Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1654: fair and comfortable

  Chapter 1654 Fair and comfortable

   After all, they are scholars, their hearts are like mirrors, but for them, the right and wrong are not important now, the important thing is to make the court feel difficult.

  For example, this imperial envoy is a serious crime that is guaranteed. The reason why no one in the south of the Yangtze River can move him is because he still has the name of an imperial envoy, but what about the court...

  Will the imperial court let go of a person who killed the left deputy capital Yushi in Xiaoling in broad daylight?

  Therefore...this imperial envoy...must be a capital offense.

Now that this person's crimes are well established, then... At this time, find a way to implicate Xishan Bank and this heinous crime, and let people know that the two are in collusion, then... Xishan Bank's crimes are not small up.

   Now that everyone is making a fuss, the imperial court is bound to be in a dilemma. After all... If the imperial court does not severely punish the Xishan Bank, then there will inevitably be rumors that this must be His Majesty protecting Qi Guogong, allowing Qi Guogong to harm the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and even...

   Isn't the imperial court worried about the huge consequences caused by the instability of people's hearts in the south of the Yangtze River?

But once...the imperial court photographs the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, the most likely result is that both sides will simply hit 50 boards each. The punishment may not be too great, but in order to appease Jiangnan's people, the next step is to ask Xishan Bank to return the land...

  So, it can be said that everyone is happy.

Here in the south of the Yangtze River... There are a lot of things like this. In fact, as early as the Chenghua period, there was a **** guarding the gentry who asked the gentry to pay taxes. There was such a stir that even the Jinyiwei who was suppressed was thrown into the river and drowned .

  The final result is that the law does not blame the public, and the court has fifty boards. This over.

  Therefore, there was no guarding **** again...and he put his mind on the gentry.

  Now the Xishan Bank is equivalent to the **** guarding it back then. At this depends on whether everyone is causing enough trouble.

   What's more, most of the Nanjing Six Departments are quite sympathetic to the gentry.

   This is actually very easy to understand. Among the six ministries in Nanjing, which one is not from a gentry family? After taking office, will he have something in common with ordinary people?

  Of course not, because they have the same experience and read the same books as the gentry, and there must be some human relations with each other. The court abused the gentry in this way, but it was actually torturing themselves.

  It's just... this kind of mood can't be revealed for the time being, some things still have to be done according to the procedure, and it needs to be fair.

  British Duke Zhang Mao was a straightforward man, so he immediately rushed to the Mansion of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies in Nanjing and was promoted to his seat.

Entering the city on this road, you can see the vast number of scholars, and you can see the end, people are mourning, these people are in the countryside, raising slaves, and have tenants, controlling the livelihood of many people, every one who weeps bitterly Behind the gentry, there may be dozens or even hundreds of ordinary people attached to them.

  Thus... Zhang Mao couldn't help frowning, thinking to himself, this Jiangnan not easy to provoke.

  Of course...he still has no expression on his face, but he can't help but sneer...

  The officer brought his troops here, and the first thing he encountered was such a thing. Is this an excuse to give him a blow?

After being promoted, crowds of people gathered outside the Dudu's mansion again, the voices were noisy and noisy, and the accompanying soldiers wanted to drive some of them away, but the crowd couldn't be driven away. Instead, the ranks of the soldiers were dispersed.

The military officer who led the team didn't dare to be driven away with a whip. No matter how simple his thinking was, he knew that today's matter was not easy. More, so I couldn't help wiping my sweat desperately, feeling extremely anxious.

Zhang Mao was naturally calm, and after the officials from the six ministries sat around him like stars holding the moon, he looked gently at the Minister of the Household Department, Liu Yi, and said: "Mr. Liu, what these people just said Chen Zhiqing, since Liu Gong is the Minister of the Household Department and has been in Nanjing for a long time, what do you think?"

Liu Yi was obviously prepared in his heart, and immediately said without hesitation: "Since I won the kingdom in the Ming Dynasty, the tax in Jiangnan has been the heaviest, but... the British government knows that such a heavy tax is just the place where the Jiangnan government is stationed. The army and horses are the fewest. Duke, the imperial court has maintained peace and stability in the south of the Yangtze River for a hundred and fifty years with a mere dozens of guards and horses. Is this because of some reason? Isn't it the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, all of them He is a person who has read poems and books, is loyal to the country, and this person who is weeping blood outside, which one of his ancestors has never had the experience of being admired by the court and the government, and every family has a memorial archway bestowed by the imperial court or the government. If you are not really driven to a desperate situation, how can you not even want to be gentle and decent, and cry here?"

   Zhang Mao fell silent after listening.

  Shangshu is Shangshu, such a remark, not to mention right and wrong, the truth of the matter seems to be unimportant, but it is enough to make people sympathize with Qi Zhiyuan and others.

  Zhang Mao was speechless, he was a vulgar person, and the only thing he had a little bit of culture was worshiping the ancestors on behalf of the emperor. At this time, after hearing Liu Yiyu's earnest words, Zhang Mao's face became much gentler.

At this time, Liu Yi went on to say: "As for the imperial envoy, he is absolutely heinous. Now people are saying that this imperial envoy is related to Xishan Bank, and the old man has indeed found out that this imperial envoy bought property in Beijing and borrowed money from Xishan Bank. A lot of money... He suddenly violently killed people. The people who were killed were well-known and respected in Nanjing. The imperial envoy...relying on the emperor's order, that's why he did this to him. The's really hard to tell the right from the wrong, but...the lower officials think that there is no impenetrable wall in this world, and now there are gossips outside , must have some basis, the gentry and people in the south of the Yangtze River, all regret Cao Du Yushi, Cao Du Yushi's family members also arrived in Nanjing two days ago, hey... I have seen it with my own eyes, and I was shocked to hear such a bad news. It's a life-and-death situation that makes people feel pitiful."

   Liu Yi opened his mouth, and the others nodded their heads one after another.

  Zhang Mao had a stern face, but he thought in his heart, Jifan, you bastard, you really caused this old man a lot of trouble.

He didn't show any expression on his face, and turned to say: "Is the imperial envoy invited? Take an extra team to prevent him from absconding in fear of crime. Of course... along the way, be polite. He is an imperial envoy. It is not a crime that you can offend."

  Then, his complexion sank, he turned his head and said: "Gentlemen, please recommend a few people to come in, and I will inquire personally."

  Liu Yi and the others were already thinking about it, knowing that at this time... Zhang Mao probably already knew that even if he didn't favor Qi Zhiyuan and others, at least in order to prevent any trouble, he would definitely not wear the same pair of pants with Qi Guogong.

   Not long after, Qi Zhiyuan and seven or eight gentry hurried in. Before they could see the ceremony, they bowed down first and complained of their grievances.

  Zhang Mao glanced at them, with a serious expression on his face: "Okay, I will give you justice. You keep saying that the Xishan Bank colluded with imperial envoys to kill people. Is there any evidence?"

   "Yes!" Qi Zhiyuan spit out a word neatly, for the sake of this trouble today, he came prepared.

So he said loudly: "Grandpa Cao, the censor of the left deputy capital, had told his family members before that Xishan Bank tried to bribe him repeatedly so that he would turn a blind eye to the Xishan Bank's embezzlement of land property." With one eye, Mr. Cao is an upright person, so he tried his best to refuse, and drove him out with righteous words, but he was worried in his heart, and he once said to his second son that the Xishan Bank refused to submit, it was inevitable To murder him, he is the left deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, blocking their way of making money, but he doesn't know...what tricks the other party will use for them. The Duke of the country doesn't believe it, so he summoned the second son of Duke Cao...just ask and you will know."

  Zhang Mao had a gloomy face.

   To be honest, what kind of crime is this.

  The Cao Yuan people are all dead, so it can be said that there is no proof of death.

  As for the testimony of his second son, he may not be able to accept it.

   But the problem is that...he is the son of Cao Yuan, Zhang Mao may not believe it, but will the soldiers and civilians in the world not believe it?

  Zhang Mao said: "What is this person's name?"

   "My name is Cao Shang, and I'm just outside, begging the Duke to be the master of his father."


Then Cao Chang came, with a submissive look, first glanced at Qi Zhiyuan cautiously, then bowed down, and then cried: "My father died unjustly, he was killed by the Xishan Bank in collusion with the imperial envoy, my father died, Dedicated to my duties, never made any negligence, how could I have thought that when I am old, I will die unexpectedly, I implore the Duke to be the master."

  He cried so vividly that the sound of howling shook the rubble, and people couldn't help sighing again, sympathizing with Cao Shang's pain of losing his father.


  I caught a cold today, sorry for the late update.

  (end of this chapter)

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