Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1655: Death to the Grass

  Chapter 1655 Grassland Ten Thousand Deaths

  Zhang Mao was even more embarrassed for a while.

  At this time, Qi Zhiyuan took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Guo, the students and others have treated Xue wrongly. Please ask Mr. Guo to make the decision."

  Others kowtowed one after another: "I implore the Duke to be the master."

  Hubu Shangshu Liu Yi sat on the side, heaving a sigh of relief, knowing...for this matter, even if he reported to the imperial court, the Xishan Bank would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

   Zhang Mao was in a dilemma. He really couldn't decide this matter.

  So, he simply fell silent.

  But at this time, someone outside said: "The imperial envoy has arrived, the imperial envoy has arrived..."

  Zhang Mao got up and said solemnly: "I will meet the imperial envoy first."

  The imperial envoy has committed a heinous crime, and he represents the emperor. Now that he has come down from Xiaoling, he is still an imperial envoy before the court commits more crimes. Even if he is a British official, he must show respect.

So Liu Yi and the others got up as well, they wanted to laugh in their hearts, the imperial envoy was in imminent disaster, what happened today was unprecedented in the country, a person, with the status of an imperial envoy, was also a heinous criminal prisoner, this Liu Yi was full of anticipation in his heart, and really wanted to meet the imperial envoy.

  Qi Zhiyuan and others also got up, and at this moment they felt relieved, knowing that for this sake, the overall situation was settled.

  When Cao Chang heard the word "imperial envoy", his face suddenly changed. This was the revenge of killing his father, and he couldn't share the sky, so he gritted his teeth and sneered.


  A carriage, under the retinue of a large number of soldiers, came slowly.

In the car, Emperor Hongzhi looked calm. He didn't know what happened in Nanjing. He only knew that the British Duke Zhang Mao had arrived. Sitting opposite him was Fang Jifan. Fang Jifan looked drowsy, which made Emperor Hongzhi very sad I was worried about the son-in-law's body.

  Young people only get up after three poles every day. In the middle of the night, they are afraid that they are exhausted, ah... they don’t know how to cherish their bodies. But if you get up earlier, you will look listless, what should you do?

  At this time, Emperor Hongzhi coughed, Fang Jifan cheered up, glanced at Emperor Hongzhi, and said awkwardly: "My son...did you sleep again just now?"

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "I have already entered the city, and I will arrive at the Dudu Mansion soon."

  Fang Jifan looked at Emperor Hongzhi in awe. His majesty punished Cao Yuan, which left a deep impression on Fang Jifan. Unexpectedly, this majesty is also a ruthless person, so it is better to be careful.

  At this time, the carriage stopped. Outside the carriage, the British Duke Zhang Mao led the officials from the Six Divisions of Nanjing, as well as Qi Zhiyuan, Cao Yuan, etc., and there were a group of soldiers on the periphery.

   Before the chariots and horses arrived, there were already endless discussions here. Everyone wanted to know what the imperial envoy who killed Cao Yuan was really about.

  When the carriage stopped, everyone fell silent.

  But as soon as the door opened, someone got out of the car first.

As soon as the   person appeared, there was an uproar.

  First, Cao Shang said in a mournful voice: "The revenge of killing my father is irreconcilable. This is the person who killed my father. This thief... this dog thief..."

   As he said that, Cao Chang burst into tears, as if he was about to rush forward to avenge his father.

  When Cao Chang roared like this, Qi Zhiyuan and other gentry saw this opportunity and made a lot of noise.

   "Kill for life."

   "This is a crime of death... don't let him go."

  The Minister of the Household Department, Liu Yi, and others were smiling, as if they were holding a wisdom pearl, but... when they saw the person coming... Liu Yi's expression froze for a moment.

  The person in front of so if I've seen it somewhere...

  Seeing this imperial envoy, he had an extraordinary demeanor. Facing the accusations of countless people, he only frowned slightly, and then his face returned to normal, looking around at him, as if he didn't pay attention to the noisy person at all.

  The one who got out of the car afterwards was Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan got out of the carriage and couldn't help stretching. He wanted to laugh, but his face collapsed. Well, he is a man with a head and face, so he should pay attention to his image.

  Cao Chang first broke through the barrier of the guards, and then rushed forward, shouting madly: "Are you the one who killed my father?"

  Emperor Hongzhi only glanced at Cao Chang. To be honest, Cao Chang and Cao Yuan look quite alike. It can be seen that they are father and son, and they are still relatives.

  Emperor Hongzhi only said one word lightly: "Yes."


  Everyone would think that the imperial envoy would have to quibble a few words, but who would have thought that the other party would be so calm.

  Many gasps.

  This man is so arrogant.

  But seeing that Emperor Hongzhi didn't even look at Cao Chang, his eyes had already fallen on Zhang Mao.

  He paced slowly and walked up to Zhang Mao.

  Zhang Mao has already petrified at this moment.

  This...the emperor...the emperor?

  Why is the emperor here? This... Could it be that they just look alike?

  But... when Fang Jifan beside the emperor appeared in front of Zhang Mao, who turned into ashes and made him recognizable, Zhang Mao understood that the one in front of him was undoubtedly the emperor.


  The emperor... is an imperial envoy?

  Zhang Mao opened his eyes wide, and his whole body became stiff. The shock in his heart can be imagined.

   Facing the astonishment shown by the people in front of him, Emperor Hongzhi didn't take it seriously. He just glanced at Zhang Mao casually and said, "Why are there so many people here?"

  Zhang Mao continued to be confused...

   After a long time, I waited for Ai Ai to say: "Someone...someone wants to sue...Xishan Bank...and...and..."

   Finally, there is no reaction at all...

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned slightly and said, "Who else?"

   "Imperial, no, it's a complaint..."

  Zhang Mao was still like a tiger just now, but now he has become a kitten, so docile and outrageous, he is about to continue talking...

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help laughing, the laughter was very contemptuous: "What's the crime for suing the imperial envoy?"

  Zhang Maodao: "Collude with Xishan Bank and kill people..."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked puzzled: "Collude with the Xishan Bank? This is a false accusation. There are murders, but the collusion with the Xishan Bank is clearly framed."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked even more solemn.

  He never expected that so many gentry and scholars came here to make a noise.

  Even...he has begun to frame himself as colluding with Xishan Bank.

  Seeing that the imperial envoy categorically denied the collusion with Xishan Bank...

Qi Zhiyuan naturally didn't want to give up, and took the opportunity to say: "The witnesses are all here, do you still want to deny it? I am just a grassroots person, but I really can't stand it anymore. The ancients said that if there is injustice, you will cry out. Even now, you still don't want to repent. It's really bold, your salary and your salary are all from the people's fat and people's anointing..."

  Emperor Hongzhi knew Qi Zhiyuan, and Qi Zhiyuan had personally recruited him back then!

  When Zhang Mao heard Qi Zhiyuan's words, he immediately exploded. The shock in his heart can be imagined, crazy...crazy...

  At this time, he really reacted...

  But Qi Zhiyuan and others said one after another: "Murder pays for life! Today, I still don't want to repent, heinous crimes..."


  Zhang Mao is a big bastard, his thinking is very direct, so...

   I have bowed down.

  He was extremely terrified.

  Hearing these words, His Majesty still doesn't know how to be furious. He has nothing to do with these people.

  Zhang Mao said in his mouth: "I...I am guilty of ten thousand deaths..."

  He knelt...

   Suddenly, Liu Yi and others came to their senses.

  Others may not have face-to-face saints, but all the ministries have had the opportunity to face-to-face saints.

  Although when I faced the Holy Spirit, I was extremely terrified in my heart, and didn't dare to look directly at His Majesty's face.

  But I always felt that Emperor Hongzhi was very familiar.

  Now Zhang Mao's sentence of ten thousand deaths... suddenly made them understand something instantly.

  It's the emperor...the emperor is here...

  Liu Yi and the others didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and hurriedly bowed down and said, "Minister... you are too late to meet your driver, and you will die..."

  First Liu Yi and others bowed down, and then... other officials.

  Countless officers and soldiers are here, looking at each other, you look at me, I look at you.

   Immediately... the row of mountains was overwhelming, and everyone bowed down one after another: "I have seen your majesty, long live my emperor."

   Then Qi Zhiyuan was taken aback...

   Your Majesty...

  Suddenly... His heart skipped a beat.

   Immediately... shivered...

  His eyeballs are straight...

   There was already a gentleman beside him, and he collapsed suddenly.

Emperor Hongzhi had a gloomy face, but said: "I have been in Nanjing for some time, what I have seen and heard is really indescribable. When I came here, I not only met an assassin, but also became a murderer, and even became a collaborator." The thieves from the Xishan Bank... It seems that Nanjing, the place where Emperor Taizu Gao set up a tripod, is not easy to hide dragons and crouching tigers."

   These words are really heartbreaking.

  Liu Yi and the others felt overwhelmed. They suddenly remembered that the imperial envoy had been assassinated before.

   Isn't it because someone assassinated him? Thinking about... protecting Qi Zhiyuan and others, and allowing them to mess around, Liu Yi felt even more panicked.

  Cao Chang's face was first angry, then panicked, but he shuddered suddenly... his body shivered like chaff.

   "Now that I am being sued, who is the suing person?"

  Emperor Hongzhi's eyes fell on Qi Zhiyuan while speaking: "Is it you?"

  Qi Zhiyuan was so frightened that he was out of his wits, he only looked forward to Ai Ai's words: "I...I didn't...No...No..."

   "It's not you..." Emperor Hongzhi smiled, looked at him with his hands behind his back, and said in a slightly cold voice, "Could it be someone else?"

  The voice is not loud, but as soon as this remark comes out...

  The gentry around Qi Zhiyuan were all shocked.

   Someone immediately said: "It's Qi Zhiyuan, that's him...Your Majesty is very aware of the details, this...this is all Qi Zhiyuan's instigation, Cao see the excitement..."

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help laughing: "It seems that someone has deceived the emperor... Don't you dare to tell the truth in front of me, Qi Zhiyuan!"

  Emperor Hongzhi shouted: "I ask again, but are you suing me?"

  Qi Zhiyuan's face was ashen. At this moment, he could no longer deny it: "The grassroots... all die."

  (end of this chapter)

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