. However, people invest less, and the grain is enough for the family to eat and drink. The excess grain can be sold. How much it is exchanged depends on luck. .

  And you have invested a lot in the early stage, and you need to purchase improved seeds and fertilizers. The output has increased, what about the income?

  This almost means that in the future... this land will become a burden to some extent.

  Of course...the real trick here is...

   Such a large-scale subsidy, the court must not be able to afford it.

So that **** Qi Guogong started from Baoding. On the one hand, Baoding is rich and rich, and their taxes are abundant. It is not difficult to take out a little money to subsidize the farmers. Therefore, this subsidy can definitely be implemented in Baoding. Farmers, farmers increase their income, the price of grain is low, and the court can easily increase the storage of granaries. This is a mutual benefit for the court and farmers.

   But the bad thing is that it is implemented in Baoding, Baoding is a new government province, and many major policies are carried out from Baoding, and then extended to the world.

  For example, Baoding was the first to abolish stereotyped selection of scholars and select officials as officials; for example, Baoding was the first to build railways.

   Although Jiangnan has nothing to do with Baoding now, once the time is right in the future, it will only be a matter of time before this big policy of benefiting farmers is implemented.

  Once it is implemented...the biggest beneficiaries are the tenants of Xishan Bank. They not only get rent-free land, but also get subsidies. What about the land other than Xishan Bank?

   This is real money from the imperial court.

If someone has a house, and someone tells you that you can live in this house now, but after ten, twenty, or thirty years, the house will be destroyed, then... at this time, Will you still live in this house with peace of mind?

   But anyone who is a little 'smart' would rather sell this house as soon as possible.

  Because keeping it in your hand is like a sharp knife hanging over your head. Once this policy of benefiting farmers, self-protection and Dingfu is pushed to the world, the land in your hand may be even more worthless.

Qi Zhiyuan took a deep breath, glared at his nephew fiercely, and after continuing to take a deep breath, he smiled and said to the other gentlemen calmly: "This is just a trick, and Xishan's messing around is still rare." Is it? I don’t need to worry about it, it’s such a small matter. This nephew of the old man has always been reckless, but he offended everyone, so please Haihan.”

The complexions of the gentry gradually returned to blood. It is strange that after learning about this incident, everyone was surprisingly calm. Everyone treated this incident as if it had never happened. They neither cursed nor cursed. No one is talking about it.

   "Young people, it's human nature to be reckless, haha... Nephew Ling has a real temperament..."

   "Qijia is flourishing, Duke Qi is very lucky."

  Qi Zhiyuan also smiled: "Where."

  He continued to speak to the scholars calmly, but Qi Zhiyuan was supposed to hold a banquet here at noon, but Qi Zhiyuan refused. He only said that he was feeling unwell, so he left and went home.

  The nephew followed his uncle all the way home, and was relieved to see that the uncle remained calm.

   But unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the house, Qi Zhiyuan's face collapsed in an instant, and then he stared at his nephew, and hurriedly said: "Immediately... Sell the land immediately, as much as you can sell."

  This nephew's thinking seems to be a bit hesitant, and he said in a daze: "Uncle... this... my nephew doesn't seem to be worried when he sees other people, why suddenly..."

  Qi Zhiyuan didn't have the patience to explain any more, and said angrily: "You bastard, go sell it quickly, I'm a step too late, and I'll peel your skin."

  This land is the foundation of the gentry family. Even if Qi Zhiyuan speculates, in his calculations, the Qi family still needs to hold a large amount of land.

   It can even be said that the New Deal's policy of benefiting farmers will not have any impact on him in normal times. As long as the land is there, the income from the land will be lower, but what does it matter? As long as there is still income, the Qi family will still enjoy themselves.

   But the problem is that the Qi family borrowed money.

   Owing a whole lot of debt, the monthly interest is already astonishing.

  If there is no cash in hand, these debts are enough to overwhelm the whole family.

   Once this policy of benefiting farmers is implemented, who will buy land.

  If you don’t buy land, but you have collected so much land yourself, when you need to pay off your debts, who will you sell the land to?

The policy of benefiting just a soft knife, will not have any impact on the current Qi family, but for the Qi family that has borrowed money, it may be a straw that crushes the Qi family. Many times... Just one straw is enough to ruin a family.

  The nephew was frightened by Qi Zhiyuan's anger and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, my nephew will go now."

   After that, Qi Zhiyuan went crazy, first rushed to the accountant, found the accountant, and asked the accountant to figure out how much cash the Qi family had on hand.

  The gentleman was trembling with fear, he had never seen the master lose his composure like this.

  In the evening...the nephew ran back in a hurry, panting: "Uncle,'s not's not good."

  Qi Zhiyuan looked very nervous: "What's the matter?"

   "In the tooth shop, no one buys land anymore. The news has spread. Everyone says that whoever buys land now will suffer. In the future, the policy of benefiting farmers will spread to the world, and this land will be worthless."

  Qi Zhiyuan trembled, took a breath, and said with a pale face, "What about the land price... what about the land price..."

   "The land price is still maintained, and no one buys it anyway..."

  There is a price but no market...

  Qi Zhiyuan's eyes were red: "What are the other big surnames doing?"

"It seems... also started to sell in secret. I heard... Zhang family... Zhang family's uncle, because of this... almost hanged himself. He said he owed more than 1.7 million taels of silver and bought countless lands. Although the land price is high now, no one is selling it, saying yes... saying yes... Fortunately, someone saved him..."

  Qi Zhiyuan was trembling with struggle.

   Now that I think about it, this is a trap.

From the very beginning, Xishan Bank has tried every means to make the Qi family and many gentry families owe debts. The premise of repaying the debts is that everyone will push up the land price together, and then resell these expensive lands to those ignorant people, but now, Such a notice is tantamount to telling the common people directly that whoever buys this place is a fool.


  He felt his legs go weak.

  At this time, the accountant hurried over: "Master, Master..."

   "Calc... have you figured it out? How much money is left in the account..."

   "Master, there is still 110,000 Wenyin in the account..."

   "110,000..." Qi Zhiyuan was in a daze.

These days, I've been buying land like crazy, throwing money all over the sky... five million taels, I've already spent all of it, 110,000... what's the use of it, the monthly interest I have to repay is more than 300,000. .

  That was a contract I signed in black and white...

  He looked up at the sky in a daze, and his lips trembled a bit: "This... this is... I will die in the sky... I will die in the sky..."

   "Master, master..." The accountant looked at Qi Zhiyuan cautiously: "Master... don't be afraid, don't we still have... land..."

  Qi Zhiyuan gritted his teeth, raised his hand and slapped the accountant: "Everything is gone, everything is going to be gone, the land... the current land, can I still get money? Go, go to the bank, and go to Wang Jinyuan to settle accounts!"

   Qi Zhiyuan was angry.

  In this world, he is the only one who plots against others, and no one can plot against him.

  What is my identity, and what is his identity as Wang Jinyuan, a merchant?

  He arrived at the bank with a murderous look, and here...he found many old acquaintances, some were beating their chests and feet, and some were crying loudly.

  Qi Zhiyuan got out of the carriage, squeezed into the crowd, and said to the guard outside: "I am Qi Zhiyuan, I want to see Wang Jinyuan...get out of the way..."

  He didn't know where the strength came from, but he pushed a guard away.

   Then, he rushed directly into the bank, like an angry lion, found the back of the bank, and saw here, three steps for one post, five steps for one sentry.

  There were guards trying to stop him, but someone under the eaves said: "Let him go."

  Qi Zhiyuan looked up, and the person who spoke was Wang Jinyuan.

  Wang Jinyuan was wearing a satin shirt, standing under the eaves, and a birdcage was hanging under the eaves. He was holding a thin bamboo in his hand, and was happily teasing the birds.

   "Brother Qi, why are you free today..."

  Qi Zhiyuan said furiously: "Wang Jinyuan, you did something good, but you actually harmed me?"

   "Harming you?" Wang Jinyuan suddenly put down Xizhu, pulled his face down, and looked at Qi Zhiyuan: "What are you talking about?"

   "Heh..." Qi Zhiyuan said: "This is all calculated by you. What you said at the beginning was just a trick to invite you into the urn..."

  Wang Jinyuan smiled and said, "At first, what did the old man say?"


Just when Qi Zhiyuan was stunned, Wang Jinyuan said: "Did the old man say that in any business in this world, chess players will not lose, and those who have nothing to lose will always be pawns, because chess players are outside the chessboard." , With a backhand, you can turn the clouds into the rain. This word... the old man remembered, you see, the old man is an upright person, and his words have always hit the nail on the head, but, did the old man lie to you? You came...It must be because you lost your money, right? , Hey... You Qi Zhiyuan, what are you, a mere gentry and landlord, who really regards himself as a big banker and a chess player? The old man asked you, are you worthy?"

  (end of this chapter)

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