Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 22 - Always Here

*Kaler's POV*

"A-Asshole…" Laurence muttered. This vegetative, broken, battered fool wishes to continue. I will make him submit. Ms Black cannot protest, for the duel has not officially ended. I swear. I swear, that this fool will die for ever crossing me. For all the pain I have suffered all these years. I will make sure he will suffer a hundred times more. Anger swirled within body like a storm unleashed. Thunder crackled in the sky above me. I knew what was happening, my anger was causing a thunderstorm.

I closed my eyes. "Volt. Let's take this fool to the skies. He will be the first to see my true power." I said telepathically. Even in telepathy, my voice was hoarse, full of rage that will not be easily quelled. I opened my eyes and saw Laurence's fearful eyes, staring at mine full of tears. I looked left and all the students stepped back about a meter, some even letting screams out. Ms Black had covered her mouth and Alistair was smiling.

Laurence was struggling to get out of my grip. I usually needed no chant, everyone knew that. If I chanted, it means that I was serious. Time to scare the living daylights out of them. "Conduit of power! Medium of the gods' wrath! On the wings of a dragon we take to the skies!" It was an unnecessary chant, if I wanted, I could have taken to the skies myself. But I used it to deceive the masses and scare them as well. In a bright flash of light surrounding us, I transformed into a bolt of lightning and dragged Laurence up into the clouds.

Laurence was petrified, his eyes sealed shut. He could not scream if he wanted to, the storm was too strong. Any words or sounds that left his mouth would be inaudible. We reached the clouds, approximately 70 kilometres above the ground, just below the upper atmosphere. Clouds were gathered around us. When Laurence opened his yes, feeling that we stopped moving, he let out a squeal and scream as he realised that he were above the ground with no support. He was levitating, using my telekinesis. Bright flashes emitted every few seconds, followed by the crashing of thunder.

"Where are we !?" He asked in complete fear.

"We are in the sky, the domain of the gods. May the divine have mercy, for you are going to pay for crossing me." I said. My anger was now uncontrollable. It was time to let off some steam. I willed the gauntlets onto my hands, yellow bolts of lightning surrounded my hands and forearms and wrapped around them. In seconds, they dissipated with a loud burst, showing gauntlets in the form of dragons heads wrapped around my arms. My hands and fingers protruding out of the dragons mouth. Laurence screamed once more in pure terror. His reaction was beautiful, worth my time.

"Come forth, Volt! Avatar of Lightning!" I said with conviction. As I did, pure yellow energy sprang from the gauntlets, coalescing into a form of a wyvern. The energy dissipated, revealing Volt's dragon form.

Volt roared and stared at the shrivelled up Laurence, I could detect that he was also extremely angered. At supersonic speeds, he flew straight at Laurence, missing him by a hair and disappearing into the clouds. Laurence let out a petrified scream as Volt barely missed him. He looked around frantically, trying to find Volt, his eyes and face pale from fear, looking like he just saw a ghost. The crashing of thunder became more frequent, now, every second, a deafening crash would sound off. This only increased Laurence's fear hundred folds. I am sure he wished he were dead instead of going through this hell.

"Stop! Please! I beg you! I concede!" He tried to yell at me in desperation. But it is all over for him. I will keep him alive, but I will ensure he does not get off easy. I raised my hand and stared at him with my piercing golden eyes, lightning crashed down onto me from above us. It caused Laurence to look away in fear, but when he looked back, I had vanished. Instead, what he saw was infinitely more terrifying. Volt flew to him and full speed, lightning gathered around his draconian body and he turned into lightning himself. His whole body became a ligthtning bolt, the only thing remains were he bright red pupils. It was enough to give anyone nightmares for a whole month. Laurence's eyes widened, unable to avoid it.

Volt collided with Laurence, as he did, the deafening crash of thunder emanated. Laurence violently shook form the electrocution, like he was being possessed. To finish it, Volt flew to me, allowing me to ride on his back, then flew vertically downwards straight into Laurence. We turned into pure lightning and dragged him back down to the ground. As we descended, I could see everyone's bewildered reactions from all the way up here. They were left dumbfounded. They could not see me, Laurence or Volt, we only looked like a giant lightning bolt about to strike the field.

Just before we hit the ground, I commanded the gauntlets to disappear, along with Volt. They faded to ensure no one sees them. I landed first to catch Laurence, ensuring he would not die. With a loud crash and crackle, Laurence was struck by the most powerful lightning bolt the world has ever seen, knocking him unconscious. The turf of the field was left completely blackened and scorched. The clouds cleared, along with my anger.

After that whole ordeal, no one came close to me. They all stepped back out of fear. I could not blame them. I bet I looked like the devil in their eyes. I personally dragged Laurence to the medics. Sure enough, he was alive, sustaining a bruised body and a single broken rib. If it weren't for the no killing rule, I might have done worse things to him. I don't know whether my conscious could handle the fact that I killed someone, whether or not they once tormented me.

I walked back to Ms Black and bowed solemnly. "Apologies for the over enthusiastic display Ms Black." I said as respectfully as I could. "Laurence has been tormenting me for more than a year. I could not stand by anymore as he slandered me and our beloved student council president." I glanced in Aurora's direction when I mentioned her, only to see her smiling.

Ms Black was still in awe, only humming and nodding in agreement, walking away promptly. No one dared to come close to me after that, no one dared to look me in they eye. Except…

"Wow…I did not think that my friend was god himself." Alistair's voice came from my right. Just as he said that, I felt the weight of his arm around my shoulder.

I smiled and looked away sheepishly. 'Had I gone too far?' I wondered. It was rare for me to get so violent with anyone. I am not used to being the aggressor, hopefully I didn't overstep my boundaries. 

"You certainly showed him dude ! HAHA!" his joyful face faded slightly seeing my troubled expression. He smirked, giving me a slap in the back, making me wince. "Don't worry about it, I think it was a suitable punishment." He tried to comfort me.

I smiled and looked up at him. It felt good to have one more person by my side. His match with Thalia was up next, so he left to prepare. Thoughts were swirling inside my head. There was someone I really needed to talk to. I slowly walked over to the bench where Aurora and her friend was sitting.

That same blonde haired friend seemed to be trying to start a conversation with her. It was a rather one sided conversation. I sat there watching for bit as Aurora either ignored or dismissed the blonde girl. It was rather amusing honestly.

After a minute or two, I walked out from behind them. "Nice to see you are making friends Aury." I said in an amiable voice, with a slight edge of condescension. They both got startled hearing my voice. The blonde girl saw me and immediately jumped off her seat and backed off. Meanwhile, a smile bloomed on Aurora's face. She got off her seat too and hugged me. I could see the other girl's expression morph from fear, to confusion to slight amusement.

"I wouldn't call her a friend, this slut is Ms Lindsey Callahan." She said nonchalantly.

"Hey!" She said, slightly annoyed. Aurora and I laughed a little seeing her reaction.

"Ah I heard of you." I said

"Also, I thought people weren't allowed to call you Aury?" She questioned Aurora.

"He is an exception." She said coldly. "Anyway, good job beating that scum. If it were up to me, I would have froze his innards and fed it to the fish."

"Yeah…But I am wondering if I had gone too far." I said with a tinge of regret, looking at the ground. Aurora saw my reaction and reached my chin, cupping it and making me face her.

"Kale. You kept him alive right?"

"Yeah… of course."

"Then it's alright. You stood up for yourself. Not only that, you stood up for me. Thank you. Really." I brightened and cheered up hearing such endearing words of encouragement coming from Aurora. I was like a child whose mood changed the moment someone gave them a compliment. I could not control myself anymore. I held both of Aurora's arms and pulled her into a hug. I squeezed her so hard she felt like she might burst.

I saw Lindsey cover her mouth in surprise and i felt that even Aurora was shocked. "Thank you Aury. I really needed to hear that." Upon hearing my words, I felt two arms wrap around my waist, hugging me back. Lindsey removed her hands to reveal her wide smile.

"Of course, Kale.. I am always here for you, always have been."

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