Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 232: luminous galaxies

In Wang Yu's human bloodline, the three bloodlines of earth dragon, sheep horn beast, and Meizu are integrated.

And they have been developed by him.

Today, the power of his bloodline has long been different from what it used to be.

Feedback to the body, the physical strength has been condensed to an extremely terrifying level.

Heaven-human-level alien beasts are often smashed by his punch these days.

Including the horned beast whose blood was swallowed up by him before, it is also difficult to resist the power of Wang Yu now.

The development of such bloodline strength is combined with the cosmic power intercepted from the origin of the universe in the body.

The superposition of the two gave Wang Yu the ability to kill the powerful star envoy with two powers of the universe.

He has such a record, so he is also fearless against the Dia people who also have the power of two universes.


On this uninhabited plain, Wang Yu and the Dia people formally fought.

They had already tried each other out in the previous pursuit.

Now that they are fighting again, the temptation is eliminated. The long knife and the lightsaber collide violently, and the knife gas and red flames quickly cover the entire plain area.

"Dragon flame?!" The Dia people, who specialize in raising earth dragons, naturally recognized the flame used by Wang Yu at a glance.

It's the same as the dragon flame that the red dragon spews out!

A pair of pure white pupils slightly widened, took a few steps back and rose into the air, re-examining Wang Yulai in surprise.

In human form, it can spew dragon flames?

He was puzzled and wanted to explore what kind of structure this alien race was in front of him.

Without waiting for him to think about it, Wang Yu had already carried a large piece of dragon flame and soared into the sky.

White light flickered around the Dia people, their breath was quite holy, and strands of white real energy surrounded their bodies.

Holding a lightsaber, he clashed with Wang Yu in mid-air from top to bottom.

The red flames exploded a huge red lotus in the air.

A faint blue Capricorn shadow appeared in the center of the red lotus.

Wang Yu stood in front of the shadow of God, holding a sword in one hand and pinching the neck of the Dia people in the other.

The dark blue divine beast energy surged in his palm, firmly imprisoning the opponent from moving.

Wang Yu's eyes also shone with dim light, staring at the person in front of him indifferently.

The mysterious power in the body is running, and the supernatural powers and the birth and death of all things are being released.

All the energy and vitality in the Dia people's body are rapidly passing away and disappearing.

"Is this the so-called demigod family?"

To be honest, the name is very big, but Wang Yu is still somewhat disappointed.

This demigod bloodline doesn't seem to be as powerful as he imagined...

The white pupils of the Dia people vibrated violently, staring in horror at the Capricorn shadow that appeared behind Wang Yu.

His body gradually withered, and Wang Yu interrupted the release of his mysterious powers.

A knife stabbed into the opponent's heart and killed him in this way, it was considered to leave a whole corpse, retaining the bloodline of the demigods in his body.

So, a strong man with two cosmic powers died in the hands of Wang Yu.

Then, Wang Yu immediately ended the activation of the power of blood.

The Capricorn shadow behind him swallowed Wang Yu unsurprisingly.

This is the price of gaining the power of the beast.

Wang Yu staggered in the air, and his face was slightly pale.

Fortunately, he only borrowed the power of the beast for a moment this time, and only used it once, so the power of the backlash is still gentle.

At least he won't be squeezed dry again.

Imprison the enemy by activating the power of divine beasts in the bloodline, and then use the supernatural power to kill all things.

This set of combinations is considered to be the least expensive for him at present, but the most powerful killing move.

And the hit rate is extremely high, at least there will be no more cases of people's golden cicadas getting rid of their shells when they use supernatural powers and all things are born and destroyed.

It's really frustrating to be empty...

Putting away the body of the Dia people, Wang Yu kept going for a moment and left again.

I don't know how the Dia people will react to the loss of a clan with the power of two universes.

At least he hasn't been exposed yet, and this matter has nothing to do with him.

Two days later, Wang Yu returned to the Great Rift Valley.


"Fortunately not humiliated."

At the bottom of the valley, put the space tripod down, Wang Yu smiled lightly.

"Okay, this trip has been hard work, but is there any danger?" Zizhu said with relief.

Wang Yu really never let them down.

Wang Yu briefly talked about the process of taking the keel. Hearing that a powerful Dia people died in Wang Yu's hands, several heavenly people looked solemn.

"That being the case, this planet can't stay for long.

Now that the keel is in hand, go ahead and leave. ' said the emperor.

"Well, the sooner the better!" the Pope nodded.

"People have already cleaned up these days. If possible, they can leave today." Shenwu said.

"Okay, lest there be too many dreams at night, then today!" The Emperor solemnly said.

Wang Yu could see that several people were eager to find a safe place for the human race, and officially built a family and developed it.

Take out the keel from the space tripod and smash it at the bottom of the valley.

That is, the Great Rift Valley is big enough to hold this thousand-zhang keel.

"Please, senior, to see if the keel is in good condition?" The emperor faced Wang Yu, but asked Qi Ling.

The battle flag flew out of the body, and then the voice of the flag spirit came out.

"Don't look at it, the keel is very good, are you ready?"

The emperor nodded, "I also ask the seniors to help me and wait for a helping hand."

The rest of the heavenly beings also bowed their hands towards Qi Ling.

"It's easy to say, I believe that Wang Xiaozi is the main, there is no reason not to help." Qi Ling said.

Over the past few years, it has been nurtured in the power of the universe in Wang Yu's body, and the battle flag has restored a bit of its former power.

Even the spirit of the flag with it came alive a lot, and it seemed to be in high spirits.

When millions of people entered the keel together, including the tortoise clan led by the Xuanyin old turtle who had been staying in the Great Rift Valley.

The keel is then activated.

With the previous successful experience, this time a few people are more handy to manipulate.

A large number of white spirit stones and yellow spirit stones were injected into the keel.


The vibration of the space around the keel began to intensify instantly, as if the airliner was about to start.

The entire Great Rift Valley was shaking, dust was flying, and a lot of rocks rolled down.

However, the huge riding space inside the keel is still stable and gentle, and does not fluctuate with the vibration.

With the continuous output of energy from the spirit stone, the keel is suspended and moved forward to speed up a little.

This space seems to be fragile and shattered like glass.

The keel flashed in and disappeared from the broken place, leaving only the violent space energy oscillating wildly back and forth.

The Great Rift Valley was no longer able to withstand the impact of the energy caused by the tearing of space, and began to collapse in a large area, completely burying the valley where the original human race lived.

After the tribute day, when the crimson snake nobles came again, there would be no one waiting for him.


There are three small galaxies in the large galaxy without light.

In the local dark civilization, it is called "world".

The world of Sennor, the world of Mansozer, and the world of Avicin.

Among them, the Sennoer Realm and the Mansozer Realm are the main concentration areas of the dark civilization.

Because of the unstable space and high risk factor, the Avicin realm is relatively desolate and deserted.

On this day, in the Avicin realm, there is the only bead star.

Somewhere near the barren rock where there is no trace of life forms, there was another space movement, and then it twisted in mid-air at a high speed.

With a loud crash, the wind of space blew across the entire mountain rock and flat land.

A giant keel of a thousand feet appeared out of thin air and descended here.

Then the broken space gradually recovered, and no one witnessed the arrival of this keel.

The keel gradually stably suspended on the flat ground, and a few figures walked out of it.

"This is the lightless galaxy... It's really dim." Zizhu glanced around and said calmly.

Before they came, they already knew a lot about the information content of the lightless galaxy.

Therefore, when I was in person, I was not surprised to see such a scene.

"Well, the intelligence service in the City of Bone is really in place. This should be the Avicin realm." The witch looked a little relaxed and smiled.

Able to reach the destination smoothly, it also let them a few heavenly beings breathe a sigh of relief.

This precise coordinate position was purchased in the City of Bone.

As the native inhabitants of the Lightless Galaxy, the Shagu Clan must be quite familiar with this place, and it is easy to provide a coordinate position.

Wang Yu and their requirements for this coordinate location must be in the Avicin realm.

There is also a need for places that are safe enough and free from native aliens.

And such a realm, in the entire Avicin realm, really grabs a lot, and it is not difficult to find.

Wang Yu circled around and confirmed that there were no other life forms within a hundred miles.

Looking around, it is endless darkness and desolation.

It is more like a place of exile, with no signs of life activity.

Compared with the three luminous and hot stars above the green pearl star, the sky here is just a black screen.

There are some dim stars hanging in the darkness, and a faint light is transmitted to this barren land.

There is no day here, there is just endless and eternal night.

The same is true for the other two realms, from which lightless galaxies are named.

Slowly fall, step on the ground, and release the perception.

"Compared with the surface, the energy is more concentrated underground..." Wang Yu carefully surveyed the environment of this world.

"The energy intensity of the five hundred meters below is about 1.2 times that of the surface. If it goes further down, the difference in energy intensity seems to be even greater..."

This situation is reversed from other ordinary galaxies with normal day and night.

After confirming that there is no danger, the emperor released the rest of the human race in the keel.

The huge keel was put back into the space tripod for careful storage.

"It's so dark here..."

"No wonder it's called a lightless galaxy. Are we going to build a home here?"

"The environment here is so desolate, it's really not a good place to go..."

"There is no way, the good place has long been robbed by other civilizations and aliens. The initial stage is like this, the conditions are more difficult, and when we grow in the future, everything will be different!" A barbarian patriarch encouraged.

"That's right, now that we want to compete and coexist with these cosmic civilizations, it's right to be stable at the beginning.

Although this place is barren, we have foreseen the possibility of survival in this environment as early as the time of Blue Star and the Great Rift Valley.

The preparations made then have their place today. "


There was a lot of discussion, and if it weren't for the restrictions of a few heavens and humans, they would have run far away to investigate this barren and dark environment.

"Since the energy intensity underground is higher and suitable for us to cultivate, it is better to build a residence underground." The emperor made a decision first and asked a few people for their opinions.

"Indeed, the desolation and eternal night on the surface are no different from living underground anyway.

Even in comparison, underground is significantly safer, isn't it? "The witch nodded in agreement.

"The key lies in whether the materials and supplies we carry can build a large ecological circle underground for millions of people to live in.

There may be a problem of resettlement of 10 billion people in the future..." Zizhu asked.

Not to mention the tens of billions of people who will remain in the tailless bird galaxy in the future, just building a living environment for millions of people underground requires an astronomical number of materials. This project is undoubtedly huge.

"The area of ​​the Pearl Stars in the Avicin Realm is nearly twenty times larger than that of the Blue Stars, not to mention the population of 10 billion, even if it accommodates 100 billion people, it is not a big problem.

The space area is not a problem, the more difficult thing is that the follow-up replenishment of materials is relatively difficult. "The witch looked at the surrounding desolation and said.

"In short, it is feasible to build a dungeon with the materials we have prepared so far, and we will discuss other matters later." The Emperor said.

This infrastructure project is destined to be a lengthy task.

It all starts with building a dungeon.

Of course, several heavenly beings only make decisions, and the construction projects that are implemented are naturally carried out by the human elites in the professional field brought by them.

Watching the fortifications in full swing, Wang Yu also began to explore the surrounding area.

More important is the excavation of some planetary materials, as well as the potential dangers that may arise.

Going in one direction, the yin wind whistling in the empty wilderness is very heavy, making a humming sound, making people feel chills inexplicably.

Although the Avicim Realm is relatively desolate, it is different from the Death Star.

Even the environmental energy intensity is much higher than the Blue Star where the Terran is located.

Under the action of such majestic energy, resources unique to the Avicin world will naturally be born.

Soon, Wang Yu found a long strip of spar with a faint glow, growing in clusters among the rocks and sand.

From a distance, it looks like a flower in full bloom.

According to the information purchased from the City of Bone, this should be one of the local specialty crystal mines.

Dark blue crystal.

This is a very fragile-looking, but extremely strong, cold-type crystal ore.

It has excellent energy conductivity and can make armor, weapons and other equipment.

At the same time, perhaps in terms of rune materials, there are also certain uses.

And Wang Yu felt that this kind of sturdy crystal ore could also be used as a construction material. UU reading

For nothing else, this type of crystal ore is quite abundant in the Three Realms including the Avicin Realm.

It can even be said that it can be seen everywhere, it is suitable for use as a building material, and the cost is quite low.

In addition to this kind of blue crystal ore, Wang Yu also found other rarer crystal ore types along the way.

Some can correspond to the crystal ore type information in the intelligence.

Some are not in the information, which means that this kind of crystal ore is not common, and it is quite rare.

It is even possible that even the Shagu Clan has never seen it before.


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