Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 15 - Focal Weapon

I was approaching Aurora like a comet zipping through space, at supersonic speed. I could feel myself breaking something in thin air, the sound barrier. All the while Aurora was still recovering from the shock of my power, she stared blankly at where i was once standing. I had not intention of actually hitting her. I knew that hitting her with this much force could actually kill her.

I was one step in front of her when i screeched to a halt, i thrust my fist into her face and stopped just a mere centimetre from it. As I did, I heard thunder and lightning crashing around me and Aurora's eyes widened and sealed immediately, letting out a scream of terror. I could only imagine what it looked like form her view, less than a second ago, I was standing several metres form her. Then thunder and lightning and a large boom all emanated at the same time as a bright yellow trail followed behind and a punch was about to land. It must have been a traumatic sight to witness. A few seconds had already passed and she was still quivering in fear, shaking beneath me.

Finally, she looked up at me with awe. "If that was a real fight, I would have won." I repeated her words back to her. Seeing no way she could retaliate, she submitted to defeat, sighing and crumpling to her knees. Seeing her admitting defeat, i retracted my fist and crouched down to comfort her. "You did well. Don't be sad. That feint slash and ice missile attack caught ,off guard and almost caught me." I tried to reassure.

"I'm not mad, or sad. I'm just, bewildered. I have never fought someone or something who could move faster than I could cast a spell, or even think for that matter." She said as she stared at the wand in her hand. Seeing her defeated like this made me feel slightly guilty. I walked over to the blade of the sword and picked it up. I walked back to her and gave it to her. She reached for it. "Thanks." She uttered.

"That sword of yours is pretty impressive. What is it?" I asked. I was curious with that weapon the entire time. It never felt like an ordinary weapon.

"It's like a focal point for my powers. When I was younger, I used similar objects or weapons to harness and control my power. Now, this is my go to weapon when i'm training or fighting. My parents made it for me." She explained. I was simply watching in awe. I never knew that objects could serve that purpose. "It might be able to help you gain control of your power. Imbuing weapons with your will and you power can enhance their effectiveness and can let you channel your powers more effectively." She suggested.

Upon hearing her suggestion, I had an idea. I pulled the gun I stole from the shaft people at Wraith Corps and held it in my hand. Seeing the gun, Aurora was stunned and closely examined it. She was staring at if for almost a minute, playing with it in her hand, checking every part of it. Suddenly, "Bang" She pulled the trigger. I got startled by the sudden gunfire, instinctively covering my ears. She seemed to have also gotten startled. The bullet flew somewhere in the room and landed on the ground with a soft metallic clanging. We both stared at each other and laughed at our cowardice.

"Yeah I think this works. It should be able to channel your power. But how much ammo do you have? Also I am sure you are aware that you aren't exactly supposed to carry this around with you." She asked. I nodded.

"I know, don't worry. Also, I just picked this up from one of the bastards at the power plant. I think there are only 7 shots, 6 now. I didn't exactly think to pick up more ammo." I guiltily answered her.

She nodded. "Understood. Wouldn't exactly wanna get caught looking like a terrorist either." She replied. "Also…is Wraith Corps the one who captured you?" She asked. I should have expected that she would notice the name on the gun. Even I noticed it.

"Yeah." I answered quickly. She did not press further. She tossed the gun back to me and I caught it by the handle. She pressed a button on her wrist. Out of the blue, electrical buzzing could be heard on the far side of the room as holographic targets started running towards us. I was scared out of my wits for a few seconds, unable to properly react.

Aurora snapped me out of it and told me what to do, "Channel your power into your gun and focus on it, then pull the trigger." I nodded. She made it sound so simple. I did as I was told, I raised the gun at one of the targets running stirght towards me. I focused my energy into the gun. Suddenly, it started glowing blue as a small serpent like dragon made purely out of energy wrapped itself around the gun. I was watching this whole thing completely dumbfounded. The serpent burst and revealed the gun to have changed. It had the same shape but was now blue and gold instead of red and black. It also had the body of a dragon as its design.

I was in awe. I really did it. I smiled and pulled the trigger once. When I did, a ball of pure electricity the size of a basketball left the muzzle and bolted to the target I aimed at. I struck the target in the chest and it spammed and collapsed, fading to nothing. However, it did not stop. The lightning chained to every single holographic human target that was still standing, dropping them all to the ground in a second. There were once 20 targets running to me, now there were none. I was left there mouth agape as I stared at the weapon in my hand.

"Honestly, I was not expecting that." Aurora said, walking beside me. "If you could do that… I would imagine that this weapon could do whatever you told it to. That is… beyond impressive." She said, sounding at a lost for words. I guiltily smiled at her. This was far too much power in my hands. However, considering I only had 5 more shots, I had to use them sparingly and wisely. It was not something I could just shoot into the night sky as a celebration.

"So…" I heard Aurora's voice again. Following that, I felt her arms wrap around my left arm. I was in shock but could not react. I looked to my left to see Aurora adorably clinging to my arm like a koala. However, her chest and body were pushed up against me, making it a little bit hard to focus. "How about we work together this time?" She suggested. I hastily nodded, feeling the sweat dripping down my cheek. She giggled and went over to pick her sword. Sometimes I wondered if this girl knew what she was doing…

She pressed the button on her arm and about a hundred targets materialised in front of us. Some where wielding weapons, most where bare handed. Aurora brandished her blade and moved into a readied stance.. I smirked internally as sparks emitted from my hands and feet. This was going to be fun!

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