Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 39: 39th

With a wheelchair in hand, who can stop her?

At this time, Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to take the eldest lady away, even regardless of her face and wishes. +++All Tanmei Novels:

What good is coming here?

Because the pool is full of mosquitoes, it is better for her to go home and make some desserts for the eldest lady. At night, the two of them will watch the stars and the moon together.

If she wants to relax, she can sing to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's sudden dominance also made Qin Yi stunned, but who the eldest lady was, she quickly reacted, with the corners of her lips slightly raised, and her hand pressed on the wheelchair.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The wheelchair seemed to be nailed to the ground at once. She couldn't push it with any amount of strength. Just in this gap, Zhang Qiao rushed over, and she hugged Mu Xiaoxiao: "Sister, if you are interested, don't Go! Whatever you want to eat or drink will be credited to my account tonight."

She said this earnestly, and she watched Qin Yi's eyes glowing with scorching light.

Her sister Qin!

God knows how many years Zhang Qiao has loved her. Since her debut, she has been an iron fan. She has followed Qin Yi's ups and downs all the way. No matter how many fans around her come, she has always stood by her side. .

Today, she saw Qin Yi. If it were someone else's artist, she would definitely doubt whether her eyesight was wrong, and whether she was a very similar passerby, but her sister Qin, she must look good! She can be recognized by herself even if she turns into ashes.

The little breeze blows.

No one knows how cold Mu Xiaoxiao feels.

From the moment she met Qin Yi, many people retreated because of the cold look on the face of the lady. Even the Wannian and Xiao Cui who had been following her did not dare to talk to the lady easily, but she dared not only talk to her. The young lady broke through the restricted area and worshipped her.

Mu Xiaoxiao refused to admit it, but at this moment, she had to admit it.

She has an inexplicable possessiveness towards the eldest lady in her heart.

She felt that the gentleness of the eldest lady, the smile of the eldest lady, and the indulgence of the eldest lady should all be to her alone.

There is no way for others to be contaminated.

But at this moment, what is Zhang Gongzi doing?

What about skewers? So what is looking at the lady like a pervert?

Zhang Qiao couldn't take care of it at all. As soon as she entered the house, she poured water on Qin Yi's tea, and she kept chattering: "I know, I know your hygiene, I disinfect, I disinfect..."

Her hands were trembling, her eyes flushed with excitement.

Qin Yi has also met some fans, but only a few are excited like Zhang Qiao.

Although she has been away from the entertainment industry for a while, through the previous information, Mu Xiaoxiao also knows that she belongs to the kind of "favorite" artist.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the wicker chair with Erlang's legs up and raised her eyebrows: "Are you a parrot or a starling? It's not easy to say anything?"

Zhang Qiao took a vicious look at Mu Xiaoxiao, this bastard, what is wrong with this, actually delayed her performance in front of her idol.

Although Qin Yi didn't speak, the corners of her lips rose slightly, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

When Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her, he was so angry, hey, when he saw her young and saw her dog, she was kind to her, didn't she? I don't know anyone who saw her leave without expression on the first side, and directly gave the word "roll" on the second side. Why, can Zhang Qiao look good with her?

Zhang Qiao disinfected the cup repeatedly, she made tea and carefully handed it to Qin Yi's side. She didn't dare to get too close, even her eyes didn't dare to make contact with the eldest lady.

It is a kind of enthusiasm and contradiction when fans see idols.

On the one hand, she met the eldest lady, on the other hand, she couldn't help her heart beating frantically.

She clutched her chest and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao: "My heartbeat is so powerful."

Zhang Qiao is a person with high emotional intelligence. She is changing the subject and also a way to relieve tension.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her, "Oh, have you recently stayed up late to play a game and your heart abruptly? Go to the hospital for a look."

Zhang Qiao:...


What's the matter with this dead thing? Isn’t it true that I was looking for faults with her today?

The eldest lady looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, looked at her crazy shaking legs, with a faint smile between her eyebrows, she looked at Qin Yi, and took out something from the side of the wheelchair.

Zhang Qiao's eyes straightened at a glance, and she covered her mouth: "No way, no way?"

It was an out-of-print vinyl record sold in limited quantities by Missy. On it, her name was also signed.

This vinyl record is priceless in the fan market, and it is what Zhang Qiao has always wanted.

When Zhang Qiao took it, his hands kept trembling. Mu Xiaoxiao was watching and couldn't help asking, "Why didn't you give it to me?"

Qin Yi glanced at her and saw blood with a cut.

—Are you my fan?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Do fans have this treatment?

Why hasn't she seen the lady be so kind to other fans?

Zhang Qiao took the record, looked and watched, ecstatic, almost crying, Mu Xiaoxiao kicked her next to her: "Do you want to eat or not? Your idol is still hungry."

In a word, Zhang Qiao immediately nodded: "Eat, eat."

She did it herself, went to the room to get the prepared skewers, Mu Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, and glanced at the eldest lady: "You are kind to her."

Qin Yi looked at her with a pair of dark eyes, her eyelashes were slightly raised, and under the moonlight, it looked like a misty tulle, and the beauty was a little illusory.

She has never been a person who is good at pleasing others.

She did it all because of the answer she searched for-what if you make someone like you?

To be nice to her, to influence her a little bit, the first strategy is the person closest to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her sourly, "I am also your fan, and you can get me a vinyl when you turn around."

Qin Yi didn't respond yet, Zhang Qiao shouted in the room: "Mu Xiaoxiao, get in and get the skewers!"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The treatment in this life is really different.

Because she and Zhang Qiao have been friends for so many years, can't you be polite?

Before Mu Xiaoxiao pulled out her leg to go in, she looked at the eldest lady, first pushed it under the pavilion, and then took out a bottle of mosquito repellent from her bag and sprayed her carefully around the wheelchair.

The eldest lady's skin is delicate and can't spray these irritating things, and she doesn't like the smell either.

Qin Yi looked down at her. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't look at her, she was a little jealous, and kept talking: "What's the matter with the fan? Does the fan have your sister attentive? Huh, give her a gift, I haven't received a gift from you." , You gave Qiuqiu food, I have never eaten what you gave me."

If the former customers see Mr. Mu's childishness, they must have a career in Waterloo.

Some people, seemingly righteous sisters and daring good friends, are behind a jealous yelling Mu Sansui.

The eldest lady looked at her faintly, and suddenly felt that she was not dressed in vain tonight, nor did she come in vain this time.

The word "please" is not in Missy's life dictionary.

She never did this, but now, her uncontrollable heart has changed her time and time again.

After waiting for the eldest lady, Mu Xiaoxiao went into the house to help Zhang Qiao get the skewers. As soon as he entered the house, Zhang Qiao sternly raised his elbow and strangled his neck: "I rely on me. , Tell me, how did you meet my sister Qin? What happened to her legs? Why can't you speak?"

She is going crazy.

She did not expect that she never dreamed that she would see an idol in front of her in this life, and she nodded to her.

Although Zhang Qiao is not as famous as Mu Xiaoxiao in school, she is also a leader in the psychological field. Her treatment method is not the same as Mu Xiaoxiao. She adopts a straight-and-go model, which is very useful for male patients. It's a little famous. She had just observed Mu Xiaoxiao and Qin Yi's way of getting along, they used sign language.

In general, it can be inferred that Qin Yi has disappeared from the entertainment industry for so long because of physical reasons.

But why did her body have such a serious problem, and the company didn't announce it to the foreign secretary?


Zhang Qiao couldn't help replenishing his brain. Could it be that Sister Qin, who was regarded as a **** by their fans, suffered a series of inhuman treatment? But it doesn’t look like her state, especially the look in her eyes when she sees Xiaoxiao...

Mu Xiaoxiao backhanded, and suddenly pressed her on the sofa next to her: "Isn't this the crazy woman you mentioned before who had to sign a non-disclosure agreement without meeting?"

Damn it?

That person is actually sister Qin?

Zhang Qiao was about to slap her in the face, she was a little excited: "Then why haven't you cured her yet?"

This is typical of her care and confusion, the knife flew from her mouth wipingly.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

My goodness, is she a beast? Comrade Zhang Qiao, is she a beast?

Is it so fast to treat a patient?

Zhang Qiao looked at Qin Yi, who was sitting in the yard and looking at the moonlight, and felt very distressed: "Do you know how dazzling my sister Qin is on the stage?"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned: "Don't take a bite of your sister Qin, your sister Qin, the eldest does not like others to be too close to her."

"Really?" Zhang Qiao had never shown such longing eyes. She looked at Mu Xiaoxiao unblinkingly: "Do you have a good relationship? I think she seems to rely on you very much."

Very dependent on her?

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, feeling that Zhang Qiao's mind is not clear. Who would she rely on for an independent person like Missy?

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoxiao, if you don't like it, I'll go, and your sister's lifelong happiness will fall on you."

Zhang Qiao patted his forehead, tears filled his eyes: "Unexpectedly the day when my dreams come true."

Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless: "Isn't it? Do you like Missy?"

She instinctively resisted.

Zhang Qiao was straightforward: "You don't know, how many years I have been a fan of Sister Qin, seeing her like this, I really feel uncomfortable, what I like... Hey, I don't even dare to think about it, I don't deserve it! She discusses it? Introduce our strong professionalism? Let's treat her together?"

"Qiaoer, it's not that I pour cold water on you. From a psychological point of view, the reason why an idol is an idol is to keep a sufficient distance from the fans in order to be invincible above the altar forever."

Mu Xiaoxiao gave Zhang Qiao a serious analysis, and Zhang Qiao looked at her: "You are not? Why do I always feel that since sister Qin came, you have been haggling with us, are you plotting against her?"

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed: "You shit, we both worshipped the handle. She is like a sister."

"I'll hehe." Zhang Qiao raised his eyebrows: "Don't give me elder sisters and sisters, who are we? It's all about psychology, don't you know that the sisters in the world will eventually become married?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was trampled on her pure heart, "You want to be shameless?"

Zhang Qiao twitched his neck: "I think you are shameless!"

With a sound of " Papa", the eldest lady silently watched the two people fighting in a ball in the room, and felt the generation gap in age for the first time.

So naive.

That's it, twenty minutes after the eldest lady admired the moon, roasted savory meat skewers came out.

Zhang Qiao handed it to Qin Yi in a shit: "Sister, try it. My ancestry is from Xinjiang, so it should be pretty good."

Mu Xiaoxiao was vomiting his overnight meal next to him, “When we ate hot pot before, didn’t you still say that your ancestors were from Inner Mongolia and that your ancestors were the great Genghis Khan? Why did you become so fast, how many do you have? A dad?"

Zhang Qiao stared at him, and Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him, she snatched the skewers in her hand.

Zhang Qiao:...

It’s not that Mu Xiaoxiao didn’t give it to Miss Mu, but she knew Miss’s cleanliness. She carefully wiped off the black at the top of the skewers with a paper towel, and handed it to Qin Yi: “It’s a bit hot. Give me."

Mu Xiaoxiao's words were very casual, and she was used to serving Qin Yi, and everything went with the flow.

But Zhang Qiao was taken aback. Her hands on the skewers were trembling. She thought that Mu Xiaoxiao was jealous with her because she also became a fan of the eldest lady. From this look, they seemed to be genuine. It's different.

Qin Yi took it, took a bite, nodded, and put the skewers aside.

Zhang Qiao:? ? ?

Isn't she delicious?

Mu Xiaoxiao walked over, and she arched Zhang Qiao with her ass, "Get up and drive."

She added something less.

Missy likes to eat sweets.

Zhang Qiao was turned aside and watched eagerly as Mu Xiaoxiao brushed a layer of honey on the skewers, so that the golden and oily skewers were blown out, and she handed it to Qin Yi.

Now, the eldest lady started to eat. Although she ate slowly, she obviously liked it.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her happily beside her, and opened a bottle of drink for her, "Drink some of this."

Qin Yi frowned.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled: "I saw that there is no calories, drink some, relax."

Zhang Qiao watched eagerly. She watched Qin Yi just take the drink. She hesitated for a moment and went to see Mu Xiaoxiao again.

None of her hands moved.

But Xiaoxiao consciously took a small cup. She poured the drink into the cup and handed it to Qin Yi: "Hmm, that's all right, I'll sterilize it."

Her tone was soft, and her eyes overflowed with the kind of light that... Zhang Qiao couldn't describe it.

At that moment, the mountains in her heart collapsed.

What day is today?

What did she see?

What did she witness?

Her supreme idol, and her cheapest girlfriend, actually... actually like each other?

And looking at the two of them, it seems that they are still in a vague and ambiguous period?

She is dead, she is dead!

The psychologist is good at this, no matter what happens, there is a strong heart.

Zhang Qiao was calm on the surface, and secretly observed that Mu Xiaoxiao's relationship with her was so good that she could wear a pair of pants, so she was not defended at all.

But the eldest lady is different.

Her age and experience are there.

A little broken child, no matter how powerful she is, she can see through her mind.

After Zhang Qiao secretly looked at her for the nth time, the eldest lady’s eyes met her. At the moment, Zhang Qiao looked at Qin Yi’s deep and bright eyes, and her heart was beating like thunder. I'm too envious of Mu Xiaoxiao, this dog woman has accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue, right?

Mu Xiaoxiao was still roasting Qin Yi's lower-calorie vegetables over there, and she just wiped her sweat. She didn't know that her eldest lady and her girlfriends were making eye contact.

The doubts in Zhang Qiao's eyes were clearly written, and Qin Yi also saw clearly. Under the moonlight, her gentle chin, which was outlined, lightly nodded.

! !

Zhang Qiao's body was taut, and her hair was about to stand up.

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

She knocked to a real person!

Does her idol trust her so much?

She is about to cry!

Just as Zhang Qiao was going crazy, the eldest lady raised her hand, placed her slender finger between the vermilion lips, and did a silent motion.

Zhang Qiao saw, covering his mouth, his head turned into a top.

By coincidence, Mu Xiaoxiao, who had just wiped her sweat, raised her head and saw this scene with a smile. Her expression became stiff, and she looked at Qin Yi incredulously. The eldest lady had returned to her indifferent expression. Xiaoxiao turned to look at Zhang Qiao again. Zhang Qiao hummed a small song and looked at the moon, with a look like "Don't look at me, you just have a secret."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Did she read it right?

What did she see?

Missy blows a kiss in her hand? ? ? ? ! !

The author has something to say: One of the leaves update late is busy at work, the other is the recent update is very fast, you may be used to it, and there are a lot of fewer comments.

And... I don’t know if you are not careful or what, this article... Ye Ye wrote very carefully, but more than 30 negative points have been received... They are all negative points for reminders.

A little sad, so the leaves adjusted.

In the future, keep the daily update, add more or something, it will not be so dense.

This article belongs to the type of mutual redemption. They will be very different in front of each other and in front of others. After they are really together, there will be many cute scenes like a small theater.

ps: The preview of the next chapter, the eldest drunk, she will show a different kind of her.

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