Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 43 - Ice Queen VS Arcane Archer

With the headmaster's announcement, both competitors immediately lunged backwards, putting great distance between one another. One was a spellcaster, the other and archer, it was natural they would not fight hand to hand. Aurora swung her sword, as 5 missiles of ice homed in on Zephyr. They flew at immense speed, however, Zephyr reacted just as quickly.

A stick on the back of his hand flipped around and notched itself on his bow. It looked like a simple piece of his suit, however, they were emergency arrows. Zephyr smirked at Aurora's swift attack, however, he was no slouch when it came to speed either. The arrow on his bow started to glow purple, then, a bright orange. "Arcane Flare!" he shouted and released the arrow from the bow.

The crowd gasped and cheered as the arrows transformed and merged into a bright ball of orange light, causing the ice missiles to collide with it, nullifying the first attack. The crowd went wild. This was definitely a promising battle, even the teachers were on the edge of their seats. Both fighters merely watched each other after that exchange.

Aurora was impressed by Zephyr's speed and Zephyr was almost overwhelmed at Aurora's sheer power. Both were silent, neither confident enough to speak yet. They both had the tendency o keep quiet, stoicism and silence being their ally. She did not need a chant while he did. However, he has the advantage at long range. Knowing this, he speedily notched another arrow. In a flash, the arrow became pure purple energy and gave off a humming noise. He released it and Aurora stood rooted as the arrow split into 5 mid flight.

However, Aurora swiped her left hand outwards. A cold wave emanated from the movement, freezing the 5 bolts instantly and effortlessly. She still showed no emotions on her face. Zephyr's smile on the other hand has now faded. He grit his teeth as he now realised who he was up against. Aurora was no ordinary magic user.

"Impressive, as expected of someone of your caliber. However, I still have more tricks!" Zephyr fired two arrows, splitting into 10, all flying in wild directions. Aurora once again froze them all and tapped her blade to the ground. In an instant, the ground was coated in a sheet of ice. Zephyr's eyes widened as he struggled to maintain balance. "Damn this witch! She is faster than I thought!"

Knowing that he was likely not comfortable in close combat, Aurora knew he best chance was to get up in Zephyr's face. Aurora now began her advance. She started skating on the ice, reaching Zephyr's position in almost 5 seconds, all the while swiping her blade to send projectiles of ice at him. Zephyr was now fully serious as he could not afford to lose.

"Phantom hands!" he yelled. Suddenly, his hands started to glow purple and 5 magic circles appeared in the air around him. All of them glowed purple and look like holograms. All of them held bows. As Zephyr took aim, the rest followed suit, releasing simultaneously. They were sending waves of destruction at the approaching Aurora, trying to stop her. This technique did not require the use of an arrow, merely the string of the bow.

However, Aurora dodged them all swiftly and without issue. The collided with the ground and the walls, taking chunks of them out, showing how devastating this attack could be. However, Aurora while skating was almost 3 times as fast as any normal human. She was now one metre in front of Zephyr, lunging at the boy, her blade enchanted with ice. There was no where he could run. " Got you.' She thought to herself. However...

"Blink!" Zephyr chanted. Instantly, he vanished with a purple glow, magic circles above and below him. For thee first time, Aurora was surprised. Her blade stabbed at nothing. She only hit air. She looked around to see Zephyr to her left, 5 meters away, on his knees, panting.

It was clear to her now, Zephyr was a user of the rare Arcane element. It was an element that harnesses magic and psionic energy to its fullest potential. It can simulate other elements and was even capable of other uses such as teleportation and enchanting. Zephyr was no master, but he was very strong for his age. To use a blink spell required a massive amount of magical energy, the amount of which would make almost any student faint. The fact that he is still standing, and can still fight, proves his power.

However, in his current state, Zephyr would have a hard time standing up to Aurora who was still standing, without even a sign of exhaustion. " I will admire, archer, you have impressed me. But this farce ends here." Aurora flourished her blade and brandished it skilfully.

' I won't lose yet!' He thought to himself. He grit his teeth and pulled something out from his cloak. It was a small crystal, a luminescent green one. With all his strength, he clenched his fist and shattered the crystal. Instantly, a green wave of energy washed over him. He felt energy coursing through his body, and stood up once more.

Unfazed, Aurora dashed toward him with her sword held out in front of her. Zephyr dashed back, releasing two arrows that split into 5. Another barrage of missiles was homing in on Aurora. Just like for, she waved her hand and all of them froze, clattering and shattering on the ground. She then stretched out her hand and a beam of ice was emitted, aimed right at Zephyr.

Zephyr's eyes widened seeing this the incoming attack. 'She is far more powerful than the rumours say… Looks like I have no choice…' He thought to himself. He raised his left right hand up, forming two magic circles, one under his feet, and one directly behind him. He soon leaped into the air at great heights, narrowly avoiding the oncoming attack. He looked like an acrobat as he flipped and took additional shots, all of them being easily countered.

The crowd collectively gasped as a purple tower of energy gathered at the second magic circle, and they were equally impressed when Zephyr landed gracefully on the tower, attaining the high ground. Aurora also stopped seeing this. Without hesitation, Zephyr nocked an arrow and shot it skyward. "Arcane Volley!". The audience erupted with applause and cheers as magic circles filled the sky like stars at night. Bolts of purple energy began to rain down upon the battlefield.

Aurora had to keep moving or risk being struck. Zephyr smirked seeing this. He finally has her in his hands. He drew his bow once more, and continued to bombard Aurora with purple beams. The crowd was split in two. Most were cheering for the power of the Arcane Archer. Others were worried for the student council president. Zephyr especially was enjoying himself. "You've been too cocky! Ice Queen! Witness the might of the arcane!" Zephyr confidently shouted.

Aurora kept moving, unfazed by that comment. However, Zephyr had excellent hunter instincts. Seeing Aurora's movements, he knew she could not dodge his next shot. He drew the string back with immense force. When he loosed it, a loud whooshing sound was emitted from his bow. A shot with unimaginable force flew toward Aurora. Her body could not react, the momentum of her previous dodge would carry her straight into the arrow. Zephyr knew this, and smiled. On top of his tower, he was untouchable.

"Clink!" Zephyr's smiled disappeared hearing that sound. In is mind, nothing could stop his shot. His eyes went wide as he say a chrysalis of ice wrapping around Aurora. Zephyr took a step back in utter shock. This should not be possible… "HOW?!" He yelled out angrily. His outburst of anger was followed by massive cheer from almost everyone in the arena.

The chrysalis rescinded into the ground, revealing Aurora standing inside unscathed. However, half of her mask was blown off. The one eye that was visible was cold and emotionless, like staring into an icy void. Zephyr felt a chill over his whole body looking at her. "It was you who was has been too cocky, Arcane Archer. You are not safe anywhere! Never-Ending Winter!"

Aurora removed the blade of her sword, revealing her wand concealed within. Zephyr was petrified with shock and fear. Aurora raised her wand to the sky as a vortex over took it. A snowstorm entered the battlefield. The temperature was below-zero, the sky darkened. Hail started to descend. On top of Zephyr, was a hailstone the size of 100 icicles. He managed to jump off and dodge as the hailstone crushed his tower.

The moment he landed on the ground, fortress like walls sprouted around him, blocking any movement. He felt a cold sweat run down the side of his cheek as he turned around to see Aurora with her menacing icy glow. 'I have no choice…' Zephyr thought reluctantly.

"I had to trap you, you are just and insect who is good at running away. I will crush you…" Aurora said menacingly. Zephyr felt like anyone would have been beyond terrified, however he was able to gather himself.

"You are fearsome, Ice Queen. But I am not done yet!" Zephyr said, drawing his last arrow, nocking it and taking aim. The bow and arrow started glowing a bright purple, energy was swarming around it like moths to a flame. "By the might of the arcane, by an archers true aim! May this arrow dispel you from this plane! Arcane Annihilation!" As he chanted, a holographic image of a majestic looking bow was layered over his own. It was far bigger and far more grand. The arrow was also replaced by the spectral image of one that had gathered immense energy.

Aurora saw the power in that shot. It would be capable of leaving a large crater in the wall of the arena, to a person, if not protected, they wold be disintegrated without a trace. She had to retaliate. She raised her wand as a vortex of ice and snow swirled around her like a tempest. "Land of cold and neverending winters heed my call, descend upon this world and my enemies will fall, your fate has been preordained... By eternal ice, I will freeze the blood in your veins! Niflheim!"

Both magicians were brimming with power, power capable of eradicating a small town. The audience watched on in fear and awe as a man made natural disaster was being made right in front of their eyes.. The question was no longer who would win. Rather, who will survive?

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