Progenitor of Dragons

Chapter 79 - Insulted (1)

The next day rolled around before I knew it, mostly because I don't know what happened…

I sat up on the bed, my head pounding. I had no recollection of what happened last night. I tried my hardest recalling, able to remember a few things. With a quick scan of my surroundings, it was obvious I was in a bedroom, not my own, not the one in Volance Manor either. I remembered Aurora's desire to live together, so much so that she even prohibited her own father from coming back to the country with us. 

Suddenly, it clicked. I gently peeled the blanket off me, only to find the serene face of a slumbering beauty. her bright light blue hair covering half her face, her arms wrapped around my right, her breathing even, steady. 

I smiled, seeing her at peace was bringing me satisfaction. I shouldn't disturb her, should go back to sleep with her. I laid back down, ready to close my eyes, when…


Alarms are truly the worst… I reached out to my phone and picked up. However, when I tried to dismiss the annoying noisemaker, I realised, there was nothing on it…My screen was off, not a single sound was coming out of the speakers. "Huh?" I muttered, my mind obviously still asleep.

I traced the direction of the sound, tracing it to Aurora's phone on the other side of the bed. I groaned as I gently peeled Aurora off me, causing her to stir a little. "Sorry…" I whispered an apology as I crawled over her and grabbed her phone. 

Let's just say, alarms are a rude way to wake up, seeing this alarm, was about. 10 times worse. Right before I silenced the damn thing, I read the name of the alarm. "Report consultation". Right then and there, it felt like everything came back to me, almost everything anyway. We were supposed to get up at 10 to reach school by 12. The time right now? 1130am.

"Crap…" I cursed out loud, a little louder than I thought I would. Suddenly,I felt a marshmallow liek softness on my back, followed by a groggy yet gentle voice. "Hmmm, Kale…" Aurora whined from behind me. She sounded like a little baby who wanted to be pampered. She wrapped her arms around me like a koala, trying to fall back to sleep.

While it was absolutely adorable, we had bigger problems right now… "Aury! Get up! We're late!" 

As if by magic, he eyes shot open in an instant, leaping off the bed and diving into the bathroom. In less than 3 seconds, she was off the bed, and into the shower… that was fast…

I smirked internally and got off the bed as well, heading to the shower in the guest room. It took us 15 minutes to get ready, meaning we had slightly less than that  amount of time to get to school, which by car is nigh on impossible…

"C'mon, get in the car, we gotta go now." Aurora said hastily. I considered that option. However, seeing Aurora's state, I knew we could not just allow this. On the outside, she was as beautiful as ever, her hair still slightly wet from having just hopped out the shower, however, on the inside, I knew she was caving slightly. 

She had a reputation to maintain, I wanted her to maintain it, especially since I had the ability to help her. "Nope." I said , leaving her starting at me like I was crazy. Her facial expression quickly morphing to one of confusion. Yeah, I can tell she was on edge, normally, her expressions are much more subdued, right now, she looked comically out of character. "Tell your driver to stay put. We are taking air transport." 

Suddenly realising what I meant Aurora nodded, signalling the driver to be dismissed. When the driver has left, I spoke to no one in particular, "Alright, who's up?" 

"OOOH! ME! ME!" A young and energetic voice replied nearly instantly. My hand flashed a bight shade of green as a symbol of two wings  appeared on the back of my hand. The light leapt out like it had a life of its own, coalescing into the form of a young girl. The girl was wearing long denim jeans and a green crop top with a windbreaker draped on her shoulders. 

I smiled as Ingram showed herself, "Thanks." 

"Humph!" I heard a grunt come from beside me, only to see Aurora puffing up her cheeks and frowning slightly. I thought it was cute, but I must have been dreaming, cuz the next second, she was back to normal. I scratched my head for a bit, but decided to ignore it for now. 

I looked back at Ingram and gave her the instructions. " Use your eagle form, dragons aren't exactly a common occurrence here. People would probably believe seeing a giant bird more than they would a mythical godbeast."

"Yes sir!" She saluted cheerfully. 

In a flash, Ingram leapt into the air as she transformed into a majestic eagle, probably about 5 or 6 times the size of a normal eagle. The winds raged and swirled furiously with every flap of her wings. 

I took hold of Aurora's hand as we leapt onto Ingram's back. I patted her neck and we blasted into the vast blue sky. 


We reached the school compound with plenty of time to spare, only taking 5 minutes. When we touched down in front of the school gates, the security guard on duty leapt backwards in fright. "AH! What the?!" 

The look of shock and horror was amusing. We both descended from Ingram's back. Seeing the guard's fright and confusion, Aurora went over to talk to him, while I stayed with Ingram. "Thank you," I uttered quietly. She seemed to smile, quickly dispersing into a green light once more as the winged symbol reformed itself on my hand. 

The security guard was now even more in shock, his face pale and ghost-like. Aurora, however, didn't seem to give a damn, approaching him with her usual cold demeanour, "I am Aurora Singford, class 3-1, that's Kaler Dakrun, class 3-5. I am here as I have a consultation appointment with my teacher," she explained like it was no big deal, as if there wasn't just some overgrown pigeon that carried her here. 

The guard was understandably still in a state of shock, is mouth opening and closing, but no sound coming out, staring at me and at the space where Ingram just was. He looked completely paralysed. 

"I don't think we're gonna get much outta him, lets just invite ourselves in, shall we?" I suggested. Aurora sighed reluctantly and nodded. We both walked right past the stupefied security guard, his eyes still glued to the air where Ingram dissipated into. I eyed him as I walked past, yeah, he's gonna be like that for awhile. 

We casually walked into Aurora's classroom on the upper floors, where her teacher was already entertaining another student. 

"Thank you ma'am." The tally, dark-haired student said. he was wearing a casual-formal shirt, short sleeves, button up, and a pair of black trousers. When he turned around, his neutral expression quickly changed into a flushed one, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Then, he shifted his line of sight, his expression morphing unbelievably quick once more, this time, his teeth gritted, his brows furrowed. 

I was confused, he was looking right at me was well. What's with the sudden mood swing? He gathered his bearings and started walking toward our direction, his eyes glued onto Aurora. I had an inkling of what was happening…

When he was about a metre in front of us, he smiled, rather fakely, I might add, at Aurora. "Good afternoon, Aurora." He said in his baritone voice. He sounded composed, calm, and level headed, everything I am, not getting from his outward appearance. 

Aurora paid him little attention, simply nodding at him without so much as a smile. I could infer they were classmates, seeing as how they were going to the same class and same teacher for consultation. I felt bad for the dude, being so brutally ignored by Aurora. "Hey, Aury, could you at least smile at your classmate?" I asked, taking pity on him.

Little did I know, then the moment I opened my mouth, his gaze turned black with rage, and it was directed at yours truly. Aurora shot me a sideward glance, sighing shortly afterwards, seemingly having given in to my request. "*Sigh* Fine." She said reluctantly.

She then turned to the dark haired guy and flashed a smile more fake than his own, but somehow, more genuine as well. "Good afternoon, Jaxon Kreast." She said. I chuckled deafetedly, I suppose that wasn't much better… 

How a few seconds, Jaxon seemed to blush, but it faded about as quickly as it happened. "Yeah, good afternoon." He said in reply. However, he quickly turned his attention to me. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" 

'Huh?' Was the only though it my head right now. I try to help, this is what I get? Did I mess up that royally? I was really praying that what I suspected was not the case. I maintained my cool, and calmly asked, "I'm sorry, I don't follow." 

"How dare you call Aurora that disgusting nickname?! She is the student council president and you WILL show her her deserved respect!" He retorted. My suspicions were coming to fruition now… 

"What? 'Aury?" I asked. Two reasons, one, I wanted to make sure I was right, two I wanted to see him get angry, cuz I think its funny :).

"*Blech!* You dare say it again?!" This is getting ridiculous.

"First of all dude, who the hell are you? Her dad? Her manager? Her PR person? Second, we are in a classroom, not a drama theatre, you are being wayyyy to dramatic." I said, sounding exhausted, because I was. 

"I-I am simply fighting for the president!" He stammered in rebuttal. "You are nothing! You don't deserve to be by the president's side and I do not acknowledge you as her boyfriend! Let alone her friend!" 

I was ticked now. I've heard enough out of his god damned mouth. Unknown to me, small bolts of lightning flew out of my arms, branching to the tables around us. Jaxon, however, wasn't scared, in fact, he sneered. "Is that all??? Pathetic! One the greatest magic users in this school is dating you?! I'll show you real magic!" He lifted his palm, where a small vortex of snow spun in his palm. He brought it increasingly closer to my face, to the point where it could almost touch my nose. 

Funny thing is, I can't feel the cold from it… 

"Is something the matter over here?" It was the voice of the teacher. I kinda forgot she was here. "I realised that you all have been talking for awhile, and the atmosphere seemed rather hostile, so I came over to check." She reasoned. 

Jaxon dispersed his vortex, and before either of us could speak, Aurora did the talking for us. " Good timing Ma'am. Jaxon over here was being unnecessarily hostile towards Kaler. Kaler is my friend, and I am thus deeply offended on his behalf." She shot Jaxon a cold glare with a sinister smile. I could see the chill go down his spine. Now THAT is cold.

"Aurora….I-" Jaxon was interrupted, desperately trying to explain himself. 

"I would like you to oversee the a duel between these two. I have some personal attachment to it as well, seeing as how Jaxon also deeply insulted the precious nickname my boyfriend gave me." She said coldly. The teacher nodded hesitantly, probably terrified of Aurora's chilling Aura. 

Jaxon also flinched from her statement, but regained himself quickly. "Fine! I will help you see the light Aurora, that his filthy good-for-nothing is nothing more than a trickster. His power is but a mere trick…" 

'Why does everyone think that…' I lamented inwardly, but smiled a little afterward, I finally get to shut him up.

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