Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 75 - Common Thugs (1)

To be honest, I've never really been a fan of shopping. Or going out in general…

My room is the best place to be. However, with Aurora, I found the experience a lot less dreadful. From the moment we walked into the air conditioned sardine can of a building, Aurora swiftly snatched a basket from the stack out front and dragged me along. "Alright, first thing we need, eggs. Lot's of 'em. " She said matter of factly.

"How many we talkin?" I tried making small talk to make it less painful for myself. I hated crowds, part of the reason why I hate going out. 

"Probably about 3 to 4 cartons? We need to stock up on some as well so I planned to buy extra."

"Uhuh… How long is this gonna take?" I asked, sounding more like a child.

"Relax you big baby, we'll be home before 8." 

"If only I could use my speed and run to get the stuff we need…" 

"Magic in public's illegal. Don't forget that magicians are still the minority in Ourannos. We might be accepted, but I'm sure some people still would like to see our heads on pikes." 

I stopped talking, biting my lip begrudgingly. Ourannos is hailed as the country where magicians and normal people alike can live in harmony. However, while this is true for the most part, every society has its filth lying around somewhere. A community with no discrimination, with no ostracisation, such a fantasy is exactly that, fake. 

We got to the egg section without me realising and Aurora started choosing meticulously, as thought she was thinking what clothes to wear. I on the other hand, left this job to the expert. My eyes were wandering about idly, looking at random places, sections that caught my attention. Suddenly…


My sense jolted awake upon hearing a sharp sound. It sounded like the unsheathing of a sword. But it was distant. My eyes started looking around, more frantically than before. This was a supermarket… No one is allowed to bring weapons in here. What was that noise…where did it come from…?

"Master. The wind is restless." A young female voice resonated in the trenches of my mind. The usually cheery and energetic Ingram was now dead serious, her voice indicated that she was being cautious of something. 

"You sensed something?" I asked telepathically. 

"We all did, I am just more sensitive. I hear whispers. Mail-intent, and…metal?" 

"Here I was hoping that I could just live normally for awhile… are they dangerous?" 


"Keep and eye out, all of you. I don't feel like handling this right now…"

"As you wish." 

"Are you listening to me???" I suddenly heard from my side, followed by a light slap on my back. The suddeness of it shocked my system. I whipped my head around to see Aurora glaring angrily at me. I realised I was out of it for so long. She is pissed right now. But…I would lying if I said it wasn't adorable. Even when looking at my indignantly, her alluring blue eyes and thing lips were like a magnet, begging me to kiss the frown from her face.

However…If I did that…I'm sure she would retaliate, with much more ferocity.

"Um…no… sorry… what did you say?" I asked guilty, scratching the back of my head. Instead of repeating her question, she groaned in exasperation and walked away quickly to a different section. "Aury! Wait! Hold on! I'm sorry!" I hurriedly chased after her, practically begging for forgiveness. 

However, my efforts were largely in vain. I quickly followed her around the supermarket as she quickly grabbed the remaining items that we needed. As she strutted around the establishment with such haste, meanwhile, I looked like the paparazzi trying to catch up with a celebrity. Anybody looking on would either be extremely concerned for out relationship, or would burst out in laughter at our comedic routine.

I only managed to get back in her good graces when we entered the queue. The chasier's waiting line was decently long, it would take about 10 minutes to get to our turn. And for the whole 10 minutes, I made it my goal to torment Aurora with my constant barrage of begging. 

"C'mon Aury, I'm sorry. I'll pay more attention from now on! Promise. C'mon I could buy you a sofa or something when we get outta here." I was basically at my wits end trying to break the ice. Eventually…

"Urgh… Whatever. I'm not even angry anymore. But what were you thinking about? You looked preoccupied by something. I'm assuming it must have been serious enough for you to ignore me…" She said the last sentence with a puffed cheek. 

"D-don't worry about it. It's nothing serious." I said. I was half lying. Ingram said that these people were nothing to worry about. It meant that they were most likely some common thugs. However, even the most common of thugs can be scary and dangerous when we can't use magic openly.

"Right…" she said with obvious skepticism. However, she didn't pry further, which I found weird. I decided not to question it for now. We set out basket on top of the conveyor belt. Aurora glanced over the things we were about buy, went it suddenly looked like she blew a fuse. Her eyes went wide and she quickly turned to me. "Oh crap! Kale can you go grab some soy sauce for me? Isle 14, 1.5 litres, red cap." She started spewing instructions like a water fountain. It went by faster than my brain could actually process, so it took me a while to actually respond.

After a few second's hesitation, I finally managed a meek nod of my head, bolting out of the line and back into the store. Thus, my frantic and exasperating search for soy sauce began.


*A few minutes after Kaler left*

Aurora has been silently and passively watching the cashier work. It was the mutual agreement between two human beings that no eye contact was to be made unless absolutely necessary and no words shall be exchanged until the time was right. It was silent, a peaceful kind of silence. Only the occasionally beeping of the scanner could be heard.

However, there will always be those who have to stomp all over the piece.

Aurora's eye twitched as she felt a presence to her right blocking the exit of the store. There stood 3 tall, muscular men with tattoos plastered all over their arm. They wore leather vests, ripped jeans and the one in the middle wore sunglasses. Each of them gave of a sinister aura, smiling deviously at Aurora. 

In short, they looked like your typical biker gang thugs. 

"Well, well, missy." The one wearing the shades said. He was most likely the head of the group. He tipped his shades down a little, revealing a pair of brown eyes that scanned Aurora up and down. He was analysing her, but definitely in a more…obscene way. "You finally seperated with that pet of boy you keep with you. You are so pretty, you shouldn't settle for someone like him. Come on. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we…shared…" He said smirking at the end.

Aurora, however, was unfazed. "Unlike you gentlemen, I determine one's self worth off more than just the superficial. You best be off, you wouldn't want the police getting involved I'm sure," Aurora replied in a cold and dignified manner. She raised her phone which she was holding in her hand and started punching in numbers. 

Suddenly, it flew out of her hand an that hand suddenly could no longer move. Her phone went flying and landed on the ground several metres behind her. Everyone aorund her was too appalled to even offer any assistance, starign blankly and with horror, even the cashier was cowering behind the register. Some were even taking out their own phones to record this spectacle. 

Meanwhile, Aurora was being held by the wrist by some 40ish year old man and his lackeys. They  were all smirking, looking like fishermen after catching a gigantic fish. Their lecherous looks towards Aurora made her cringe and furrow her brows deeply. "Now, now missy, no need to get feisty… we just wanna have a little fun, you might even enjoy it…" He said condescendingly. 

Aurora started growing more and more angry. Unknown to everyone, even her, her eyes flashed a subtle hint of light blue as her anger reached its boiling point. 'This is self-defence, I'm sure the police will understand.' With Aurora's one remaining free hand, she stealthily formed a dagger of pure ice behind her back. Those behind her gasped in shock and began to step backwards. 

Meanwhile, the thugs were all oblivious to their sudden heightened fear, still smiling and laughing away at Aurora's supposed misery. "C'mon missy! I heard there's a hotel nearby. I wanna get a good taste of you for myself." The man said with lust overflowing in his eyes, licking his lips in a disgusting manner. 

Aurora recoiled in disgust, however, noticed that their hubris had left him very open to attacks, probably because he wasn't expecting one. Decisively, Aurora swung upwards, slashing her blade across his chest. Or at least, it would have… Upon impact, her blade shattered. 


Hi…It's been awhile huh? 

Forgive me, I have been extremely busy with work as of late, I am still a student and time management isn't exactly my strongest suit so yeah :P 

I will be doing my best to upload whenever I can, however, I doubt I will have free time to to more than once a week. I will certainly try though. I hope you guys can continue to be patient with me, I am still new to this.

Also, if you guys gift a gift, or get this story to about 40 power stones by the end of this week, I will try to to put a bonus chapter out on the next upload.

Thank you! And please continue to support me!

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