Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 2 - What Happened?

I was expecting to be deposited in the infirmary. To my surprise, the moment I heard the creaking of a door opening, it felt like I opened the freezer for late night ice cream. I knew I was wrong as soon as I felt that blisteringly cold air, akin to that of the North Pole, grazing my skin. The door opened as i felt a wave of it hit my body. I was shivering in an instant goosebumps popped up on every expose surface of skin, it looks like I caught chicken pox.

I knew where we were. The office of the Student Council President. Why would she bring me here? Hardly anyone is allowed in here. I hardly think anyone can survive in here. She delicately laid me on the sofa at the side of her room and draped a coat over me to cover my body. She hastily walked to the back room, disappearing from my sight. I could barely move, I felt extremely stiff. Attempting to move would only send jolts of pain throughout my body. I was only able to turn my neck freely to look around the room. Despite having this thick coat over me like a blanket, I was still shivering and could see my own breath. Damn this woman, the air-conditioning isn't free. Yet she is using it so liberally.

There was silence for about 5 minutes. She still hasn't come out of the back room. Neither of us said anything. It has been along time since we last spoke. Is she angry? Or does she not know what to say. We used to be able to talk so freely, like siblings. But now, it felt like any normal interaction I would have with a girl. Awkward. I suppose I only have myself to blame. This was my doing after all. I should leave as soon as possible.

In any case, this was a break from my mundane routine. Being saved by Aurora, being brought to the president's office instead of the infirmary, and feeling …safe. Safety. Something I have not felt in a long time. But why around her? We were very different back then, and now that disparity has only grown into astronomical proportions today. I should leave before I cause her any more trouble. "Hey! Kale! How are you?" I heard the soft angelic voice call to me. I saw her head peaking from the other room, peering at me with a smile, the way she used to every time she saw me. It was, ironically, warm. She always gave empty, cold smiles to others.

"I'm alright Madam President…Ugh…" I said as i tried to sit up. I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. They really did a number on me. The pain hasn't been this intense in a while. Seeing me in pain caused her to rush back to me, breaking into a hasty walk. "It's nothing new…I'll see myself out…" I was about to get off the sofa when I felt two soft hands hold my arms and push me back down. Slight pain came from the pressure she was applying, sapping the strength I gathered to stand and leave. Shocked and stunned, I looked to my right to see Aurora's stern face just staring straight into my eyes. I obeyed and willingly laid back down.

"C'mon Kale…Just cause the room to cold, doesn't mean you have to be too…" She said slightly pouting at me. It was irresistible, she looked like a little kid again, when we were around 7 or so. I couldn't help but smile. I hate to admit it, but it was hard to refuse her. She stood back up, still looking down at me. Then her expression changed to one of concern and confusion.

"You said that this is nothing new? Why? Why have you never told me about this at all?" With each question her face drew closer to mine and I could see every little detail. Every line, every wrinkle, every crease had concern written all over it. I could also see the sincerity in her bright blue eyes. I saw my reflection in them. She still cared about about me…Then did I do the right thing?

"It just happens, Aury… Not every one is invincible like you. Besides, what is new is you coming to save me. Why would you do that?" I questioned her back, sounding somewhat hostile. I did not even realise I used here nickname "Aury". I only realised my tone when I saw her start to frown as if she got offended.

"That's a stupid question… Firstly as the president of the student council, I should be trying to prevent bullying am I not? Secondly, use of magic in an offensive manner is against the rules. Thirdly, you are my best friend Kaler, I have no reason not to." Saying her third reason, she held my hand with hers. I winced in slight pain, but then felt the odd warmth from her touch. She called me her "best friend"…After all this time?

"You knew it was me?" I asked, my voice slightly trembling. The warm feeling started spreading to my arms and the rest of my body. This ice mage had warm hands… Or was I just hallucinating?

"Of course! That electric pulse you emitted, it went through the door! Everyone outside could feel it. I knew that only you would emit a pulse like that. Furthermore, if you did emit something like that, it would mean that you were being pushed to the brink. I had to help." I looked at my old friend with admiration. She was always kind and protective to those she cared about. I'm happy to be one of those people. Most people would find her cold when they first talk to her, however, when you get to know her, you simply can't live without her. I suppose that was part of the reason that I had to try to do exactly that.

I relaxed slightly, knowing that my friend was watching over me. She pulled out a first aid kid and started bandanging my open wounds and applying cream on my bruises. I felt her delicate touch combined with the cold cream and ointment she was applying. She was extremely meticulous during this process, her face was focused. Whenever i would even wince slightly, she would be apologetic and be even more careful.

Watching her work made me reminisce of when we were young, and I would get injured while playing. They were small scrapes and bruises, nothing major, but she would always care for me like a delicate little doll. It was embarrassing back then, but now, I look back at it fondly.

Without realising it, she had already finished. That was done rather quickly. "There! Done." She said, standing up and smiling. "Nothing seemed broken. Although you should just take it easy for tonight." She walked gracefully, her long blue hair swaying as she strode over to her desk. She grabbed the pitcher on the desk as well as a disposable paper cup at the side of the room, pouring a cup of water for me.

I gratefully accepted it and gulped it down. Aurora was simply staring at me in silence the whole time with a cheerful smile plastered on her face. I don't know what her deal was. However, despite what the fact that she is smiling from ear to ear, I had the feeling that I might be bothering her just by staying here. She is a busy person, as the student council president, she surely has a great many duties to fulfill. I should not impede her. I am sure she also has quite a few friends that are all way more popular and good looking than I am. I think it would be better if she spent her time with them. I really should leave.

"Thanks Aura. I'm gonna go." I stood up promptly and was about to open the door. I grabbed the golden painted door knob and twisted, only to find that it wouldn't budge. I stared at it, confused and slightly agitated. When did it suddenly lock itself? "What the…" I mumbled.

I turned and saw Aurora still smiling brightly and cheekily. She lifted her left hand, flashing a white remote in it. She tilted her head and her smile widened. My feeling were conflicted. On one hand, I had to leave because I felt like I might be bothering her. However, at the same time, I did want to talk to her, it had been so long. The last time I did talk to her was when she got elected, 4 months ago.

" You are barring my exit…Witch." I said, with a dangerous edge to my voice. However, she was not intimidated and was still smiling as if nothing was happening. It was not one of malice either. It was bright, cheerful. What is wrong with her ?

"C'mon Kale. It's been so long… You do know what day it is tomorrow right?" She asked me me with an inquisitive glance, her smile finally fading from her cheerful face. I looked at her with complete confusion. What is she getting at?

"Uhm… Friday? The 11th of August?" I asked still confused. She sighed, disappointed with my response.

"What happened Kaler? " She asked with genuine concern. Her question shocked me to my core. What's with the vague and mysterious question? She was serious this time. But I still didn't understand. I stared at her blankly, waiting for her to elaborate, my hand was still on the door knob, eager to leave."What happened to you all this time I have been away, during all this time that we didn't speak? You were so cheerful, so bright, so energetic. You could have ran around the field 7 times and still have energy to play with me. You were once so optimistic and looking forward to the future. Now, you are just some scrawny gloomy kid who can't even remember his own birthday."

I felt a pang in my chest, right where my heart was. It was true that I have been called skinny, weak, depressed, gloomy. But, hearing it come from Aurora of all people, that hurt more than all the pain I have endured in my life up till this point. Then, my eyes widened at the other realisation. My birthday! How could I forget. However, when I thought about why I would forget, it made sense. " My birthday… It's just another day, Aury. It's nothing special whatsoever." I said depressingly, looking down at the carpeted floor, afraid to meet her gaze.

Upon saying those words, I almost instantly regretted ever permitting them to leave my mouth. The room, which was already frigid, essentially turned into Niflheim. The room turned into the lair of the ice incarnate. The coat I had around my body was no longer doing me any favours, it felt paper thin. Every breath I took was visible, solidified mist left every orifice I had in my body. My whole body started, it felt like the ice and snow were draining my strength with every passing second. I was shaking and quivering. I felt like I could collapse. I finally looked up to see Aurora glowering at me. Icicles started to form on the bookshelves and snow was forming in the room. Objects froze solid around the room. "You take that back right now!" She yelled at me.

I was taken aback. She is angry. Because I didn't care for my own birthday? " Your birthday is a special time! It is special for you! And it is even more special for me!" She showed no signs of calming down. I had to stop her. "Just cause you forgot doesn't mean that your parents and I have for-" I did not let her complete her sentence. I extended my right hand as a small volt of electricity shot out, striking her body.

Her body spammed from the shock as she fell to her knees. The air around me finally warmed up and the ice melted. I sighed and walked over to her. I had to stay with her now. I just electrocuted her, I need to watch over her. Additionally, Aurora is always level-headed and cool. If she was genuinely angry, it must be serious. I walked over to her and helped her on the sofa. I delicately laid her down like she did to me. I watched as the muscles in her body relaxed. I knelt down next to the sofa to get closer to her. It looks like she has finally calmed down from her freezing rage. She sighed, out of both exasperation and exhaustion, and looked me in the eyes. We stayed like that, staring into each others souls. Two childhood friends looking at one another in the eyes, judging and gauging one another. This was normal for us. I suppose it was good that the door was locked.

"Sorry." I said simply and sincerely. I had not idea what to be sorry for, but I knew it was my fault.

"Idiot… Don't say sorry when you don't know what to be sorry for." She said sheepishly. She was even blushing slightly, breaking our gaze and looking away. I smiled. She knew what I was thinking, and she looked adorable while doing it, like a little kid. "Listen Kale." She started once more. I gave her my full attention this time. " We have been drifting apart lately. I don't know why. I don't know why you won't come see me. But please, I miss you." She said slowly and sincerely. I could see the melancholy in her eyes. She missed me? I was stunned silent and my eyes widened. No words could describe the happiness and sorrow I felt that moment.

"Sorry." I said again, looking away from her.

"If it was any other year, maybe I could have let your insolence slide." She said such a spiteful word with no mal-intent. I was impressed. However, it was one or Aurora's many talents, to say something hurtful and insulting while seemingly casual. " But this year, you are turning 18. Kaler Dakrun, the boy I grew up with. The boy would made me understand the value of friends, who made who I am today. I never forgot you. So don't forget yourself. If not for your own sake, then for mine. Please." She looked straight at me intently. Her gaze was piercing, fierce, but with a hint of desperation as well. I could have sworn there were tears forming as well. She was practically begging me. Who would I be to continue refusing her?

" Alright. I won't. For you." I said, with something welling in my throat as I said it. I practically choked out th words. When was it so hard to talk to her ?

"Good." She said standing up from her seat. She reached the remote on her desk as she pressed the remote, unlocking the door with a beep sound. " Your parents will be worried. You can go. But you have to promise that you will pick me up after class tomorrow." I halted. I was speechless. One of the most beautiful girls in this school is asking me, a scrawny gloomy boy to see her after class.. She must have officially lost her mind.

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