Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 21 - Pain Repaid

*Aurora's POV*

I had a grin on my face the entire 5 minutes of Kaler's run especially when he was unscathed by any of Ms Black's lightning attacks. I had no idea he had such an immunity, but it was an absolute spectacle. When he deflected Ms Black's attack back at her, I was elated. I never liked that teacher, she always tried to take advantage of her students, especially those who are more popular or more wealthy. Frankly, it is disgusting. She tried doing the same with me, but I am not so naive.

When she gave the order for the other students to attack, the bombardment was near endless. Every direction, a magic spell or attack was being launched at him. However, just as I expected, he dodged them all expertly. At least, it looked that way. He merely became a blur when he enabled his full unbridled speed. I could only see trails lightning and images of where he once was. It was would be impossible to ever hit this man.

5 minutes passed rather quickly as this cyclone of mad dashes was untouchable. The barrage finally ended and Kaler was spotless. He dusted himself off nonchalantly and I smiled wider as everyone was panting form the exhaustion. "You really are smitten with him huh?" Lindsey's high pitched voice asked me, reminding me she was still here. I shot her a glare. "I can see why. He is fast, strong and he looks like god himself. Now that I examine him, he is actually rather handsome as well. He just kinda hides it all under his jacket and his long hair. I can't understand why people call him a good-for-nothing-" I raised my hand to her face. She started sweating profusely and was silenced instantly.

The test of casting was rather basic. The target was to be hit with all the force one could muster. It was to check the power and casting speed of the magic user. Most people threw elemental punches or dinky magical projectiles at the target. However, Thalia managed to leave a deep cut with her air slash, Alistair actually burned the target whole and of course, Kaler summoned a lightning bolt form the sky that left no trace of the target, or the grass that once surrounded it. The force of the impact even knocked over a few goal posts.

Now was time for the final component, the duels. Arguably, this would be the most exciting. Kaler soundly beat me in a duel after catching me off guard. It was going to be fun to see him compete. Fighters were allowed to bring their own weapons. However, they were not allowed to use lethal spells or other spells that could seriously injure, maim, or mangle the target. It was held in tournament style.

Kaler's early matches were a walk in the park. I could tell he was holding back significantly. His first opponent lit his fist on fire, and tried striking him several times. Kaler casually side stepped each attack with a smile on his face. After the 3rd punch, he caught the opponents arm and placed his palm on their chest, shocking them and eliminating them. It was a sound victory.

His second opponent wielded a sword. He used his elemental powers of earth to strengthen the sword and rushed Kaler. Kaler dodge everything. The opponent was also putting too much force into every swing. Every time Kaler dodged, he would stumble and almost lose balance. I was also starting to get amused. Most of these people aren't actually trained in combat. It was deemed unnecessary to be trained. Kaler also had no fighting experience, but it seemed that what ever juiced him up also made him a good fighter. Kaler held the hilt of the sword, overpowering the opponent and forcing the sword out of his hand. Then he swiped his left hand outward, causing a small wave of force to fly to the opponent. However, it was powerful enough to thrust him backward and send him flying.

Kaler winced seeing this and rushed to him, apologising profusely and helping him up. I chuckled seeing this. Good to know that his tough guy act was exactly that, an act. What was charming about him was his willingness to help and his bright attitude when he did. That attitude eroded very quickly after we started drifting apart. However, it was good to see he had not lost it.

Finally, the semi-final match was upon us. "Kaler Dakrun and Laurence Dirk. Take your positions." Ms Black instructed. Laurence Dirk looked especially pissed right now. His face was scrunched and rage was written all over it. Soon a conversation started.

"Let's raise the stakes twig…" Laurence started. I clenched my fist and my blood boiled in my head when I heard him calling Kaler such an insulting nickname. Lindsey was looking at me with concern but I did not care.

"I will freeze him till he becomes a living popsicle later…" I said through my teeth, teeming with rage.

"Let's make a bet." He continued. Suddenly he pointed at me. This bastard, I knew what he wanted. "If I win, which I definitely will, you will break up with the president and I will have her. Additionally, you will become my pet." He said with a sinister grin. This fool. He is really asking for it. I saw as Kaler had a solemn expression on, however, as someone who knew him for 14 years, I knew what that expression was. He was about to erupt in anger.

"Alright then…" He replied, somehow still keeping his cool. Laurence now had a crooked smile on his face. "However. If you lose, you become my servant and will never talk back to me or Aurora ever again for your miserable life. Am I clear?" Kaler's voice was cold. I was delighted now. He has the nerve to stand up for himself, finally. Laurence broke into a sinister laugh.

"HAHAHAHA yeah yeah! Whatever twig! As if you can actually beat me!" He was so full of himself, I want him to feel true pain.

I immediately stood on my feet which surprised Lindsey. She tried to pull me back down, but I was not going to listen. "KALE! Don't hold back! Make him suffer!" I yelled to him. Everyone heard me. They all stared at me in bewilderment. Everyone was speechless. Probably because I never showed such support to anyone before. Kaler smiled wickedly upon hearing my words. I saw sparks flying from his eyes, hands and legs. He was furious, and I was going to enjoy seeing that scumbag suffer.

Laurence was taken aback by the power that was emanating from Kaler at this moment, even the umpire was shaking. Eventually, both came to their senses. Laurence equipped two brass knuckles, one on each hand. Both of them lit up like torches. Kaler was still standing causally, one hand in his pocket. The umpire fired the blank, the bang ringing through the evening sky.

Laurence immediately lunged at Kaler, the fire in his fists growing more fierce. As he lunged, he yelled. How barbaric. I saw Kaler's smile grow wider as he dodge the punch instantly. In retaliation, he punched his abdomen with an electric punch, making him hold his stomach from the electrifying sensation and the immense pain. The hatred in Laurences eyes grew more murderous and he launched another attack. The same thing happened.

After just two more punches, Laurence was already on the ground, grovelling in pain. However, just. Before the umpire could call the match, Kaler dragged Laurence back onto his feet and kicked him back down. The kick produce a thunderous crashing sound and a wave of electricity was passed through Laurence's body. He was back on the ground again, twitching violently form the shock. Sparks started flying from his body. He looked pathetic. However, it seemed that he was not done, and neither was Kaler.

"B-Bastard! I am not done yet! Now you are really gonna get it!" He yelled in anger. He struggled to his feet, still trembling from the shock and the fear.

"Good…" Kaler spoke. However, his voice was altered. My eyes widened. He was defintely the one who said that, but his voice was like thunder, deep, booming and menacing. It sounded like it came form the sky itself. I could see the fear in everyone present. Their knees were trembling from the sheer authority that Kaler spoke with. "This is only a fraction of the pain you caused me all this time. Today, I will return it to you, tenfold. Beg for mercy now, and pray. Pray that you will make it out today with everything in tact."

With those words, Kaler became a blur once more. This time, he was done being on the defensive. We could only see the yellow trailed he was leaving behind. This time, he was running around Laurence. Every few miliseconds, Laurence would get hit by some phantom force that could only be Kaler. Each time he was hit, lightning descended form the sky and struck him. Laurence was hit repeatedly at sonic speeds, lightning descending repeatedly, making it looke like light show. He became Kaler's personal punching bag, just like Kaler was his for about a year. It looked as if the gods themselves were in a rage.

This carried on for a solid minute. Everyone watched in horror as one of the toughest guys in the school was being pummeled into oblivion. The aggressor was lightning quick, he could not be seen, he could not be stopped. Even nature itself condoned this torture. With one final punch, Kaler sent Laurence flying onto the other side of the field, his body engulfed in electricity, sending him crashing down. Kaler causally sauntered over to him, picking him up from the dirt. I could sense that he was about to batter him again when he was halted.

"M-Mr Dakrun! That is enough! You have proven your point! You have won this duel!" Ms Black cried out in desperation. Everyone else appeared to be scared of Kale. However, I could see Alistair smiling widely.

Kale turned to Laurence in his hands, his face was bruised, swollen and battered. It was pathetic. I also smiled seeing it. He deserved every millisecond of that hell. I turned to Lindsey who was covering her mouth with both her hands. For once, she was speechless. "Do you concede?" Kaler asked, he was giving this fiend a chance.

"A-Asshole…" He muttered through his cracked lips. That one word sealed his fate. Everyone else watched on, petrified, they knew what came next. The duel was not over, for neither of them had conceded. The fear on everyone's face was priceless. The clouds gathered overhead. A bright yellow light illuminated the gloomy sky. A silhouette of a dragon was visible among the clouds.. My eyes widened, along with my smile as I realised what came next. Divine judgement was upon us…

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