Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 10 - My Hideout

I was sleepless the whole night. Tossing and turning and changing positions every few seconds. I felt exhausted, at the same time, there was too much running through my mind to simply just calm down. Becoming some almighty dragon lord and mage, being able to move faster than literal lightning bolts and… The kiss i shared with Aurora. These thought bounced off every wall and surface of my mind. I had to find out more about myself. This role has to have some kind of importance.

I sat up on the bed, walking over to the window. From my apartment, i could still see the lights on at some of the buildings. Those poor people, they didn't get time to rest. I needed to clear my mind. There was only one person i could ask. "Volt." I whispered to myself. At my request, the same man with his bright yellow and blue hair appeared in my room. He wore a casual friendly smile. I smiled back and him and started asking him my aching questions.

"Volt, you called me the Progenitor of Dragons. A king. What does that mean, for my life especially." I asked with the utmost curiosity. Volt nodded and walked to my desk, pulling the chair and sitting down on it, making himself comfortable.

Shortly, he answered, " Well, my lord. You have inherited the power of the creator of dragons. He was a powerful warlord who harnessed the true power and potential of our mythical race. He was a master of all elements. He ruled over all of dragonkind as the undisputed king. His descendant are said to only be more powerful with every passing generation. From what I know, you are the 50th of your kind." He last remark surprised me. "Of course, not every descendant has taken up that mantel. From my knowledge, your father did not meet such a destiny. You, however, have. For now, this will not affect your every day life. It will also not affect the lives of those around you, unless you let it. Your only duty is to collect and claim the powers of the remaining avatars."

I stared out the window as he finished. It was a relief that i could still go about my high school life, torturous as it may be. "How, many avatars are there?" I asked.

" There are a great many. The ones I know off, Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Ice, Light, Dark, Psychic, Nautre, Arcane, Space and Time. These are only the known ones. There can be many more for all I know. Furthermore, these avatars can attain further evolutions. Only the original progenitor was capable of this, but under his rule, I managed to evolve from the Avatar of lightning , to the Avatar of Storms." His story and explanation left me slack jawed. It is good that i can take it easy when searching for these avatars.

" So, how do i fin your fellow avatars?" I questioned. If these avatars were anywhere near as powerful as Volt, i would be a shame not to find them.

"That's the hard part. There are many ways. The avatars could be in caves, in objects, ruins, in everyday people walking down the street. Occasionally, the gauntlets will lead you to a new avatar. I say you don't stress about it." He said casually. Even now, with my questions answered, i had no idea what to do, and i had no intention of sleeping.

I checked the time on the clock, 12:36 am. "Let's go somewhere." I declared and quickly put on some clothes and took my skateboard from the cupboard. I also wrote a note for my parents to let them know i went out. " Went out for a walk, will be back in the morning. " Soon, I was out the door. I checked the time once more on my phone, " 12:36am". I recoiled a little in surprise. I did not realise i was using my super speed. I chuckled a little as it sank in. I'm not normal anymore. I am someone much stronger.

I was surprised that my speed was compatible with my skate board. Everything around me felt like it was not moving at all. Meanwhile, I was literally bolting down the street to my usual hangout spot. Once again, my mind flashes with images of Aurora's face. When she is looking at me with her brilliant smile, when she is pouting, when she was kissing me. I knew I was always felt jealous of Aurora, or maybe I was jealous of the men with her? Whatever it was, I now knew why. I loved her. I loved my dear childhood friend. The one who I have been with all my life.

Now the question was, does she love me too? Did she kiss me because she actually wanted to? Or was she simply infatuated with my new body. Girls…

In no time, I reached an abandoned skate park. It was hidden in a back alley with buildings surrounding it. As time went by, it seemed that people forgot about it. I stumbled across it by accident. It was a place I could be alone, to reflect. Just as I was about to jump over the gate, Volt asked me a question telepathically , " Master, exactly why are we here?"

I honestly forgot I was bringing two people here, I was so busy thinking of Aurora. "It's my hiding place. Somewhere I go to escape. No one ever comes here." I explained to him. Then, another thought crossed my mind. "Since no one knows about this, how about you teach me how to use my magic?"

There was no reply for a few seconds. I simply stood at the chain link gate and fence. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Volt appeared beside me, eyes closed and arms crossed. Was he angry? "Master… I must let you know, that I cannot teach a human to use magic for I am not one. However, the only thing I can tell you is the possibilities open to you, as potentially the most powerful mage in this world. How you do it, will be up to you." His point was valid. I nodded and accepted. "Then let us start by going through this fence."

I stared blankly at home for a few seconds, blinking my eyes in pure confusion. "What…?" I asked, stunned to the core.

"You heard me." After saying that, his body started emitting bolts of lightning, afterwards, becoming one. My speed allowed me to perceive the world differently. I watched as Volt's body turned into a yellow lightning bolt. It moved to the fence, splitting and going through it. Soon, his body appeared on the other side. My jaw dropped. That looked too good to be real. Yet, I saw it with my every own eyes. Can I really do that?

I nodded at Volt, unsure of how i was going to do this. However, this was my first test, and I wasn't about to fail before I even started. I closed my eyes, feeling the ancient power running through every atom of my being. I visualised my body changing. Soon, I felt it happening, I felt my arms and legs being filled with electrical energy, then changing. I moved forward as it happened, feeling myself go through the fence, my body splitting and changing. However, i felt no pain, it felt like i was just melting through a jelly like membrane.

When i got to the other side and opene my eyes, Volt was staring at me with wide eyes. I tilted my head, puzzled with his expression. " Is something the matter? "

"No of course not Master. It's just that… the previous progenitors would have required an incantation to execute such a high level move…" He answered without haste, sounding like he was in awe and slightly scared.

I looked at him with puzzled looks. " High level? Incantation? Aurora an I never needed such things… I know most magic users would require incantations to pull off new spells or execute them effectively, but if I can visualise something, i can do it, as long as i had the energy and power." I explained.

"Ah. I understand. You were held back before and could only produce small jolts becuase your energy levels were so Low. Now, with the gauntlets, it seems that your full potential can now be unlocked. You have been given a massive energy pool and reserve. Progenitors at full potential have near unlimited energy." I nodded, and looked around the park. It was small, it looked like it was more suitable to be a swimming pool. There were wires and cables dangling, connected to old circuit boxes. They were no longer in use.

The whole place was old and rundown. No one would ever find out about us. Soon, i started casting spells. I could now perform pure thick beams of electricity, shock bolts powerful enough to fuel the city i could shock the whole park by touching the ground. Volt was telling me the possibilities. I was able to do most of the basic magic at a god like degree.

After an hour or two, i noticed two figures wearing a black and red body suit running towards the nearby power plant.. "Master," I heard from beside me. " We should follow them…"

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