Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 78 - Living Together (2)

Author's note: Hey hey! In case you guys are curious as to why this chapter and the previous one is called "Living Together " when the two chapters before that were called the same thing, simply put, I didn't think that the name was super appropriate and thus I changed it. 

Moving on, I would like to apologise for the inactivity once more but I really can't do anything about it. My school is only getting more rigorous and I am too tired to continue some days. I will continue to do my best so I hope that you can still appreciate what little I put out. 

Finally, if you guys think that creating a discord Channel would be a good idea, then please do let me know by leaving a comment. However, I will say that I will not create it immediately, I might do so at the end of this year though if there is enough support. Alright that is all, please enjoy ???? 


I stepped out the shower feeling fresh as a baby. Not a single stain or speck of dirt left on me. All the sweat I worked up was down the drain, literally. That is until…

"Guess guys do shower quickly huh? You are sure you are clean?" I was brought back from my daze when I heard Aurora's voice. I traced the sound only to find her sitting on the bed with her laptop on her lap. She was casually typing away. However, I noticed something, she was wearing just her nightgown. That shirt and shorts she was wearing earlier were no where to be seen. In its place, a single dress that was sky blue in colour and looked like it was made of the highest quality silk there is. 

I felt my throat dry and my body freeze up. In this freezing cold room, I was sweating, both literally and metaphorically. In this freezing cold room, without my shirt, with this ice queen right in front of me, I was sweating, SWEATING. 

"Not wearing a shirt? Sure you won't get cold?" She asked teasingly. I forced myself to regain composure.

"I- I will be fine. I usually sleep without a shirt anyway. What about you though?" I asked, scanning her body, hinting to her.

"Pffft. You did not just ask that did you? The cold has never bothered me." She said. I berated myself internally for being stupid enough to ask that question. OF COURSE SHE WILL BE FINE.

"C'mon. Let's sleep. We get up at 10 tomorrow, and knowing you, you won't be able to wake up if we sleep any later ." She put away her laptop on the table next to her bed and laid down on th bed. After a few seconds hesitation, I walked over to the bed and laid down next to her. 

I usually always have problems falling asleep. Overthinking, worrying it gets to me sometimes. Tonight, saying that I had trouble would be an understatement, but for a different reason…

The lights were off. What little light the moon could provide seeped through he tiny split in the curtains. With that little bit of light, I could see the most beautiful person in the world laying right next to me, within arms reach. Normally, I could easily call her beautiful, radiant, like and angel, but even those expressions felt somewhat lack-lustre when describing her now. 

She was facing towards me, eyes sealed shut, her breathing even, slow, wearing a nightgown dress that revealed too much of her upper body. My mind and body could not calm down. Is wanted to hug her like a teddy bear, to have her in my arms till I fell asleep. But wouldn't hat be enough? What if she rejects? What if it gets too hot? What if I give in to carnal desires?! 

"Can't sleep?" A soft voice asked. I snapped back to reality to see that the face I was starign at was now wide awake. Her delicate sky blue eyes and soft smile melting my heart as she stared at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Um…Yeah… Kinda…" I answered uneasily, averting my eyes from her face. It felt like every second longer that I stared at her, that magnetic gaze continued to pull me in closer. 

"What's on your mind?" She asked, propping her head on arm. 

My mind started to scramble to find an excuse. Something even half reasonable. Something to not make me sound like a creep! But, logically speaking, she probably already knows the reason. She has known me for too long to not know. So, I quickly gave up trying to dig myself out of this pit. "…You…You are…" 

Her face morphed into an expression, as if teasing me, at the same time saying, 'I knew it'. "Oh? But why?" Her tone was playful. She started shifting her body closer to mine, sending vibrations through it in all the right places. Meanwhile, I had vibrations in all the wrong places…

"I…Have never slept with you before?" I said honestly.

"Oh? But we have had sleepovers before." 

"We never slept in the same bed before."

"We did at Volance Manor, twice." 

"I was unconscious! That doesn't count!" I could feel my face heating up from this intense situation. There was a brief moment of silence, followed but her joyful giggle. This girl drives me absolutely nuts sometimes…

"Alright, what exactly are you thinking about?" She asked with genuine curiosity this time. 

"I…I wanna hug you. I wanna be close to you…" I said slowly, feeling my face burning up. 

"Hehe. Well, what's stopping you?" She said, her smile widening. That was the last straw, the last bar holding me back. With her consent, I pounced on her, pulling Aurora's body against mine. Our faces faced one another, body to body, face to face, I felt her warmth, I felt complete. 

I stared into her eyes once more, she stared back, I could even see a certain tenderness in them. I felt satiated after hugging her so tightly, but only for a bit. It didn't take long before she started reeling me in once again. Every ounce of restraint was know gone. I wanted her.

I slowly inched my face closer to hers and lightly planted a kiss on her lips. It seems she wanted the same thing, readily accepting it. I pulled away quickly, but I wasn't done. I went in for another kiss, but this one was deep, wanting. I invaded her mouth, marking every inch, claiming her as my own, making sure she knows it too. I made sure she knew what I wanted. 

After about a minute, I finally withdrew, we were both panting and trying to catch our breath, but I wasn't done. I moved down wards, planting light kisses on her cheek and neck. As a reward, a sweet, sensual moan left her mouth. It was a drug, every part of her was, every sound she made, every action she took. 

I continued to trail downwards. "Kale…" She said, out of breath, seemingly struggling. I paid her no mind. Until, "Kale…Look at me…" 

I stopped moving, looking up at her panting, and angelic face. It was addicting, I wanted to see it more. Aurora slowly moved her hands to the side of my face, grabbing it. This time, I waited for her. With every inch closer she drew, anticipation grew within me. 

I felt her sweet, soft lips on mine. However, there was another layer, something cool, refreshing, relaxing. Where have I felt this before? Suddenly, my face relaxed, the same sensation spread through my body like wild fire, suddenly, my eyes closed, my world falling into darkness.

When I fell into unconsciousness, unknown to me, my body went limp, laying back on the bed, finally put to rest. Aurora clutched her chest, still panting, her heart racing, her face full of sweat, her cheeks flushed pink. 

After a few seconds, she carefully crawled over my sleeping body, examining that I was breathing evenly. After she finally calmed down, she smiled to herself. "Looks like you are a man after all. I'm sorry, I'm the one tempting you, at the same time, I am the one who isn't ready…"

She leaned closer to my sleeping face, planting a light kiss on my lips. "I love you…" She whispered. She then laid next to me, hugging my arm, falling asleep near instantly. 


In a red and black, dimly lit room. This depressing room was only illuminated by a red overhead light and red neon lights along the walls. There was a long table, like one in a meeting room, there were 10 chairs, one at the head, 9 at the sides. 

In the centre, a holographic projector, the sigil of a red skull displayed proudly. Each of the 10 chairs were occupied. The one at the head was standing, the darkness seemingly conforming around him like a cloak, in addition to the one he was already wearing. His face was covered, only allowing his bright red eyes to peep through. Those eyes could strike fear into the devil himself. 

"Comrades, my father has an important mission for us all, " The man said in a chilling voice, a voice that sounded cruel, devoid of soul and emotion. The holograph in the middle morphed into a what looks like a mechanical creature. The image was not particularly clear, shrouding the subject in question in mystery still

"According to my father, the first of our many super weapons is almost ready. We are one step to achieving our goal, to bringing about a world wear these non-magical swines will be forced to bow to us. However, there is one thing in our way." The voice said slowly, making it far more threatening than before. 

The holograph changed again, changing into the the image of a teenage boy, tall, slightly muscular, wearing a dragon mask and gauntlets knocking back about 10 soldiers without any effort. "When the super weapon is finally powered, he will be the first to die…" 

His voice was as cold as the North Pole, one could envision the sinister smile under his mask.

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