Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 44 - Lightning Incarnate VS The Young Demon

The arena was like a volcano on the verge of erupting. It looked like nothing could stop the incoming calamity. Almost nothing…

"Enough!" The headmaster yelled. He thrust his arm out as a deep purple wave overcame the arena. With the sound of glass shattering. All traces of magic disappeared from the battlefield, like it never existed. A nullification spell. Both Zephyr and Aurora looked up at the old man with surprise, taking a few steps back and bowing to one another respectfully.

"You fought gallantly and with grace. I am honored to be your opponent." Zephyr said, bowing his head to Aurora.

"Likewise," Aurora answered simply, bowing as well. Both of them left the way thet came, the audience roaring with approval in their applause.

The headmaster stepped up on the platform once more, raising his hand and silencing the applause. After a short pause, he spoke, "That was a fine showing from both students. Both of them have power that could rival even adults in the military. However, now is the event you have all been waiting for. The battle between Kaler Dakrun and Alistair Rafael. First, let us welcome the young man hailed as "The Young Demon". Heir of Rafael Technologies, Alistair Rafael. "

The crowd once again erupted with deafening applause. Cheers could be heard in every corner. Aurora in her seat at the top of the stands clapped for formality sake. Zephyr didn't clap, only crossing his legs in his seat and glaring at the black haired boy walking in. Alistair wore light armor which covered his more vital points. He had to holsters with knives and a sword on his back. He walked to the centre of the arena, waving to his adoring fans along the way.

When he reached the centre, he snapped his fingers, the sound reverberated around the arena. In an instant, his upper body caught fire. Screams could be heard as well as looked like a torch, a campfire being lit up. As the red fire finally died down, Alistair stood with his usual flair. A black jacket with an 'R' emblazoned on the back appeared around his body, hyping up the already hyped crowd.

"His opponent, quickly asserting himself as one of the most powerful magicians in the school, Lightning Incarnate, Kaler Dakrun!" The opposite doors creaked open, revealing the dark chamber. Everyone looked on, brimming with anticipation. They stared at the dark hallway, excited to see Kaler. However, after a few seconds, nothing happened. The crowd started murmuring and whispering, some looking at one another, deeply confused. "Kaler Dakrun? Are you here?" The headmaster called.

Seemingly in response, the sky flashed a blinding light as dark thunder clouds rolled around. The wind started to pick up and everyone had to brace themselves, lest they get blown away. It felt like a typhoon was approaching. Everyone was looking up like god himself has just arrived. Even the headmaster gaped looking at weather manipulation on such a scale. To alter the weather even the slightest bit required immense power and practice. To create full blown thunderstorms should be impossible for teenagers or even young adults. While everyone could not hold back her surprise, Aurora only smirked. It was grand, but a good show.

Thunder rumbled and crashed once more, finally a voice amount the clouds spoke. A deafening voice that sounded like then articulation of thunder and lightning itself. "Right here, headmaster,"

The loudest boom of thunder erupted after that statement. As it did, a thick bolt of lightning, bright yellow in colour descended upon the arena, causing tremors that shook the whole building. The ground was left scorched and broken due to the sheer power. The sound of the lightning echoing everywhere.

After a few seconds, it finally let up, revealing Kaler in the centre, standing nonchalantly, wearing his usual jacket and long pants. The audience was set alight at the sight. It looked as if Kaler was called down from the heavens, as expected from the Lightning Incarnate. Both opponents stood in the middle. Alistair was caught off guard by the intense rumbling, but was not surprised to know that Kaler was capable of such incredible feats.

"The battle will begin shortly! Prepare yourselves!" The arena was silent for once, the two opponents stared each other down with smiles etched across their faces.

"With what you just pulled, I'll admit, I'm impressed, and slightly scared. " Alistair admitted, drawing the sword on his back.

Kaler smiled wider. "Your trick was pretty cool too. But lets put on a good show." Kaler's fist burst to life with sparks flying off them.

"Begin!" With the announcement, Kaler lunged at Alistair, obviously not harnessing all his speed. However, Alistair was not exactly slow either. He thrusted his blade forward, and it was aimed right at his chest. It would be a crippling blow, but not for Kaler.

Kaler caught the blade with his hand, stopping it immediately. A metal ringing resonated through the open arena, the eyes of the audience collectively widened as the cameras zoomed in to Kaler holding the titanium blade, no injuries of bleeding. Alistair was taken aback, too shocked to respond. "Not bad…" Kaler remarked. "If it wasn't me, this match would have been over already. But you have no such luck…" Kaler expression grew dark.

Kaler raised his unused hand to the sky, as a bright yellow orb grew in his hand. The sky rumbled and boomed. It glowed a bright yellow, suddenly, a bolt as mighty as the one that Kaler entered with descended directly on Alistair. Seeing this, Alistair let go of his sword and lunged backwards, narrowly avoiding the shocking blast.

Alistair was already panting like he ran a marathon. His shock only grew seeing a carter where he once stood, and the ground aorund it scorched and blackened. "Dude…Are you trying to kill me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Nah! I just had confidence you could avoid it! Try avoiding this!" Suddenly, more bolts far less powerful than the previous one fell on the earth. The crackling and rumbling made it feel like an earthquake had returned to Ourannos. The bolts positions were randomised, indiscriminate. However, they fell like rain itself. There were at least 20 every second. Alistair could do nothing but run and dodge, but it gave him no chance to retaliate.

Every place that was struck was now blackened and scorched, it looked like the arena was painted black. Kaler had not moved an inch. After what felt like an eternity, the barrage finally ended, Alistair was on his knees, some of his clothing was singed and burnt, but he was relatively unharmed. He unsteadily got to his feet and almost stumbled. "Damn dude…At least gimme a chance…" He said with heavy breaths.

All of a sudden, he slammed both his hands on the ground as the ground itself looked like it was cracking and shattering. Kaler was now the one on the backfoot as he had no where to go. Alistair wore a sinister grin on his face. "Hellfire Inferno!" The ground erupted like a volcano as spouts spouts of hellfire appeared randomly. Kaler could easily avoid them at first, however, he realised that the spouts were starting to draw closer together. Before he knew it, he was boxed in by a demonic red flame.

Kaler realised what this was, it was a trap, a calculated attack to trap him in a single position. The ground rumbled and shook as the final spout of hellfire appeared under his feet, the biggest one by far. Kaler intended to conceal his Earth elemental powers until the Arcanothon to surprise his opponents. As such, he decided to take this blast at full force.

The spout erupted, consuming Kaler in an all consuming blaze. The fire was ferocious and unrelenting, from the outside, it seems that Kaler has been reduced to ash. Everyone gasped, they could not see a thing, assuming that Kaler had finally fallen. Even Alistair stopped his attack, thinking he had just killed his friend. Even Aurora leaned forward in her seat, her hands covering her mouth with a fist, a pensive expression on her face.

As the fire calmed down and the dust settled, Kaler stood proud, his clothing burned, revealing some parts of his ripped abdomen and chest. His hair still burning at the tip. His face and limbs black from the soot. Overall, he was relatively unscathed, so it seemed. "That was impressive." He said with a slight rasp to his voice. However, a smile reformed on his face once again. "I think I'll give you all a reward…"

He raised his hand to the sky and clenched his fist, producing a loud boom. However, instead of lightning crackling, the wind howled and churned. It felt like everyone and the building itself were about to get blown away. Even Alistair had trouble standing his ground. He gritted his teeth, drawing his knives and setting them on fire, rushing to Kaler with enhanced speed. However, when he went in for the stab, a mysterious force stayed his hand, the push was too strong, and was flung back several metres.

He looked fearfully at the monster that stood in the middle of the arena. The winds itself listened to him, not even touching him. Suddenly, a symbol appeared on the back of Kaler's hand. A symbol of two wings, surrounded by what seemed to be the wind. A deafening screeching sound cried out into the sky. As it did, a falcon, one that was surrounded by a green aura, rushed to Kaler, hovering just above his hand.

Alistair tried to advance once more, but the winds held him back. The falcon, Ingram, pushed him back with a flap of his wings. She even dived onto him, sending him to the wall. Alistair struggled to his feet, leaning on the wall. "What the hell is that…When did you get a familiar…what are you…" He had a million questions, the audience were all also gasping from the miraculous power in front of them, Zephyr was also silent, eyes wide open.

It was time. Kaler closed his eyes, and mumbled something so that the audience would not hear. "I Kaler Dakrun, Progenitor of Dragons, now awaken your dormant power and return you to your former glory. Ingram, Avatar of the Wind, Apex of the Skies, The Living Tempest, Serve your master once more!"

The Falcon suddenly surged with power, a bright lime green light encasing its whole body. In that casing of energy, its body morphed and mutated. In a bright flash of light, its true formed emerged. The crowd gasped and gaped at the majestic glory of the dragon flying right above Kaler, at least 10 times bigger than the bird they just saw. The dragon was slender with 3 pairs of wings, made to be aerodynamic and fast. The true queen of the skies.

Those that weren't already impressed were now speechless. Those that were in fear were now screaming for their lives.. The lime green eyes of the Avatar of the Wind see all.

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