Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 76 - Common Thugs (2)

I was wandering around aimlessly trying to find the soy sauce. "Isle 14 huh? 1.5 litres huh? Red cap huh!? Geez… I barely even know where I'm going…" I said with slight indignation. You might think I'm hopeless… and you'd be right. This supermarket was already rather huge, it took me a solid minute to even find isle 14. I felt like I was walking through a maze. 

When I finally got to the blasted isle, there were about a million and one different bottles of soy sauce! It looked like I was looking at a library, except that all the books were primary black in colour with different colour accents. "I'm never doing this again…" I lamented. I quickly looked for the bottle with a red cap (Of which there were about 5 different brands) and aimlessly reached for one. 

I walked back to the cashier, promising myself that I would never go shopping again, only to feel my heart leap out of my chest. It felt like the world around me had stopped moving. At the cashier, 3 large, burly, old dudes were staring Aurora down. One of them was even gripping on tightly to her wrist. Blood started rushing to my head as I felt the urge to crush them on sight. 

What aggravated me more was that no one was bothering to help her. They were all just staring like they were at the zoo! 'Help her, dumbasses!' I yelled internally. I felt my anger reach a breaking point as sparks started to fly from my palm. I wanted to fry this damn brute right where he stood…but something stopped me.

"Master, look at Aurora's free hand." Gaia's calming voice got through to me. I did as she suggested, seeing that a dagger of ice had just formed in her hand, and several people seem to have spotted it…

Yeah, now that I think about it, Aurora would never allow herself to be caught in such a compromising situation. We are outside, and aren't allowed to use our powers too freely. If such restrictions weren't in place, Aurora would have already frozen this guy to the bone. She is doing this as self defence. But this could as land her in trouble legally. I have to stop her…

I rushed over as fast as humanely possible, without using too much of my speed, and crammed myself in whatever space was left between Aurora and the old creep. I felt a small poke on my back, followed by the sound of glass-like fragments hitting the ground. Behind me, the near inaudible gasps of several people. 

The creep holding Aurora's wrist was suddenly shock-ridden. His eyes widened slightly as his mouth moved in an o-shape.  "Eh? The hell are you? Where'd ya come from, punk?" He asked in annoyance. His arrogance only adding fuel to the flame in me. My urge to send him into the stratosphere is only growing by the second. It was getting hard to control it. 

"I'm only gonna ask this once, douche. Could you please unhand my girlfriend?" I said in a Low voice. I looked into his eyes with mine, feeling a jolt through them. My eyes briefly glowed golden. But, it seems that the idiot either doesn't know, or doesn't care. 

"EH? You her boyfriend? C'mon man. I'm more handsome than you even without trying… Let's share. Hmmm? That way, you don't have to be insecure about her leaving you!" He defiantly replied. I was done with him. Why did I even try to reason with a brainless hunk of meat?

"Fine." I said 

"I knew you were reasonable pal! Now, let's take her to…" Before I puked from hearing another word out of his disgusting mouth, I punched him straight in the abdomen, stunning him and making him release Aurora and stumble backwards. He was so caught off guard that his lackeys had to catch him from falling. 

He shook his head violently to recover. "UGH! Imma kill you for that!" He said, shaking off his men. Then, he rushed me with his fist flailing around in the air. He looked ridiculous, quite frankly. He was only intimating cuz of his height and build… other than that, he looked more like a novice fighter.

Just hurting him would be too nice, let's make him feel emotional damage too…

I quickly stepped forward and swept his legs, making him fall on the ground instantly. "HAAAAA huh?!" In a confused mumble, he fell to the ground face first, while I quickly jumped back to make it look like nothing happened. Obviously, I wasn't using much of my speed, so people could still see that I just tripped him.

He clambered back to his feet, his forehead now having a massive bruise on it. "C'mon, something wrong?" I taunted, to which some people around me laughed, seeing the ridiculous look on the creep. 

"Rrrrrrrgh! HAH!" He growled, lunging at me one more. This time, he had his fist held out in front of him, you know, like super man. Again, it just looked dumb. Even Aurora was snickering behind me. He was very off balance though, running and holding his fist out like that? Honestly…

I swiftly went up to him and gave him a "light" slap in the face. As I did so, he lost balance and ended up crashing against the shelves at the exit of the supermarket, some of canned produce falling on top of him. This time, the laughter around me was loud and boisterous. I smiled, seeing how the tension was diffused, albeit at this fool's expense. 

Hearing that everyone was laughing at him, he furiously got back up, gritting his teeth. "SHUT UP!!!" He yelled out, pulling out a knife from his vest. The laughter died in an instant. People went back to cowering in fear. He looked around, pointing his knife in the direction he was looking. Satisfied by the newly instilled fear, he looked back at me. 

"What now? Kid. Got confident did we? Where's all that courage now?! HAHA!" He gloated.

"Oh its still here. Cuz now I am confident we have a extra reason to arrest you. Though if it were up to me, you would have already said hello to Hades." I said nonchalantly.

"Urgh! Die you dumb brat!" He rushed me again…this time, with a knife instead of a fist. This could get dangerous, so it was time to stop playing around. I easily side-stepped the blade of the knife, then karate chopped his arm upwards. The strike hit a nerve in his arm, forcing him to lose the blade as it went spiralling up in the air. 

While he was still in a state of shock, I punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. I caught the knife in my hand shortly after. Seeing that their friend was taken down, the other two also drew their knives. Before I let them approach me, I ran at them. They tried to stab me as I ran up.

Seizing this opportunity, I lightly tapped their arm with both of my hands, sending a tiny jolt through them, causing them to simultaneously collapse onto the ground. "AH!" They let out cute little yelps as they felt the strength leave their body, unsure of what jsut happened. I quickly knocked those two out with a punch as well. 

I took a few second to analyse them, confirming that they were no longer conscious. "Wow, didn't know you could be so alpha. Its a good look on you." 

I turned behind and saw Aurora flashing me a teasing smile. I sighed, shaking my head deafetedly. My gaze then fell onto the crowd behind her. They still seemed to be shocked by what they saw. 'Hopefully this doesn't cause us any trouble…' I thought inwardly. 

I pulled the knives from the 3 unconscious men, putting it on the table gently, in front of the cashier. "Hand these over to the police and explain the situation if they do come…I don't want any trouble." 

I then grabbed Aurora's hand and dragged her away, out of people's sight, along with the groceries. The people left behind were all still dumbfounded by how quickly I dismissed the thugs.


While walking past the dimly lit night streets of the town we live in, there were no words between us, only the clicking of shoes against the concrete pavement. I was looking ahead with a serious expression only my face, while I could see Aurora looking at me occasionally and smiling. 

"I'm never going shopping again," I said finally.

"Oh? Why not?" She asked in reply, seemingly unsurprised. "Was it because of what jus happened? Or because you don't like going out?"


"Hehe! You know, I can defend myself." She said seriously.

"I'm sure. But without your ice magic, you are just an ordinary girl. Albeit one more beautiful than any average girl." 

"Hehe, flattering." She surprisingly didn't  retaliate my point about her and her magic. I think even she realises it. In that little skirmish I had, I dialed my powers down extremely low, only to make it seem like I was slightly stronger than average. The small jolts I sent them was sent through the parts of out body that were in contact, and thus invisible to the naked eye.

"Still, thank you for protecting me," She followed up, squeezing my hand as she said it. 

"Hmm." I hummed.. "Anytime."

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