Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: Up to Tianting

  Chapter 1653 Shangdatian Listening

  What Wang Jinyuan said really pierced Qi Zhiyuan's heart like an awl.

  What kind of person is he, how could he be humiliated like this, so he sneered again and again.

Wang Jinyuan put his hands behind his back and looked at Qi Zhiyuan contemptuously: "You have come to this day, don't you know that the world has changed? You are just a mayfly and a praying mantis, and you dare to think that you are a chess player? Your fate has long been determined." Qi Guogong has arranged it properly, but now, how dare you be arrogant?"

   " one can arrange for this old man, the big will die." Qi Zhiyuan yelled with a grim expression on his face.

  He is not reconciled, never reconciled, the family business of more than ten generations, can you do whatever you say?

   What's more, he is not alone. How many families in the south of the Yangtze River will be at your mercy?

Wang Jinyuan glanced at Qi Zhiyuan expressionlessly, as if mourning for him: "You must be thinking, even if the mortgaged land is taken away, the land bought for five million taels of silver is still yours. You have lost a lot, but you still have a lot of land in your hands, one can do anything to you?"

   These words... really hit Qi Zhiyuan's heart.


  He is not without cards.

   Although the ancestral land was used as collateral, it was confiscated. But I still have a large amount of land in my hand, as long as the family business is not lost, what are I afraid of?

  He just didn't feel resentful that he was deceived by Wang Jinyuan.

   "Naive!" Wang Jinyuan said lightly.

   "You..." Qi Zhiyuan wanted to step forward, but at this moment he was completely angry.

   But several guards wanted to stop him.

Wang Jinyuan still had his hands behind his back, confident, and looked at Qi Zhiyuan with a smile: "Haven't you figured it out, you're all over now? Your ancestral land has been confiscated, oh, no, it's not just you, and There are still many people. The land they have inherited has all been in the hands of Xishan Bank. Xishan Bank now holds a large amount of land and will release it for rent-free use. At that time, it will be in your hands. What is the use of those lands? How many tenants can your land attract? What is the value of the food you grow?"

"From the very beginning, you were doomed to lose, because... if Duke Qi wanted you to die, he would have a thousand ways to make you die without a place to bury you. After all, today, the imperial court can come up with a policy to benefit farmers, and tomorrow... The imperial court can still issue an order to increase your taxes. Even, as long as the imperial court changes its plan and does not allow people like you to keep slaves and servants, look... you will die or not?"

"My Duke Qi, the reason why he took some brains to lie to you is because my Duke Qi is a reasonable person, at least...he knows the rules, he is too kind. If not, he will rush into your house , beat you to death, so what? If he makes people sprinkle salt on your land, what can you do? That's why I said again and again, Qi Guogong is Qi Guogong, my young master is really amazing, he can obviously beat you Damn you, but he is still willing to use his brain, this is his rare and valuable place. And you, you dog-like thing, you still don’t know what to do. What kind of thing are you? To be so ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth, now that you are grateful to my young master, you still dare to call me, do you still want to hit someone?"

  Qi Zhiyuan gritted his teeth, but he felt faintly... It seemed that what Wang Jinyuan said had some truth.

A mocking sneer curled up on Wang Jinyuan's lips, and he said with a flick of his sleeve: "While my young master is still reasoning with you, if you obey obediently, that is your good fortune, but if you still persist in your obsession, you will die. ...see off, drive this dog out for me."

   Qi Zhiyuan's face is always changing.

  He was still unwilling, but now... despair grew in his heart.

He stared at Wang Jinyuan with a ferocious face and said: "Do you think that the emperor will let you be so rampant and let the country be unstable, and trust the Duke of Qi? the Duke of Wei's planning to do something wrong, even the imperial envoys he sent are bribed, At this time... His Majesty will drive us all to death? You merchants, you only look at the immediate benefits, or you don't read much, haha..."

  He yelled and laughed, and was carried out by the guards.

   Until he was far away, he was still yelling: "Just wait and see! When the time comes, someone will decide for us!"


  The gentry from the south of the Yangtze River gathered in Nanjing.

   Immediately, a crowd of people came to the yamen hall of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing.

  Hundreds of people bowed here.

  Qi Zhiyuan beat his chest and stumbled, and this time he took the lead again.

  Almost everyone was ashen-faced, and the officials of the household department did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent the petitions of the gentry to Liu Yi, the Shangshu of the Nanjing household department.

   Liu Yi was full of sympathy for these gentry.

  Even the gentry can’t survive, how can this world be okay?

  He immediately ordered people to invite all the ministries to come here.

  All the tribe halls sat down, each with a dignified expression.

Then someone began to complain: "It's really a wave of unrest, another wave, rumors and rumors are everywhere, and the imperial envoys kill people, and the Xishan Bank embezzles and defrauds the land of the gentry. If it goes on like this, how can it be done, gentlemen, At this time, you can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb, you need to appease the gentry first, and then go to the court, hey...give them justice."

   "But with so many people kneeling outside like this, it's really unsightly. It's better to persuade them first, let them go back first, and wait for the news. If not, wouldn't it be ridiculous."

"I've made it clear." Liu Yi stroked his beard and said angrily, "I'd rather die here if I don't seek justice today. They won't leave. Do we have to send troops to drive them away? It's an extraordinary time. ... I can't be the master, but to be honest, this Xishan bank is too much. And what kind of imperial envoys... are still hiding in Xiaoling, lawless, it is really abominable, now these people are submitting petitions, one of them is To seek justice. The second is to ask the court to be the master, saying that the imperial envoy must have colluded with the Xishan Bank to create chaos..."

  When Liu Yi said this, there was a little admiration on his face.

   I have to say that people who have read books are people who have read books, and they could think of colluding with Xishan Bank and imperial envoys.

  After all... It is already a capital offense for an imperial envoy to kill a minister without authorization. Now, deliberately contacting Xishan Bank is nothing more than giving Xishan Bank another piece of evidence.

   "Forget it, let's play quickly."

   "I heard that the British Duke Zhang Mao is coming soon. This time, he also came here on order. He is an imperial envoy, but he doesn't know how to deal with the Hanlin in Xiaoling. Please ask the British Duke to clean up this situation."

   All the ministries had settled their discussions, but shook their heads one after another.


  Zhang Mao's team can be said to be at every step, just to guard against changes.

  The mighty army and horses crossed the river to Zhenjiang, and then entered Stone City. Before entering Nanjing, the military order was issued first.

   Waiting for Zhang Mao to enter the city on horseback, the officials from the Six Ministries of Nanjing led the officials to the city gate to greet him.

   It was crowded, and the head of the Household Department Shangshu Liu Yi hadn't even opened his mouth, but there was a commotion behind him.

  But Qi Zhiyuan and others swarmed to **** it out. They all bowed to the ground and shouted loudly: "The British Princess is the master..."

   "We have a big grievance. If the British government refuses to make the decision, the students and others will be killed so far, and they will die cleanly."

   Not only the gentry, but also many scholars along the way, also clamored, and the scene was huge.

  So that the accompanying army horses immediately stood on guard.

  Zhang Mao was daring, and quickly dismounted from his horse, although he walked forward alone.

He looked around, seeing these gentry and scholars excited, and seeing Liu Yi and others... showing a look of standing on the sidelines, but did not stop him, Zhang Mao said seriously: "I am ordered to send troops here to rotate defense. What grievances are there, a rough man, and a newcomer, who can tell right from wrong, why don't you go to the local parents and officials to decide?"

  Qi Zhiyuan and the others made up their minds today, so they cried together and said, "We first sued the Xishan Bank, and the second sued the imperial envoy for colluding with it. Only the British Duke can decide this matter."

   Zhang Mao came here on order, and also to prevent any chaos in the south of the Yangtze River.

  Who knew that when I first came here, I encountered such a thing, and it also involved the Xishan Bank and imperial envoys.

  When he arrived in Zhenjiang, he knew that the imperial envoy killed the Zuodu Yushi, which was a crime of death, but he was an imperial envoy, and even he had nothing to do. The emperor had to decide this matter.

  It's a pity... I heard that His Majesty hasn't seen any foreign ministers recently, and living in the palace, everything is only issued by orders, and there is no decision on the killing of imperial envoys, which is strange.

  Zhang Mao was puzzled, looked at the situation in front of him, cheered up, saw the gentry all kowtowed like smashing garlic, and there were many scholars around making noise, the crowd was full of resentment.

  He thought... If they don't give them an explanation for this matter today, if these people make a fuss, there is no way out!

  It's just... that Xishan took their land by force? But I don't know what kind of idea that kid Jifan is hiding, hey, but let the old man clean up the mess for him.

  So he settled down and said: "Come here, first invite the imperial envoy from Xiaoling to come down the mountain. As for the Xishan Bank... also send someone to call their principals to come. It's good to ask about the right and wrong."

  He paused, looked at Qi Zhiyuan and the others unquestionably, and said, "You will follow me into the city, and we will talk about everything later."

  Qi Zhiyuan turned his head slightly, and exchanged glances with a gentleman beside him.

  The gentleman nodded secretly at him.

In fact, they all know that the British Duke and Qi Guogong are family friends, and they only expect the British Duke to make decisions for him. They are afraid that if the board is raised, they will be put down gently in the end, but today, for this sake, they must let the British We all know what the consequences will be if Jiangnan's people turn their backs.

  What they want is that today's affairs can be heard by the heavens!

  (end of this chapter)

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