“Go to the case file library and submit all the files of all the cases handled by the A flag in the past five years.”

“Chief Officer Shen, the case files belong to the machine If you want the text, you can only read it, you can’t lend it…”

“No trouble, special work, this is the right to do things cheaply given by Lord Hundred-troop. The case will be there. If you have promised, just remember to complete the loan procedures.”

Since you want to find fault internally, you must first start with people who don’t deal with you.

The Jiaziqi is just the group of people who Shen Hao has been displeased with for so many years, especially the current Chief Officer Li Bing of Jiaziqi, who was almost pitted at the big case report before. Shen Hao, this Liangzi Shen Hao has always remembered.

At noon, most of the space in Shen Hao’s public house was taken up by a bundle of cases. Here are all the case files of Jiaziqi in the past five years that Wang Jian and Zhang Liao personally moved back.

Four groups are organized under the banner of the word A. According to the fact that each group handles one formal case a month, there are two hundred and forty cases in five years. After each formal case is closed, it is summarized. The file weighs at least five catties.

So now Shen Hao’s public office alone contains more than a thousand catties.

“Chief Officer, they are all here.”

“Well, that’s OK. Zhang Liao, you go and call Han Xin, let us work hard to fight for the two Heaven will turn over these files.”


“What? Hurry up!”

Zhang Lao went out and called with a sullen expression. Han Xin is gone, and Wang Jian stayed in the room, watching the pile of cases around her scalp tingling.

“Chief Officer, there are so many, I am afraid I can’t finish it in two days?”

“Maybe it won’t take two days, maybe more than two days, after all, it depends on when you can find it Appropriate case.”

“What is appropriate?”

“You don’t need to worry about this, you only need to find out if the content of the file is unclear or the conclusion of the file is suspicious. I’ll be fine. I’ll judge whether it’s suitable or not.”


When Zhang Lio brought Han Xin over, the narrow public house The sound of shua~ shua~ shua~’s case slips began to sound inside.

In the beginning, Shen Hao was relatively idle. After a few sticks of incense, the first suspicious case was singled out by Han Xin.

It’s an evil spirit attacking a caravan. The case occurred four years ago. At that time, Group A and Group B were in charge of the investigation. Finally, the case was ended by beheading a Grade 2 evil spirit. However, it did not mention the specific circumstances of the secretly victimized caravan, which is not in accordance with the general rules of filing.

Shen Hao took the dossier and took a few glances and threw it aside. This case is not complicated. It is certain that there are problems, but it is not the kind of eye-catching problem that Shen Hao wants. Not specifically recording the caravan information is nothing more than the caravan’s belongings being seized. This kind of thing is rare.

After that, a volume of dossier was picked out and placed in front of Shen Hao, and the number was unexpectedly large.

According to the review speed of Wang Jian’s trio, there are more than 10% of the suspicious files that have been read through! This is a very scary ratio, which shows that not only the people of Jiaziqi have hidden their minds, but some people in the case room are also intentionally indulging them, otherwise so many suspicious files are impossible to enter the case room for storage.

I read several suspicious files in succession. In addition to “money”, some of the questions in it even made Shen Hao feel that the case recorded above is simply absurd, and he can even be in it with his experience in handling cases. Find more than ten vulnerabilities.

“Fake case?”

Shen Hao quickly found a reasonable explanation for these seemingly absurd files. At the same time, he also had to complain that the author of false writing was too perfunctory, and even more ridiculously such a perfunctory act of fraud could still pass the review of the case file office.

It’s definitely a big piece of it.

“Leave you aside first, there will be a chance to clean up you in the future.” Shen Hao categorized the files that were not used temporarily, and made a hidden mark, waiting for him and his Black When the Flag Army has gained a firm foothold, it is time to slowly consider using these files.

Until late at night, a dossier named “Yunyang Smuggling of Prohibited Materials” caught Shen Hao’s attention.

The return date of this dossier is the end of last year, and it has only been almost half a year since now. The case is not so strange, and it is not too eye-catching compared to the previous fake cases, and it really caused Shen Hao paid attention to a name and a row of instructions in the file.

The general idea is that Yunyang Yasect master Lin Haokun colluded with smugglers to dump prohibited materials in and around Yunyang City and set up obstacles to Profound Pure Guard’s investigation in an attempt to confuse people. Later, he was seen through by A-flag and B-group, and was expelled from prison. The mastermind had already been questioned, and the family members were all sent to Yahang for sale.

There are many strange things in the whole case file, and it is also very likely to be a fake case file. However, there is a row of family names behind the mastermind Lin Haokun in the case file. One line reads: “Female, Lin Xiner, At the year 17, sent to Li City tooth shop for sale…”

Lin Xiner?

Shen Hao felt familiar with this name at first glance. He seemed to have heard it somewhere before, and it reminded him of the fact that it involved teeth.

“Isn’t this the smart girl who Xia Nu said yesterday, but who always yells in her teeth?”

Shen Hao frowned, who was in a more relaxed mood before, He knew that Lin Xin’er in this dossier should be the same Lin Xin’er that Xia Nu said, because there is no such a coincidence in the world, the name, tooth line, and fortune can all match, unless this is the fact.

“If a person can match the number… Then this is not just a false case, but an “unjust case”?! No, at least it looks like an unjust case now! “

Shen Hao’s eyes were not seen by those false cases before, but this unjust case made his eyes brighter and brighter.

It is not a false case but an unjust case, and the nature is different.

Moreover, the object of the unjust case is the imperial court officer, who has enough topicality to easily attract the attention of the above.

Finally, once the accusation of framing and killing the Imperial Court commander is confirmed, there is only a dead end on the top and bottom of the A-character flag, which will help Shen Hao to avoid future troubles.


Too suitable!

Moreover, there is a ready-made clue of Xia Nu that can be found. It doesn’t require much effort at all.

“Stop it all.”

After thinking about it, Shen Hao interrupted the three Wang Jian’s scoring movements.

“You all circulate this copy of “Yunyang Smuggling Prohibited Material Case”. Find out every loophole in the above and write it down. Study it for two days first. If there is no problem, we will handle this case.

In addition, this case is limited to the four of us in advance. If anyone is rumored, it will be leaking military aircraft, and the crime should be cut! Understand?”

The last sentence” The word “Zhan” came out of Shen Hao’s mouth like a dregs of ice, so cold that people didn’t doubt it.

In fact, without Shen Hao’s advice, these three people will not leak the news.

Wang Jian won’t talk about it. It’s a relationship of life and death with Shen Hao, and the same group of people who look at the A flag are not pleasing to the eye, and they want to step on the other side to the end.

Zhang Liao and Han Xin belong to the most aggrieved type of people in Profound Pure Guard. The A-flags usually never give them a good face, and they have no psychological burden at all.

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