Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 61 - Bow (2)

The same dragon that was roaring ferociously before, suddenly became meek and docile. It's eyes shrank along with its whole body, retreating into the safety of the cage. We all could not believe our eyes. It is near impossible to tame a dragon, much less control one to become fully submissive.

Kaler's hand was projecting a symbol, a symbol of a crown with large wings. The crest of the crown was moulded in the shape of a dragon's head.

The jungle wyrm that was threatening to rip us limb from limb now looked more like a domesticated puppy. It was whimpering, cowering in the shadows.

Kaler had a large smirk on his face. "Yes. Good that you know your place. The king has reawakened, reborn, stronger." every word that came out of his mouth sent shivers down my spine.

His eyes still bore the same golden glow. The dragon in the cage was now bowing before him. Everyone was speechless, Kaler had just done what should be impossible, taming a dragon.

All of sudden, the air grew heavier, heavier than it already was. Kaler's wings folded on themselves and eventually disappeared, however, his horns, crown and scaly claw like hands were still present, in fact, they seemed to be glowing brighter than before.

He menacingly turned to us, sinister grin plastered onto his face. We all went pale with fear. However, his gaze was fixed on one of us. Even with the absence of pupils, it was obvious his deathly glare was being thrown at Astere.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see that confident punk shrinking, slowly stepping back, shivering like the coward he is. Perhaps I am overreacting because he tried to hold my hand, but I never liked him the moment he was disrespectful to Kaler.

No one will insult my beloved in my presence, they will get what they deserve. "Perhaps if you toned down your pompous attitude, I would have looked the other way. However, you thought you could hold me. Time to prove you wrong." He grin grew into that of madman's showing his perfect pearly white teeth.

I saw Travis now frantically looking between Kaler and his son. He could clearly tell that he was in danger. "Dragon's are proud creatures, and we are united. Harm one, you harm us all. " Kaler pointed to Astere.


A thunderous metallic bang could be heard right behind Kaler. Unknowingly, a small smile crept its way onto my lips. The cage was obviously strong, it was made to contain that dragon and has succeeded in that function. However, the dragon placed its claws on the bars and, to our surprise, without any effort, it bent the bars, forming a hole for it to crawl through.


It bellowed into the sky, coming to stop right beside Kaler, who started petting it like a dog. The dragon even seemed to be enjoying it.

"Son! Please stop it!" Jackson yelled in desperation, on the verge of tears. Kaler glanced at him, but it seemed to have no effect.

"No father. Those who insult us shall pay. Those who dare to even touch my beloved, must be executed, with extreme prejudice." His eyes glowed an intense golden shade, almost like a bulb of a flashlight. Everyone was frightened by the sight of Kaler. However, I couldn't help but be ecstatic hearing how protective he was of me. Strange given the situation, but I still couldn't help but be overjoyed. He truly cherishes me.

Kaler pointed to Astere once more. The dragon growled, then, its mouth gaped open. A torrent of bright green acid jetted out of it like a laser. Astere's eyes went wide with shock, but he was no novice in combat. He dodged in the nick of time, rolling on the ground several meters to the left of where he was initially.

"Oh? The rat is fast?" Kaler mocked. Astere's face was now glistening with sweat. That one dodge had seemed to drain a lot of his energy. I looked at the wall of the manor where the acid hit, there was now a large hole in the side, it melted right through.

"Astere! Pin it down like we did last time! Do not hurt the boy!" Travis ordered. However, I saw Kaler's face twitch.

"Who are you calling 'boy' old man? Do you wish to perish along with your son?" Kaler asked sinisterly. I frowned at that statement. Kaler has always been proud, and hated losing, but this…He is not homicidal. Something was off.

"Kaler! Snap out of it. We are not your enemies." Travis tried to reason. But Kaler only laughed out loud.

"HAHAHA! SCARED?!" Without warning, the jungle drake lunged at Travis, its claws extended and it fangs bared. It moved at blinding speed, a true predator. Travis gritted his teeth, and suddenly, his body grew taller, his hair grew out in every place possible. His eyes narrowed and his mouth elongated. In just a few seconds, Travis had shapeshifted into a bear. A towering, black bear.

He took a wrestling stance and managed to stop the dragon in its tracks. I could see the his muscles even in his bear form and his teeth clenching. "NOW!" He yelled to Astere in a far more guttural voice.

Astere's hands started to glow a vibrant green and he slammed them down onto the ground. "Drown in nature's grasp! Overgrow!" He chanted out loud. Thick vines erupted from the concrete below. They were much thicker than the pathetic strings he used before. These were about as thick as metal beams.

Surprisingly, both of them were rather strong. Travis being able to rival the strength of dragon, even a weak one is a monumental achievement. Travis being able to pin it down even for a second was also also very impressive. In fact, the dragon, between both of them has been completely subdued. It was completely cocooned by the thick vines and was being pressed down by Travis.

"Impressive." They both turned to Kaler in annoyance.

"Stop this boy! It's over!" Travis yelled furiously.

"HAHAHAHA!" Kaler started to laugh manically once more. "You think I'm done? You will not be let off this easy. You are making my fellow dragon suffer, you will die." His grin grew wider. "Learn, bow before the king!"

Kaler slowly lifted his palm to the dragon, the dragon king symbol reappearing once more, shining brilliantly. "Ascend. Evolve." He said with a cold edge.

The incarcerated dragon started to glow a bright golden colour. *ROAR!* An earth shattering roar was heard from the dragon, far more powerful than the roars it made prior. Both Stere and Travis has to cover their ears.

Suddenly, the cracking and snapping of vines could be heard. The father and son duo started to retreat when they saw that the vines holding the dragon began to tear and shred like paper. The Dragons entire body started to grow. It's limbs grew more scales, even sharp ones in the shape of armour plates. It's claws and teeth became sharper. However, its most shocking features, its tail began to glow spikes and a pair of large green wings sprouted on its back.

"How…" I heard Travis mutter. The vines fully snapped from it's evolution, allowing it stand and show its majesty. "Draconic evolution… impossible… "

"Isn't that only theoretically possible!?" Astere looked like he was ready to turn tail and run at any second.


Kaler calmly walked up to his creation and petted the underside of its head with a satisfied smile. "Good. Revel in the power. Now, jungle wyvern, exact due justice. " He said as he pointed at the cowering Volances.

"Yes, My king.." The dragon spoke.

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