Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 40: 40th

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little silent after witnessing the young lady blowing a kiss, her heart was mixed.

In fact, from a psychological point of view, love is a very good medicine to heal wounds. If she was the teacher Mu who had just entered the Qin family, she would be very happy and even positive when she saw the young lady like this. Encourage her.

But now.

Maybe it's because of the dumplings of sister and sister, it must be different.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but go to see Zhang Qiao. This was really strange. She was a good friend who always liked her the most.

They have been together for so many years, they are famous double school flowers in the school, and they are eye-catching wherever they go. Zhang Qiao’s style is different from her. Her family situation has been better since she was a child. Both her parents are in business. They don’t have to worry about food and clothes. They are generous and generous. Although they are not as good as the eldest lady, they are definitely the best among them. By.

She never sorrows for life, on the contrary, life is a kind of enjoyment for her.

In the past, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her wherever she was. She was beautiful, kind, and of good family background, but now...she really wants to grab her face.

This feeling was very bad, and it made Xiaoxiao a little at a loss. She looked at the skewers in her hand and was silent for a while: "Shall we have some wine?"

She feels confused, like there are so many inextricably threaded **** of wool, she needs to find time to calm down and think about it.

How could she... how could she be so jealous?

Before, Qiuqiu was pursued by a little boy, and she had never followed her to the door of the house under her nose. She even asked her sister who the other party was with great interest. In the end, Qiuqiu kept her black face to her sister. Shut up and don't gossip.

The same sisters, how can their mentalities be so different?

Zhang Qiao knew Mu Xiaoxiao. She saw her complicated and tangled eyes, and immediately cooperated: "Okay, okay, let's have some beer, it's not very exciting, but it can be cooler."

Now she can't wait to rush up to pour a catty of wine into Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth.

Drink it quickly, ancestor, don't you know that it's easy to do things after drinking?

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and her eyelashes blinked gently.

When Mu Xiaoxiao was about to speak, Zhang Qiao waved his hand: "Sister Qin, she can't drink."

She knows all this?

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Zhang Qiao, Zhang Qiao explained: "I have seen everything on variety shows before, and Sister Qin never drinks."

Mu Xiaoxiao went to see the eldest lady again, the moonlight was blurry, the eldest lady stared at her for a moment, and nodded gently.

Yes, she can't drink, she will lose her attitude when she drinks.

Not to mention it was in front of the camera, but in private, this was something that Qin Yi didn't allow to happen.

Disturbed by the "tacit" cooperation of the two people, Mu Xiaoxiao went to pick up two glasses of draft beer. She hadn't drank for a long time. Now, after a sip of beer was poured, she frowned because of the clear and irritating taste.

Qin Yi looked at her, wanted to stop, but didn't want to stop.

Sometimes, she couldn't see through Mu Xiaoxiao, she felt too much hidden in her heart, maybe alcohol is also a kind of narcotic, a kind of catharsis, which can let her take a good look at Xiaoxiao in her heart.

Such a night.

With a good friend by her side, the eldest lady by her side, and her sister’s surgery was on the agenda again, Mu Xiaoxiao’s wrinkled heart was blown by the evening breeze, and soon unfolded, she took off her coat. Covering Qin Yi's lap, fearing that she would be stung by a mosquito, she leaned on the side of her wheelchair and sat on the ground to chat with Zhang Qiao.

She has been busy for so long, and it hasn't been such a relaxing moment for a long time.

Sometimes, she also feels tired, but that kind of feeling is not experienced when she is busy, and she can only be very clear when she stops.

Zhang Qiao drank some wine and put away a joke. She looked at Mu Xiaoxiao: "How is Qiuqiu? Is it okay?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, she looked up at Qin Yi: "Thanks to Missy."

Qin Yi looked at her eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were gleaming, and the corners of her lips were smiling, which made her look awkward.

"This time, waiting for my sister's affairs to be sorted out, you should relax too."

Although the two of them are fighting fiercely, they actually have very good feelings, and they belong to the type of falling in love and killing each other.

For so many years, she has followed Mu Xiaoxiao all the way, knowing how much she has endured, "Look at this holiday, everyone will go back to their homes, or they will travel around, seeing that they are going to be a senior year, and there will be no more after you don’t play. Time is up."

Mu Xiaoxiao happily said, "I am also quite relaxed with Missy."

"Can it be the same?" Zhang Qiao kicked her: "Life is for enjoyment. If all of them are dedicated, what fun is there?"

Mu Xiaoxiao took a sip of wine, her cheeks were slightly pink, and she looked at the bright moon in the distance: "Grandma and mother are not in good health. I always want to make some money to share their weight."

"I feel they want you to take good care of yourself." Zhang Qiao went back to the orphanage with her and was shocked, especially the optimistic spirit of her grandma and mother. Only when she saw them, she knew that Xiaoxiao's personality was free. Who.

Who said that only blood is the strongest bond in this world?

Mu Xiaoxiao: "In addition to them, there are those little boys."

Thinking of her younger brothers and sisters, her eyes softened, and the corners of her lips smiled: "Who will pick up their class when mom and grandma are really too old to do it?"

Zhang Qiao was taken aback when he heard it, "Damn it, isn't it, eldest sister, do you really have this idea?"

She couldn't help but take a look at Qin Yi, if Mu Xiaoxiao really had this idea, she must be strangled in the cradle early.

That's not a day and a half of dedication and effort, maybe it's really a lifetime.

Zhang Qiao felt that Qin Yi would definitely disagree, but when she looked over, she saw Qin Yi staring at Mu Xiaoxiao all the time, as if she was alone.

Her eyes are so gentle, full of pampering and pampering.

just like……

Zhang Qiao has a feeling that Mu Xiaoxiao, let alone picking up the orphanage, is afraid that she wants to pierce the sky, and Qin Yi will support her without hesitation.

She has been a fan of Qin Yi for so many years, and for the first time saw her look like this.

Sister Qin really got stuck.

"Moreover, you walked all the way and looked at it. You originally thought that there are so many things in this world that will no longer affect your heart, but when you really meet it, you can't help it and become a bondage." Mu Xiaoxiao said. It is very artistic, Zhang Qiao may not understand, but Missy can understand clearly.

This is Xiaoxiao's most heartfelt words.

Although she is bright and cheerful, deep in her heart is a pitted heart that has been repeatedly hurt by her closest relatives.

She told herself countless times that that was all.

She has to rely on all her strength to be kind to these people around her, and other people can no longer enter her heart.

But is this the case?

Mu Xiaoxiao did not expect that when she was twenty years old, she would meet the eldest lady.

She became her fetter.

She can't rest assured.

Even if she just went out for a day, she would miss her constantly.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao raised her head to look at Qin Yi. The eldest lady was watching her. Her eyes were soft and her eyebrows stretched, which was no longer the original fierceness and murderousness.

Before you know it.

Mu Xiaoxiao had her place in her heart, and she became dependent in her heart. She thought that the eldest lady would be waiting for her and guarding her anytime.

Just like just now.

When she was sad and sad, she looked up and saw her looking at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, she put her face on the eldest's lap like a baby, and gently nudged: "So happy to meet you."

Qin Yi touched her hair with slender fingertips.

--Drank too much?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her hand, grabbed it, shook her head, and said gently: "I don't have one. You don't know how good my drink is."

Her voice was soft, with a taste of coquetry.

Zhang Qiao, who was next to him, was about to get goose bumps. She felt that the meat she had just eaten was about to spit out. Damn, damn, Mr. Mu still has such a side? In school, Mu Xiaoxiao is very face-to-face. He is a small celebrity. Outside there is the burden of Teacher Mu’s idol, especially when facing the young boys who pursue her, he always waved his hand cleanly: "Consider what should be done at any age, classmates, please study hard." She refuses people, but she doesn't leave any feelings. If she entangles any more, she can't even do her friends.

When have you seen her acting so coquettishly?

Mu Xiaoxiao's face was pressed against Qin Yi's leg, feeling her cool fingertips gently brushing his eyebrows, and grinning: "Miss, I'm so happy today. You can drink a little too."

Although I have already recognized my sister and sister.

But she should start school in less than half a month.

Everything in this world is constantly changing, and no one can predict the future.

The best direction is that the eldest lady’s legs have recovered and she can speak slowly. But a series of tricky things are waiting for her. She may have to return to Nanyang, fight with her relatives, or return to her absence. In the entertainment industry for a long time, no matter which way, it is not easy for her to go.

And what about herself?

She still wants to regain her original intention of beating workers, busy, and there is no end to it. That was what she had always wanted, and it was full of strength, but now, for some reason, there was some emptiness and loneliness.

But why is she doing this?

She and the eldest lady, one is in the sky and the other is underground, aren't they?

The reason why she can accompany Qin Yi now is because of her body and her inability to speak.

One day, once she recovers, they will be people of two worlds.

These principles do not need to be said by others. Mu Xiaoxiao, who has experienced all kinds of things, understands the cruelty and helplessness of reality best.

Her sudden depression must be due to drinking.

Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed Qin Yi's leg and looked up at her: "I really like the present."

It would be nice if time can stop here.

At this moment, there are bright moons and stars in her eyes, and the eldest lady who is on the cusp of her heart.

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao quietly with a pair of ink-like eyes. She understood the entanglement and complexity in her eyes and the contradictions in her heart. Her hand stroked her frowning eyebrows, quietly. Looked at her.

--do not be afraid.

She will always be there.

From childhood to adulthood, the eldest lady has never been so longing to have someone, and fall in love with someone so strongly.

Perhaps in terms of family affection, she was already covered in blood and scarred.

But in terms of love, everything is brand new to her.

No regrets in playing chess.

Now that it has been determined, even if it is moths fighting the fire, as long as it is she will go on all the way without hesitation.

She fell in love with Mu Xiaoxiao.

If you fall in love, you fall in love.

She was not tempted, or tempted without knowing it, or she was tempted and still restrained with reason, so what?

She can wait forever.

Two months will not work, then half a year, half a year will not work, then one year, one year will not work, then continue, even if it is a lifetime.

Perhaps the process will be a bit bitter and hard to say, but for Qin Yi, this is a gift and nostalgia given to her by God.

She once resented the world.

Resent everything she went through.

But at the moment when I knew I fell in love with Mu Xiaoxiao.

Missy has reconciled with the world.

She understood that perhaps, all the deceptions, all the betrayals and pains she had experienced before were all in order to meet her.

Qin Yi now understands what her sister Qin Haiyao said to her when she left.

——A person has been walking the same path throughout his life, whether it is happiness or pain, the end of the road is definite.

Xiaoxiao is the destiny of her life.

She will definitely show up.

Qin Yi has always indulged Mu Xiaoxiao, so when she came over with a glass of wine, she smiled and toasted to her.

She knows Xiaoxiao's mood.

She always wanted to relax by herself.

Qin Yi was silent for a moment, and she stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with a pair of eyes.

--No regrets?

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "Is there any regret about this? It's okay, I'm here, relax."

Where is she, why is the eldest woman still tense? Proper drinking can relax people's nerves.

She hopes that in the next time, she can take the eldest lady to relax, take her to be happy, take her to laugh, so that she can feel a flesh and blood world, instead of returning to Qin’s house and being confined there again. In the cold tomb of the living dead.

In this way, it wouldn't be a waste of her to come to Qin's house.

Under Mu Xiaoxiao's gaze, the eldest lady raised her head and drank the wine a little bit, her neck slid gently, and her lips were rosy.

It's really amazing.

Most people will wait for a while after drinking.

But after the eldest lady finished drinking, Ruyu's cheeks turned red in an instant. Then, her eyes began to blur, and her eyes became longer.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat next to her and asked, "How is it? Do you feel a lot easier?"

Zhang Qiao also looked at Qin Yi nicely, wow, in her lifetime, she did not expect to see such a charming side of an idol.

The eldest lady is not only in daily life, she also walks in the entertainment circle in a cold and abstinent style, and the fans are nicknamed-Ice Beauty on Earth.

But now, her facial features became soft after drinking, her eyes were bright and ripples, she stared at Mu Xiaoxiao for a while, and raised her sore and feeble hand.

--stand up.

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately put down the wine glass in her hand, she patted her **** and stood up, "Why, eldest lady, is it only for a drink, you--"

Before she could finish her words, her waist was suddenly hugged. Then, as the faint sandalwood scent pours into her nose, the lady's head was buried in her arms, and the cat rubbed like a cat, her eyes narrowed. , The limp body is so leaning against her.

Feeling Mu Xiaoxiao's stiffness, the eldest lady curled her mouth in dissatisfaction, looking up at her as if she was wronged.

——Why don’t you hug me?

Mu Xiaoxiao:………………

Is this the abnormal behavior of the eldest lady drinking?

If you know this, take her to drink early.

She is dead!

The author has something to say: almost 200,000 words, my eldest lady is finally about to speak, covering her face.

ps: Everyone's encouragement message has been seen, bowed, thank you.

When I make adjustments, I will be full of morale and work hard to update. Don't worry.

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