Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 42 - Highly Anticipated Battle

*3rd Person POV*

It's the 28th of August, Monday. Today was the day for the final battle between Alistair and Kaler. Even during the online classes, news about their match has sent this whole institution into an uproar. Two of the most powerful magicians in the school were about to face off in front of everyone.

Kaler, due to his formidable aptitude with lightning and thunder has been renamed many names and has grown infamous. "Lightning Incarnate", "Eye of the Storm" and "The Hand of Zeus" have been but a few of the names given to Kaler recently.

Alistair has also garnered a fair new number of fans. He was also popular due to his wealth and good-looks, but now that his impressive magic capabilities have been revealed, he ha seen given the name, "The Young Demon" in honor of his sinister powers.

However, there was to be a prelude to their long awaited battle, one that would not disappoint any who watched.

The arena was packed, the cacophony of cheers and chants of students and staff alike could cause an uproar that could be heard from space. It took the headmaster of the school to step up in order to silence the rowdy crowd. The old man in a suit raised his hand to the sky as a bright red flare ejected from his palm, exploding and blossoming in the azaure sky like a fire work.

With a loud bang and a pretty light show, just like that, the market like school grounds had attained pin drop silence. All eyes were focused on the old bearded man in a black suit. He opened his eyes, revealing a deep shade of green and lifted his head. He was standing on an elevated platform above that of the spectators of the battlefield, overlooking the entire battleground.

"Staff! Students! And all those who tune in to this glorious day! As the headmaster of the school representing West Ourannos in the upcoming Arcanothon, it is my greatest honor to welcome you all back to school on this fine day!" for a feeble old man, hsi voice was louder than the crash of lightning.

His booming vocals reached every ear in the arena and echoed off every possible surface. The students once again started to cheer and chant as the headmaster uttered his first words. With a raised hand, the arena once again fell into silence. The old man spoke once more, enthralling the student body.

"What happened over a week ago was truly a tragedy. However, we have overcame it and stand stronger because of it. Now, we have the honor of watching two of our fine young students who will represent our school in the Arcanothon duke it out, showing us their skills. But first, I must welcome the representative group of students and teachers from East Ourannos. From the honorable, East High School of Magicians, please welcome our valued guests!"

The headmaster gestured to a hallway in the stands, soon, two rows of students with streamed our with teachers at either ends. The all wore beige colored cloaks and hoods. They walked gracefully and slowly, their boots leaving a crashing sound with every step.

The audience warmly greeted them by erupting into a deafening applause and cheers. The East High students smiled and waved like dignitaries. They soon took their seats at the back of the stand, sitting down gracefully in unison. It was an impressive show of unity and power.

"As it happens, I know all of you are eager to watch the match between Mr Dakrun and Mr Rafael, however, we first have an exhibition match to allow you to feast your eyes on. Some of you may already know him, for he is the infamous Arcane Archer from East High. Let us welcome to the battlefield, Zephyr Liu. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers once more. As they did, the great double doors on on side of the arena opened with a creak.

From the dark corridor, a relatively short young man walked out with a beige cloak and hood around him. The young man walked just inches away from the centre of the arena, pulling back his cloak and revealing his jet black hair and charming smile. Despite his small stature, it was obvious that he was well built and fit, no doubt agile too.

The crowd went wild as he waved indiscriminately, girls were swooning over Zephyr. All the while, Zephy remained calm and emotionless. A smile crept on his face, one that would look inconspicuous to the uninitiated.

"It is truly an honor to have the most powerful first year magician here to grace us with his presence. This exhibition match will be between this mighty warrior, and our very own, Aurora Singford!" The headmaster announced once more. Everyone's throats must have been hoarse from the shouting, but the cheers this time were louder than ever before.

Aurora is mad popular, this reaction may have even been underwhelming by normal standards. The opposite set of double doors screeched open. The moment it did, a blizzard erupted from the chamber, encasing the whole battlefield in ice. All the onlookers looked on in awe and cheered, the ones sitting at the front could feel the frigid conditions.

Zephyr was surprised, but only smiled, concealing his shock. From the chamber, as ice and snow continued pouring out of it, two glimmering star like lights could be seen in the pitch black darkness. Everyone gasped and some even shivered in fear, feeling the cold aura thay has accumulated.

The lights grew closer and brighter, their brightness and radiance only growing more intimidating. Soon, a queen like figure stepped out into the light, a light blue aura covering her like a shield. Everyone gaped at the beauty of Aurora. She wore a blue and gold masquerade mask that covered her eyes, replacing them with a bright blue glow. The ends of her mask gave off a wing like aura of energy that looks like streamers.

She wore an elegant and detailed blouse and jacket which exposed a part of her shoulder. She wore tights and a skirt over them which had two slots for ease of movement. It was a tad excessive, but Aurora has always known that there are more ways to achieve victory than one. Intimidation was a crucial factor.

However, Zephyr was not in the least bit fazed, or at least, he appeared so, only wearing his charming smile and smiling broadly at the beautiful lady in front of him. He was courting death, but death was an old friend.

Aurora reached the centre, standing a distance away from Zephyr as they sized each other up. Both parties prepared for battle. Aurora drew her sword from her waist and pointed it at Zephyr. Zephyr on the other hand reached for something in his cloak, pulling out a black baton.

He twirled it in his hand and jerked it. With a zipping sound, the baton extended and curved and a string bound both ends. The baton transformed into a recurve bow. The air was tense and the crowd was cheering fiercely.

They both stared at each other waiting for the signal for the match to begin. "You have 5 minutes to incapacitate your opponent. No serious injuries aloud and killing would make you responsible under state law. With that..."the headmaster paused. Sweat trickled down both contestants foreheads and the crowd waited in suspense with bated breath.

" Begin! "

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