It’s not easy for Xiaoxiao to go to class. She has a total of six children here, all of whom are younger and need to be taken care of. There is no way. Zhang Qiao and Li Bo have no experience with children. This is a little trickier. Will be handed to her. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:

Today, the room leaked and it rained continuously. At noon, when Xiaoxiao came out, the sky was still clear, and at this time it began to rain again.

The rain in the mountains is different from that in the city. The coolness is deep in the bones. The house on the school side has been in disrepair for a long time, and the tiles are scattered. When it rains, everyone suffers.

Fortunately, the children are well-trained. When it is raining, they don't need Mu Xiaoxiao to greet them.

Xiaoxiao was pleased and sad to see that they were so sensible and proficient. She called everyone to sit on the podium where there was no leakage of rain, and chatted while watching the rain.

"Ding dong dong dong dong" With the sound of rain hitting pots and pans, Mu Xiaoxiao put on the coat she had brought to Wenwen, the youngest and weakest.

The children are not very familiar with the teacher, and they are somewhat cautious, especially Wenwen. She feels scent in Teacher Mu's clothes, and she is a little uncomfortable with her hands in her clothes.

She was only eight years old, but she often went to the field to help with the work at home. At home, she and her grandparents were the only ones who had just passed the food and clothing line, and the little hands were tanned, for fear of staining the teacher's clothes.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled: "Teacher hasn't seen such a beautiful scenery for a long time."

Outside the window, there are cascading mountains, and the distance is foggy, like a fairyland.

I used to be busy in the city. At this time, in Xiaoxiao's memory, it was mostly subway buses, where he rushed.

When she spoke like this, one of the older boys couldn't help asking: "Teacher, do the children in the city really look like what they say on TV?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him gently: "What do you say on TV?"

She thought that the children were talking about the metamorphosis. Every family's children are like little emperors, let alone worry about food and clothing. In pursuit of famous brands, parents will always give them the best.

The boy laughed innocently and yearningly: "I see their parents hold them in their arms every day, watching everything they walk, and worry about where they go. They will pick them up after school and stay with them every day."

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled, a child next to him rubbed the frozen goose bumps on his arm, "Aren't their parents working?"

He hasn't seen his parents for half a year, and he misses them very much, but he also understands that if his parents were not working outside, he would not be able to go to school.

Love for parents is always the deepest desire in people's hearts.

Mu Xiaoxiao reached out and touched the boy's hair: "You have to study hard. Parents are busy outside. I hope that you can grow up to get out of the mountains and have your own life. If you are not so busy, you will have more time to spend with your family. "

Some reality is so cruel, she can't bear to tell the children.

Wenwen looked at Xiaoxiao with a small voice: "Teacher, can you sing a song for us?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The children booed around, "Yeah, teacher, you can sing a song for us. We have all the teachers here, but there is no music teacher."


Are the children sure to do this?

This is a good atmosphere that has just been established.

Because these children usually see fewer people outside, they are particularly afraid of living. They have not been familiar with Xiaoxiao in the past two days. It is rare to have a conversation today.

Seeing the children persist in this way, Mu Xiaoxiao did not refuse. She cleared her throat and came out with a song called "Little Mushroom Picker", "The little mushroom picker carried a big bamboo basket and bare her little feet early in the morning. go……"

She once sang this song to the eldest lady, who had a smile on her face when she heard it.

She always feels that she may not be particularly good at other songs, but maybe she will have a different taste when singing.

Xiaoxiao sang very enthusiastically. She didn't release the water because they were children. She was deeply involved. She looked at the scenery in the distance and felt that she was about to become a small mushroom in this mountain.

Finally, the children responded silently to her.

Xiaoxiao coughed: "Why, doesn't it sound good?"

Each of their faces had sour expressions as if they had just drunk a bottle of vinegar. The eldest boy asked carefully: "Teacher, are you an adapted version?"

The girl next to me then said: "I know, my aunt told me that now the nursery rhymes will change, what version is this called?" She thought about it, and said seriously: "dj remixed version."

"Yes, yes, so fashionable."

Everyone immediately applauded as soon as they heard it. It sounds good, it sounds so good, it's different from what they heard before.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

She can't get off the stage because of everyone, so I'm really sorry.

Fortunately, Teacher Mu had a harder backstage. She thought about it, took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone to Miss Mu.

Qin Yi was looking at the rain in a daze. After she hung up Su Qiuyun's phone, her mind was tumbling and complicated. Thinking of Xiaoxiao's various things, she couldn't describe her distress in words.

She tried hard to warm her injured heart, but she didn't know how to start.

After receiving Xiaoxiao's call, the eldest took a deep breath and restrained her emotions: "Hey."

Xiaoxiao's happy voice came over, "Miss, can you sing a song for us?"

Putting her hand on her lips, she made a "hush" motion at the children, and several small heads were brought together, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with big eyes full of desire.

Xiaoxiao lowered her voice: "It's raining on my side, and the children are all together. Give me some face."

She was really afraid that the eldest lady would stun the children by saying "get off" and "do you want to die?"

The eldest lady was silent for a while, her eyelashes blinked, and she asked faintly: "Mu Xiaoxiao, do you know who I am?"

Mu Xiaoxiao rubbed the goose bumps on his arm, "I know..."

Many people in her family would bend down and respectfully call the singer-songwriter of Teacher Qin.

Missy: "Then do you know how much money someone asks me to sing?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed dryly: "Oh, can't you wait for me to come home to make up for you?"

If there is no money, she can compensate in other ways.

The corners of the eldest lady's lips rose unconsciously, as long as she heard her voice, she would be happy.

She looked at the overlapping mountains in the distance, thinking about Xiaoxiao's appearance, her red lips lightly opened, and she hummed softly.

——Should we lay down heavy shells

Looking for where is the blue sky

Floating gently with the gentle wind

I don’t feel any pain after the injury

I want to climb step by step

Waiting for the sun to look at its face quietly...

She sang "Snail". Although this song is not a nursery rhyme, it is more suitable for the children's current situation.

Each of them is like a little snail.

Although they are young, they already have a lot of burden on them, but as long as they persist, as long as they work hard, they will eventually have a better life.

Tian Lai singer’s business is not blowing. Through the phone, she is as clear as jade, slow and gentle. The children in the front row are hearing "The tears and sweat that flowed through the little sky, one day I will belong to me." My god..." At that time, tears burst down.

One song is over.

The children couldn't help clapping enthusiastically with their little hands. The movement was so loud that they recruited several teachers from the next class.

When Teacher Zhang heard that Teacher Mu had mobilized foreign aid family members to sing to the children, she envy made her face distorted: "Ah, ah, I want to listen to sister Qin singing too!"

The children from other classes all went to see the principal, looking forward with all their faces. They didn't know who this sister Qin was, but they really wanted to have a music teacher.

The principal touched his nose awkwardly, "It's all right, it's all gone, go back to hide from the rain, and go home early if it's sunny today."

In fact, there is a very old piano in the school. It is the kind of old antique that can't wait for the keys to fall. For a long time, no one moved, and a thick layer of dust fell on it.

He knew Qin Yi, and knew her identity and status. Let alone the principal of a school, he was the leader of the district and didn't dare to trouble such a big man casually. He didn't dare to have some ideas at all.

The rain was still falling, because it was too cold, everyone huddled together to keep warm.

The children from the two classes of Teacher Mu and Teacher Zhang got together. Each of the two teachers held two pencil boxes as bamboo boards. They were knocked and beaten to give the children a cross talk. The children laughed and made a noise. I don't know how happy it is.

When the principal was pleased to see this scene, someone from the school came, Liu Fang holding a dark green umbrella, walked directly in front of him, and stood up and saluted.


Went to the office.

The principal didn't entertain him. He poured Liu Fang a cup of tea and wiped the water from his hands. It was a bit embarrassing: "My room is too messy. There is nothing to entertain. You can have some tea."

Liu Fang sat upright and smiled slightly: "Don't bother you, I was entrusted by others."

Just now.

The eldest lady who hung up the phone thought about it for a long time. She checked a lot of questions on the Internet about how to heal the hurt in the heart of her lover, and felt that the netizens' answers were not very reliable.

-What is the cure? I'm all in love, do I need to talk about it? Kiss her, be her, and break her down in one step.

——The quilt is the gentle homeland that people want most.

——Use your lips to heal, use yours to heal injuries, use yours to build a better tomorrow.


The eldest lady frowned, her face turned red slightly, and she closed her hands.

This netizen is not reliable.

She sat in a wheelchair, calmed her mind for a while, thinking about the past.

For psychotherapy, the eldest lady can be regarded as a half-expert. In the industry, she has basically met all the famous ones. Which of the previous ones does not fit her name?

And the reason why Xiaoxiao was able to walk into her heart at the time was because she put her mind at ease, no matter what she said or did, she didn't even care about letting her go.

Silent company, following day by day...


For people, these "two characters" are too important.

Before she knew it, the eldest had an idea, she called Liu Fang and ordered something.

This is the first time Liu Fang has independently completed the work assigned by the eldest lady. He is particularly serious, "I heard that your school lacks a music teacher."

The principal moved the test paper on the table aside and used a basin to connect the water downstairs: "Yes."

He actually wanted to tell the person in front of him that he lacked not only a music teacher, but everything.

Liu Fang heard the principal say so and immediately took out the files in the bag, and she handed it over: "This is the resume of our eldest lady. She intends to come to your school as a music teacher."

headmaster︰? ? ? ...

Qin's resume?

The principal simply didn't dare to take it. He stared at Liu Fang in shock, "this...this..."

Even if Qin Yi wanted to come, he wouldn't dare to invite it.

How much money can he have in this elementary school, and how can he hire such a big name.

Liu Fang looked at the principal: "The eldest lady said that it is voluntary work and does not require salary, but there is one thing I would like to ask you for help."


Will Qin ask him for help?

He is so flustered.

Where is the blood pressure medicine?

Teacher Mu was chatting with the children dryly, and she was called to the office by the principal.

She is already familiar with the principal, working and cooking together every day, there is no generation gap at all.

She smiled and sat on the chair, very relaxed: "What's the matter, principal?"

The principal looked at her, "I heard from Director Wang that Teacher Mu also brought family members this time."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


What is Director Wang doing? What is the principal doing? Why do you look at her with that look? What are these two people planning to calculate with her?

Teacher Mu is psychologically involved. She preemptively said: "My family is right, but she is also the person in charge of Shenglan's love line this time. There are so many things to do every day."

The principal slapped Mu Xiaoxiao's thigh, and he frightened Mu Xiaoxiao. He looked at Xiaoxiao: "I knew it was difficult to ask, so I asked Teacher Mu for you!"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Picking up the tea mug, the principal took a sip of tea, "I heard that Teacher Mu brought a loving dj mushroom to everyone in the classroom today."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The rumors killed people.

"Ms. Mu can sing like that, and he can pay for everyone. Why can't he fight for the children this time?"

The principal looked at Teacher Mu and felt guilty, and he was also under pressure. This matter must be done, even if it is "coercion and temptation", it must be done by Teacher Mu.

President Qin has only been here for a few days, and the village chief has ran to him several times, saying that this time he might have met a noble person in the village. Shenglan is different from the company that used to visit here for public welfare. They did not bring any reporters and media. , It’s not the type of hype that allows everyone to come for interviews and reports the next day, and it has even been strictly preventing media reporters from coming over. In the past few days, Mr. Lu always took a group of people around in the village with the village chief to look around Sichuan, wanting to see what is suitable for development in the village, Mr. Lu told the village chief: “We, Mr. Qin, are determined to help this time. Help this way, brother, don't worry."

The village chief wiped his sweat, "'s not easy...I have also come here before, but they have been improved a little in the short term, and then there is no way."

He was not afraid of getting tired, let alone the trouble, but he was afraid of giving the villagers hope and disappointing the huge gap.

Mr. Lu gently lifted his glasses, “You don’t know that Mr. Qin has a very large entertainment company besides Shenglan. Now in the age of traffic, she has countless artists, and there is no need to worry about publicity. It’s exploded when artists come to some live recommendations. Now we are thinking about a long-term virtuous cycle of development. A few days ago, the eldest lady asked a friend in the government, and now I want to hurry up and download the documents and fund the road here. build."

The village head knew how difficult it was to help the poor, and he was a little surprised when he heard this series of words: "But the funds above..."

He ran back and forth many times, and there were not many funds in the township, and there were too many poor villages. It was not that he didn't want to help, but he couldn't help with one hand.

With his hands behind his back, Mr. Lu looked around: "Don't worry about money."

Qin Yi ordered that it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. The village should not be prosperous for a short period of time. The most important thing is to attract capital back, not only to attract people from outside, but also to make the young people in the village willing to stay and continue the trip. labor force.

The introduction of tourism is just a way to open up the road. The production of specialty Maojian tea here is good, but also because of transportation reasons, the purchaser will only come and collect it once a year, not to mention the monopoly, and the price is suppressed.

The name of the farmer has worked hard for a year, and it will be able to maintain adequate food and clothing.

Gradually, apart from the old people who stayed behind, few young people like to do such thankless things.

The road ahead is very long, Qin Yi explained, don't worry, take your time.

Mr. Lu was a bit embarrassed before, and felt that such a project was arduous and thankless, but the eldest lady used to be kind to him.

Qin Yi believes that although the road is difficult, as long as the direction is right, he is not afraid of slowness.

The eldest lady even thought that she would visit Xiaoxiao again in a few years. At that time, life in the mountains would definitely not be what it is now. The wide highway, once entering the village, is a green tea field, and the wind blows the fragrance of tea. She can go hand in hand with Xiaoxiao to see the children.

She has helped the village with such a big favor, and if she wants the principal to do such a small favor, can he not help?

In the end, the principal shook Mu Xiaoxiao's hand: "Teacher Mu, the beautiful tomorrow that the children yearn for music is all in your body."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

She really is Alexander.

It is really too difficult for the eldest lady to be a music teacher.

On the way back, Mu Xiaoxiao told Zhang Qiao about the principal’s request to her. Teacher Zhang didn’t have a right line. “It’s not easy. You two are like couples now. What can’t you say? Still as unpromising as before?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Zhang Qiao: "It's not that you don't know her temperament, she doesn't like seeing strangers."

"Oh, hello." Teacher Zhang raised her eyebrows: "She doesn't like seeing strangers. For you, didn't she also meet me, but also Su Ma, and Qiuqiu, and came to the mountains?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Zhang Qiaoyu patted her shoulder earnestly: "Sister Qin can do anything for your baby bumps."

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "I don't want her to be too reluctant for me."

"This is not called reluctance. For your lover, it is willingness to give. Is it reluctance what you do for your eldest lady?"

Teacher Zhang was very sharp at the critical moment, and Mu Xiaoxiao immediately shook his head: "Naturally not, everything I did for the eldest lady was willingly."

Zhang Qiao looked at her eyes, "Then how do you know that she won't be what you want?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...


This teacher has been completely wooed by the eldest recently, and is no longer the person who used to wear a pair of pants with her.

Teacher Zhang has recently become obsessed with vlog. She told Mu Xiaoxiao that she is quite popular among the newcomers. At least this is that as long as there is a thought, there is traffic to make money.

Except for directly leaving the country by herself, she directly mosaics the faces of other people, or directly replaces them with cartoon heads.

She pulled Mu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, look, there is a challenge here, saying that the challenge is to untie the buttons of the lover, and she can't hold it for a few seconds."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her viciously: "Don't mess with me!"

Zhang Qiao grieved and chirped, "I didn't let you record it again. I just added a taste of sister Qin to you. You see you are a dog every day, don't leave her in the cold."

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Hurry up and worry about yourself, a person of this age, I didn't see you having a serious relationship."

Zhang Qiao Lengchi: "Just yesterday the guy from the village next door came to give me flowers and wanted to keep me."

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Then you can hurry up, and I will give you three boxes of firewood and eggs as a gift when we get married."

Zhang Qiao: "...bye!"

Teacher Mu was really annoying and didn't go with her.

After all, he finally got rid of the noisy Teacher Zhang. Mu Xiaoxiao saw the old acquaintance again before he left for a while. Comrade Xiaohua was dragging a lot of firewood and was talking to the other person in a house.

The other woman waved her hand and touched her head with a little regret. Xiao Hua didn't speak, but bowed to her, wiped her sweat, and continued to pull the firewood to the next house.

It looks like it is selling firewood, but it is not very popular today.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Xiaohua and wondered that this child is also of school age. According to the words of the eldest, she is a clever child and can't always be so delayed. After these few days, she has to find a chance to ask the village chief to see if she can. Is there any way to help her.

Speaking of helping people...

Mu Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone and checked his balance.

One thousand two hundred and forty yuan...

It's really sad.

After they arrived, she and Zhang Qiao helped the school buy a lot of things. Because of the long distance and troublesome logistics, the cost of manual delivery was simply sky-high. They deliberately contacted a large truck in the next village to transport some things that the school can use daily. Things, especially the children’s books, and some basic building materials. This school is too shabby. If the strong labor force in the village cannot afford to hire, the young teachers can help themselves. It is not easy to transport such a trip. She, Zhang Qiao and the others took out all the old things and wanted to pull more. Teacher Zhang was tearful: "I have never felt that money is so important at this moment in my life." She is now I kind of understand why Xiaoxiao is busy day and night.

The money has bottomed out...

Just this little money, how can you get a big man like Missy.

He is burdened with an arduous task...

Teacher Mu looked up to the sky and sighed three times, and she touched her face sadly.

Except for this beautiful and beautiful face, Teacher Mu feels that he really has nothing to do with him.

Liu Fang prepared the food ahead of time. I don't know if the eldest has no appetite or something, so he put down the chopsticks after eating a few chopsticks, and kept looking at the direction of the door.

She knew that she was waiting for Xiaoxiao, so as soon as Teacher Mu came back, Liu Fang went out to take care of what the eldest lady had explained.

Teacher Mu was very attentive when he got home. He washed himself first, changed into a beautiful pale pink pajamas, with white skin on the lining, and sprayed some perfume on the back of his ears and wrists.

Qin Yi stared at her in a wheelchair, her nose moved, sniffing the perfume in the air, and the corners of her lips rose slightly.

Teacher Mu was looking in the mirror there, and she wiped her lipstick on purpose, and looked at the beautiful girl in the mirror.

She couldn't help thinking, oops, who is this girl, why is she so smart, she wants a face and a figure, it's really too hot.

When Mu Xiaoxiao turned around, the eldest lady's expression had returned to normal, holding a book in her hand and looking at her faintly.

The eldest lady wore a light green long skirt, the kind of gauze, the skirt would flutter when the wind blows, her long hair was scattered, and she was holding a book in her hand, which was a bit of an ancient taste.

Seeing the seriousness of the eldest lady, Mu Xiaoxiao felt like a vixen preparing to seduce a weak scholar. She fantasized about all sorts of clips, and tried her best to cheer herself up.

This time, in order to be foolproof, she deliberately went to lock the door and sent a message to Zhang Qiao-don't bother me.

Everything is ready.

Teacher Mu started to act.

This is the first time in her life that she betrayed her hue to seduce people.

She didn't know what it was like, she just thought about the clips that were seduced by so many patients who had seen the disease in those years, and then checked the information.

Teacher Mu deliberately didn't wear the slippers that he would usually put on after taking a shower, and found a pair of high heels for the eldest lady to put on.

She imagined it well.

Just the kind of wind blowing...

Her hair fluttered, and her **** pajamas were blown up, and all that should be exposed was exposed to her, and then she threw herself into the arms of the eldest lady with a shy, pretentious gesture, with the sound of being trampled on her feet. Talk to her, and finally hit the eldest lady with a punch, put forward her ultimate request, let her be a music teacher.

It can be imagined that it is always full, and reality is always skinny.

On this day, Teacher Mu experienced the most painful waterloo in his life.

The most important thing is that Teacher Mu is too confident about herself. She chose the eldest lady's heels that are nearly 20 centimeters high.

When she came out wearing high heels, she felt like she was stepping on stilts, let alone catwalk, she just walked a few steps forward and staggered, "Hey ah ah -"

Teacher Mu stretched out his hand to keep balance, "Miss...Miss!!!"

She's going to have her feet, come on, the eldest lady will definitely hug her, isn't it? Another style is okay, she can just fall into her arms and act like a baby.

When the eldest lady saw Xiaoxiao swaying towards herself like a zombie, she rushed over. She turned her wheelchair and slammed back two steps for fear that she would hit herself.

The eldest lady and the wheelchair have reached the point where the human chair is one, and she is super magical.

She doesn't want to be thrashed, so she can pass through the peach blossoms like that kind of martial arts master, without touching the leaves.

Teacher Mu slammed a big **** sturdily, a tingling pain ran across the body with the tail vertebrae, and she grinned in pain. Now, the **** pajamas are also dirty, her hair is messed up, and her style is white. Up.

She rubbed her **** and cried and went to see the eldest lady.

The eldest lady really responded quickly, the book in her hand was gone, and she didn't know when it was replaced by a long broom.

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

The author has something to say:     , the leaves write too much fat every day, and they have to change it twice.

Alright, okay, if you leave more comments, it’s better.

Today, Ye Ye worked overtime. I will read your comments later and write at home.

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