Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 27 - Master

"Why there? That place is usually infested with people at any time of the year." I said. Furthermore, that was the last place I met up with her before I moved, before I started to distance myself from this shining star that stood next to me. It does not exactly bring back fond memories.

"Think about it. In a time of disaster, where everyone is trying to stock up and survive, who in their right mind would want to sit on a wooden bench and watch the vast ocean?" She asked elaborately. I saw where she was coming from, but it also made her seem as though she herself was not in her right mind. However, I knew it was useless to argue, so I just nodded and went along with it. I also knew that if I stayed any longer, my parents would get worried.

The train ride there was crowded. It felt like there was basically no room to breathe. Not matter where we stood, I could still feel someone's arm poking me and preventing me from moving. To say it was not pleasant would be an understatement. All around us, people were frantically making phone calls, ensuring safety of their friends or family members. Everyone had at least 3 grocery bags hanging form their hands. In fact, only Aurora and I looked like the crazy ones. We looked like a couple of people who did not care that the world was ending.

We alighted at the station and Aurora quickly made haste for the pier. She really was looking forward to this explanation huh? It made me more anxious in fact, was this really so important to her? Was she going to get really mad? I almost don't want to tell her for a completely different reason now…

In no time flat, she was at the edge of the pier, staring into the infinite ocean, watching as the vast blue ocean glistened with the light of the sun, as the waves crashed against the beach. She looks like Rose from the titanic, leaning against the banister and peering further into the limitless horizon. She was elegant, she was dignified, she was…beautiful. It was absolutely breath taking. They way she jsut stood against the rising sun and the brilliant blue ocean. If I the world wasn't falling apart around us, this would have been a good opportunity for a photo.

"How long are you going to stand there and gawk?" She woke me up form my daze. I hadn't realised how long I was standing there for. I chuckled apologetically and jogged to her, leaning on the banister and staring at the ocean, just like she did. We did not speak. I did not look at her, neither did she look at me.

"You know…" She started. "Remember before you moved away? We came here to spend one last day together. We got ice cream, wadded in the ocean, played a few games that were set up here as part of a carnival…I had a lot of fun." She was smiling bitterly as she reminisced. It made my hurt squeeze. I felt a 'but' coming along any second now. "But. I felt there was something off about you that day. In fact, I think I had been feeling it for awhile at that point. Ever since we wee 14 in fact. It felt as if you were…reluctant. You felt different. In fact, I still feel it. "

Every single one her words were being imprinted into my head. It echoed in my mind, lingering in there. It translated to pain in my chest. Since I was 14? 4 years? Have I rally felt that way for 4 long years?

"I thought you liked someone…So I for a point in time, I felt bad dragging you places. But I also realised something, you were alone, aside from me, you were lonely. So I thought I could drag you to comfort you. However, when you moved and we entered our current school at 16, the problem seemed to have worsened, and there was nothing I could do about it. I have many questions I want the answer to Kaler. So I will ask you now. Are you willing to give them to me?" She was adamant, she was not budging. I knew she wanted answers. She will do anything to have them. I looked away, slightly intimidated by her ever-powerful resolve.

"I suppose I don't have a choice…do I?" I glanced at her, still seeing her looking at me with fierce determination. I needed no answer to the question I just posed. "So…What do you want to know first?" I was now at her mercy.

"What happened, on the 11th August, after school. Why were you late to your own party?" She pressed. I sighed. The moment I was waiting for. The best way to show her would be to show her exactly why I became so powerful. I stood and straightened myself, then thrust my arms out to the sides, like making a 'T' shape. I closed my eyes, willing the gauntlets onto my arms.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head. It felt like it was tearing itself apart, like both sides of my brain had a repulsive force between them. "AHHHH!" I yelled without warning, crumpling to the ground. Aurora saw this and her eyes went wide with shock and bent down to try and help me.

"KALE! Are you ok? What's happening?" She asked frantically. I could not answer her. My head wanted to be ripped out of my head. I clutched my head and was struggling to even form a sentence. The next instant, the pain subsided and I felt a rushing feeling into my eyes. I could see a brown aura around the edges of my vision. Aurora covered her mouth from the sight. "Kale?! Your eyes! They are completely brown! What is happening? Can you hear me?" Aurora was panicking now. It made my heartache seeing her like this because of me. However, I still had not strength to respond to her.

"Run." I heard a female voice say to me. The voice was gentle yet forceful at the same time. It sounded benevolent, but rushed.

"Who are you !?" I cried out which made Aurora back up. I was in complete shock now. I had no idea what was happening at all and I felt like I was losing my grasp on reality.

"We will meet soon. I hope so at least, Master." The voice replied. 'Master?' I thought. An avatar! It must be calling out to me.. "Run, Master."

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