Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 205: ice sheet north lehai

"Kid Wang, this native has also been resolved, when will you find the keel?" Qi Ling couldn't help but float out, urging, while spinning around the room.

"What's the hurry, the old sect master said, this energy exhaustion, the collapse of the galaxy is not a matter of a while, at least it will take hundreds of years to affect our seventh galaxy, very early."

Wang Yu said casually, he couldn't help stretching, propped his head up, and lay down on the bamboo board in the courtyard.

Whether it is the dead star, or the previous mining star, there is no such comfortable environment as the blue star.

I couldn't help squinting my eyes to take a nap.

I have been busy running outside before, it seems that I haven't had such a quiet rest for a long time.

He turned a deaf ear to Qi Ling, who was yelling beside him, and fell into a rare deep sleep.

a month later.

Human society was not impacted by aliens, and a little turmoil was quickly pacified. Everything was as usual and orderly.

This month, Wang Yu stayed on the Zizhu Peak for peace of mind, accumulating cultivation proficiency in the real world.

Until this day, the old Sect Master found him, and finally mentioned the time dragon keel.

After all, this is an important event involving the fate of the entire human race. After confirming that there will be no more incidents from the insect gate, they decided to find a wave in person.

And Wang Yu, as the holder of the six-pointed star battle flag, naturally has to go with him.

After all, only the Qiling has seen the keel of the time dragon with his own eyes.

In addition, there are several other human races who are supreme, which shows that they attach great importance to this matter.

It is best to find the keel mentioned by Qiling as soon as possible on this trip.

After half a day.

At the boundary of the polar arctic ice sheet, the North Lei Sea.

The blue-blue sea, the sun shining down, is extremely clear.

The cold wind from the north blew one after another, carrying a little frost, which brought an inescapable chill to the entire sea area.

The extreme north is cold all the year round, there are icebergs that cannot be melted for ten thousand years, and there is also a huge and expansive arctic field, that is where the northern barbarians live.

"After I heard about the coordinates before, I felt a little familiar. It turned out to be in our Beilaihai." Shenwu said happily.

The Beilai Sea is on the edge of the ice sheet, so this sea area is quite familiar to the gods and witches.

"Then you have no impression of the keel? Or do you have any clues to provide?" The emperor raised his eyes and looked at him lightly.

In the vast sea, Qiling only provided approximate location information. Now that such a long time has passed, it is unknown whether there is a keel in the Beilai Sea, and where it is.

It is very likely that you have been busy for a long time and are doing useless work.

In fact, several people also have this kind of mental preparation, but if they don't turn over the entire Blue Star, I am afraid that they will not be willing to give up the important keel that can take them away from the tailless bird galaxy.

The witch touched his chin, shook his head and said, "I really don't have an impression. There are some fabricated legends and stories at sea, but I have never heard anything related to keels."

"Do you have any other clues?" Wang Yu asked Qi Ling in the body.

Because Qiling is too talkative and open-mouthed, he has been with him for so long that Wang Yu has lost his respect for such a senior artifact spirit, and he is a lot more casual.

"No, ten thousand years ago, this place was not the sea, maybe it was below?" Qi Ling said.

Its tone is rather uncertain.

After listening, the Pope shook his head, "It seems that it will take some time to search slowly."

Even though they are the supreme human race, they are not real gods, and this kind of job of finding a needle in a haystack is still difficult.

That is to say, they can use the ability of the sense of heaven and man to speed up the search process, otherwise they may not be able to check it out after a hundred years.

In fact, in this month, whether it is the emperor, the pope, the witch, and others, they have already arranged a large number of people to search for them all over the Blue Star.

There are many people and great power. At this time, the advantage of having a big power is reflected, and many things can be sent to do.

Although the coordinates given by Qiling were Beilaihai, it was impossible for them to only find such an area after 10,000 years.

As long as the keel is still on Blue Star, they must turn it over.

Even the surrounding broken stars, they will not let go.

It is foreseeable that for countless years to come, finding the keel will be the highest priority.

Several people acted separately to expand the search area.

Wang Yu simply sat cross-legged on the flying sword and flew close to the sea, releasing his sense of heaven and man to the maximum sensing area.

Even thousands of meters of seabed are within his exploration range.

"You should still have an impression of what the keel looks like, or what are the more obvious features?" Wang Yu asked Xiang Qiling while looking for it.

"The keel of the Time Dragon is special, because it is a very special dragon species in the universe, with its own space attributes, and traveling around the universe is as easy as eating and drinking.

Therefore, even if they are just a keel, they also have the property of space shuttle, which will always affect the stability of the surrounding space.

If you have a keen sense of it, you can detect this spatial vibration caused by the keel when approaching.

In addition, as I mentioned before, an adult Time Dragon is quite huge. The keel we got is thousands of feet long, and it may actually look no different from a mountain. "

Qiling was actually quite concerned about finding the keel, and basically all the information it knew about the keel was told to Wang Yu and others.

Wang Yu frowned, such a huge keel is logically difficult to hide, and there are some traces to follow.

But even the old Sect Master and others who have lived for thousands of years have never heard of the existence of this keel, which makes him think more.

"After so many years of erosion, won't the keel be damaged?"

This is what he is worried about. Once the keel of the time is gone, they will find another way.

"You don't understand, that is the keel of the Time Dragon. If the planet explodes, this keel may not be destroyed!" Qi Ling emphasized.

Wang Yu was not sure whether Qi Ling's statement was suspected of exaggeration, but he believed it for the time being.

After all, that's a legendary creature, a dragon!

what is impossible...

After thinking about it, Wang Yu simply broke the sea and plunged in with Qi Ling.

The sea is icy cold, and there is a lot of cold air.

Wang Yu didn't care, his strong physique made it unnecessary for him to adapt to this level of cold.

All the way downstream, the water pressure increased, but he did not stop diving.

He thought that since the mountain-like keel had never been discovered, it meant that its location was hidden enough.

Perhaps in the untouched depths of the Beilai Sea.

Wang Yu's perception can reach a distance of up to five kilometers, and in the deep-sea area, the ten thousand-meter sea can be seen everywhere. If he doesn't dive, it will be difficult to investigate thoroughly.

Down three kilometers, five kilometers, eight kilometers...

There is no light around, the darkness is dead and silent, and there are undercurrents from time to time.

And the terrifying pressure of water pouring in from all directions.

In the deep sea below 10,000 meters, ordinary life forms can no longer survive here, but it does not mean that this is a forbidden area for life.

There is still a small number of extremely powerful marine life entrenched here.

They are oddly shaped, mostly large creatures.

They are rarely found in the upper waters and are therefore rarely known.

Under 10,000 meters, Wang Yu didn't know how long he swam before finally standing on the sandstone on the seabed.

The dark space wrapped him tightly, and the water pressure choked his neck, trying to kill the guy who dared to break in here.

Wang Yu's expression was still calm, and he summoned Feijian again and flew him against the ground.

Under the perception, he can sometimes even detect the magma layer buried deep in the seabed, like a vein of bright red and pure gold, surging under the closed sandstone.


A round and huge fish creature like a submarine suddenly appeared above Wang Yu's head.

Wang Yu didn't even look at it, he raised his hand and cut out a knife.

In vivo water bridge activation.

True Swordsmanship · Water Dragon!

A knife was cut out, and the surrounding torrents condensed and surged, like a water dragon coiling around the knife gas.

At the bottom of the sea, after all, it is not his home field. Wang Yu's knife power has weakened a lot, but when he activates the water bridge to display the water-based tactics, the power does not decrease but increases.


The rocky ground was smashed by this deep-sea fish, raising a lot of sediment.

This is a real-life deep-sea creature, perhaps due to the extreme environment of living on the seabed all year round, it has cast its extremely tough body.

The scales and thick sebum layer on the body surface are ridiculously high in defense.

Wang Yu didn't break the defense with this knife!

The scales that were slashed by the knife gas seemed to be intact.

Wang Yu is very aware of the power of his sword. Although he did not enter the overclocked combat state and burst out with all his strength, the lethality of this sword is not something that ordinary human-level creatures can resist.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but wonder, the firmness of these scales, if made into scale armor, wouldn't it be able to withstand a real-life attack?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the highest quality production material.

Wang Yu dodged the deep-sea fish's attack, retracted his flying sword, and went directly into an overclocked combat state.

The golden blood boiled and the heat was released, making the surrounding sea water seem less icy.

The deep-sea fish shook off the sand on its head, continued to open its **** mouth, and swallowed it towards Wang Yu.

Wang Yu stood on top of the sandstone on the seabed and struck again.

True Swordsmanship · Water Dragon!

With the same blade technique, the water dragon blade qi that was cut out was much more ferocious and domineering than before. It soared up like a real dragon, stirring the waters in all directions, with a touch of gold on it.

It slammed directly on the deep-sea fish, slammed it directly into the rock, and plowed out a hundred meters.

The water dragon knife dissipated, and the deep-sea fish was already covered in blood, staining the surrounding sea water red.

The extremely hard scales and sebum layer were also severely damaged.

This knife is actually close to the power of a blow from heaven and man, even if the defense value of the deep-sea fish is high, it will be broken.

It struggled on the ground for a few laps, maybe it was not injured for a long time, it became afraid of Wang Yu, and wanted to run as soon as it turned around.

However, it suddenly found that the tail hurt, and the huge figure was frozen in the sea water and couldn't move.

At the back, Wang Yu was holding the tail of the deep-sea fish. Although the difference in size between the two was huge, Wang Yu's strength in combat was even higher than that of the deep-sea fish.

It is not difficult for him to imprison the other party.

Seeing the other party struggling, Wang Yu lost his patience and grabbed it with his left hand.

The arms slammed violently and forcibly smashed it to the ground.

Seeing that the other party still refused to accept it, he slammed it repeatedly.

A day later, the deep-sea fish with a blue nose and a swollen face floated on the bottom of the sea, sliding its tail once and for all, swimming forward with a sullen expression, and spitting out some **** bubbles from time to time.

Above its head, Wang Yu sat cross-legged, occasionally giving orders to the deep-sea fish, and occasionally punching the deep-sea fish on the head to correct its direction.

Although this deep-sea fish has evolved to the level of real life, its intelligence is not too high, and it can only barely understand some of the meanings expressed by Wang Yu.

After being beaten, and a threat, it became Wang Yu's temporary mount.

With this fish, you only need to call out the six-pointed star battle flag, let the flag spirit take care of the wind, and let it sense the space anomaly caused by the keel by the way.

Wang Yu himself can search for the keel, and at the same time restrain his mind and cultivate.

For several days after that, they did not encounter other deep-sea beasts attacking them again.

After all, his travel mount is also a real-life beast, with a powerful savage aura, and it will not be easily provoked by other deep-sea beasts.

On this day, Wang Yu also had an unexpected harvest.

"This is?"

Suddenly, a group of giant luminous bodies appeared in front of them, and they just floated at the bottom of the deep sea, like a faint blue lantern.

This is a translucent deep jellyfish.

From a distance, it was just a mass, but when I got closer, I realized how huge this jellyfish was. Even if not counting the large number of long tentacles, the semi-circular umbrella-shaped body alone could reach a width of 100 meters.

The whole looks illusory and ethereal.

Seeing this giant jellyfish seems to be quite gentle, just when he wanted to get closer to the deep-sea fish under him to observe, he found that the deep-sea fish dared not approach the past.

For this giant jellyfish, it looks quite afraid.

"What are you afraid of, I'm still here!" Wang Yu urged again and again, hammering the head of the deep-sea fish, forcing it to approach the giant jellyfish.

The deep-sea fish had no choice but to swim over reluctantly, but the speed was not very fast.

Wang Yu got up on the head of the deep-sea fish and stared at the giant jellyfish.

In comparison, even the huge deep-sea fish would appear to be several sizes smaller.

"What a pure, high-quality energy!"

Wang Yu noticed that among the huge body of the jellyfish, a very inconspicuous milky white spheroid, only the size of an ordinary human head, was suspended in it.

The surface of the capsule dissipates the energy that cannot be purified by the rich and refined.

The release of this energy made Wang Yu's eyes light up, as if he had found an invaluable source of water in the dry desert.

After reaching the real world, the Xiantian Pills and other cultivation materials used in the previous cultivation were all useless.

He needs higher-quality energy for cultivation, in order to transform it into the infuriating energy in his body.

But it is a pity that the real world is so strong that the medicinal pills that they want to meet their cultivation needs cannot be refined.

On the one hand, the extremely precious medicine refining materials are a, but it is also a big problem for the pharmacists who can grasp these rare materials and refine the best medicine pills that act on the powerful human race in the real world. .

There are not many alchemists in the world who can do this.

It is precisely because of the scarcity of cultivation materials in the real world that Wang Yu's cultivation on weekdays does not have the effect of superimposing the cultivation materials for the time being, and relies purely on the mixed energy of the environment.

Therefore, the speed of cultivation has not been fast for him.

Until the sac in the jellyfish appeared, Wang Yu suddenly felt that it was not all bad to spend time looking for the keel.

The capsule of the giant jellyfish is undoubtedly an excellent training material.

Such wild cultivation materials are hard to come by, and once they are encountered, they must be firmly grasped.

These are all good things that can speed up his cultivation!


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