With a single slash, sharp wind, violent thunder, and scorching fire, the three most aggressive elements converged.

The proficiency level is full, and the three true meanings have reached the pinnacle level.

The incomparable natural energy poured out to Dao Gebu with the light of the knife.

Just as Dorobu was about to make a move, he saw vines and icy frost suddenly growing out of his body.

This is the distance, and Zizhu Tianren shot in time to cooperate with Wang Yu's suppression.

On the other side, Human Sovereign Jiang Tianya also shot at the same time, the huge gravity and adsorption force firmly pulled Dao Lubu and held it in place.


At this moment, Dorobus finally felt a little panic in his heart.

After the real world is stabilized, Wang Yu's strength has actually improved a lot compared to the previous one in Desolate Star.

With the enhanced version of Yuanlong Dan, he actually already has the ability to kill god-level lion eagles!

As long as he is cut by him, he is confident that this time he will not get stuck in the skull, but will directly cut off the opponent's entire head!

Daoguobu exerted his strength frantically. At the critical moment, he broke the rattan wrapped around his neck and head, and opened his mouth to shoot out a fist-sized red light at Wang Yu. At the same time, the two red lights on his pupils also shot out simultaneously.

It collided with the Fanxing Saber dropped by Wang Yu and fought against it.

It can be seen that under the threat of death, Dorobo has done his best and has no reservations.

A more violent wind and thunder element appeared around Wang Yu, and he directly entered the state of the body of wind and thunder.

The whole body was bronzing blood flowing at a high speed, releasing all the power.

The same complex divine light appeared in his eyes.

Gold, purple, green, yellow, red, blue…

This is Wang Yu's current strongest sword.


The long knife was deflected, and a six-color half-moon arc opened up, engulfing Dao Kebu's figure.

Afterwards, the red light blasted Wang Yu into the air, crashing directly into the rock several kilometers away.

"Come on, it's a heaven and a human, and it's so strong!" Wang Yu was buried deep in the rock, and only a little light could shine through the crack that came in.

The skin on his entire body appeared to be severely burned, and there was a blood hole the size of a bowl on his chest. The injury was not light.

The golden blood splattered all the way in the air, and it can't stop now.

Immediately, he took out a Wanchun Pill and swallowed it, and cooperated with his own self-healing ability to speed up the recovery.

"Kid Wang, your body is a bit interesting, you are so resistant to resistance.

I almost thought it was time to say goodbye to you. "

In the body, Qi Ling didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and said.

"To shut up."

Wang Yu frowned, got up slowly, and walked out of the cave.

He knew very well that the knife that had just erupted with all his strength should have directly killed the god-level lion eagle.

Nai He was finally hit by the opponent at an angle, and slashed down with a knife, only cutting off half of the opponent's arm and one wing, but did not kill him directly.

While walking, the injuries on the body surface are also recovering rapidly, and the scabs at the wounds fall off.

Only the blood hole in the chest recovered a bit slower, but it wasn't as terrifying as it was at first.

When Wang Yu walked out of the mountain, under the perception of heaven and man, where the worm gate was located, the lion sculpture entered like a locust and flew everywhere.

And at this moment, two more god-level lion statues appeared on the other side.

In addition to Dao Kebu, who had not died before, the three god-level lion statues were still only chased and beaten.


Suddenly, the entire pit lit up with huge rune marks round after round.

"This sixth-level formation is finally about to open." Wang Yu knew that this also indicated that the critical moment of the battle had come.

Countless earth elements converged, condensed into spears, and stabbed all the lion eagle army like raindrops.

At the same time, there is a huge rune mark corresponding to it in the sky above the head.

The space in the middle is squeezed by the energy, extremely depressed.

All the lion sculptures seemed to be stuck in a quagmire under the influence of energy, and their bodies became clumsy.

And in the huge rune mark above, a stream of light fell like a meteor shower.

Such a large-scale killing directly affected the entire battlefield.

In the lion eagle army, only the real-life powerhouses have the ability to resist dodging, and the rest of the lion eagles began to suffer large-scale casualties.

The corpse fell to the bottom like a dumpling, and was stabbed into a mess of flesh by the ground.

The Terran camp took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

Wang Yu returned to the battlefield. At this time, most of his chest injuries had recovered, which did not affect his combat power.

"Xiaoyu, how is it!"

Zizhu Tianren sensed Xiaoyu's return, and immediately asked through voice transmission.

"I'm fine." Wang Yu replied.

"Okay!" Zizhu Tianren retracted his mind and pursued the injured Dao Kebu with all his strength.

However, these lion eagles are fast, if not for the siege of layers of chains, they would have already escaped.

As long as they wait for the rest of the god-level lion eagles to arrive, they can counterattack.

With Zizhu Tianren's speed, he really couldn't intercept the opponent.

One must catch up with the opponent to contain them, and then the beheading can be completed.

Among all of them, Wang Yu, who has an overclocked combat state, can always lock the whereabouts of the opponent at extreme speed.

Apart from that, the body of wind and thunder was activated again, and his speed was no slower than that of Dao Kebu, not to mention the fact that the other party was already injured.

On the battlefield, Miao Tong and others were still maintaining the Zizhu magic technique, and they cooperated with the Heaven Destruction and Jedi formation to sweep the lion carving army that poured out.

Suddenly, a strong breath rolled in.

All the disciples were terrified and stiffened in place, unable to even breathe normally.

Under the shock of the mind, the purple bamboo also became flickering.

Miaotong bit her pink lips and looked.

Dorobo's speed was beyond their observation range, and even mental perception couldn't capture it.

But Miaotong knew that this terrible aura that made it difficult for him to resist was something that even the master who was in the real world could not give her.

In such a comparison, the other party is likely to be the supreme existence of heaven and man!

Thinking of this, my heart is cold.

In the hands of the Heavenly and Human-level powerhouses, these disciples have no chance of surviving.

On the other hand, Dorobo just passed by this corner war zone unintentionally when he was stalling for time.

Seeing the murderous Zizhu and Miaotong's group of people, he was so annoyed that he just bumped into it, intending to kill these guys along the way.

Just as Dao Lu Bu was furious and approached the disciples of Zi Zhu, Wang Yu overtook a car and slammed into each other with a knife!

The tyrannical energy shook the space everywhere.

The disciples in the back exclaimed and were swept away by the energy and flew out.

The purple bamboo was also difficult to maintain and dissipate. Fortunately, their lives were saved.

"Little Junior Brother!"

Only then did Shen Qiuhe and the others see Wang Yu who had rescued them.

In addition to the shaking in his heart, he was also greatly relieved, and was grateful to Wang Yu.

Miao Tong was knocked back hundreds of meters by the burst of energy, but she still managed to hold on, Mei Mu looked at Wang Yu, and her emotions were beyond words.

Wang Yu, who suddenly appeared at this moment, was like a **** descended from the earth in their eyes.

"Senior sister, please evacuate all the surrounding disciples."

Wang Yu's voice came to Miaotong's ears.

Miaotong knew that she couldn't intervene in this level of battle and couldn't help Wang Yu, so she could only nod her head and do what she could.

Daoguobu recognized Wang Yu as the one who beheaded him, and the enemy was very jealous when he met.

Dorobo's eyes were really red, and he was about to shoot a red light without saying a word.

Wang Yu had suffered a loss, and he was prepared for it. With a thunderbolt attached to his left arm, he punched Dao Kebu's chin with a powerful uppercut.

Dao Lubu was beaten up, and red light swept in the sky.

After such a short delay, Zizhu Tianren and the old sect master finally caught up.

They are Wuzong's two current bosses, and they cooperate with Wang Yu, a strong and outrageous disciple.

The three Wuzong people joined forces to surround Dao Kebu again.

This time, they didn't give Dorobo another chance.

Between the old Sect Master's arms, a large piece of pure white light and shadow rope shot out.

Dorobu wanted to run again, but Wang Yu immediately slashed at the head with the second knife of the previous offensive, forcing him to swipe his claws to block.

The old suzerain's rope was tied with Dao Kebu.

Everything is instantaneous.

Zizhu Tianren suddenly condensed an illusion of a Zizhu forest behind him.

The phantoms of purple bamboo shoot out and pierce directly into Daoluobu's body.

Dao Lubu's body was unscathed, but every piercing of the purple bamboo made him miserable, and his breath was a little weaker.

After dozens of thorns, Dao Kebu was already lethargic, his breath was weak, and his eyes couldn't even shoot red light.

Wang Yu's face was calm, and the overflowing icy killing intent made Dao Kebu go crazy and struggled desperately, but under the joint bond of the old Sect Master and Zizhu Tianren, he couldn't break free.

Wang Yu did not hesitate in the slightest, and slashed flatly.

With a flash of lightning, Dao Gebu's neck, which was as strong as fine iron, was directly cut off.

When the head was thrown away, Wang Yu took out several knives and chopped the corpse in front of him into several pieces.

"Master." Wang Yu called out.

Zizhu Tian understood it, summoned a raging fire and burned it until it turned to ashes, which was the end of the repair.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Successfully beheading a celestial-level lion eagle again was undoubtedly very encouraging for them, and it also greatly increased their odds of winning.

Before the three of Wang Yu could continue to move, the remaining two god-level lion eagles noticed that Dao Kebu was dead, and suddenly panicked.

Without saying a word, they fled into the worm gate regardless, and the witch Jiang Tianya and others were too late to stop them.

The death of Dorobu caused a greater blow to the lion-eagle alien race than they expected.

Then the remaining lion eagles seemed to have received the same order. The moment they were sent out of the insect gate, they flew back in fear and set foot on the return journey...

Even the seventh galaxy doesn't plan to take a look.

This scene looks a little absurd.

But I have to say that the group of lion eagles seems to have a certain way of communicating at the same frequency, and it is quite miraculous to be able to unify the behavior of the top and bottom of the group.

As for the lion eagles in the depression field, they are basically already in this sixth-level formation, and the casualties are almost the same.

"In this way, what the witches saw before was the army of lion carvings that had already rushed out of their nests." The old Sect Master said, his expression softened.

If there are far more than seven lion eagles at the level of heaven and earth, then there is no need for them to panic enough to give up this aggression after they died.

This time, the alien invasion crisis was resolved faster than expected.

The distance between the galaxies is boundless, and the time difference between the insect gates has greatly magnified their home field advantage.

Coupled with the group of lion eagles, it is more upright than expected...

As a result, the casualties on the Terran side were much less than expected.

Next, after the lion eagle aliens continuously damaged the god-level lion eagle, the threat to the human race has become smaller and smaller.

Although it is still a big enemy, but now as long as the human race guards this insect gate, the other party will not attack again rashly.

At least not any time soon.

"Tsk, that's what you're talking about?" Qi Ling said with disdain.

From the beginning to the end, it has not paid attention to this so-called lion-carved alien race in the wasteland of the universe.

Shen Wu laughed, affecting the injury on his body, but he didn't care.

"Let the seniors laugh."

"Hmph, let's find the keel as soon as possible, and go to other places in the universe to fight for the human race.

I don't ask you to restore the prosperity of the Ziwei people back then, but at least you can have a real foothold, and don't want anyone to bully you, thinking of the past..."

Qi Ling began to meditate again.

This made several Human Race Supremes unable to listen and walked away silently.

A day later, the war subsided, except for a small group of seriously injured lion eagles who were captured by the emperor and were going to be brought back for research and interrogation.

The rest of the alien races, without exception, all turned into corpses all over the mountains.

The crisis was lifted, and Wang Yu and others were finally able to end the days of day and night marking on the mining star.

After that, they only need to control any changes in the insect gate, and they can leave the mine star.

Follow the old Sect Master and others back to the Blue Star Martial Sect.

Everyone was relieved and returned to Wufeng to rest.

Wang Yu summed up this interracial incident, but forced himself to make a rare breakthrough and officially stepped into the real world.

This is his greatest achievement this time.

After stepping into the real world, his cultivation will no longer hold him back for the time being.

Without taking drugs, the comprehensive combat power is already a half-heaven-level powerhouse.

Real-life opponents who are basically the same realm can't find anyone who is stronger than him.

If he takes drugs, he is a god, and he dares to touch it.

The attack of the lion eagle was considered to have forced his full strength, giving him a fairly clear understanding of his current strength.

"The next step is the realm of heaven and man." Wang Yu muttered while sitting in the bamboo hut.

When you reach the realm of heaven, you truly stand at the highest position of the human race.

Today, there are billions of people in the human race, and there are only five heavenly beings. It can be seen how difficult it is to enter this realm.

Of course, for Wang Yu, the only difficulty is persistence.

The cultivation method of the way of nature directly points to the realm of heaven and man. He only needs to practice day after day and persevere.

Until enough proficiency is accumulated, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can step into the realm of heaven and man.

This process is fed back to the current progress bar. If there is no big opportunity, it may take more than ten years to make a preliminary judgment.

In this regard, Wang Yu is not unacceptable.

Compared with those real-life cultivators who practiced in units of hundreds of years, ten years is simply a flick of a finger.

After all, there is no bottleneck in the process of proficiency accumulation, which is really a lot of trouble.

The boring head practice is over.

Wang Yu still quite likes this kind of sluggish way of cultivating.

If the sudden appearance of Insect Sect caused a major crisis to the entire human race, he would certainly not have participated in it.

A life without danger and danger is what he yearns for. At most, he occasionally goes out to find an opportunity or something.


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