Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 11 - Electrifying

I was taken aback by Volt's suggestion. I was not the type to be involved in the affairs of others. Even if they seemed like they were doing something malicious, i would probably be in way over my head, so I usually never bothered. I always just went about my daily life like nothing ever happened. " What the… are you nuts? It's not our problem Volt."

"I see, and I understand master. However, I do implore you to reconsider. Most people, feeling a sense of purpose because of the power that you know have, will jump at the opportunity to do something 'righteous'. " He reasoned. His explanation was sound; however, i still hesitated.

"The other avatars most be won over by you. That may include fighting them, master. As such, it would be best if we start gaining that experience." With that last bit of appeal, i gave in. I had not interest in sticking my nose in others business. However, i did want to complete my powers and gain all the avatars. I sighed, exasperated, and nodded my head in agreement.

"Good, then i shall scout out the enemy. I will lend you my eyes later to locate them." After saying that, Volt was compaleted surrounded in a bubble of electricity. Sparks and bolts flew in every direction, hitting every surface of the park and producing a crackling sound. Soon, the bubble dissipated, revealing Volt in his dragon form. His two pairs of wings and majestic and sleek yellow body was now in full view. It was still as amazing as the first time i saw it. This time, he was only the size of a bicycle, probably for ease of movement.

Volt started emitting bolts of electricity, flapping his wings and turning into one, taking to the sky. As the majestic bolt of electricity reached the sky, it lit up i brilliant yellow, producing thunderous crackling like a thunderstorm would. Dark clouds started gathering around the city. I could not help but grin. My avatars are this powerful, what was there to worry about in the first place?

"Found them, my lord," Volt reported. Soon, i felt electricity surging through my eyes. I instinctually sealed my eyes tightly, bracing for pain, but none came. Confused, i slowly opened my eyes, only to find that i am several hundred kilometres up in the air. I squealed a little and swiftly covered my mouth. It was terrifying, and a nightmare to anyone who had fear of heights. at the same time, It was absolutely gorgeous. I could see the whole city from up here, and even some parts of the towns and cities that bordered us.

Soon, Volt's eyes focused and zoomed in on the power plant, zooming in to the two men we saw before walking around the place. They seemed to be looking for something. The connection cut. I was till hesitant on tailing them, but at this point, it felt like i had no choice. I picked up my skateboard and was about to go through the fence when i heard Volt's voice. "Master, grab on to the dangling cable behind you, it will lead you to the power plant."

I raised an eyebrow. Was he being serious right now? " Do you want me to get electrocuted to death?"

" ' Electrocuted' and 'Death' are not in my vocabulary master. Don't worry, you are immune to such pathetic means of death." He said, trying to reassure me. I decided to trust him, as if I had a choice. I shakily reached out my hand and touched the exposed cable. I was expecting to get shocked, but when i felt the exposed metal withing, there was nothing. I smirked, under any normal circumstance, i might have been dead.

I turned my body into electricity and felt myself moving along with the wire. I felt like riding a roller coaster. The speed at which i was moving was astronomical. I could throw up easily from this. Additionally, all the twists and turns were starting to twist my stomach into knots. Rather quickly, I reached the other side. I felt like i was being launched out a cannon. The world around me slowed as I was ejected. Allowing me time to properly land.

Looking around, I was definitely at the power plant, circuite boxes and wires and cables were littered everywhere. Generators, cable towers. I was in awe, i have never actually been inside one. " The targets should be up the stairs on your right and on the platform connected to it. " Without wasting time, I followed Volt's instructions, literally bolting up the stairs and appearing behind the two men.

They seemed to not have noticed me, they were too engrossed on the control panel in front of them. Examining them, they were wearing black jackets and red body suit under them, probably armoured. They had masks covering their faces and guns holstered on their hips. I smirked, pulling the of my hoodie over my head to somewhat cover my face. "Hey!" I shouted.

Both men immediately turned around and drew their guns, pointing them at me. Suddenly all the bravado i had in me melted away like ice cream in the summer. I instinctually put my hands up to surrender, however, they kept pointing their guns at me.


I heard the sound of gunfire, and i closed my eyes tight. I knew i should not have interfered, now i am gonna pay for it with my life. After. Few seconds of nothing happening, i opened my eyes to see that the bullet had only traveled half its distance towards me. I forgot! With this kind of speed, i can dodge almost anything. On closer inspection of the bullet, there were several charges of electrcity, a stun bullet, they never intended to kill me.

I suddenly thought of something. I ran to the bullet, leaving lightning in my wake. I held out my hand as the blue bolts of static electricity were attracted to my hand. It formed a blue ball. I stepped to the side to dodge the bullet and thrust my hand forward, releasing the energy in a spider web like pattern.

The eyes of the attackers widened seeing the monstrous blue wave reaching them, however they could not dodge. The web hit them, shocking them and knocking them back. Both of their bodies flew off the platform and onto the ground beneath. They were unable to move. Their body occasionally emitted sparks, causing them to spasm. I smiled widely at myself. I actually did it. Now I had to call the cops to round them up. Just then, i noticed the gun on the floor and picked it up.

I was an interesting model, a red and black design. It's design was simlar to that of a desert eagle, but smaller and more sleek. I checked out the other side of the gun and notice the words "Wraith Corps" engraved on the side. Wraith Corps? Never heard of it.

"Master, we have 8 more enemies closing in on your location." Volt reported, sounding like he was slightly panicking. When i heard it, i looked around to see 8 more simlar people suddenly jumping over the walls and climbing up the stairs. I was frozen solid seeing so many people running to me. Soon, I was surrounded all training their guns on me. After the clicking of guns, there was silence. Then, my ears picked up on something. "Target acquired, lethal force authorised," It was like a whisper, but I heard it. One of the men nodded to his friends, and the all pressed a button on their gun, followed by a clicking sound. They were all using live rounds now.

Was I going to die here? No…I can't. I will not. My desperation caused me to lose control. Soon, a barrier formed around me as bolts spread in every direction. The men took steps back in horror and tried to shoot me. I could hear the sound of shooting, but no pain was felt. I could only assume the lightning around me was protecting me. Soon, i could not contain the power within, and released it all at once. With a grunt, i arched my back and send a dome like field outwards at high speeds. I felt all the 8 men writhing in pain and collapsing to the ground. However, the field did not stop, it engulfed the whole power plant.

The attackers all lay motionless now. Soon after, i crumpled to my knees, holding my head. I lost control again. Did i just kill them? Not long after, i heard the deactivation of generators and circuit boxes. realising what I just did, i ran to the outside of the power plant using my speed and saw the that whole city has now gone dark, not a single light was on. It looked like a ghost town. I fell to my knees once more. Not only did i kill those people, but i also inconvenienced every one by knocking out the power.

I stared at the rising sun. It was morning already. Volt landed beside me and sat down. He was still in his dragon form. There was silence for a few minutes as we watched the sun rise. Finally, he broke it, saying , " If you are worried about those people, master, you shouldn't be. They are not dead. " My face brightened as he said that, I relaxed a little bit. Still, i needed to learn to control my newfound strength, otherwise I am gonna hurt those around me. I looked at the everfrost wrist band i was wearing, i knew there was only one person who could help me.

"We should depart, master, otherwise the police will believe we are the culprits." Volt suggested. I nodded, fortunately, i knew exactly where to go.. I mounted Volt and took to the skies.

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