Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 72: 72nd

The eldest lady took the broom in her hand completely because of her protection. She didn’t know what Xiaoxiao was doing. Since that-day, after Xiaoxiao picked her up and said such explicit words in her ear , Miss Xiaoxiao’s trust in Comrade Xiaoxiao had cracks, and she had to protect herself when Xiaoxiao’s heart disease had not been cured.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Oh my goodness.

This is Tianxiadi—what a lover should do?

Xiaoxiao quit, she took off her high heels, kicked her legs and acted like a coquettish: "Miss, you have no intentions!"

She cried and stretched out her arms: "If you don't hug me yet, your **** has fallen into two pieces..."

The eldest lady hesitated for a moment, and she hurried to Mu Xiaoxiao in her wheelchair. She stared at Xiaoxiao suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

What does she do?

What can she do? ? ?

In broad daylight, is it possible to become a strong lady? ? ?

She is seduce her, the good atmosphere is gone, no more!

The eldest lady looked at Mu Xiaoxiao as a pufferfish in the same place. Her face changed color with anger. Then she put down the broom in her hand, grunted over, and stretched out her hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little arrogant, "Are you dragging me like this?"

The eldest lady looked at her: "Otherwise?"

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Can you stand up and give me a princess to hug me?"

Qin Yi: "You are not afraid of your **** falling into eight flaps."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

This is really a venomous and bad-mouthed lady.

Mu Xiaoxiao curled his mouth and stretched out his hand. The eldest lady-grabbed her hand and pulled her up, but Xiaoxiao was still stepping on high heels over there, staggering under her feet, and almost pulled the lady upside down with the wheelchair. Fortunately, the eldest lady reacted quickly, and when she was about to be dragged, she withdrew her hand.

Xiaoxiao who fell back to the ground again:...

Woo woo.

She was sad.

Her heart was broken.

Is this love? Painful realization.

The eldest lady looked at Xiaoxiao's angry look sitting on the ground, she was dull—the afternoon's heart, after all, was at that moment—the haze was dissipated by a smile.

She couldn't help but smile, and didn't want to be too obvious, she simply lowered her head, her long hair blocked her cheeks.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...? ? ?


This is the biggest Waterloo in Teacher Mu’s life. In front of her lover, she took off her high-heeled shoes again and again. She got up with her own brain, and ran to the wicker chair in the middle of the yard and lay down in anger. The quilt is pulled, wrapped around myself from the beginning to the end, and is autistic.

The eldest smiled well-while restraining her emotions, she walked over in the wheelchair, and poked Xiaoxiao's back with her hand.

Xiaoxiao moved and kicked irritably-under the quilt, muffled: "If you don't coax me today, I won't calm down."

Coax people.

How to coax?

Missy bowed her head and took out her mobile phone Baidu—how to coax her girlfriend?

There are too many answers from netizens.

Xiaoxiao waited and waited, she was almost suffocated in the bedding, and did not wait for Missy's response.

Could it be that she is gone?

Xiaoxiao was angry—pulling the quilt, about to lose his temper, and abruptly, the eldest lady who was waiting there—pinching her chin in her hand, she kissed her arms around her slender waist.

The cool, scented kiss, with the gentleness and strength of the eldest lady's unique.

Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, she hid backwards, the eldest squinted her eyes, did not let go of the hand holding her chin, leaned forward and kissed her without allowing her to escape.

There is nothing more refreshing than a lover's kiss.

Qin Yi has never been a person who can express herself, but whenever they are in close contact, Xiaoxiao always feels her deep love from her bones,-a little bit-with the slightest light The ground kiss surrounded her, and enveloped her like the sandalwood on the lady's body.

That was a sense of security, which Xiaoxiao had been missing since she was a child, she finally gave up resistance, half-squinted her eyes and fisted against the eldest lady's shoulder, leaning against her with enjoyment.

Qin Yi's heart melted when she saw her well-behaved look. Her hand gently stroked her back, and the heat crawled into her heart along the spine.

In the end, the eldest lady panted and looked down at Xiaoxiao: "If you want me to kiss you, just say, why scare people?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

She didn't.

Where does she scare people? She is obviously seduce!

Missy is really bullying.

She came back, when Qin Yi was always the most relaxed, Xiaoxiao recovered-next, she took the eldest lady from the wheelchair to the wicker chair, and hugged her, swaying.

"Why do you bring such high heels?"

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking, the eldest squeezed her mouth and asked, "Why did you steal my shoes?"


Missy is always sharp.

In fact, the eldest lady not only brought such high heels, she also brought her favorite long skirt, just because she always remembered what Xiaoxiao was in her ear—sentence—Miss, I wish I could see you stand up. After putting on a long skirt and stepping on high heels, it's so beautiful.

She kept every word of her in her heart.

This trip, the eldest lady is imperative, she is confident that she will get better.

If it really gets better, she will let Xiaoxiao see her most beautiful look at the first time.

It's a mess—for a while, Xiaoxiao talked about the school's various things with her arms around her, and talked about the difficulties of the children, and finally talked about how amazing the song of today's eldest lady is.

Qin Yi shrank in her arms, playing with Xiaoxiao's strands of hair, and had a panoramic view of her routine and Xiao Jiujiu.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw the eldest lady lying in her arms so obediently, she cleared her throat, and felt that the time for the attack had arrived. She moved her arm around the eldest lady’s waist and slowly moved up, "Miss, I watched it today. -I think the sentence is very good."

Qin Yi's long, curly eyelashes blinked softly, and Xiaoxiao couldn't help kissing-mouth.

The eldest lady wanted to laugh in her heart, and she did nothing to show her courtesy.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Marry a chicken, marry a chicken, marry a dog, and a dog, you say I—I’m so busy at school every day, I can’t see you, I miss you so much."

The eldest lady looked at her and touched her face with her hand: "When did I marry you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Seeing that she didn't answer, the eldest lady's hand stroked Xiaoxiao's lips: "Huh?"

The heart of the people who sounded "um" was numb, and Mu Xiaoxiao blushed, and she could only go online as a Chinese teacher: "Oh, isn't this just describing a couple? Can you think of other better ones? Huh?"

Missy: "The husband and wife were flying in the same forest bird disaster."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Seeing Xiaoxiao collapsed, the corners of the eldest lady's lips were slightly raised, her hands propped up, her long hair ran across her neck, and she stared straight at Xiaoxiao's eyes.


My goodness.

The eldest lady looked Qiubo in her eyes, and she was so angry that she was not too much to say that she was a vixen.

"Xiaoxiao, what exactly do you want me to do?"

The eldest lady's red lips lightly opened her mouth to ask,-her eyes were hooked on her, Xiaoxiao looked at her like this, and wanted to say it directly, but she always found it a little hard to tell.

The eldest lady was very patient, her hand was touching Xiaoxiao's collarbone, gently making a circle, looking at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's body trembled-next, she grabbed the messy hand of the eldest lady, "I'm just a little embarrassed."

This hand can't move randomly, and the next-lower seems to be drawn into her heart.

The eldest lady looked at her with a faint smile: "See if you didn't feel embarrassed just now."


The cool breeze in the afternoon, the shadows of trees rustling, and the sounds of insects and birds all around, it is cozy and comfortable.

Nephrite is in her arms, although it is still—a sentence can choke her to death, but holding her is happiness. Mu Xiaoxiao felt a lot of relaxation in her heart. She sighed gently and told the truth: "Today the principal said, think I want you to be a music teacher at school, I wondered—in the afternoon, I don’t know how to tell you."

Qin Yi didn't speak, her dark eyes stared at Xiaoxiao.

She is so pretty.

Xiao Xiaotian has grown-a smiling lips, even when she is not talking, the corners of her lips will slightly rise. The eldest lady likes the arc very much, and can't help but kiss softly, wanting to make her sunny.

Was kissed again.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face blushed, she felt that Missy today...well, she was a bit different from usual, she seemed to be extra enthusiastic.

Could it be true that she was confused by her beauty?

Thinking of this, Teacher Mu had a little confidence, and she put her hand on the lady's waist, "I denied it on the spot, saying that you are very busy every day, but I can't tell him..." She looked at Qin Yi: " Alas, miss, how come you seem—not surprised at all?"

Before, if the eldest lady was asked to do such a thing.

The eldest must let her go directly, don't even think about this request.

But at this time, the eldest lady looked at her with her head on her hands.

She is naturally not surprised.

It was the principal she took the initiative to find, so what's surprising.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed to be seen, she coughed and turned her eyes away: "I'm finished."

She looked at the mountains in the distance, and then at the birds on the trees, but she did not dare to look at the eldest lady.

Now, the aura of the two has formed a two-level reversal.

In the past, it was Xiaoxiao who led and teased the eldest lady, but now, it is Qin Yi's gaze chasing her from time to time.

She felt sorry for Xiaoxiao.

She can endure her entanglement and struggle, and it's still a long time, the eldest lady believes that she will slowly untie Xiaoxiao's heart knot.

It's just that she will never be allowed to leave.

This is the bottom line.

Miss-looking at her with her eyes, her shadow, "That's it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled: "...that's it."

Missy nodded: "Okay."

She relaxed the strength of her hand and directly placed her on Xiaoxiao's chest. Three thousand green silks scattered across Mu Xiaoxiao's neck coolly, igniting people's hearts.

My goodness.

What happened to the eldest lady today.

Is she acting like a baby with herself?

In Qin Yi's dictionary, there has never been the word "acting like a baby". The living environment that grew up made her independent and strong and sometimes even with aggressive domineering.

But Yu Xiaoxiao, a lot of things just came out so naturally.

She was not brave enough before.

I have never thought about it or even expected that I will have my own feelings.

Now that she has a lover, she will be firmly in her hand.

The eldest lady leaned on Mu Xiaoxiao's chest, listening to her fierce heartbeat, holding her empty hand with her fingers interlocking: "You know, as long as you say it, I will always do what you want. "

I will always do as you wish...

The eldest lady could feel the body trembling fiercely under her.

Xiaoxiao—Holding her arms around her waist, her eyes were red, and her heart was full of touch, and she was surging again—for a while, other complicated emotions, "but...but..."

She always feels that her eldest lady should be the kind who stands above and does not eat the fireworks, like when she sees her.

She would always feel uncomfortable and inferior in her heart because she pulled the eldest down, more and more melted into the dust with herself.

Always thinking, if she didn't have herself, she might find a better one.

The eldest leaned on her and whispered, "Are you stuttering?"


With her eldest lady, you can't make so many twists and turns, it's the easiest to be concise.

But that kind of inferiority has been suppressed in my heart for so many years, it is unknown, how can she speak it out.

In the end, Xiaoxiao still didn't say anything, she smiled hard, and gently shook the eldest lady's hand: "It's okay if you promise, kids-they will be happy."

She stood up, avoiding instinctively.

Today's eldest lady's eyes are too sharp, making her instinctively want to avoid.

The eldest lady also sat up, looking at her lightly.

"Are you sleepy? Rest early."

Xiaoxiao couldn't bear the gaze of the eldest lady. She smiled sullenly, and turned to leave, with abrupt hands, hands being held by someone, and Mu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, she fell to Qin Yi's. Arms.

The eldest lady hugged her, her jet-black eyes staring at Xiaoxiao, her hands stuck on her waist, she said faintly: "I have something to say."

Who allowed her to run.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on her lap, the person who claimed to be Xiang Yi Gongjun, this kind of action made her a little embarrassed.

The brilliance of the setting sun was reflected through the clouds. The eldest lady looked at her eyes and said, "Xiaoxiao, no matter when, no matter what happens, I will never leave you. I will always be by your side." "

In Xiaoxiao's memory, this was the longest sentence the eldest had said to her, like a sour vine, nakedly surrounding her heart that she wanted to hide.

It turned out that she was uneasy.

Her timidity.

Missy knows it all.

At the beginning, Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, her red eyes did not dare to look at the eldest lady. She felt that all the little secrets in her heart had been seen through.

This feeling was strange and sad to Teacher Mu. The eldest lady's scorching gaze made her unable to escape. Xiaoxiao lowered her head and didn't know how to answer. Many things from Qianchen's past passed through her mind.

People like her.

Since childhood, the most I have heard is that others told her-you are-an abandoned child. Your parents don't want you anymore. You have to study hard, be independent, and be strong.

It belongs to my mother and grandma—Xiaoxiao wants to grow up quickly. Grandma and mother are too old. I'm afraid they won't be with you for long. You have to learn to protect yourself.

It's Mu Jun and Su Kui's—we didn't mean to abandon you, but something happened. When you are so old, can't you understand us?

It was the sentence before Lan'er left. You want to live with my share of happiness, I'm so tired.

Everyone made her strong, and no one had ever promised her.

This made Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying. She was not a fragile person, but her tears were falling as if she was uncontrollable at this time.

She doesn't even know what's wrong with herself.

She shouldn't be like this.

In the end, Xiaoxiao felt her face held up by her cool and delicate hands like a baby.

The eldest kissed Xiaoxiao’s tears, and the kisses were dry, her lips were so gentle, she ironed the folds in her heart, and finally, the eldest’s eyes stared at Xiaoxiao gently. But he asked very seriously: "Did you hear?"

The author has something to say: Later, Missy once wrote in her memoir.

—Before meeting her, many people wanted me to get better, but others wanted me.

The desire to get better after meeting her is the eagerness in my heart.

Get well soon, so that I can protect her.

ps: Correct the typo later, and Ye Zi went to eat a meal.

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