Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 17 - New Me

The moment those words left my mouth, I felt a wave of regret suddenly wash over me. Did I really allow myself to ask such a question. I felt like such an idiot. It was not my place to question. I examined as Aurora's face drooped as she heard the question. She looked away after awhile and went back to staring at the tv screen.

Silence ensued. It lasted for a minute or two, but it felt like an hour. I was about to open my mouth to take back the question but Aurora beat me to the punch. "How about you come see me everyday in school and find out the answer? Like normal friends would?" I looked back at her astonished. She answered my question with a question. On top of that, her answer pretty much answered nothing.

"That doesn't really answer anything Aury," I tried to pry. However, she was having none of it, and fired back with something I was sort of expecting.

"Well, I felt that you weren't exactly being honest when you answered my question before. Were you?" She knew I lied about my powers. I looked away sheepishly. "I could detect the truth in some aspects of your answer. However, I did not know what exactly was true and what was a lie. I still got the feeling that I was being lied to. I respect it for now. Mostly because I can't disprove a thing you say." I was at a lost for words. I did not know how to respond to something like that.

"Alright…I will join." I answered her question, as promised. Her bright smile returned to her face and she looked at me once more. I smiled back at her, but deep down I knew, I could not keep this from her for forever. She will know eventually.


Monday rolled around faster than I thought. I walked to school like I normally did, careful not to use my super speed. It was as relaxing as ever. It gave me time to settle my thoughts and the dread of needing to attend school. After 30minutes, I reached the foyer of the school. Just as I entered, a black car pulled up. Several students at the foyer were all staring at the car with a twinkle in their eyes. I wondered, who on earth could that be. Who would get everyone so riled up. A regal figure stepped out of the car and I knew who it was immediately. Long light blue hair followed this person's every movement. Her walking was graceful and dignified. Didn't think I'd see Aurora this early in the morning.

Several people approached her to give their greeting, however, her face maintained a disinterested look, nodding and waving them off. She only said one or two words in reply. She looked stunning as per normal, a thin winter coat and boots, she was wearing a skirt that didn't even reach her knee. She always wore winter attire despite it not being winter yet. I bet she was cooling herself with her powers in there.

There were study groups sitting on benches further in the foyer, past the general office. All of them were mesmerised by Aurora. She really was the queen of this school. It seemed that even some of the teachers admired and bowed down to her. In any other situation, I would have been long gone the moment I even glanced at her. Today was different, I felt drawn to her,I was just standing in the middle of the foyer, watching her. Like a total creep. However, when everyone else is doing it, I wasn't so bad.

Eventually, Aurora noticed me simply staring in the middle. Her expression lit up and she ran toward me. This shocked everyone, including me. The dignified student council president who was always indifferent to the world around her, was running to some random person. She ran up to me and smiled brightly, I did the same. That smile seemed to have enthralled more people and infuriated many others. I heard the clicking of cameras pointed at us.

This was bad, I had to leave. "Let's go somewhere these eagle eyes aren't watching." I suggested. Without warning, I grabbed her arm and started walking away with haste, activating my speed instinctually. To the eyes of most people, it would look like we broke into a full sprint and left behind a faint yellow trail. With my speed, I hastily escorted her and dragged her to her office. The wind picked up wherever I went which bewildered a few, but none seem to have noticed that it was us.

In no time, I brought her to her office door. When we got there, she stared blankly for a few seconds. I realised what I did, she probably was not used to moving that fast. She must be in complete shock. I also realised that she looked completely disheveled, her hair was frayed and in a mess, her coat nearly came off. "Sorry…" I said apologetically.

"Well…that was an experience. Is that how you normally feel when you move that fast? I felt like I was on a roller coaster!" She exclaimed as she fixed herself. She unlocked the door and allowed me in. I dropped my body on the sofa that she used to nurse me and watched her unpack her things and blast the AC. "Anyway, I was really surprised to see you this morning. Were you waiting for me?" She asked mischievously. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit. To think that she puts on a cold exterior in front of everyone else…

"Not really, just a coincidence." I answered

"Oh. I see." She said sounding slightly disappointed. Does she really want me to wait for her? She continued filing notes and files in the cabinet. Eventually, she looked at me. "The entrance test for the Magic Club is today. You usually have nothing on after school so I trust that will be ok?" I never realised that it would be so soon, but she was right, not like I had anything better to do after school. I nodded. I stayed in her office until homeroom, dispersing to go back to our respective classes.

Upon entering, people still looked at me the same. Uninterested, the jocks and bullied were smirking in my direction. I could sense their malice. Fortunately, this time, I could defend myself. The problem would be whether I should. Fortunately, when I stepped in, no one recognised me as the one who abducted the president and ran away with her. If they did, I might have been beaten to death the moment I set foot in the classroom.

Class went by as per normal. No one paid me any mind, I feel like the teachers even forgot I existed. In some cases it was a blessing. The day came to end, and classes were finally over. It seemed that Alistair's popularity had him abducted by another group of "friends" again. I chuckled at the thought. As I stood up to leave, the rubber soles of sneakers and sport shoes hitting against the concrete floor grew ever closer. I looked up to see a familiar face, I believe his name was Brent. The one that Alistair helped protect me from on my birthday. He had 4 other people, all muscular walking toward me with mal-intent.

"Look stick man, Al ain't here to protect your scrawny ass this time. You don't deserve to stand with him, or any other person in this class. In fact, let me show you-" As he was saying his sentence, he reached out his hadn to grab me. The world slowed down at that very instant and he was now speaking in ultra slow motion. I smirked and walked up to him. Examining his pompous and boyish face. He had several scars, from playing sports perhaps. I considered the best way to deal with him, deciding instead to toy with him.

I side stepped his lunge and briskly walked behind the group. As I did, he finally finished his sentence. "Let me show you what happens…Huh?" He lunged out and grabbed the air, almost stumbling and falling onto my chair. "What the?" I heard him murmur, a sinister grin formed on my face. This was going to be fun. I will try my best not to hurt them, naturally. "Grab him and teach him a lesson!" He commanded. Two of his goons lunged to grab me as well. I chuckled and ran into the centre of the group. The two who failed now ran at me and the other two also tried to grab onto me. Just as I thought, I avoided the assaults and all 4 collided with each other. Every move I made, lightning formed in my wake, scaring them even more. To them, I was a phantom, disappearing and reappearing.

The 4 of them were not concentrated on a single spot. I started running circles around them, encasing them in an electric wind and the wind started blowing ferociously. Soon, they got dizzy and disorientated, falling to the other ground, nauseous. I could tell that they were about to throw up. "Barf in the trash bin outside, otherwise you are cleaning up your own mess." I said condescendingly.

"Bastard!" I heard Brent yell, I nearly forgot about him. "I'm gonna make you pay!" He balled his hands into fists and started running to me "Mighty roar of nature, powerful conduit of light…" Brent started chanting. Old school. Most people in this school were not as advanced with magic as Aurora and I, still requiring chants to use their powers. He was talking really slow, I could have ended him if I wanted to, but I decided to let him finish. "Gather in my fist and let my opponent feel thy might! Thundering jab!" He completed his incantation. His right fist started sparking and burst to life with blue electric bolts emanating form it. He yelled as he rushed in my direction.

I had seen enough. I caught his fist before he could hit me, holding it in place. His eyes widened in shock when he saw that I was unfazed. However, I was not done. I absorbed the energy into my own hands. A blue wave like energy flowed from his hand to mine. His stopped sparking and a ball of electricity formed in my other hand. He eyes widened further and gasped as he realised what happened. I smirked seeing his reaction. I thrust the ball into his abdomen and he crumpled to the ground, spasming.

I looked over all of them and smiled inwardly. I looked at Brent who was looking at me with fear in his eyes. "Remember this, Brent. I am not the same person as before. The one you see before you is a new, improved, me. The new me will not bow to anyone. The new me will not be pushed around. The new me won't let you off so easily next time.." I said all this, staring into his soul.

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