Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 233: Step 2 Realm and Heavenly Punishment

In addition to the abundant crystal ore, there are actually some plants that do not require light on the surface.

It's just that they're relatively rare, and they're all oddly shaped.

Ferocious flowers with human faces, creeping grasses and insects, creatures that are both grass and insects.

Some black like charred withered roots.

This thing is still a good combustion material, and it is a rare fire item in this cold and cold place.

"Huh?" After flying for a while, Wang Yu suddenly sensed movement ahead, and immediately slowed down.

I saw on the back of a mountain rock, a group of rotten big rats, nibbling on a small piece of dead tree root there.

The dead tree couldn't move the nest at all, so he could only let the group of rat monsters eat and eat on it.

"These are the other major features of the lightless galaxy, the rotten..." Wang Yu observed for a while, thinking inwardly.

Due to the endless night sky phenomenon of the galaxy, many special anomalies have also been triggered in the Three Realms.

The cold wind on the surface never stops.

There is also the danger of unknown decay!

Some dead corpses, due to some unknown factor, have once again acquired a primitive consciousness while decomposing.

Resurrect as the Decaying One!

They follow a certain instinct and try to destroy everything.

It can be said that they are the most disordered and chaotic representatives of the lightless galaxies.

Likewise, they also threaten the safety of the human race that descends here.

Suddenly, the group of rotten rats found Wang Yu standing on the rock, and immediately squeaked, abandoned the dead tree roots around their mouths, and rushed towards Wang Yu with a terrifying appearance.

Compared with the flesh and blood Wang Yu, the dead tree roots lost their allure in an instant.

They want to eat big meat!

Wang Yu raised his hand and slapped it out, and a large piece of red flame followed the palm of his hand, instantly engulfing the group of rotten rats.

Under the ultra-high temperature of the red flames, these rotting rats were quickly burned to ashes.

This time, they died completely, and it was difficult to resurrect them.

Of the decomposing ones, these sub-rat are the weakest individual threat.

It is estimated that it is an ordinary person in the human race who has not yet practiced martial arts. With a stick, it can be beaten into a pile of mud when facing one alone.

But when they appear in tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, millions of groups, it is quite scary.

Just imagining that scene made my scalp tingle.

After that, Wang Yu saw other decaying creatures one after another.

They are all local special beast species, but they are all completely decomposed.

Walking through the wilderness, the smell of erosion makes people stay away.

In order to confirm their threat, Wang Yu conducted various tests.

From the threat level of the weakest arachnid, such as ordinary people, to the strongest rotting beast, it already possesses the destructive power of a human being.

It is said that there are also terrifying decaying creatures of the level of heaven and man, and even the level of star envoys.

However, during this trip, Wang Yu did not find out.

After all, they chose to land in this barren land just because it was safe enough here.

If there are rotten creatures of the celestial level and even the star level, it is not a safe place.

I am afraid that Wang Yu will backhand a complaint against Bone City.

After spending a few days, Wang Yu circled around the location of the human race, and then returned with confidence.

When I came back, I saw the witch was holding a few pieces of blue crystal ore, talking about its use.

Among them, Wang Yu thought of it as a new type of building material.

However, this still requires in-depth research and polishing of the blue crystal ore to determine whether it is suitable.

"Its internal gloomy and cold energy may be bearable to warriors, but for ordinary people, living in it all year round may damage their physique and it will be difficult to adapt to it.

It may even breed new diseases. "Zizhu observed for a long time, then shook his head.

"Perhaps the rune technology can limit the cold overflow?"

"In this way, the construction cost will be doubled, and the consumption of maintaining the rune formation is probably astronomical." The witch shook his head.

"Then we can only start from the synthesis direction of other materials..." Several people discussed.

Not far away, deep pits are forming one after another, and they are digging deeply and rapidly.

The flying warriors and cultivators carried heavy weights of 10,000 jin, which did not affect their actions in the slightest.

The progress of the fortification is like pressing the accelerator button, and there are huge changes every day.

There were no other dangers coming, but Wang Yu was idle, he simply dug a hole in a rock mass, and continued to comprehend his profound arts.

Now that the proficiency of the second step has reached the last moment, it is expected that it will only take ten days and a half months.

Soon, the undisturbed half month passed.

Wang Yu finally realized the second step as he wished.

With a bit of joy on his face, Wang Yu did not hesitate to run the second-level Xuan Gong cultivation method.

The next moment, the wind and clouds above the rock top changed color.

The gust of wind blew up, and the energy from all directions merged into a vortex, which was condensed in the air.

"It's only five or six years..." Qi Ling floated away from Wang Yu, looking at the violent vision above, and didn't know what to say for a while.

But for a moment, under the influence of Wang Yu Xuan Gong, a cosmic force descended from the sky, and was introduced into his body as smoothly as before.

The new cosmic power surged all over the body again, undergoing a round of transformation and transformation.

Let his body be used as a container to be qualified to carry two cosmic forces in the body at the same time.

However, this time he just harvested a cosmic power, and Wang Yu was still not satisfied.

Seeing that the vision above is gradually fading, the channel for extradition of the power of the universe is about to be closed.

Wang Yu squeezed the tactic with both hands, and while maintaining the operation of the Xuan Gong, he used one heart and two to perform the optimized method of the evolutionary way.

This moment has been simulated countless times in his mind, so as not to miss it.

The next moment, the extradition channel that was about to disperse stagnated slightly, and a little of the wandering cosmic power was forcibly gathered and pulled by Wang Yu, and fell from the channel.

Once again integrated into his body!

"This, boy Wang, what have you done!" Qi Ling, who saw all this from a close distance, was shocked!

He didn't expect that Wang Yu was not satisfied with the acquisition of the power of the universe in the end, and he stole another chicken.

Although the power of the universe that finally fell was not a complete one, it was still part of the origin of the universe after all.

So bold!

I'm afraid this will lead to rebellion...

Qi Ling thought like this, and sure enough, a distinctive white bright thunder, following the power of the universe, crashed down from the passage.

The rock where Wang Yu was located was directly smashed by the thunder, and the huge explosion power stopped the elites of the human race who were moving bricks to work.

"What, what's the matter!"

The expressions of several heavenly beings also changed greatly. They knew that Wang Yu was there to retreat and practice.

The sudden power of heaven in front of them made their heartstrings tense for a while, for fear that Wang Yu's practice would go wrong and an accident would happen.

The whole rock shattered, burying everything.

After a while, Qi Ling's voice came from under the gravel.

"Kid Wang, if you are going to do something against the sky, can you tell me in advance, I almost made me explain it too."

The gravel was broken open, and Wang Yu looked bleak as he walked out slowly while coughing blood.

The remaining white thunder light is still invading, trying to destroy his body again and again.

However, with the tenacious physique and indestructible body of the horned beast, the disciplinary thunder that fell from the origin of the universe neither killed Wang Yu nor took away the power of the universe that was stolen from the chicken. .

In fact, the power of the universe that he obtained later had already been integrated into his bloodline for the first time, and he couldn't take it away even if he wanted to.

His own evolutionary approach played a key role in this, and it worked perfectly as he had been rehearsing.

He can clearly feel that his bloodline has been broadened, and maybe he can try to swallow another foreign bloodline.

His additional purpose has been achieved. Whether it is profound art or bloodline power, the two major cultivation directions have ushered in a wave of breakthrough progress.

What he didn't expect was that he would be punished by heaven in the future, which was something he had never heard of before.

The punishment that descended seemed to be the packaging of Tianlei, but in fact it was just a pure and highly concentrated energy.

Wang Yu tried it, but he couldn't use the Thunder Bridge to decompose and absorb it.

So now he can only silently endure the damage caused by this heavenly punishment until the remaining energy of heavenly punishment is exhausted.

Zizhu quickly came to Wang Yu's side. Seeing that he was still vomiting blood, he immediately took out a Wanchundan and stuffed it into his mouth without any explanation.

"How, what's the situation?"

As Zizhu asked, he exported the wood-type infuriating towards Wang Yu to speed up the healing and counteract the follow-up damage from this time.

"Master, I'm fine, but there was an accident in my practice." Wang Yu waved his hand.

The healing effect of wood-type infuriating energy is not ideal in the face of natural punishment damage, far less than the self-healing effect of his immortal body.

If it weren't for the existence of the immortal body, even if he resisted the positive impact of the punishment just now, he would still be hurt by the energy of the punishment, and he would be tortured to death.

"It's fine."

Wang Yu didn't say much, and Zizhu didn't ask much.

After changing a mountain, Wang Yu sat cross-legged alone, fighting against the residual damage from the energy of the punishment, while asking Qi Ling about the punishment.

"Similar punishment was actually not uncommon in the past. When one cultivates to a certain level and acquires enough power of the universe, it will lead to punishment.

For example, when you are promoted from the lower star to the upper star, a heavenly punishment will be imposed.

Those who pass will greatly increase their strength, and if they fail to pass, they will die and disappear. "

Qi Ling explained, but Wang Yu sounded a little familiar.

"Crossing Tribulation?"

"It's not wrong to say that it is a calamity, this is part of the rules of the universe.

The more life forms that obtain the power of the universe, the more punishment they will suffer, until after you are killed, the power of the universe in your body will return to the source of the universe, and so on..."

Qi Ling explained a few words, it followed the old Ziwei people, and has some understanding of many operating rules of the universe.

It has to be said that its knowledge is much higher than that of ordinary artifact spirits.

"No wonder..." Wang Yu was a little surprised after hearing this.

It's no wonder that the cosmic power of the star-level enemies he killed disappeared out of thin air.

He wanted to try and get the cosmic power of these after-death enemies, but he couldn't.

After the living body dies, the power of the universe will be withdrawn.

And those beings that are too powerful will fall under the increasingly terrifying punishment step by step, and they will not escape death after all.

Unless one day, I can transcend the shackles of the origin of the universe...

Wang Yu thought about it in his heart, and he had a new feeling about the entire cosmos cultivation system.

"It's also a loss that you can block this heavenly punishment with the strength of two universes, and switch to another star envoy of this level, I'm afraid you will be hacked long ago."

Qi Ling couldn't help but sigh at the end.

Thanks to the continuous transformation of the power of blood, Wang Yu's physical strength seemed too abnormal.

It is better than most high-ranking star envoys, so it seems that it is quite easy to resist this punishment.

Silently feeling the cosmic energy lingering in his body, Wang Yu moved and disappeared in place.

He swept across the wilderness, and suddenly turned his profound art.

The two cosmic forces in the body are stimulated.

The eyes are like two bottomless black holes, terrifyingly deep and black.

I saw that he raised his hand and pressed it, and the rocky ground within a radius of one mile burst open in an instant, and the dense stones lost their weight and slowly suspended.

It circled around Wang Yu's body, like a planetary ring around a star.

Wang Yu closed his eyes and clenched his hands.

All the surrounding stones turned into tiny dust particles, lasing away in all directions.

"This magical power is really interesting." Wang Yu couldn't help but feel the mystery.

After the upgrade, all things are born and die, and the power is doubled.

The biggest difference is that once he could only output a single unit, now he can adjust the attack range and power of the magical power at will.

Just like the scene depicted in the giant painting, one step out, the sea of ​​​​flowers is annihilated!

In addition, with two cosmic powers close to him, he will be more able to use this magical power with ease.

After feeling his own surge of strength, Wang Yu broke a hole in another rock again.

Sitting in it, he took out the corpse of the Dia tribesman who was beheaded by him from the storage bag.

Now that the bloodline has been expanded with the help of the power of the universe, he naturally wants to devour another alien bloodline and start another round of self-evolution.

The target is the corpse of the Dia tribe who was baptized by two cosmic forces before his death.

The bloodline of the race known as a demigod, although he was defeated in his hands, the bloodline itself would not be too bad.

In fact, the devouring target he prepared for himself earlier was not the Dia clan.

It is a powerful alien beast bloodline of the star envoy level.

It's just that now it seems that the demigod blood of the Dia people is more valuable to swallow.

The corpse of the alien beast can only be eliminated.

After all, the opportunities for devouring are limited now, so Wang Yu naturally wants to pursue the best bloodline at hand, seize every opportunity to devour, and maximize his strength.

three days later.

The divine punishment energy that had invaded Wang Yu's body had been dissipated, and his physical condition had been adjusted in place.

Wang Yu did not delay any longer, and directly injected his spiritual power into the corpse of the Dia people and began to explore.

Having had several experiences of swallowing, Wang Yu is very skilled in operation.

Soon came to the bloodline forbidden place.

The blood of a demigod is not much different from the blood of other aliens and beasts.

He quickly used the method to block the self-destruction program, and further covered the mind power on the bloodline.

In a trance, flashes of light appeared under Wang Yu's mental power perception.

Judging from the appearance, it is the ancestors of the Dia people who left their marks in the blood. UU Reading

The pure white light and shadow reflect their power.

Looking at the flowers, I saw the end of the blood all the way.

Suddenly a tall shadow appeared.

The light and shadow could not see the face, only a vague outline of the figure could be seen.

There are two pairs of light wings on the back, and some light strips run over them.

Holy, majestic.

This light and shadow matched a certain image in Wang Yu's impression.

"Could this be... a legendary creature, angel?"


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