Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 16 - Chemistry

We have been training for several hours now. It was around 1pm in the afternoon and we were on the final round. Aurora enabled the endless mode, we were to keep fighting for a whole 30 minutes until we either drop from exhaustion or until the timer is up.

Since I had no weapon i could continuously use, I have been relying on my physical ability and use of my powers. Due do this, I feel that I have gained near perfect mastery of them. Additionally, my chemistry and teamwork with Aurora felt natural, like clockwork. She provided support from the back to cover me while i rushed down the centre like a reckless brute.

15 minutes left on the clock. Wave after wave of enemies were spawning in. They were absolutely relentless, or rather, Ivis, the AI was. They were easy to dismiss, but they were certainly durable. I ran it down once more, extending my hands as bolts of lightning left them and electrocute those who stood in my way. I continued to swiftly plough through the never ending tide of holographic bodies. Well placed electric punches and kicks knocked them out quickly.

I looked back for a brief moment to check on Aurora, two enemies wielding knives slipped through. They were now trying to take Aurora head on. I could tell that she was starting to fatigue. It has been a long training session. This endless mode isn't any less taxing either. Despite, that she still maintained her composure and grace. Both enemies simultaneously slashed at her, she parried one and side stepped the other. She stepped to their side, slashing one in the abdomen and dropping him. The other was frozen in place by a cold wind from her sword, then beheaded. She was ruthless, graceful, captivating.

She turned to me and raised her sword. Pointing it at me. I was stunned out of my daze. Is she aiming at me? An icicle left her blade, heading straight to me at amazing speed, producing a cold whirling sound as it travelled. I quickly bent backwards, like I was playing limbo. The icicle flew over my head and pierced that of the enemy behind me, who almost stabbed me. She saved me…

I stood back up and mouthed a thank you. She seemed to chuckle and shake her head. I was too distracted by her dance- like performance. I resumed pummeling the rest of the enemies into a paste. Eventually, I found myself in the centre of their swarm. Knowing how to control myself now, I let electricity radiate through my body, bolts traveled along every limb. I released the energy and it made every enemy drop to the ground.

I looked back at Aurora and smiled at her, she did the same. We had a brief reprieve. "5 minutes remaining. Enemy spawn rate increased by 500%." Ivis announced. It was almost over. To my surprise, a large horde of about 100 enemies spawned right behind Aurora, rushing her. I was overcome with horror, i needed to protect her. At the same time, Aurora's expression also darkened, she must have seen something behind me. Ivis is smart to deploy sneak attacks.

I signalled Aurora to switch. She nodded, and we ran at each other. Our faces were ones of steely resolve and determination. Just before we ran into each other, Aurora created a ramp of ice, going above me and getting the high ground above her opponents, rendering their weapons useless. She always did enjoy using every adavatage at her disposal. I smirked at her admirable strategic mind. I am quite the opposite.

I ran at the horde with full speed, my fists thrumming and crackling with lightning. As i got within a metre of them, my speed fully kicked in. I sent electricity down my leg and into the ground. I electrocuted the ground which shocked and electrocuted my enemies. Seeing that they could not retaliate, I started bludgeoning every single one of them. With each hit, lightning chained to other enemies. With every hit, I hit an additional 5 more. The horde was taken care of swiftly.

I turned back to see Aurora had constructed a full tower of ice. It looked majestic and elegant, shining brilliantly like a diamond in the ruff. She detached her blade and pulled out her wand, swirling it in the air. Soon, the clouds gathered and the wind picked up. Hail, icicles 2 metres long started showering from the sky like rain. Those hit were killed instantly, any who did not die were frozen. It was an impressive and incredibly destructive ability. I am unsure how long our school campus would last if Aurora ever decided to destroy it.

Her enemies also quickly dropped dead before her, fading to nothingness as they dematerialised. She has truly mastered the use of her powers. I know she only can grow from here. She was a far cry of the scared little girl she used to be. She is confident, and flourishing, like she is designed to be.

Without warning, the largest group of enemies yet spawned in front of Aurora. They were all wielding rifles as well. So Ivis could actually adapt to our tactics. A hail of gunfire started heading towards Aurora. Realising it, she quickly took cover and hid behind a wall of ice she made. However, the tower's structural integrity was starting to fail. Any second now, she would fall from a great height into a sea of dangerous foes.

I took action immediately, to save her. "Aurora! Boost!" I cried out to her. I could see her nod out of the corner of my eye. Soon, Several ice platform formed mid air. Nothing was holding them up, meaning they would fall soon. However, I was fast enough. I used them to jump up until I reached the ceiling. Now 20 metres above ground, I channeled my power through my body. To my surprise, a yellow wyvern of pure yellow lightning emerged from my body and circled me. As it did, I could feel myself surging with intense strength. Strength I never knew one could wield.

I crashed down like a vessel of the gods' wrath. The impact eliminated all who opposed us, filling the room with a crashing sound like actually thunder. The timer finally ran out as a bullhorn sounded to mark the end. I sat down, panting form exhaustion. I smiled. It was really worth coming here to train. That dragon that appeared as well…that was not Volt. It seemed to be something i manifested on my own. Was this result of my immense power?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, followed by a graceful young lady sit down beside me. Aurora also looked exhausted. I smiled. While this was far more violent than our old play dates, I still felt like a child once more. "Thanks Aury. I'll see you in school." I was about to get up and leave until i felt her grip on my shoulder tighten and strengthen. I looked back at her and her sweat drenched face was sour and bitter looking.

"You will will you? That's not good enough." She said as she got to her feet. I was still sitting on the the ground, staring at her. What does she mean? "I have a guest room next to mine, take a bath. I'm sure your mom and dad wouldn't mind you staying over for a bit longer anyway." She grabbed a towel for herself and tossed me another. She left the training room. I was left there by myself. I can't defy her. She might get furious at me if I did.

I did as she suggested and walked up the stairs. The lights and everything were now on again. It seems they restored the power. Her house is extremely luxurious looking. I knew her father was a business man, while her mother was also a head of department at one of the branches of the company. That's why they both had to leave. Still, for Aurora to be living here alone, I didn't know whether that was luxury, or lonely.

I walked to the 2nd floor and walked down the hallway. I saw a wooden door with snowflake stickers pasted all over it. That was Aurora's room. This door, this room was nostalgic for me. I sub-consciously carressed the door with my left hand, remembering all they days we spent here together. I quickly snapped out of it when I realised i probably look like creep, staring at some young lady's room.

I quickly went to the room on the right. It was relatively empty except for a queen bed on the far end. I hopped in the shower, staring at my fist. I have gained control of my powers. Now what. Volt said it would not affect my life or the people around me, so long as I did not let it. I suppose I had to conceal or at least tone down my power while I was in school.

I quickly hopped out of the shower. Just I did, it hit me, I had no clothes. "Damn…" I muttered under my breath. Just then, the gauntlets materialised on my hands and a bolt of lightning hopped out form it. Volt appeared in his human form. I screeched a little, covering myself and my shame. Volt merely tilted his head, analysing me form head to toe. After a seconds he finally realised, "Ah! I forgot! You humans aren't exactly proud enough to be flaunting your pride now are you?" he asked nonchalantly.

I felt fury welling up within me. "Yeah dimwit! Stop staring already!" I scolded. Volt backed up and bowed, I forgot he was supposedly my servant. He snapped his fingers, all of a sudden I was wearing a casual t-shirt and trousers. I uncovered myself. "Thanks…" I reluctantly muttered. Volt bowed obediently and returned to the gauntlet. "Jeez…" I muttered under my breath.

I walked downstairs and went into the family room. I saw Aurora sitting on the couch casually. She was wearing a oversized t-shirt and short shorts. Her light blue her was bundled up with a towel. She must have felt my presence as she whipped her head around to me the moment i stepped foot in the room. She was beaming, then suddenly started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked her, confused as to why she was so amused. I crossed my arms as she continued giggling without an explanation.

"Hehe, sorry sorry. I really jus thought you would use the clothes that you brought here when you were young. There are still some in the closet of that room. Luckily it seems you brought your own." She said, holding back tears. I sighed and walked around the couch, sitting beside her and staring at the blank television. This girl…

We sat in silence as he stared at our reflections in the empty tv screen. Finally she spoke, "So…you know that our school is accepting new applicants to the magic club right? And that the Arcanothon will be starting soon?" She asked, slightly awkwardly. I looked at her, she was still looking forward, scared to look at me. I smiled and looked ahead as well.

"You want me to join them? Don't you?" I asked bluntly. The school we attend had a magic talent class that the best magic users could always attend. Aurora was one of those students and was probably the top of the class as well, it would only make sense if she was. The Arcanothon on the other hand it like the olympics but for magic users. Individuals form different schools compete in a sports competition which involved magic. However, I refused to join them every year. Mostly because I lacked confidence.

"Well…Yeah. I thought that now since you are so powerful, they would accept you and you would want to join. Also, I just thought that our chemistry earlier was perfect…It would be nice to have you competing along side me." She explained honestly, still nervous. My heart was pounding, she was asking me to participate in one of the most prestigious clubs in the school alongside her. At that moment, I remembered the burning question I had nested within me. I had to ask her now.

"I will answer your question, if you answer mine." I said in a baritone voice. She was suddenly all ears. Her legs were on the couch and her whole body was facing me. She looked like an adorable kitten.

"Anything!" She said eagerly, leaning in closer

"Why did you kiss me?"

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