Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 1 - Mundane. Routine.

"That will be all for today…" The mathematics teacher announced. The staggered sighs of relief from students in the class followed his statement. It was indeed rather droll, these lessons really are a pain. "Be sure to complete the homework I assigned on the applications of calculus, and don't get yourselves into trouble." Those sighs of relief quickly turned into groans of pain and hushed complaints.

This mundane, everyday routine has been drilled into my brain at this point. Everyday was exactly the same. The incessant and constant ringing of the bell every hour, the voice of our monotonous and unenthusiastic teachers and the chattering of students who just couldn't give a damn. It's the same every god damn day. Today was nothing out of the ordinary, which would include what was about to come.

As students started standing up and walking out the door, the dragging of chairs and tables as they hastily stood up to leave filled the air. I followed suit, hoping that today, the goddess of luck would finally smile upon me. Unfortunately, no such luck. "Hey twig! Where you goin'?" I heard a loud burly voice call out from behind me. I halted in my tracks, sighing with exasperation, allowing myself to give in to my fate. Before I could even turn to face the one who called me, I felt my shirt being gripped and curled up, and a strong arm sweep my skinny body off the ground. I was being lifted up and hauled away like a sack of rice.

As I was being hauled away on a some guy's board shoulder, I noticed that we passed the door and were now in walking down the corridor of classrooms. Laughing erupted from his goons behind me. Their eyes watched me with great amusement, and sinister smiles curled on their faces. I felt the usual anger I would when they watched me like I was some zoo animal, however, I had no ability to act on it. Plus, this was normal.

The brute continued carrying me down the hall. I watched as we passed by several classrooms and lockers. There were students standing along the sides of the hall, and I was subjected to their stares. I could seem some bearing more sympathetic expression, pity, fear, sadness. Some others were blank, and a few, mostly those who were also bullies, looked at me and smirked, as if I deserved this. Honestly, I don't know what I did to these people, I don't even know if I did anything in my previous life to deserve such hellish treatment. But it is as I have said, this routine has been burned into my mind, I'm used to it, along with all the agony, both physical and psychological.

As I sensed that we were reaching the end of the hallway now. As we approached, my body was lifted from his shoulder like a rag doll. Against my will, an immense force hurled me forward. The world around me began to spin as I flew into a solid door, crashing into it and causing it to be flung open. I felt my body crash into a pile of buckets and cleaning supplies. I let out an "oomph" as I hit the objects and the ground, collapsing on and round me, adding salt to the injury. I clutched my shoulder, that impact was harder than the past few weeks. I realised that it took the brunt of the damage, and it might be bruised, or worse. I felt the pain now, it was not severe, nothing out of the ordinary, but it was still unpleasant.

"HAHA! STRIIIIIKE!" The same voice called out to me. I heard foot steps walke into the store room with me, if it was the same as last time, there were suppose to be 3 of them. "I don't think we even need magic to beat you up. Well twig, any last words?" I turned to face him finally. I was right, 3 tall looming figures were standing above me. They were all muscular, giant jocks, probably played sports or something. I faced them and sat up, not planning to retaliate. Bastards…Picking on me just because I'm smaller. I was positively seething with anger and utter hatred, but I was in no condition to help myself.

"Didn't think so." They brandished their fists, cracking their knuckles. I saw faint smirks grow on their lips. Despicable brutes, if only I had the power to fight back. If I could, I would make sure they would beg me for mercy, to have them groveling at my feet like petty servants. Sadly, it was the opposite, it always has been.

The onslaught began. Punch after punch was thrown my way. It hurt, my body twitched and writhed in the immense impact of their jabs, but it was nothing new to me. The pain only served to raise my anger. With each punch, my agony grew. "Why am I so weak?" "Why can't i just help myself?" "Do I want to be subjected to this torment for the rest of my life?" Eventually my bottled up feelings erupted.

A punch landed itself on my stomach, and I erupted. This has to end some day. "ENOUGH!" I yelled. As I did, I felt my veins burning and my eyes dilate. Small bolts of electricity erupted from my body, turning into a giant pulse. The force threw two of the bullies to the wall, they hit their backs and their heads, knocking them unconscious and the last one, the talker, was still standing. He was launched back into the wall too, but he clearly was not as weak. I feebly stood up. However, now the last one standing was furious. I saw a fire in his eyes. Anger, it was overwhelming, swelling within him, like a dark cloud about to cause a downpour.

"You damn twig! I'm gonna melt that wimpy face off! No loved you anyway!" He yelled. My body was fighting me, I wanted to collapse. "Fire! Nature's judge, jury and executor! Grant me thy burning fervour to burn my foes!" The bully chanted. Soon, embers started on his knuckles, engulfing his entire fist, setting it alight like a crimson match. The room began to heat up and it felt suffocating. He rushed me. For the first time, I felt the urge to defend myself, instead of just taking it. I had to. If not, I might suffer far worse injuries than normal. I raised my trembling hand as I intended to shock him. But I felt that it was too late. My eyes focused on the incoming fire, like an asteroid about to strike the planet. The fire drew closer.

"Hands off!" I heard a female voice yell as the door to the store room flung open. It was swiftly followed by a freezing wind. The bully in front of me suddenly stopped in his tracks, freezing solid in front of me. I saw his eyes, fear, confusion, regret. The fire in his hand was now extinguished. He was simply an ice sculpture now. " Bring these clowns to the student council!" The same feminine voice called out to someone behind her. My body crumpled from exhaustion and pain as i heard the clicking of boots walking towards me.

"Jeez Kaler… are you alright?" The voice that once was full of resolve and anger was now soft and caring. The figure bent down to look at my face. I saw her. A bright looking girl with a cheerful expression. Her hair and eyes were both light blue in colour. The marking of a true ice mage. She appeared to be wearing a thin winter jacket, jeans and boots. "Kaler! Come on. You can stand right?" I only managed a weak smile as I felt blood trickle from my lips. I felt my energy escaping from me, like there was a hole in my body, letting the energy leak out.

I felt my body being hauled up from the ground again. This time, the person was delicate, and careful, like my body was made of glass. I let a groan of pain escape my mouth as I felt pressure on my shoulder. My chest, stomach, arms, almost every inch of my body was bruised and in pain.

As the girl brought me out of the storeroom, I felt more eyes than before on me. The paparazzi has arrived, as expected. Some were looking at me with pity. However, most , especially the guys were looking at the beautiful angel standing next to me, supporting me in walking. I'm sure they would have wished they were in my position. I'm sure some of them wanted to beat me up even more for even touching her. I looked over, and indeed did realise the beauty of this young lady. Along with that, the cold aura she exuded witch was keeping all these creeps at bay.

Actually, I have always known of how spectacular she was.. Aurora, one of the top scorers in this school, the president of the student council, a high level ice magic user that could rival the fabled elemental lords, my childhood friend. But now, looking at me, and then looking at her, do I really deserve to stand next to someone like her? To call her my friend?

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