Shen Hao opened his eyes in surprise when he heard Xia Nu’s this remark, and said in a puzzled way: “No way? Although yaxing is not a good place, it shouldn’t be so cruel, right? “

Yahang, Shen Hao knows that it is a government-run slave trafficking organization and the only place where humans are legally trafficked. It mainly sells alien slaves or family members of criminal officials.

When encountering the imperial court, the foreign slaves will be very rampant, but the imperial court training has not used foreign soldiers in these years, so the foreign slaves are the looting teams organized by the slave merchants in foreign territories outside the country. Caught up.

The family members of criminal officials are the hapless ones who committed serious crimes and were ransacked. There are dozens of penal clauses in the Jingji dynasty’s laws of “copying of family property and selling off the tooth line”.

The most valuable are the families of criminal officials, especially young women. The alien race is about to be subdivided. Shen Hao knows that young Fox Race girls like Xia Nu are also very popular in the tooth shop.

Seeing that Shen Hao didn’t believe me, Xia Nu was a little anxious, and she stammered quietly: “Really, really, I saw a girl with my own eyes because she was whipped to death because of her dirty clothes. “

Getting lashed to death? This kind of death is very miserable, Shen Hao didn’t expect that the people in the tooth line should be so cruel? When dealing with Yaxing before, I didn’t feel it.

“Have you been slapped with a whip?”

“Well, I was slapped once when I first went there, but then it disappeared.”

“Because Are you smart and haven’t been beaten?”

“That’s not it! Lin Xin’er is much smarter than me. It’s not that everyday all is beaten and I can’t get to the ground.”

The first time Shen Hao heard about things in Yaxing, he said without a word to Xia Nu: “Lin Xin’er? Has a surname? Is it a family member of a criminal official? Why is she smarter than you and beaten?”

“She was beaten not because of learning things, but she was always, always yelling.”

“why do you shout?”

“Calling wronged, saying that her family was wronged. Every time she yelled like this, she would be beaten up.”

Family of the criminal official? Call for injustice?

Shen Hao didn’t care. He didn’t see anyone who was still calling for grievances even after he went to the execution ground. Many times, people’s mouths are unbelievable, even more how. He worried.

I soaked for a while, and my body became soft.

“Okay, don’t soak, you go out, I want to rest.”

“Ah? Oh! Good master, then I will clean up tomorrow.”


2nd day, Shen Hao was told Tang Qingyuan was looking for him as soon as he entered the gate of the guard station, and hurried over.

As soon as I entered Tang Qingyuan’s public house, I heard Tang Qingyuan’s question straight to the point: “How long will the Black Flag Army take to formally serve?”

Not before Said within half a month? Why do you hear Tang Qingyuan’s tone today seems a little anxious?

“My lord, the Black Flag Army has already pulled up a team of people, and the internal framework is almost set up. If things are urgent, you can officially serve today.”

Shen Hao’s original plan was to come over to Tang Qingyuan today to report on the progress of the formation of the Black Flag Army, and he was preparing to continue to summarize and improve while serving his duties. The new organization did not do it like this, right?

“en? There are no jokes in the army.”

“My lord, there is absolutely no lie in what the subordinates say, and the Black Flag Army can indeed be officially served.”


Shen Hao saw Tang Qingyuan’s unbelief and quickly explained to Tang Qingyuan the matters he had prepared these days and the formation strategy one by one, but he found that Tang Qingyuan’s eyes were getting more and more strange when he looked at him, as if he was watching What a surprise.

“Didn’t expect you a trifling, the newly promoted Chief Officer also has a long-term vision, very good!”

After Shen Hao finished speaking, Tang Qingyuan obviously told Shen Hao so soon I was very satisfied with being able to build the frame of the Black Flag Army, and then he took out a note from the drawer and placed it in front of him.

“Let’s take a look, this is an urgent order sent by thousands of households last night.”

Open the order. The content is not long, but Shen Hao is in front of him. Yiliang.

Urgent order: “Li City hundred-troop will immediately report the formation of the Black Flag Army, and at the same time begin the internal audit intelligence collection. The scope of intelligence collection includes, but is not limited to: accounts, cases, and the integrity of officials , Warehouse entry and exit sales, etc.. And can start investigating internal affairs cases according to the situation.

In addition, the Black Flag Army is a confidential organization of Profound Pure Guard, and all circumstances are treated in accordance with confidentiality regulations. -troop should give full support.”

The signature is Jiang Cheng, Qianhu Office of Fengri City.

“It was actually the order signed by a thousand household officials?!” Shen Hao was secretly surprised, and it was the first time he saw this order from above.

However, according to the content of the order, it’s no wonder that Tang Qingyuan has a look of admiration, because everyone is still unsure of the scope and authority of the Black Flag Army. Shen Hao has already walked everyone. The front of the house, and it fits perfectly with the order of this thousand households.

“You have a lot of ideas, but you guessed the plan of the Qianhu Office. It’s pretty good. Just follow your mind. You must be fast and at the same time ensure that the Black Flag Army has a certain ability to handle cases.


We are now ahead of all the hundreds-troops. If you can keep up with a typical one and investigate it…Do you know what I mean?”

Shen Hao paused, replied: “Subordinates understand. However, as an adult, you also know that there are a lot of taboos in the health center. The Black Flag Army handles the case under your guidance. How much do you think the intensity of the inspection is appropriate?”

Tang Qingyuan snorted lightly, tapping on the table with his palm: “Don’t let slip an opportunity, you don’t come here anymore, you can check it, as long as the evidence is conclusive, I will carry it for you no matter how big it is.”

With this sentence, Shen Hao has a bottom in his heart.

Returning to his public house, Shen Hao sat in a chair with his eyes closed and meditated. He had to know something in his heart before he started.

The attitude of the Qianhu Institute seems to be very tough at present, and it is a posture of internal self-examination.

According to past experience, this kind of thing is like the wind. When it blows, whoever can ride the wind will get the most benefits. As long as it is set as a typical example, you may get the most The appreciation of the top bosses will definitely make his career much smoother in the future.

That’s what Tang Qingyuan planned, and the response was not unpleasant.

However, Tang Qingyuan’s words cannot be fully believed. The Li City Guardian has been talking about it for so many years. If it is found, a large number of people will not be able to eat it. When the time comes Tang Qingyuan is also impossible.

So you can’t look for things with uncontrollable results. Find an entry point that can win the eye without getting yourself into trouble to open up the situation.

In this way, those as everyone knows tacit things on the “accounts” can’t be touched. If you dare to touch, you can’t get through with all Profound Pure Guard.

Secondly, the problem of “inexpensiveness” is not easy to deal with. Pull out the radish to bring out the mud. Before digging, no one knows how big the pit is underneath. If one is not good, it is easy to touch the thunder, which is not suitable .

Finally, Shen Hao focused on the specific case inspection. In the case of raise upwards wrong, the problem can be reduced to a controllable range. It just depends on Shen Hao’s ability to win attention, get the attention from above and even set an example.

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