Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 26 - Tearing Asunder

The incessant sound of an emergency horn reverberated through the narrow and dark den I call my bedroom. I tried to ignore the cacophony of annoying sounds that was coming from my damn phone. I rolled out the side and even buried my head under my pillow. Unfortunately, some sounds are too annoying to be blocked out.

I groggily extended my hand and to my surprise, my phone flew into my hand from the table next to my bed. I thought I was dreaming. I quickly turned off my annoying alarm and put my phone on my chest. That one strange occurrence and completely woke me up. I was just thinking "Man! Where is that stupid hunk of junk, I wish it would just come to me and-" I just realised what I did.

However, my telekinesis has never been this strong, I never simply thought of something and have it fly to my hand. I started tossing my phone into the air while thinking. What the hell could have happened to make my telekinetic powers this strong? While I was pondering yesterdays events, I realise that misjudged where my phone would land. I was on a crash course with my face!. I covered my face with my hands, bracing for impact, wishing that it would just stop.

A few seconds pass. Nothing happened.

I uncovered my face to see my phone hovering a few centimetres, floating like a star on a dream catcher. I cautiously reached out to grab it. When I held it, there felt like there was no other force acting on it. It was miraculous, and very spooky. I have to ask Volt about this.

Before I could talk to Volt, "Ding!". I received a message. "Ding!" I received another. "Ding!" I started getting annoyed, who in their right mind would send a storm of messages at this point in the morning when we should be going to school.

I unlocked my phone and saw that it was actually Alistair who was sending me that string of messages. What could that annoying prick want with me at this hour?



"Did you hear?"

"We don't have to go"

"To school I mean"

"For a week!"


"Right?" This prick was sending so many short messages and it was starting to get on my nerves. Not because they wer short, more because he was making my notifications go off like a bicycle bell.

"Dude…It's too early, go prank someone else." I sent the message and put my phone face down. I was about to leave to get ready for school when I just processed what he said. My eyes became alert and I went back to my phone and furiously typed ," Wait a fucking minute what did you say??? Why!?" Still in utter disbelief, I raced outside to see both of my parents on the couch watching the news.

I peered over their shoulder and watched along with them. "This just in, a magnitude 6 earthquake has struck the northern part of Ourannos." Ourannos was the country we lived in, a rather big country in fact. The whole country is self-sufficient when seen as a whole. However, due to it's sheer size, it was divided into the north, south , east and west, where we live. Each state has it's own local government and reports to central Ourannos, the fifth division, which is a man made island, The Central governmental body.

"What is abnormal about this disaster is that despite already having happened, it seemed to have continued to progress southbound. It is unprecedented to ever see an earthquake that continue to move. It is also recorded that the strength of the earthquake has only increased after moving south. It is predicted that it will reach West Ourannos, in the city Dromund, in about 2 days from now. By then, some calculate that it will become a magnitude 9 earthquake." My parents were fearfully holding each other, they might have been too engrossed to notice me standing behind them. So this disaster must have been why school was cancelled.

However, I just remembered, my parents sold our car a while ago, we have no vehicle to help us escape quickly. The streets are crowded as well because people are attempting to escape. Flights at the airport are likely also mad expensive and fully booked due to the disaster. Are we going to sit here and let the country and our lives be torn asunder? Is the government doing anything?

I went back to my room as my head was throbbing from all this. It was too much. "Ding!" Another notification lit up my phone. I sluggishly grabbed in from my bed, expecting that it was Alistair. Instead, Aurora's name appeared on my notifications. I eagerly unlocked it and saw her text.

"I assume you saw the news? What are you going to do about it?" I was taken aback. What is she asking? Is she expecting me to stop an unprecedented earthquake that keeps on moving?

"About what? The earthquake?" I asked.

"Let me ask you this again. Will I see you tomorrow?" With that text, I remembered what I told her. I was so confident, so sure of myself. Life really does have a cruel way of throwing a wrench in your plans huh? I sighed internally, I kind of trapped myself.

"I don't know…" I simply sent. She replied with an emoji. The annoyed one. Even though it was jsut a sticker, I could just imagine that Aurora was the one doing that face. I unconsciously chuckled upon thinking it. "Alright, fine, I'll sneak out. Where are you?" I gave in, as I always did for her.

"Dromund HyperMall. I expect you here in 5 minutes Mr Lightning Incarnate." I smiled at her reply. I can't let her down now can I. I quickly put some decent clothes on, a jacket, a t-shirt, a fresh pair of jeans and a cap. As well as an extra spritz of perfume.

I pried open the window in my room and left a note in my room letting my parents know that I was with Aurora, apologising at the end of it. I leaped out my window, sliding down the wall of the building to slow my descent. Once I was on the ground, I ran at full speed toward the HyperMall.

I bolted past several blocks of buildings. The bustling world around me was not even moving. I felt faster than I have been before. Everything around me was still, meanwhile, I was running past them like a professional sprinter. I completely disregarded the traffic, probably giving the drivers that saw my trail a slight scare. Eventually I entered the HyperMall and saw Aurora sitting at the majestic fountain wearing a crop top and jeans.

She had a her phone in her hands. I walked over, which was probably the equivalent of 10 bullet trains to the naked eye and saw that she had texted with me not long ago. I sat down beside her and let time resume as per normal. As I did, everyone I passed by experienced a huge gust of wind and was slightly blown back and a trail yellow followed behind me, producing a light buzzing sound.

No one seems to have noticed that it was me that created it, thankfully, although I really should be more careful. Aurora on the other hand, did not even flinch. "I said 5 minutes you know, not 5 seconds." She said bluntly.

I smiled at her and fired back, "Better to be safe than sorry. Why are you here?" I asked, realising that today would have been a school day if it weren't for the earthquake.

"I heard about the earthquake from my dad. He is sending a private plane to come get me tomorrow." She said, still looking at her phone like she was uninterested. I heard her words and was slightly saddened. She had already thought of how she was going to get out of here, meanwhile my family has no reliable way out. "Something wrong? You like depressed."

I turned back to Aurora and saw that her piercing blue eyes were now looking at me intensely and her face was really close. I back up slightly from the uncomfortable closeness. "Uh…No…Not really…" I lied. Although, I don't know why I did, I was sure that Aurora knew I was lying anyway.

"You are a really bad liar, you know that? I know you are worried about your parents. My father has agreed to help get them out." I beamed hearing Aurora's offer. I was absolutely over the moon. I hadn't even considered asking for Aurora's help, yet she so really offered it. I was about to thank her, however, she quickly held my arms and stopped me. "However, I want to know the truth. Don't play dumb. You know what I mean." She has not forgotten.

I stared at her, and she stared back. I think some people were staring at us. It would be weird to see two people, a girl holding a guy and ahve them both stare at each other for so long. I was deep in thought, and she was trying to get to me. In the end, I still had to tell her. To be honest, I was probably too attached to the whole 'Must keep you identity a secret' thing for too long. Even Volt himself trusted Aurora. Maybe I should just tell her, hopefully she doesn't hate me, hopefully she will also answer my question.

After what felt like forever, I sighed defeatedly and nodded. She also exhaled and finally released me. I whispered to her,"I will tell you when we are somewhere alone, people aren't supposed to hear this." She nodded in acknowledgement. We thought for awhile about where we could go. Every inch of the city must have been crawling with people, all scrambling to stock up and camp out somewhere to escape the incoming natural disaster.

"How about that pier that used to visit when we were kids?" I looked at her in confusion. Why would she suggest that?

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