Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 62 - The Dragon King (1)

*Third person POV*

In the backyard of the Volance manor, where there was a tent set up with various creatures in cages waiting to be sold to their new owners, every single one, even the most ferocious ones were cowering in the corner.

They sense the presence of the apex predator right outside. Their instinct is to run, lest they die a painful death.

The outside was in utter discord. The beautiful, rustic Volance mansion had holes peppered all over it from the sprays of acid.

Two of its owners, the father and son do of Travis and Astere were on their knees, helplessly looking at the Venomous Wyvern in front of them. Both of them were already panting from overexertion.

Aurora and Kaler's father was watching from afar. "What is happening... What is wrong with my son?" Jackson was in shambles. He could not comprehend anything he was seeing. He always knew his son to be kind-hearted, gentle, not a homicidal maniac.

Aurora didn't reply, her expression cold yet determined. "Father, we should leave, you too dad," she said to both fathers.

"OK. Please make sure he is -" Jackson stopped mid-sentence. "Wait... Father?" he just realised.

Before he could seek further clarification, Aurora grabbed both of their arms and dragged them into the house.

The battle had come to a standstill outside. The father and son duo were in utter disbelief. Draconic evolution is only something that is theoretically possible. A dragon, theoretically, can evolve into a high form. Wyrms is a weaker dragon form, whilst a wyvern was a middle-tier dragon, at least, that is what is believed. While extremely rare, researchers say it might be possible for a dragon to ascend should it be pushed to its limit. However, no one has actually seen it happen.

Kaler not only took complete dominance of the most powerful species of magical beasts but also made it stronger. It was also sentient enough to form sentences. "Be on your guard," Travis warned. We can still pin it down. We just need to be careful.

Astere nodded his head, then a ball of light began to form in his palm. "Ready, father. Flashpoint!" The light dispersed in all directions, blinding any who looked at it. Kaler was forced to cover his own eyes, and the Jungle wyvern too was momentarily blinded. As their vision returned to them, both Travis and Astere had disappeared without a trace.

"Good. They are not out of it yet," Kaler thought with a smile. He could detect movement in his vicinity, however, his eyes were deceiving him.

For Astere however, wherever, he went, Kaler's eyes seemed to follow him. "Tch. How does he know..." He cursed. He tried to slowly sneak left, but Kaler's eyes seemed to follow him like a haunted painting.

From the trees behind him, Travis leapt out of the jungle and pounced onto the dragon. He assumed the form of a white tiger. The jungle wyvern was momentarily surprised, but with a primal roar, he shook off Travis like he was some pest.

Travis regained his footing, roaring back, still in his Tiger form. A green aura surrounded his whole body, with it he pounced once more, with greater strength and speed than before. The jungle wyvern started to slash with its claws, nearly hitting Travis every time, however, in his tiger form, he was much too agile.

Its acid sprays were also being expertly dodged. Both were unable to get significant damage on one another. However, that wasn't their goal. Kaler was smiling in satisfaction at the battle in front of him. He was no longer looking at Astere. Seeing this opportunity, Astere unsheathed his knife, igniting with a red light along its blade.

"Now or never," he mumbled. As expected of the hunter, he seized the surprise attack. He threw a binding rope at Kaler, then jumped into the air, bringing his blade down in a wide slashing motion. However, he flinched when he saw the smirk on Kaler's face.


The blade hit its mark, Kaler's chest. However, there was no effect. Astere's eyes widened in terror. He couldn't believe it. The knife had no effect... He slowly looked up to see the lifeless eyes of the boy he thought was below him, his smile enough to give one nightmares for a week.

Kaler grabbed the blade of the knife, bending, and snapping it. Astere gasped in total fear. He knew no other emotion. Kaler tossed the blade he broke to the side, glaring at Astere with murderous intent. "I must admit, for an insect, you are actually rather impressive," Kaler said spitefully.

"Damn you!" Astere shouted. His body began to fade, eventually looking as if he disappeared from existence. Kaler smiled and looked at where he stood before. Suddenly, he thrust his arm to the right as a torrent of fire jetted from his palm.

The blaze hit Astere directly. "AHHHH!" He screamed in pain. The flames engulfed his whole body, setting his nerves on fire as he crumpled to his knees. Kaler picked him off the ground telekinetically and threw him towards the tent. Astere laid there, unmoving, alive, but for how long.

Kaler, seeing that the fight between his dragon and Travis was still ongoing, decided that he was done playing. He strode forward confidently. Travis saw this coming, retreating immediately. However, there was nowhere for him to run.

Kaler reached his back. "Evanesca, to me." He said. Flames gathered at his back, compressing and moulding itself into the form of a sword. Kaler unsheathed the flaming sword, producing a 'Fush' sound as he swung it around.

The sword seemed to have no physical form, only being held together by a bright golden flame. Its features were distorted, the only obvious feature was that the crossguard appeared to take the shape of wings.

Travis gulped nervously seeing the weapon, he felt a cold feeling creeping up his body. Terror. Travis steeled himself, knowing he needs to attack first.

He bared his fangs and claws, pouncing onto Kaler with impressive speed. However, to Kaler, it was practically slow motion.

Kaler flourished his sword like it was second nature to him. With a sly grin, a wall of fire erupted from The ground, dividing the two combatants. Travis was caught off guard, and could not change the direction of his lunge, plunging headfirst into the bright orange flames and bracing himself.

When he made it out, his boat was covered in scorching flames. However, it was not a situation new to him. He quickly shifted back to his human form and rolled to put out the fire.

However, when he looked around, Kaler was nowhere to be seen. "look behind you, old man." Travis grit his teeth, mutating his hand into a claw and slashing behind him.


He felt the contact, however, he felt no flesh. H looked up to see Kaler smiling maniacally. He quickly tried to slash again, but it was countered swiftly by Kaler, using a fire infused punch to blast him to where his son lay.

"Ugh!" Travis grunted as he tumbled from the force of the punch. He tried to stand, but his body Wa fighting him. He was tapped, exhausted, unable to move.

The ground shook and a thud was heard. Travis readjusted to see a man and a dragon both, gazing at him with a deathly glare. It was the look of a mad man, someone who should never be crossed. He grimaced, and takes one final look at his precious son, lying unconscious beside him.

"I'm sorry," Travis mutters under his breath. These are his final moments, his time has come. To think he would be killed by the boy he thought was nothing. To think he could turn out to be such a monster...

"When you arrive in hell, tell the devil I said hi." The chilling voice of Kaler permeated the solemn silence, accompanied by the blazing flames of his sword. Travis looked up at the man one last time. "Goodbye." Closing his eyes as Kaler said his farewells to him.


Travis expected to open his eyes and see an endless abyss. However, fate had other plans. He slowly opened his eyes, to see a clear, sky blue wall was erected right in front of him. He gasped with surprise. He was alive! But what happened?

He peered on the other side of the wall and saw two figures, one on their knees, the other standing proudly, using all their might to suppress the last minute defender. His eyes widened to see a girl with light blue hair struggling with the force of Kaler's blow.

"Aurora..." He muttered. However, Aurora paid him no mind, instead, focusing on not getting burnt to a crisp.

Kaler on the other hand smiled and tilted his head. "Oh? You are going against me now?" He asked sinisterly. He pushed a little harder as Aurora struggled to keep up. Her rapier starting to bend.

"I... was... never with you." She said with great effort. Then, she made a wall about knee height between them and pushed it to Kaler. Kaler, being too focused on the clashing swords, was shoved 10 metres backwards, sliding on the ground to stop the force. He looked back at Aurora, his expression now serious. Seriously deadly.

"I will always stand by Kaler." She said proudly, then she pointed her sword straight at him. "You. You are not Kaler, your majesty."

With those last words, a wide grin formed on Kaler's face, one that could split his face in half.. Then, his hand, wings, crown, and horns, started to change from gold to a fiery red.

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