Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 14 - Training

She led me to the basement of her house. I have been to her house many times, however, I do not recall ever coming here. As we descended the steps, the lights dimmed. The basement itself had two different hallways. One was on the left had a large metallic door, I could only assume that it was the underground garage. The on on the right lead to big red double doors. Aurora nonchalantly walked to the double doors and pushed them aside. The hallway was dimly lit, probably becuase of the blackout.

However, when Aurora pushed the door, it looked like a portal to a dark dimension. The a single shred of light was in that room. It was pitch black, and it was petrifying for me to even imagine walking into that pure miasma of darkness. However, knowing Aurora has already entered, I steeled my nerves and parted the double door to find her. Just as i thought, the moment the doors behind me closed, the room was in complete darkness, I could not even see my hand. All of a sudden, a voice cried out in the darkness. "Ivis! Initiate backup generator, engage training room systems, retract hidden compartment for generator."

That voice was Aurora's. Not long afte she issued the order, the room lit up with a red grid pattern along all 4 walls. The blood red, yet dim lighting along the walls gave the room an ominous atmosphere, like a dungeon waiting to be explored. With this little bit of lighting, I saw Aurora standing in the centre, wearing exercise attire. She had a hand holding her hip, looking at me with a serious expression. Only with this creepy lighting did I realise the vastness and spaciousness of this room. It appeared to be the size of a soccer field.

I was still in awe of the spooky room when a thrumming sound could be heard. I turned my head to the left and saw that on the wall, a hidden door had retracted, revealing an advanced machinism. It appeared to be a generator. I heard the clicking of boots behind me as they reverberated through the enormous room. Facing their direction, Aurora was walking to me an promptly pointed at the generator. She pointed, but gave no explanation. I was confused and stunned. Seeing me dumbfounded, she rolled her eyes and finally explained "Shoot it. With your powers."

With her blunt explanation, I finally understood what she wanted. My eyes widened as stepped back a little. "You want me to…what!?" I asked, appalled with why she would want me to do that. I did not know the extent of my powers…What if I destroy the house, or neighbourhood?

"You are scared you will blow it up…aren't you?" She asked simply. In return, I nodded my head in embarrassment. She always could see through me. Does that mean she knew I was lying awhile ago. I quickly shook the thought from my head. "I can tell you are scared of your powers. You told me this before, so i will tell you the same thing. Don't let your powers control you, you control them." The phrase echoed in my mind. It was what I said to her after she formed that bracelet, when I visited her and helped her control her powers.

With new found resolve, I nodded at her, then turned to face the generator. I stared it down for a few seconds. I wanted to unleash everything, to prove to myself and Aurora that I am someone who is capable and strong. It was rare that I needed a chant, but for this situation, I felt it would be appropriate if I did not hold back. However, I did not intend to show the gauntlets, despite knowing they can increase my power hundred folds. Despite that, I knew, that without them, my inherent strength has been unlocked, and I could electrocute this whole city if I so wished.

"Thy who would thunder and roar, thy who would unlock more doors, the ultimate medium of power and death, the supreme medium of divine wrath, gather nature and the palm of my hand, grant me the power to scorch this land!" The chant was long, throughout it, a vortex started swirling in my hand, blue energy with yellow lightning bolts surged forth into my palm like an endless tsunami. The gathering of the power alone caused a strong gust of wind in a supposedly closed room. Aurora watched on in complete awe as she braced herself.

I lifted my palm and a thick beam of pure yellow electricity jetted into the generator. The room filled with crackling and buzzing, meanwhile, I stood firm in the face of the great force, while Aurora started to be blown away like a paper bag. The beam lasted for a whole minute. When it was finally over, buzzing and zapping came form every corner of the room. I looked around. Why would the whole room be buzzing when I only hit a concentrated spot. Soon, the room lit up brightly, the once red grid light pattern on the wales was now a shade of neon blue. The room changed from black and red, know it was white and blue, like something form a simulation. The generator's motor now spun exponentially faster and lit up with a blue hue.

"Emergency mode lifted. Power restored. Training AI, Ivis, online. Good morning Lady Singford." A robotic male voice called out from nowhere. I looked at Aurora in awe and confusion. She did not explain, simply smiling at me widely like she always does.

"Well, you probably heard, this is my training room. My dad built it so that I can keep training with my powers." She said, walking over to a shelf on the far left of the room. I was still looking around in awe. The room was actually relatively barren, however, it looked like something out of a science fiction movie. It was amazing. I never knew Aurora's family had something like this. "Ivis is the AI that mans this place. He was being powered by the backup generator we have down here for emergencies."

Suddenly, the clicking of boots that usually come from Aurora hastened. Curious, I looked over at her and realised that she was rushing towards me. I was caught off guard and was in total shock. My super speed instinctively kicked in as the world around me slowed down. I felt lightning power my body. Even when the world is slowed, Aurora was moving surprisingly swiftly, she had a rapier in hand. The blade was thin, and the hilt was blue and gold with a hand guard. She was actually attacking me. A surprise attack. If i was still normal, I would have already been slashed.

Smirking a little, I ran beside her and knocked her hand up. The world went back to normal as bolts of lightning were left with every move of my body. Aurora was surprised to see that I disappeared, then she felt the force of my attack as her hand loosed on her sword and it spun, hitting the ground away from her. " Well that's not fair…" She complained, pouting angrily. Once again, it was adorable. "I can't even hit you now…"

"Sorry, but my speed doesn't really last forever, especially if I have to attack." I lied to her a little. With my current capacity, I was sure that I could maintain my speed while attacking. However, it did not seem very fair to her. Additionally, I wanted to test myself without it. "I was scared, so it probably activated as self defence."

"I see…" She said, walking over to her sword and picking it up. She admired and brandished it a bit. I had a feeling she was going to attack again. As i suspected, she swiftly turned around with a wide swing, I quickly stepped back to avoid it, shocking the ground with my steps. However, something I did not expect were missiles of ice following up on her attack. I was left wide eyed as 3 icicle like object flew at me with so nice speed. I quickly ran past them, grabbing Aurora's hand which was still mid swing.

I just realised that the swing was not to harm me, it was used mainly to catch me off guard and allow her to summon the missiles. Even though i stayed her hand, Aurora still did not give up. In a move that left me completely dumbfounded, the blade of her sword detached itself, and her hand was freed from mine. What was left was the hilt, attached to it, a long blue stick like object with carving and etching. A wand! In an instant, I felt a burning sensation in my feet. I looked down to see that I have been frozen in place.

Aurora stepped away and aimed her wand at me. "In an actually battle, I would have won, Kaler." She said confidently. I laughed. I supposed she had me defeated this time. "I suppose so, Aurora." I said nonchalantly. I focused the power in my body, causing electricity to wrap around every inch of it. I released it, performing a small shockwave. Thought effortless to execute, the shockwave thawed the ice on my feet. I knew Aurora's ice was not easy to break, so it came as a surprise to me too. She was left stunned, staring at me blankly.

Seeing this opportunity, I ran at her with full speed, leaving a trail of lightning. I charge the power in my fist, ready to strike her down and make sure she won't wake up till tomorrow.

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