Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 7 - Reawakening

My hand slowly creeped to the barrier. Everything in my mind was telling me no. To pull back, that it was not safe at all. However, i was not in control. When i touched the red electrical bubble, fingertips pressed on it, i felt a surge of pain run through my body. The feeling was like being doused in fire. My knees buckled as i nearly collapsed form the pain. However, it did not stop, my hand was still firmly planted on the shield.

I tried pulling back, but i was still not in control. "AHHHHHH!" I yelled in absolute agony as the agonising pain surged through my body. It was unbearable, i felt my energy leaving me. My eyes were about to close. All of a sudden, the pendant my dad gave me flew out of my shirt, It was glowing, brighter than a thousand suns. That was the glowing object. It flew toward the barrier, colliding with it and breaking it. The barrier shattered like glass as fragments of it flew into me. Then, the pain stopped. My screams ended.

I felt stronger, much, much stronger. I was on my knees from the pain. When I looked up at the pedestal, the gauntlets were now floating. If they had eyes, they would have been looking at me. I outstretched my hand and the gauntlets flew to me, perfectly slotting themselves into my hands.

The instant i equipped them I felt a surge inside me, like a tsunami about to destroy a continent. It did not feel destructive though, it felt, good. I opened my eyes, and saw the golden gauntlets now firmly on my hands. The transparent crystals were glowing a faint yellow. What just happened? These are mine now? I'm the Progenitor of Dragons?

"So, the king has finally returned." The same voice goading me on before spoke once more. It was much loader and clearer this time. I felt something stirring within me. I looked down at the gauntlets as the transparent crystals were now completely yellow in colour and shining brilliantly. Soon, i felt something rush out of my body. It did not feel painful. But it was unfamiliar. Like all my blood rushing out of my hands.

"They are yours, my lord. They wont be going anywhere, don't need to stare at them." The voice said again. This time it wasn't in my head, it was from behind me. I quickly turned behind and was stunned silent. Behind me was an adult man with yellow and blue hair with bright blue eyes. He wore a casual attire, jeans at shirt and a chain. He was wearing a pair of running shoes as well.

"Who are you?" I asked, prepping to shock him. Seeing my defensive posture, he pulled back and kneeled down. I was stunned once more.

"Forgive me for startling you my lord." He said, looking up at me. " Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Volt. I am an elemental dragon. More specifically, the avatar of electricity." He explained while still kneeling down.

"Where did you come from?" I asked, my throat still dry from the screaming and adrenaline.

"My lord, i have always been beside you. All these years, i was simply dormant, waiting for you to realise who you are." I was confused. Him? Inside me? Why was he kneeling?

" You can stand, Volt. How is it even possible that you are inside me? And why are you calling me 'my lord' . I'm no lord or king." I said, somewhat unamused. At the same time, I was very curious.

" I see, you muse have been unaware of your role. That is fine." He said, standing at full height. He put his hand on hip, assuming a casual position. " Your role as the progenitor of dragons is one of the most important. You are to be the ruler of all dragons. A king. In order do that, you will gather all the elemental avatars such as myself to assume full power of every aspect of this world. The deeds you do, benevolent or devious will be up to you. My brethren and I only give our advice. We will always pledge our undying reality to you." He said, bowing to me.

I was overwhelmed. So now, i am a ruler. A king? I was a nobody just a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry Volt, you'll have to explain this to me at another time. It's too much right now." Then a realisation hit me at that moment. My phone was suddenly appeared in my hand, something i did not have time to question. Turning it on, my eyes widened at the time. "9:15pm" I was beyond late.

"Volt! How do i get out of here." I asked in desperation

"My lord, one can only leave the cave of origin if one uses the power of his avatars." He said brazenly. " Let your mind relax and the words will come naturally."

I had no idea what he was going on about, but i did as he said. I calmed down, focusing my mind and letting the energy in me take over my body. Without command, my mouth uttered, " I, Kaler Dakrun, Heir of the Dragon's Blood, implore you to bestow me your power. Rise once more, Volt! Avatar of Electricity!" I said the chant without thinking, which surprised me. I opened my eyes to bolts of lightning gathering around me, engulfing me and volt.

With a flash and a shockwave, there was a strong gust of wind that nearly knocked me off my feet. Where Volt once stood was a wyvern, bright yellow with blue accents. It's pupils in the shape of a cross. It had two pairs of wings and was the size of a house. My jaw was on the ground as the dragon stared at me. It was menacing, and had an electrifying aura. In any other scenario, i would have froze and seized up from utter fear. But when I looked at it, I felt safe.

"I thank you for reawakening me my lord.. Come master, we leave at once."

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