Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 60 - Bow

I slowly inched closer to the cloaked cage, inching closer to the beast whose very presence was attracting me. I heard faint shouting in the background. "Kaler! Don't go there! That one's dangerous!" It sounded like Mr Volance.

"Stop walking right now!" Astere? Then, I felt something thin and flexible holding me back. I blankly looked down and saw vines. I turned behind to see the confident smile of Astere, and Aurora's distraught look. My heart and my head faltered. I was in a daze just now. Aurora is on the brink of tears…what am I doing?


A beastly cry from the cage cried out once more. I sharply turned to the cage once more, forgetting everyone around me. My eyes were burning, with determination and fury. I looked down at the vines holding me back. Then I spoke, but my voice was not my own, it was fierce, dominant, commanding. "These restraints will not hold me."

Everyone around me suddenly went pale out of sheer shock. "Kale please." I heard a soft voice. My body faltered once more. It was Aurora. But it was useless, the presence called to me once more. This time, I was lost in its anger, in its arrogance.

I opened my palm and brought it in front of me. Small bolts flew out and burnt the vines instantly. I heard the gasps of Astere when he saw I easily broke his restraints. With nothing stopping me because nothing can, I walked forward, gripping the cloth on the cage. With all my might, I pulled it off. What I saw inside was shocking.

I saw something that resembled that of a lizard. Its body was long, its tail, claws, teeth all were razor sharp. Its eyes were a bright yellow, its scales a dull green colour, similar to that of bushes and shrubbery. I unconsciously smiled.

"Kaler! That's a Lesser Jungle Wyrm! Get away! Even a weak dragon like this can destroy an entire town!" Travis yelled at the top of his lungs.

I stared into the dragon's eyes, unflinching, fearless. But it was bold as well, dragons are proud creatures by nature. The dragon stared defiantly into my eyes, then produced a roar that is incoherent to any who listen to it. But, I knew what it said. "Release me, pitiful human."

With that message, my mind went blank. The only thing left stirring within it, anger. Blood-curdling, boiling, powerful, rage. "What did you say, you brat? Know your place." I said with seething anger, in the same commanding voice as before.

"Bow. Bow before the king."


*Aurora's POV*

We came to inspect the animals that Travis Volance wished to sell. They were useful, as work animals and as companions for adventurers. It will surely rake in quite a sizeable profit. Suddenly, I felt Kaler's hand release mine from his grip and I felt it slinking away like a snake. I turned to him, wondering if something was wrong, but before I could ask anything, I was stunned by the image in front of me.

Kaler was staring at a cage covered with a beige cloth, far away from the other creatures. However, his eyes. They were different. They were glowing a bright golden colour, they were determined, angry. "Kale?" I asked. However, there was no reply. I tried to look at him again, but his eyes...

They were dominant, something within me was urging me to just get down on my knees and kneel. However, I resisted that urge. "Kale? What's wrong?" I asked, starting to get worried. However, it seems he did not hear a thing. He starts taking steps towards the covered cage.

Everyone around us noticed this too. "Kaler! Don't go there! That one's dangerous!" Mr Travis called. Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me, one that I did not particularly like.

"Lady Aurora, what's wrong with your friend?" Astere asked. His tone was as disrespectful as before. I saw no need to treat him any better.

"Don't know," I answered simply. However, deep beneath my austere and cold expression, was immense worry. Kaler is not himself.

"Stop walking right now!" Astere yelled. He clenched his fist and pointed it at Kaler. Soon, string-like vines erupted from his knuckles, wrapping and restraining Kaler. He flashed me his charming smile and looked at me as if wanting something from me. However, I never even looked at him, he was not worth my time. Kaler stopped moving in an instant. However, something was even more off now.

The atmosphere was heavier than it was before. I could sense overwhelming hate coming from his body. I looked at Kaler, my mouth quivering and my eyes on the verge of tears. Kaler finally turned behind, his eyes were almost completely taken over by the golden glow. They were like a golden void, one of never-ending hate.

However, I saw him turn his head in my direction, and the golden glow receded almost reactively, and his face softened, his brows no longer in a frown. My heart was palpitating, feeling like it could break out of my chest any second now.


A primal roar shook the very ground of the manor. It was unlike anything I have ever heard. No lion, tiger or even magical beast could compare to the sheer might of this beast's call. It was one of complete dominance, power. It came from the very cage Kaler was walking to.

As quickly as the golden glow subsided, his eyes were engulfed once more. This time, there was no turning back. I could see it. He faced forward once more. "These restraints will not hold me." a bone-chilling and dominant voice said. It came from Kaler. However, it was most certainly not him.

Everyone around me went white with fear. I could see their faces, they did not know what was happening. I'm surprised they haven't already run. Kaler brought his hand up. In a bright flash of light, the vines were burnt to cinders. The already scared Astere, no gasped in full petrification.

I was scared as well, but I wasn't scared of Kaler, I was scared for him. I had to try getting through to him, one last time. "Kale. Please." I said with every ounce of desperation in my body, almost crumbling.

Kaler slowed his pace. I thought that it worked, however, it didn't. Another roar was heard, and Kaler moved forward once more, ripping off the cloth on the cage.

My eyes flew open seeing what was in front of me. A Lesser Jungle Wyrm. They were small dragons that resided in jungles, although extremely rare. It was known for its quick speed, lack of wings, predatory instincts and acid breath. That's what has been calling to him. A dragon.

"Kaler! That's a Lesser Jungle Wyrm! Get away! Even a weak dragon like this can destroy an entire town!" Mr Travis cried out in one last desperate attempt. However, it was no use.

I heard the dragon snort. Something deep within me stirred. It felt foreign, it felt like anger. Though the reason was unknown.

I felt Kaler get even angrier when he heard the dragon. I could only infer he understood what it meant. "What did you say, you brat? Know your place." He said in the same tone as before.

"What is he doing?! No one can tame a dragon!" Astere yelled. Then, I felt a hand grab my own. Every inch of shock and fear was suddenly erased, feeling this foreign grasp on my hand. It was Astere. Pitiful. "Aurora, we must leave. Your friend has gone insane." I looked at him with contempt and pulled my hand away immediately.

If we weren't in the middle of an already dangerous situation, I would have frozen him solid. His face was one of shock. 'Have you never got rejected before?' was my only thought.


The dragon's roar brought me back to the spectacle before me. The dragon roared in fury once more, seemingly unhappy with Kaler's words. However, Kaler himself was unshaken. He raised his hand. "Bow. Bow before the king."

Those words. The authority. The power. Suddenly, a bright golden glow emanated from Kaler's entire body. We all had to cover our eyes as golden light erupted in al directions and the wind threatened to knock us off our feet. When it finally subsided, I could barely recognise the man in front of me

Everything about him was the same, however, he looked much more majestic, like a real king. Everyone else was paralyzed in shock as well by this transformation.

Kaler's hair was now flowing backwards, shining golden at the tips. There were horns on his head, almost holographic, they were similar to that of a dragon. His arms were scaly, bulky, and the gauntlets suddenly materialised on them. Finally, his back had sprouted wings. Wings large enough to engulf him and several other people inside them. However, the real cherry on top was the crown hovering above his head. It was holographic like the rest of his appearance, but it conveyed that he was the true king.

I realised what he turned into. He turned into a Dragonborn.. A half-human, half-dragon.

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