——Did you hear?

The eldest lady held Mu Xiaoxiao's cheeks in both hands, her dark eyes looked at her unblinkingly, Xiaoxiao sniffed and nodded, "Yeah."

So good.

Can you behave?

Xiaoxiao's greatness means that she usually stuns. If the eldest lady really becomes angry, she will immediately weaken.

In fact, this feeling is also very strange to Xiaoxiao. Since she was a child, she has always been in front of her peers, the precocious one. She always protects others, her mother and grandma, and her younger siblings. Now, she has a feeling of being guarded by a big boss.

What kind of comfort is that?

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that she really turned into a Coyote in front of the eldest lady. She shrank into Qin Yi’s arms, clutching her skirt with one hand, and couldn’t help but hum and sing: “I’ve not been a sister-in-law for many years. I don’t like the cold edge of the bed, don’t force me to miss, don’t force me to cry, I will turn my face..."

Qin Yi heard goose bumps all over her body, wanted to laugh, but could only endure it.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked with that kind of baby sound: "Does people sing well?"

Missy nodded, she touched Xiaoxiao's face: "It's so ugly."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


I knew that the eldest had no heart!

With the floral-scented wind blowing, Xiaoxiao leaned on Qin Yi and acted like a baby. If Teacher Zhang heard her voice with a loud voice, she would definitely blow her head without hesitation.

"Miss, is it true that what you say will be as I wish as long as I want it?"


"You will agree to what I want?"


"Does that person turn around and want that tie to tie your hand?"

"Want to die?"


Her lover is in her arms, and the scent of her is in the nose. Such a feeling is also unfamiliar to Miss.

She felt that the empty piece in her heart was filled up by Xiaoxiao a little bit.

Not long after Wenrou Township, the eldest lady received a call from Zhang Qiao. When Xiaoxiao's **** voice pierced the sky sounded, both of them were shocked.

Xiaoxiao was frightened herself in a cold sweat.

——It's an addiction! It's a heart addiction!

"Why don't you mute?"

Xiaoxiao sat up from the eldest's arms all of a sudden, Qin Yi poked her forehead: "The wicked complain first."

Since the ringtone was changed to Xiaoxiao’s broken gong voice, Missy’s mobile phone has never been muted. She is reluctant to not play the game of calling herself. impossible.

Zhang Qiao hurriedly said, "Sister Qin, why doesn't Xiaoxiao answer the phone? Where is she?"

Today the village head came to see her and said that Xiaoxiao could not be contacted. Xiaoxiao had asked the village head to help inquire about Xiaohua's family. The village head greeted Xiaohua's grandma and introduced a few people, saying that they would come together tonight.

Teacher Mu is so good, no one's phone is answered.

This is irritating to Teacher Zhang. If she finds Mu Xiaoxiao today, she will hold her face and ask her, what is she doing? Don't even answer the phone! Where is she?

After listening to Zhang Qiao's words, the eldest lady put her arm around Mu Xiaoxiao's waist and said faintly: "In my arms."

Zhang Qiao:………………


In a word, it was a sturdy block for Teacher Zhang.

After a long silence, Zhang Qiao coughed: "Sorry, I disturbed you."

Mu Xiaoxiao survived by laughing at the eldest lady, and she could think of Zhang Qiao's sour expression on her face when she was shown off by the eldest lady.

Zhang Qiao:............

Damn it.

Her goose bumps were all frozen, and the eldest lady's aura was so strong that she could kill her through the phone.

"Then... can you assemble at my door in ten minutes."

Teacher Zhang's voice has changed from initial aggressiveness to cautiousness. The eldest lady looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's dirty clothes that had been thrown off, and said faintly: "She needs a bath."

Zhang Qiao:...

Three kills are over.

Teacher Zhang lay flat on the wicker chair in the small courtyard, with her mouth open, letting the sky of dog food fall into her mouth.

What happened to her before she was blind?

Why would you say to Xiaoxiao that Sister Qin is very decent and not a messy show?

That really didn't give her room to play!

Xiaoxiao went to the bath happily, thinking of Miss Zhang Qiao's words, she couldn't help laughing while washing.

When she came out, the eldest lady had already taken a set of her clothes and handed it over. Mu Xiaoxiao took it and said with emotion: "Oh, I didn't expect that one day I would live like an emperor."

She was actually served.

Still the eldest lady.

Qin Yi stared at her, raising her eyebrows: "The emperor?"

Do I need to choose a concubine?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


This **** possessiveness.

Don't let people wait too long. Xiaoxiao changed her clothes at the speed of light. She simply blew her hair and put on her shoes before going out.

The eldest lady disagreed, fearing that her head would be swooned by the wind at night, and she would blow her hair dry again.

Mu Xiaoxiao squinted her eyes comfortably. The eldest lady's technique is very good, her slender fingers will gently rub the roots of the hair, and she has learned all the skills of her teacher Tony.

When everything was over, Xiaoxiao was about to set off. She looked at her watch, and it was a quarter of an hour, and she hurried out.

The eldest lady sits in a wheelchair and looks at her fixedly.

The wind dropped the leaves, and the leaves fell, as if they were in the eyes of the lady.

Standing at the door, Xiaoxiao looked at the eldest lady's eyes, and was stunned: "Are you...follow me?"

The eldest did not speak, but looked at her with her lips.

Xiaoxiao walked over, squatted down and looked up at her, touching her face with one hand: "Didn't you just finish the psychological education class for me? You have to say everything, what do you want? Why don't you say it instead? Up?"

Communication is a science.

Teacher Mu has always been patient, the eldest lady stared at her, her eyes gradually changed, and it only took a few seconds to go from cold to grievance to anger.

"What's the matter?"

Xiaoxiao asked softly. She was considerate of the eldest lady. She must have been tired after having trouble with her all night. Because of her personality, she doesn't like to meet outsiders. This time should also be the time to go to the house to rest or to be busy with work.

At this time, the eldest lady looked at her eyes, calmly raised her hand, and used sign language.

——You really think you are the emperor.

After waiting for her to wash and change clothes, did she wave her little hand to find another concubine? Just threw her down like this?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Starry, the night is like ink, the moonlight is charming.

Mu Xiaoxiao took the eldest lady's little hand and walked side by side with her wheelchair, talking and laughing.

Of course, she was alone in talking and laughing, and the eldest lady listened calmly, but the slightly raised corners of her lips indicated that she was in a good mood.

Teacher Zhang and the village head watched the two people coming from a distance. Zhang Qiao was okay. During this period of time, his ability to accept the show was much stronger, but the village head was a little nervous. He didn’t know what was wrong. Tighten the instinctive heart.

"I'm sorry, the village chief, I didn't hear the phone while I was taking a shower."

Teacher Mu lied when he came up, without blinking, Teacher Zhang directly poked a **** to her, shameless!

Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes in return, single dog!

Greeted each other hurtful.

The village head respectfully walked to Qin Yi's side and bent over: "Ms. Qin."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Zhang Qiao:...

Missy nodded slightly: "You are welcome."

On the way to Xiaohua’s house, the village head simply said: "Xiaohua’s grandmother is more than 80 years old. She went to work outside when she was young and hurt her eyes. Later, she didn’t have money to treat her, and the situation worsened, until her parents. There has been no news so far, and her condition is even worse. She has been completely blind for several years, and she is dependent on one another. Xiaohua is a very clever child. The adults in the village like her very much, and some have asked me to adopt her. , But she herself disagrees. She always has to stay with her grandma. Seeing that she is going to school, she is delayed, and her grandma is also anxious."

Xiaoxiao knows this kind of mood best, she knows the kind of feelings that depend on each other for life.

If it were her, she would have the same choice as Xiaohua.

The village chief led a few people to Xiaohua's house: "This child is so good-looking. Last year he was almost abducted by a trafficker from an outside village. There was a shadow at that time, and he was wary of everyone, especially strangers."

Teacher Zhang and Teacher Mu have seen this.

Xiaoxiao went to see the eldest lady, and couldn't help thinking secretly, why did Xiaohua think she was a good person when she saw her?

It is also true, can such a prodigious temperament like her eldest lady, such a beautiful and beautiful appearance, be a bad person?

If she is really a bad person, think about it from another perspective. If she wants to kidnap herself, Teacher Mu feels that she will nod and agree, so what will she do if she wants to kidnap herself? Tie your hands and put them in a small black room to torment you? Whoops...

It is a young man after all.

After the two love each other, Teacher Mu always has some non-serious thoughts, and they are getting wilder and wilder.

Teacher Zhang is the one who knows best. Looking at the unstoppable yellow that overflows from her eyes, she is speechless, but she doesn't know how to remind the village head.

The eldest lady is the eldest lady, she rolled her wheelchair and calmly pressed Mu Xiaoxiao's feet.

Xiaoxiao took a breath, and looked up at the eldest lady, who was angry at her with a pair of eyes, and her cheeks were pale pink, full of anger.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked a bit dull again, so pretty, so pretty, I really want to kiss her.


Zhang Qiao:...

There is no rescue.

Fortunately, the destination has arrived.

It was a dilapidated red-walled tiled house. It was said to be a tiled house. It had long been dilapidated, as if a rainstorm could wash everything away.

The village chief yelled in dialect from the side. Soon, the sound of "dong dong" from the crutches knocking on the ground sounded, and the voice of the old man came out, "Here is coming."

The door was opened, still the old-style door bolt.

Grandma Xiaohua stood on the side with a crutch. Judging from her dress, she didn’t know how many times she had washed the hidden black clothes. The color had faded. Her white hair was curled up, her face was full of creases, and her eyes were frowning. It's closed, but it doesn't delay the kind smile on his face: "Oh, children, here it comes."

Xiao Hua was hiding behind the pillar, her eyes flashing with anxiety and fear.

She was very afraid that the village chief would bring people over.

She knew that every time the village chief brought good-hearted people, they wanted to help her.

But she was uncomfortable. Every time they left, grandma would tell her that afterwards, she would always say that her life was running out, and she wanted to find a good family for Xiaohua, even if she closed her eyes, she felt relieved.

In this case, every time Xiaohua listened to it, she felt her childish heart seemed to be burned on the fire, making her feel uncomfortable and she couldn't help crying.

She don't leave grandma.

This is her only relative.

Grandma didn’t have anything to entertain. She called Xiao Hua to make tea for a few people. Xiao Hua ran in. Mu Xiaoxiao pushed the lady’s wheelchair and smiled: "Grandma, you don’t need to be busy, we just come to sit and watch. Look at you and Xiaohua."

She is best at contacting old people, her voice is soft, as if she is chatting with her relatives.

This made the grandmother's heart more or less relieved. Before they came, the village chief had confessed that they were all kind people who came this time, and now they are helping the children in the village to teach, as well as subsidizing the leaders of the village.

Grandma has never seen a big person in her life, in her eyes, scholars are the most powerful.

Make a pot of tea.

There are only two cups in the house.

Xiao Hua repeatedly washed it with boiling water. For fear of being disgusted, she secretly went to see Qin Yi.

Missy naturally saw it, she nodded slightly when she looked at her, Xiao Hua's face immediately reddened, and she lowered.

Yesterday, she learned all the words taught by her beautiful sister.

But she did not dare to drag the firewood over.

Grandma said that the grace of dripping water should be repayed by the spring. The beautiful sister treated her very well, so that the aunt gave her so many delicious foods and taught her how to write. She has nothing to repay, nor can she repay. They cannot be favored by others.

At a young age, her self-esteem is very strong. Today, she went outside to chop wood. She didn't change anything to eat, or she would come up with something to entertain a few people.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Qiao chatted with grandma together. They didn't say the purpose of this trip, but just chatted about the daily routine.

The eldest lady listened beside her, without saying a word, she was like a fairy under the moon, quiet and beautiful.

Within a few minutes, the door rang again, and Xiao Hua went to open the door, staring at the person in front of her in a daze.

Liu Fang was carrying a lot of things in her hands, both eggs and meat. Her body was straight, she took everything in, put it on the ground, and stood at attention to the lady: "Miss, you told me. Brought it all."

The young lady nodded, and while everyone was still stunned, she kicked Xiaoxiao next to her: "Go cook."


All of a sudden, the small courtyard became lively, and Zhang Qiao was not too idle. She took Xiao Hua to sweep the courtyard and do housework with her.

She discovered that this kid is very good, young, and more efficient at work than her. His little hands and feet are very powerful, and he is proficient in sweeping the floor.

And Teacher Mu is a chef alone. The red fireworks burned up and the room filled the room with fragrance. She was making Coke chicken wings. Xiao Hua secretly swallowed her saliva while smelling the smell. She was very hungry. When she was growing up, she would be hungry if she didn't eat for a day. It didn't work, there was no oil and water in my stomach. After eating lamb skewers that day, my whole body was suffering from diarrhea and indigestion, but it was still gluttonous.

The village chief was called away because of something else, and said he would come and eat dinner later.

Only grandma and Qin Yi were left in the yard.

Grandma is getting older. Although she can't see, she knows that the person in front of her is the leader of the village chief. She is a little nervous, stroking her crutches with both hands, and she doesn't know what to say.

The moonlight filled the courtyard, and the small courtyard seemed to have been thrown into a layer of yarn. Xiaohua and Zhang Qiao’s laughter came from the room. Whether it was a child or was it captured by Teacher Zhang, she and Xiaohua were holding chicken feathers while sweeping the house. While grimacing to catch her, Xiao Hua ran back in surprise, laughing as she ran.

On the other hand, Mu Xiaoxiao sang out-of-tune songs, dangling the cooking spoons like dazzling skills.

Where there is the smell of fireworks, where is home.

Since Xiaohua's parents left, the family hasn't been so busy for a long time. Grandma's heart is both happy and sad. She knows that her granddaughter has met a noble person this time, and maybe her heart can finally be let go.

Seeing grandma's silver hair, the eldest lady said, "Don't worry, we won't take her away."

Grandma's hand holding the cane suddenly tightened, she looked up in Qin Yi's direction, she... she wasn't...

She is most afraid of delaying her granddaughter's tomorrow because of herself.

Qin Yi looked at her grandma's old face, and she said softly, "This child is destined to me. I will support her in elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university as long as she wants it in the future."

Grandma's eyelids couldn't help beating, her heartbeat accelerated, and something hot in her eyes surged upwards. She couldn't believe it and couldn't help asking: "Then I...how should I repay you?"

When the good-hearted people in the past came over, they would ask for it.

Most of them are childless, or have a son and want a girl, and all of their requests are for Xiaohua to live with them.

But this kind person came up and said that she would not take her away, so what did she want?

The eldest lady looked at her grandma, and then looked into the distance, a sweaty little flower running: "You have to live well and grow up with her."

In her and Xiaoxiao's life, all that was missing was family affection.

What Xiaoxiao can do, she can do the same.

——The world kissed me with pain, but I replied with song.

Xiaohua's eyes were sharp, and she was startled when she saw the tears on her grandma's face, and threw Zhang Qiao down, ran over in a hurry, and grabbed her grandma's arm.

Zhang Qiao saw this posture a little nervously. She didn't know what Sister Qin had said to her grandma, so she hurried to the kitchen to find Teacher Mu.

Xiaoxiao listened to her and looked out, cheerfully: "It's okay."

Zhang Qiao was a little worried, "Miss rushed to speak, she wouldn't be—"

"No." Xiaoxiao was relieved, she shook the frying spoon, "If you are free, come over and help me cut the meat."

Zhang Qiao stared at Xiaoxiao and looked at Teacher Mu's confident and confident look, and she was relieved.

Okay, well, everyone next to her pillow is talking, she can't worry about it.

Xiaohua nervously grabbed her grandma's arm, "Grandma, grandma..."

If this is someone else, she must lose her temper and stare at each other with her eyes.

But the other side is pretty sister...

Grandma was always in tears. She raised her big chapped hand, wiped the tears from her face, and touched Xiao Hua's hair: "Good boy, good boy, my child..."

Her little flower is a blessed child after all.

In the future, we must study hard to repay these many people and the society.

Xiao Hua didn't understand, she blinked at her grandma: "Don't cry... Grandma..."

Grandma wiped away her tears and smiled. She lowered her voice and said, "Quickly thank your sister. She said she wants to support you."


After hearing these words, Xiao Hua's first reaction was to hug her grandma tightly and press her face tightly: "I don't want to leave you, don't!"

Grandma was heartbroken and relieved by her arms. She couldn't see Qin Yi's expression. She was afraid that Xiaohua would be upset so much. She quickly said, "You kid, what can you do at such a young age, I don't want you."

Not everyone is kind.

In the past, Xiaohua often listened to the words said by others-what can you do if you are so young?

Some even said to her more excessively-just like yours, your grandma is dead, and there is no coffin.

After hearing this, Xiaohua cried bitterly for a long time. After returning home, she said to her grandma: "Grandma, rest assured, I will definitely give you the end of the care."

She has nothing, but she has herself.

If she can't do it, she will sell herself to others to be a child bride.

Grandma was very uncomfortable when she heard this. The granddaughter has always been the biggest concern in her heart. The people around her have agreed to her. Although she can't see what the other person looks like, she doesn't know what tone she said to herself, but the old man's life The accumulated experience tells her that this noble person who will be a granddaughter will definitely do what she says.

Grandma held Xiaohua in her ear and talked, patted her back with one hand to relax her.

The tears in Xiao Hua's eyes faded after listening to her grandma's words, from shock to surprise to incredible.

She looked at Qin Yi blankly, wondering why this beautiful sister would help herself.

Qin Yi didn't say, she didn't dare to ask, but wanted to ask again, Xiao Hua got off her grandma, she walked to the eldest lady's wheelchair, squatted down, and looked at her quietly.

This look is quite similar to Missy. Qin Yi looked up at her, "Ask what?"

Xiao Hua pursed her lips, cautiously: "Sister, why are you helping me?"

Why help her?


The former eldest lady never had such a leisurely mind. She was immersed in her own world, thinking that everyone in this world had an ugly face, and had no nostalgia for the world long ago.

But what is it for now?

The eldest lady's gaze turned to Xiaoxiao's direction unconsciously.

Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat from her head with one hand, and smiled with the other hand still smashing the pot.

Her smile is more beautiful than flames, it is the pure beauty of this world.

Missy looked at Xiaoxiao quietly, the fire in her hand leaped in her eyes.

The little flower squatting next to him waiting for the answer:...

When the child's legs were numb, the eldest finally retracted her gaze. She looked at Xiaohua faintly: "Teach you four more words today."

Xiao Hua was taken aback by the eldest lady's jumping thinking, she stared at her blankly, nodded, and hurried to get the pen and paper she gave herself that day.

The eldest lady took the paper and wrote four large characters on it.

Xiaohua whispered next to her, "Sister, you can teach me eight characters a day."

For her, four words are too simple.

Qin Yi glanced at her and nodded approvingly: "Yeah."

Teacher Zhang in the distance was a little curious about how Sister Qin taught her children. She moved her steps secretly, walked towards several people, and looked at her neck.

Xiaohua took it. She looked at the words on it and read intermittently: "Husband...heart...golden..."

Teacher Qin is serious: "When a husband and wife are in harmony, it is profitable to cut money."

Zhang Qiao:……………………

This is a bit more difficult than before. Xiaohua looked at the words on the paper and didn't understand: "Husband and wife... husband and wife..."

The eldest lady has clear eyes and rare patience: "Well, I'm describing my aunt who cooks with you."

Xiaohua:? ? ?


Zhang Qiao:? ? ? ! ! !

The author has something to say: The eldest has a calm face: I'm just telling the truth.

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