Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 41 - Loyalty

I was taken aback but what I just heard. I could feel my blood boil and my fists clench, my nails digging deep into the skin of my palm. "Why?" I asked through gritted teeth, barely containing myself. "Which one did he kill?"

"He didn't so much as kill, rather, sacrifice him when it was not necessary." She explained, sounding like she is on the verge of tears. "In a battle, to ensure his own safety, the previous progenitor, sacrificed the Avatar of Ice, Veras. We avatars are highly durable, usually we do not succumb to death. I am sure Volt has arrogantly told you something along the lines of 'Death is not in my dictionary."

I nodded as a response, "As well as electrocution..."

"Yes. What he says is partially true. We avatars are the ascended form of our dragon brethren. As such, a spark of divinity lies within us. However, even gods can die. Veras was the first avatar to die. Ever. His circumstances could have been avoided as well. We pledge undying fealty to you, master.

We follow and fulfil your whims and fancies. However, this was the first time in history that we have revolted. This was the first time that a Progenitor was forcefully stripped of his power by his own avatars. It caused us to scatter, waiting until you return."

After Gaia's story, the anger within me still has not subsided. I was still clenching my fist, wanting to punch something so badly. "Is this man still alive?" Gaia shrugged her shoulders.

"That is something we do not yet know," Gaia said slowly. I let go of my hate. Chances are, this man already died, it was probably a long time ago. Getting angry over it now would do me no good.

"I think that's enough for one night..." Aurora interrupted. "We have a club strategy meeting tomorrow, and we need to head back to school on Monday for your finals match. You're gonna have to put on a show, it's in front of the whole school. I even heard that the representatives from East Ourannos will be there too. " she told me, winking at the end.

I sighed and lay down on the couch I was sitting on." If you say so... But I'm sleeping here. Too lazy to go back. "I said in a defiant tone. I expected her to object or be in a violent rage. Instead, I heard he giggle and walk to her bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and closed them. Sometimes I had no idea what was going through her head, other times I can read her like a book. I felt Gaia return to the gauntlets and sleep came to me easily. I was still exhausted from saving the falcon.


I had no idea how quickly I fell asleep, all I could feel right now was light poking from a moderately sharp object. I just thought it was Aurora poking with a pen or something. The poking sensation was now getting mildly irritating.

I rolled over lazily. "5 more minutes, Aury." I pleaded. The poking stopped for awhile. However, there was no response. The poking sensation started once more. I felt it all over my right arm. "Ugh..." I groaned in annoyance. "Alright you win, Aurora, I'm-"

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was not Aurora, rather, a pair of lime green eyes and a yellow beak. My eyes went wide with surprise. I scanned the animal, it was the falcon we saved last night.

The falcon flew back onto the table next to the couch I slept on, flapping it's wings happily and closing its eyes. For a falcon, it was surprisingly animated in its expressions. It tilted its head and cooed at me. My heart melted right there and then.

I stretched out my hand and the falcon almost instantly flew to me and perched on my arm. I never had a pet before. If I knew it would be this cute, I would have gotten one years ago. I could not wipe the dumb grin off my face.

Everything about this was irresistible. The way it looked at me and tilted its head, the way it would happily flap at any action I take. The way it would jump around, carefree and without a care in the world.

I brought my arm closer to my body, bringing me face to face with the falcon. I stared into its eyes as it stared at me. The falcon cooed happily and rubbed its face to mine lovingly. This bird stole my heart over the course of 10 minutes.

The door to the room gently swung open. Aurora gingerly walked in the room with a tray of food and closed the door with her foot. She turned and looked at me on the couch and smiled brightly. "Oh good. I was about to wake you. I really didn't want to hear anymore of your '5 more minutes' bullshit." I laughed guiltily and scratched the back of my head

She placed the tray down on the table in front of me and sat beside me, admiring the falcon. The falcon continued to rub against me and coo. It also made Aurora smile. "Looks like this guys likes you," she said as she caressed the falcon's head. The falcon responded happily and rubbed against her finger. "His wing's healed as well. But it doesn't look like he wants to go anywhere."

"How did his wing heal so quickly?" I asked. As I did, the falcon jumped onto my shoulder and rubbed my face.

"Don't know…" She said, her thoughts and her voice trailing off. Suddenly, Gaia sprang forth and appeared in front of us again. I looked at Gaia with a puzzled expression. I was puzzled as to why she would appear again.

"Excuse the intrusion, master. I believe you have some questions about this animal." She said, her hands in front of her, standing gracefully and always ready. "I tapped into it's mind last night."

"I do. Why can he heal his wing so quickly?" I asked without hesitation, looking at her expectantly.

"Firstly, 'he' is actually a 'she' and she is a creature with some resident magical power. It is because of that that it was able to recuperate as quickly as it did." I was shocked. This falcon is a magical creature… I could hardly believe it. "Because you saved it, she is extremely attached to you. She has sworn never to leave your side now."

I looked back at the falcon and gaped. It seemed surreal that it would act so lovingly like this. "Well, I suppose I should think of name for it huh?" I said with a grin on my face.

"It already has a name. Her name is Ingram." I looked back at the bird on my shoulder in amazement and wonder.

"Well, Ingram can join us for the strategy meeting. We will be meeting with Playboy and Thalia for our CTF strategy." Aurora said as she rubbed Ingram's head. Gaia nodded and returned to the guantlets.

Aurora grabbed her laptop and put it on the table and made a conference call with Alistair and Thalia. Thalia answered promptly, as expected. It looked like she had been up for awhile, like Aurora was. She looked fresh and raring to go. "Good morning President." She said respectfully. Aurora sat closer to me, I could feel her skin touching main which made me hold my breath for a bit. In response to Thalia, Aurora only nodded. She still sat closer to me. I think she was trying to make sure we both could squeeze into the frame of the camera, but it was doing something else to me. I could see Thalia frowning more than normal, and I had a feeling I knew why.

"Could you call the playboy, Kale?" Aurora asked. She placed her hand on mine, which was on my lap and I flinched awhile. Before I could answer, Alistair saved me the trouble by joining the call. Unlike Thalia, it look like he just woke up. His normally groomed and combed hair looked like a bird's nest and he was half naked as well, tangled in the white bedsheets. "Bout time playboy. I hope that you aren't trying to seduce anyone…"

"Hey… Look man… You could have set the meeting a bit later you know…" he said groggily.

"Silence. Waking up earlier would do you a bit more good. The strategies we discuss here will be practiced on Monday when we come back for the match." Aurora commanded clearly and with absolute authority.

The meeting went on without a hitch. Ingram was also lovingly showing her affection for me the whole time which lightened the mood. I am happy that Ingram came into my life and I am happy that I had people I could count on.. Time to put on a show on Monday.

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