Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 74 - Normal Life (3)

"B-But… Sweetheart you ca-" Mr Singford tried to protest but was promptly interrupted. 

"No, Dad. YOU can't. You aren't coming with us. I wanna spend some alone time with him." She said, hugging my arm much more possessively. I was at a loss for words. Firstly, I would love to spend more time with Aurora, living alone with her sounds kinda weird but fun at the same time. Secondly, I feel bad for Mr Singford. He's trying so hard to protest, a normal parent would of course, but at the same time, there was no way he is winning against Aurora…

Thirdly, why isn't my dad saying anything?! He's just kinda standing there behind my mom… scratching his head… he looks lost honestly. Speaking of mom… Both of our moms are looking at us with a teasing smile, which honestly is putting me on edge more than normal…

"If you wanna help, Dad, get your people to bring us back and help us move in." Aurora said, almost as a command. She was kinda scary… I think even her father was frightened, he flinched a little and eventually sighed deeply. 

"*Sigh* Alright… fine, pack your things. I'll call them."

"Thank you dad," Aurora finally smiled, letting go of my arm and tightly hugging her father. I could have sworn she was also giving one smug ass smile as she was doing so. Her father smiled bitterly as well, returning the hug. 


Remembering that interaction is still quite frightening. It seemed as though Aurora was the one holding all the power in the family. Her father backed down rather easily if I did have to say. It was the next day, we spent most of the morning and afternoon travelling back to Aurora's house in Ourannos and moving in. 

When I went to dump my stuff in the guest room I always use, just before I could open the door, "*AHEM!*"

I heard the sound of Aurora clear her throat. It was a lot louder than I was expecting. I jumped a little and turned to see her staring at me with her hands on her hips, looking at me with a piercing glare. "What's up?" I asked.

Wordlessly, she points her finger at the door she was standing next to. I slowly scanned the door and started feeling sweat drip down my face. The door had a sticker that was labelled "Aurora". 

I gulped and nervously chuckled. I realised that while I have woken up with her twice now, I have never actually fallen asleep while she was beside me… sleepovers when we were younger obviously don't count…

"You know Aury… I don't think your Dad would approve of-" 

"He's not here." 

"Um…what?" She said her sentence so quickly and sharply, I almost didn't catch it. 

"He's not here to get in our way. Plus, you are in my house, you play by my rules," She said while raising her eyebrow. "And my rule is, that my boyfriend, sleeps with me." She said, her tone obviously indicating no room for argument. 

My eyes darted around, looking for a way out, but obviously, there wasn't one. I sipped some air, then slowly exhaled. I nodded my head in defeat. "Alright, you win."

I walked forward till I was in front of her door, then slowly pushed it open. I was greeted by frigid, goosebumps-inducing air. It felt like I just entered a walk in freezer. I could even see puffs of mist swirling out from the open door. When my body adjusted, I realised that her room hasn't changed much. It almost looks the same from when we were kids.

Except now, her study materials were nicely arranged in cupboards, she had a whole beauty section in the corner of the room, and, "When did you get such a big bed…" I said, slightly in awe at the king sized bed in front of me. 

"Just. I got one of my dad's people to get me a new one." She said nonchalantly, strolling over to the aforementioned bed. 


'"What happened to your old one?" I asked, walking around her spacious room, still admiring everything. 

"Nothing. I just felt like it, and also cuz I know I'm gonna be sharing this bed with some one else." She said teasingly. Her smile reflecting her mood exactly. I felt my body seize up as I saw her mischievous smile while she was lying on the massive bed. My mind was blank, my body was as useful as a fork in soup.

"You can put your stuff in the closet next to mine." She said suddenly. I realised that I was staring too long and finally shook myself awake. I whipped around and saw to closets, one was white with blue accents, the other, black with gold accents. The black one was mine. 

"T-Thanks." I stammered out. As I walked over, I steadily breathed in and out to regain my composure. I opened the massive closet door and saw that the amount of space in here was basically triple that of an average closet… I'm a dude! We don't have that many clothes!

"While you are unpacking, I'm gonna head downstairs, they should be done about now. I'm also gonna check the fridge." She said, hopping off the bed. 

"Alright, sure." I said without looking at her, scared that I might freeze up again. I heard the muffled steps of her slippers on the wooden floor, followed by the soft closing of the door. 

When she left the room, I let out a massive sigh. If she was here any longer, I might just die from my incessant heartbeats! Honestly, why is this even happening? I am already in a relationship with her, yet her very presence still makes me feel like I'm running a marathon! Is that a good thing? I suppose so? 

I was done putting away my clothes in less than 10 minutes, considering I only brought a few pairs to the island. However, I spent another 5 minutes mentally preparing myself so that I wouldn't break down seeing Aurora again. 


When I eventually went downstairs, I realised that there were no more people walking around and that there are no more vehicles parked outside. Guess the people helping us had finished their duties. I strolled into the massive, modern looking kitchen and saw that the massive fridge was open. The damn thing had two doors, and looked like it was just a wardrobe, built into the wall. 

I saw Aurora bent over, which um, gave me a better view that I was hoping for. Bluntly put, her ass and underwear were visible, a little too stimulating for an 18 year old. I shook my head violently. 'Damn it! I told myself I wasn't gonna do this again. Just calm down!'

"Something wrong Kale?" I heard Aurora's voice call out to me. I saw her peaking over her shoulder slightly. 

"Oh! Uh…Nothing! I was just wondering were all the people had gone." I lied. I heard her chuckle, guess she knows I was lying…

"They left about a minute ago." She played along, closing the fridge doors. "We're out of a lotta stuff. I was planning on making fried rice for us tonight, we should go get the ingredients…" She mumbled. 

As she was walking out of the kitchen, I couldn't help but be mesmerised by how talented and beautiful she was…I guess god does have favourites. "You can cook?" I asked in disbelief. 

She stopped in her trail and looked at me with a tight smile. "You know, it actually kinda hurts that you think I can't."

I realised that I might have hurt her a little. "Sorry… I didn't mean it that way…" I said uneasily. 

"It's alright. My mom taught me, I just never got the chance to show you." She said with a smile. "C'mon, lets go before it gets too late." She said, strolling out.

I took one scan at her, she was wearing her usual attire when she is at home, short shorts and an oversized t-shirt, probably one of mine actually. For some reason, I felt extremely uneasy. "You aren't… going out in that…are you?" I asked hesitantly. 

She stopped dead in her tracks, suddenly turning back to me and flashing a teasing smile. I gulped the lump in my throat, her graceful movements and her playful smile is a bit too much for me to handle… 

"So what if I was? Some girls do go out like this you know…" She said playfully. I felt something in my head pop. Just thinking that Aurora would go out in something so casual, thinking of people looking at her lecherously…

"No! People can't even see that you're wearing shorts!" I blurted out angrily. In response, I heard light giggling. 

"Hehe, wow, so conscientious…its alright, I was planning to change anyway." She said, strolling upstairs. I was left bewildered at my own actions, her soft footsteps on the wooden floor echoing in the background. I blinked a few times in confusion, silently beating myself up as well. 

'Did I really just do that???' I thought to myself. Wow. I need a take a chill pill. Not long after, I heard Aurora call out to me again. 

"Hey hey, Kale! You good?" She asked. I jolted to my senses to see her standing at the front door. She was wearing a simple blue t-shirt and white skirt, and she still looked more beautiful than any model in this world. 

"Uh yeah… Fine…" I said in reply hastily. She eyed me for a bit, then did a small twirl, which puffed up the edges of her skirt, making her look even more elegant than before. 

"How do I look?" She asked with a bright smile. I couldn't help but smile. She was beautiful, and youthful looking, much better than the constantly cold and serious girl most people are accustomed to.

"Stunning, and its good to see you are acting your age," I said with a smile. That comment seemed to catch her off guard as her smile disappeared, replaced by a small 'O' shape. 

"What do you mean? I always act my age! I'm 17, almost 18, which means I am almost an adult." She said seriously. 

"Almost…not yet." I winked playfully at the end to lighten any potential tension. 

She was speechless for a couple of seconds, which was honestly great to see. "Urgh. Whatever. C'mon lets go." She said quickly. 

She shoved open the door, as I followed her swiftly, closing and locking the door behind me. Before we even started walking, she grabbed my hand, and we started walking the whole way hand in hand. I could get used to the feeling of having her cling to me…

The supermarket was about a 10 minute walk away from where we stayed. Every junction and traffic light we passed where we passed other pedestrians, I could here them whispering about us. I felt slightly uncomfortable when strangers started talking about me for, but when I remembered who I was with, all the anxiety melted away.

We entered the nearby supermarket, which seemed to still be crazy packed, even at 7pm.  We looked around for the things we required, mostly Aurora did, and I kinda just followed her like a little dog. I thought that this would be a present little trip to the supermarket, what could possibly go wrong?

Turns out, when you and your familiars can sense the mal-intent of those around you, many things can go wrong, rather quickly.

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