Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 8 - The Power Belongs To Me?

My eyes still could not believe what they were seeing. A dragon. A real, powerful dragon, waiting for my orders, at my beck and call. I stepped slowly and cautiously towards it. It was majestic. This sight, i thought it only existed in movies. But this is something else entirely. I reached out my hand instinctually, I wanted to touch it. To feel if it was real, and just to feel it.

Volt saw my hand, slowly reaching out to him. He seemed to smile as best he can in his dragon form, slowly extending his head, allowing my hand to touch it. It was surreal. He is real. A genuine dragon is standing obediently in front of me. I felt warm when i touched him. I felt complete.

"My lord. I am sure you have questions, but for now, we must leave." Volt said patiently. His mouth did not move. However, his voice was still the same as before. I snapped out of my trance, shaking my head violently, then nodded at him. Volt lowered his body to the ground and allowed me to climb on. I was still trying to take in everything as i climbed on top of this, sitting on his massive back.

Once i was on, he stood back up. I had never rode a horse before, to have the first animal i ride be a dragon Is unbelievable. "Hang on tight my lord." Volt warned. I did as i was told and held on to one of the many spikes on his back. When he saw i had braced myself, he let out a deafening roar that could shatter eardrums and break glass. Soon after, yellow energy gathered in his open mouth. Sparks and traces of lightning leaked out of it, till eventually it erupted into a full beam of yellow lightning. He aimed at the ceiling and it broke in an instant. Rocks fell into the moat around us.

I was once again in awe. That thunder strike was infinitely more powerful than anything i have done before. His power… it was godly. Why would a being this strong be in servitude to me? After the cave opened up, my vision blurred as i felt Volt vibrate violently. I looked at my hand as it started turning into yellow energy, as did Volt. My eyes widened, what could possibly be happening now?

In a flash, i heard the sound of deafening thunder and lightning. In an instant our bodies turned to lightning as i felt my slef moving upwards and impeccable speeds. I blinked, and now, we were among the clouds. My jaw slacked as i looked around. We were among the clouds. Less then a second ago, we were in the so called "Cave of Origin". Now, we were sky high, i felt high on euphoria as well. I have been on planes before. However, this was something else. The lights from homes, skyscrapers were dotted all thoughout the city. It was mesmerising.

After a minute of admiring the scenery on the back of a dragon, we started descending at incraedbile speeds. The wind blowing in my hair was refreshing and I could not erase the grin from my face. As we got closer to my apartment building, a realisation hit me. " Volt, won't people see us?"

"Master, we are too fast for humans to see, as far as their concerned, we are just some random bolt of lightning. On that note, only allow those you trust to know who you truly are. It would be best if no one knew. I will always be with you, and you may summon me at anytime. However, if you do not wish for me to see or say anything, i will oblige." He explained further. My head was swirling, I didn't reply, only nodding. "Jump my lord, we have arrived."

I snapped to my sense. Jump? I looked ahead and saw the corridor that leads to my apartment. I panicked internally, are we gonna crash? Suddenly, time seemed to stop moving. Instinctually, i jumped off from Volt, who has no disappeared. Surprisingly, i landed on the corridor without any problems. As everything went back to normal, i stood rooted, dumbfounded. Looking around, i noticed a trail of lightning bolts, forming a trail form where i jumped.

"Volt! Can you hear me? What the hell just happened?" I asked in absolute confusion as to how i could jump as if i were flying.

"Having relaeased my power, and making me your familiar, you have gained total control of electricity, thunder and lightning. As a result, one of the side effects is enhanced speed." Volt answered telepathically. He seemed to not be around.

I sighed. So, life just got a little more complicated than before. I refocused, Aurora was probably here already, and my parents would be worried to death. I willed the gauntlets to disappear, and so they did.

When i got to the door, before I rang the bell, i heard screaming, shouting and crying on the inside. It was 917pm, we really only took two minute to get here. I could hear my mom crying and Aurora was talking on the phone. I could hear my dad's faint footsteps, pacing back and forth. This broke my heart, i need to stop it. I swiftly pressed the door bell.

It did not take long for the door to be flung open. The first thing I saw was my mother's tear stained face, she was broken beyond words. My dad was standing right behind her, holding her hand and clutching his chest with his other hand. They were so worried, i did it to them. "Sorry…" I uttered, trying to choke back tears. Upon hearing my voice, they flung themselves on to me, squeezing me as if to check if i was real.

Past them, I saw Aurora in the living room. She was standing gracefully in a sky blue dress which reached her ankles. She looked maejectic, dignified, and just…perfect. However, her melancholic face broke me. I smiled apologetically at her and she smiled back. She slowly approached my parents and I, holding their backs.

"Sir. Ma'am. I think it is better if Kaler rests for today. I will come back another day for the celebration." Aurora grabbed my hand and dragged me away after announcing that. I let her drag me away, but it felt as though she was not as strong as before. I could have easily stopped her if i wanted to.

She quickly dragged me into my room and slammed the door behind me, leaning on it for a few seconds. The air was intense and heavy, I did not dare move a muscle. Eventually, she turned back to me with a serious expression.. We stared for a few seconds, the silence was killing me, but i said nothing, fearing for my life. Finally she uttered in a serious and dangerous voice, "What happened?"

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