Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 95: 95th

-You teach me, I will dance for you at night.

Speaking of such extreme temptation, what you want to do is so innocent. Who can withstand such a double attack?

Anyway, Xiaoxiao couldn’t. The alcohol started to rush up, and her body became soft. She put her arms around the lady’s waist and looked down at the Rubik’s cube pinched by her: “In fact, it’s not that difficult. There are formulas. Seven steps, right reverse, upper position..."

Xiaoxiao said that Yanzhu had been staring at Miss Xiao, something funny in her heart, Miss was really serious, staring at her hand, Zhu's lips were still moving slightly, as if repeating what Xiaoxiao had said. .

Teacher Mu deliberately said to bully people quickly, Qin Yi raised her head and glanced at her: "I asked you to teach me, what are you doing while looking at me with a squint?"

Can it be unsatisfactory?

The eldest lady’s skin is so good, she has a faint glow under the light, and her serious appearance is really good to arouse people’s inner desires, Xiaoxiao couldn’t help it, she was about to kiss her with her lips pressed, but The eldest lady blocked her mouth with her hand, and her very cool fingertips gently rubbed Xiaoxiao’s lips. Xiaoxiao could even feel the lines on her fingertips. It was so crispy, just when Xiaoxiao was hooked and was about to collapse. Occasion.

Missy smiled slightly: "You say the formula again."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Is the formula really that important? And even if you say it again, the eldest will remember it immediately?

This is a skilled trade, Xiaoxiao only became familiar with it after practicing for a few months when he was young.

The eldest lady heard Xiaoxiao say it again, took the Rubik's Cube in Xiaoxiao's hand, and turned her head in a pattern.

Her hands were slender and agile, and the Rubik's Cube was dialed in her hands with a crisp sound.

The first few times, the eldest lady was not very proficient. Teacher Mu was talking about bullying while holding her arms. Gradually, Teacher Mu's expression also changed, from the initial teasing and teasing, to shocking and confusing, and then to the later. Incredible.

The eldest slapped Teacher Mu's hand and got up from her. The corners of her lips rose, and she whispered, "It's not that difficult."


Damn it! Miss, is she a human?

Qin Yi looked at Teacher Mu's lost appearance on the bed, she curled her lips, walked to her side, and touched her hair: "I've been crushed again, I feel uncomfortable."

Mu Xiaoxiao:...! !

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

The eldest lady looked at the ring she was wearing on her finger, "You wait."


What's the meaning? What is she waiting for? What is the eldest suggesting? Why did you learn to look at her so "contempt"? Do you know how to take care of the teacher? !

But what about Miss?

People have already walked out happily under the moonlight, even with a hint of eagerness in their footsteps.


In front of the children, the eldest lady naturally wouldn't show anything, she sat down and glanced at Qiuqiu indifferently.

Qiuqiu was puzzled after receiving the look. The eldest lady looked at the Rubik's Cube in her hand calmly, and she suddenly said, "Sister, do you want to teach us the Rubik's Cube?"


At first, didn't Sister Xiaoxiao even said she couldn't?

Seeing the children were all around, Su Qiuyun and Grandma Chu turned their heads to look at Xiaoxiao. Under the moonlight, Xiaoxiao walked out depressed. She looked at the young lady who was surrounded by the children. molar.

You can't always be bullied like this.

She will rise up to resist.

Such a night, such a birthday, if Xiaoxiao were to count it, it might be the no.1 of her life.

Finally, Su Qiuyun also rarely indulged Xiaoxiao, let the children set up a bonfire in the yard, and danced there arm in arm.

Xiaoxiao was even more remarkable. She arranged all the dishes and chopsticks, and brought the guitar to the eldest lady again, screaming that she had to listen to her childhood favorite "A Laugh from the Sea".

The eldest lady originally refused, but Teacher Mu threatened her, "If you don't sing, I will sing."

Qiuqiu, who passed by and heard these words, suddenly got her hair on end. She rubbed her arms and looked at Qin Yi eagerly.

Damn it.

On such a happy day, a sister must save them.

Qin Yi:...

There is really no way to take Xiaoxiao, and it is really only she who can control the eldest lady.

In the life of the eldest lady, most of the songs she sang are love songs that are light and tactful.

And Teacher Mu took the chopsticks and began to tap the pots and pans, making a mess of noises, and the children all started laughing and making noise.

The eldest lady's hand plucked the strings, looked up at the intoxicating moon, and then at Xiaoxiao who was twisted and smiling, she also let go.

-Canghai laughed

Surging tide

The Ups and Downs Follow the Waves

Cang Tian Laugh

The tide of the world

God knows who loses and wins

In a person's life, the longest rush is no more than a hundred years, and the shortest is just a moment.

How many joys, sorrows, sorrows, ups and downs will there be? What will be persistent?

In the end, everything is just a dream.

Once today has passed, it has become the past.

Live well in the moment, and cherish every minute and every second you spend with your lover, family and friends.

The tune is acceptable, and the eldest lady sang her aura, sang momentum, and sang the arena.

Grandma Chu smiled and watched the children making trouble. She approached Su Qiuyun and asked, "This child is so aura, she is 1."

Su Qiuyun:? ? ?

She looked at grandma incredulously, thinking she had heard it wrong, grandma Chu pointed to the phone, "I can also Baidu."

Su Qiuyun:...

The orphanage hasn't been so lively for a long time.

Finally, everyone sat together and sang the song "Happy Birthday" loudly.

The young and tender faces were blissfully and cutely outlined by the bonfire. Su Qiuyun and Grandma Chu were also happy to be two children, arm in arm and sang with everyone.

It's been a long time since I had such happiness.

Mu Xiaoxiao was really drunk. She staggered and leaned on the eldest lady, with a smile on her lips. She looked at the noisy children and said softly, "Miss."

Qin Yi also looked at the campfire, with the flames in his eyes, "Yeah."

Xiaoxiao: "Thank you."

This sentence, she shouldn't have said, with their feelings, there is no need for any words to express anything.

One look can represent everything.

But Xiaoxiao still couldn't help but say. She didn't expect that if she had a birthday, what she wanted most was to let the children in the orphanage let go to eat barbecue, but it was an unintentional sentence, and she would be taken seriously. Miss remembered it for so long.

It is too.

What words did the eldest say that she didn't remember?

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Qin Yi with tears, the eldest lady touched her face and asked gently: "Drunk?"

Mu Xiaoxiao sniffed, "Before, my mother always asked me to make a wish for my birthday, saying that the gods would pay special attention to my birthday wish."

Every time, Xiaoxiao would put her hands together religiously. Most of her wishes were to wish her mother and grandma a long life. She hoped that Qiuqiu's body would get better soon, and that more and more people could see the orphanage. Help the orphanage, and hope that all poor children in the world can be treated sincerely.

She made a lot of wishes, never for herself.

Now, under the gaze of Miss Jiao Jiao, under the bright starry sky, Xiao Xiao puts her hands together, and whispers softly: "I promise you a good life forever, and we will never be separated."

Only this time it was for herself.

Where is the **** in the world?

The eldest lady is her god.

She filled Xiaoxiao's wish bit by bit, erased the scars in her heart, pieced together the broken heart bit by bit, and covered it with a gentle kiss to heal everything.

when it is time to leave.

Xiaoxiao leaned on Qin Yi and looked at her grandma and mother, her face flushed, and she waved her hands: "Okay, let's go back, two little old ladies, I will come back to see you soon."

When her support teacher comes back, she will accompany her mother and grandma well.

"Mom, you will have your birthday in two months. Just in time I can come back. Miss and I will spend it with you."

Xiaoxiao was so drunk that she didn't forget to hold Su Qiuyun and kiss her on the cheek.

She is extremely grateful on such a day.

If it weren't for Su Qiuyun, if it wasn't for grandma, she wouldn't know where she was floating now.

Between the world, Su Qiuyun and grandma are her greatest benefactors in this life, thanks to her parents.

Su Qiuyun touched Xiaoxiao's hair: "If you drink too much, relax. Come back early and Mom will make you pork belly."

The mother is worried about the child traveling thousands of miles.

Every time before Xiaoxiao left, she would say this to her children. In the past, Su Qiuyun had a lot of concerns and worries about Xiaoxiao, but now she is full of joy and happiness for her daughter.

Xiaoxiao has someone to rely on, and she has really grown up.

Get in the car.

On the way home, Xiaoxiao was leaning on the eldest lady, smelling the fragrance on her body, and couldn't help but tilt her head to kiss her lips.

Liu Wannian in the front row was stiff, his eyes staring like bells, and he looked at the road ahead without squinting.

The eldest lady sorted her hair tenderly and endured her kiss.

A soft kiss, a shallow kiss, can talk.

Bright neon lights came in and fell on Missy’s cheeks. She was kissed by Xiaoxiao on the seat. Xiaoxiao held her hand with her fingers intertwined and whispered: "Remember our Do you go out in the car together at once?"

How can you not remember?

At that time, it was the eldest lady who went to see Sister Song secretly, just like yesterday.

Xiaoxiao kissed the eldest lady's lips: "When I come back, let's go see Sister Song together, okay?"

In the past, it was absolutely forbidden to put this on Miss Tsundere’s body, but now, she looks at Xiaoxiao’s eyes, Xiaoxiao also looks at her, and whispers softly: "She misses you very much. ."

Missy's eye circles were a little red, she pursed her lips, and finally nodded under Xiaoxiao's gaze.

arrive home.

The light did not turn on.

Xiaoxiao put her arms around the eldest lady and put them on the wall and kissed.

The dark night can always spread the feelings wantonly, and the drunkenness can always arouse the wildness of the body.

The eldest lady was out of breath by Xiaoxiao's relatives, and it really felt like Teacher Mu's vital capacity, if it weren't for the lack of tone, she could be a singer.

Xiaoxiao's forehead was pressed against her, and her body was hot, "Where is my dance?"

Missy promised her.

Qin Yi's hand stroked her earlobe and both hands hooked her neck, " do I jump like this..."

Isn't it jumping like this?

Xiaoxiao bullied the eldest lady even more vigorously. The days of getting together are always too short. Tomorrow afternoon she will return to Guizhou.

She was reluctant to part with the eldest lady, because the eagerness of parting made her hands tremble, she was a little impatient to untie the eldest lady's clothes, Qin Yi looked at her, biting her lip and wanted to push it away, but when she thought of tomorrow's Parting, she also indulged.

Missy still danced for Xiaoxiao.

It's just this dance, only she can watch it.

And when she said that the ring that could not be taken off, Xiaoxiao really didn’t take it off. She didn’t know that this ring had such a magical function. Even at the top, she couldn’t help but ask the lady: "You design When it came to it, did you consider the use of functions?"

The eldest lady squinted her eyes, biting her lip, her cheeks flushed and her hands were weakly supporting Xiaoxiao, and her body was about to collapse.


Xiaoxiao moved, with flames in her eyes: "Keep on dancing, didn't you say it, dance for me?"

Young man.

Always look like a young man.

Xiaoxiao thoroughly let the eldest lady feel the youthful vigor and lasting fighting power.

the next day.

The eldest lady rubbed her waist with her hands. When she got up, she gritted her teeth and looked at Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao stared at the ring on her hand, and the corners of her lips rose: "Miss is worthy of the eldest, no wonder I will never take it off."

She had been crazy before, but it was different with props. In the end, the eldest lady really didn't drink, but she made the sobbing sound of a cat like a cat.

The dance on the fingertips is really beautiful.

The eldest lady threw the pillow over, and she couldn't bear Xiaoxiao's hooliganism.

Nanyang is now at a critical moment, the eldest lady originally said that she would be able to go back in about a week, but Xiaoxiao herself knew it was unrealistic.

She doesn't like parting, she doesn't want the eldest lady to send her off, and kisses her lips tenderly: "I'll wait for you to pass."

The eldest lady looked at her, half-hanging her head without speaking.

She never considered herself a twitchy person.

Love this thing makes her so unlike herself.

How could Qin Yi in the past be so sad because of a few days of parting alone? She would only turn around indifferently and coolly, just like Sister Song had left back then, and she would never show any signs of reluctance.

But now...she really wants to put down everything in her hands and just leave with Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao's naughtiness and childishness can only be seen with the eldest lady, and she is very decisive in many things.

She said she wouldn't let the eldest lady send it, so she really didn't let her send it, so she took the subway directly.

Very strange feeling.

In the past, Xiaoxiao was also busy running, walking around, where to go, where to leave, there was not much feeling, just anxious to finish work.

And now, because of the existence of the eldest lady, she has a strong sense of belonging to this city.

Home is where the eldest lady is.

The two were busy in their respective fields. Xiaoxiao called Missy when she got off the plane. She talked to Missy all the way and got busy when she arrived at school.

Mr. Lu has already communicated with the government department according to the orders of the eldest lady, and the opening of the mountains and roads is now.

And Xiaoxiao also visited Zhang Qiao’s households. It is really backward. There are still many children, especially girls, because they are poor and cannot come to school because they work as a labor force.

Seeing that the road is being built, the children are more likely to get out of the mountains in the future, and knowledge will be the bridge for them to step out of here.

Xiaoxiao and Zhang Qiaoxiaozhi used affection and reason to persuade the old people who were blocked, telling them the importance of reading. Some old people are still disgusted. They have already ordered girls under the age of fourteen, and there is another talent. When they were six years old, they became child brides-in-laws of other people's families. They didn't know if it was because of wrongs or other reasons. They didn't even want to see these teachers from the city, and the door was locked directly.

Zhang Qiao is a person who has not experienced any setbacks. After eating a few times behind closed doors, she couldn't help but yelled: "What kind of family does he **** belong to. If the child is so young, he will be thrown out to be a child bride-in-law."

Xiaohua ran around with the two people. She was familiar with the road here, like an accurate guide. When Zhang Qiao said that, she lowered her head. Before, she had no long objects and could only make ends meet with firewood on her back. , I think the same way when I am thinking about my grandma's body.

But Xiaoxiao, she patted Zhang Qiao: "Well, let's try our best to do it. Whether it can be done or not is fatal."

Destiny is like an unchangeable spinning top.

After so many years of persistence, Xiaoxiao knew this well, but she was still willing to be the one who whipped the top with the whip, what if? In case any parent is persuaded, what will change is the trajectory of a child's life.

Mr. Mu’s progress here is not very smooth. Missy also has some ups and downs. The most important thing is Mag’s father, Song Feng. I don’t know what agreement Qin Hailong has reached with him in private. His attitude was swaying from side to side, and he was ambiguous and did not express his stance, but nowadays, there was actually a taste of the old master. Mag was a little anxious, and took the eldest lady to go back in person by plane to persuade her father's support.

Before boarding the plane, the eldest lady's eyelids kept twitching, and Xiaoxiao was a little worried, so she called her.

Xiaoxiao answered the question soon, and after chatting with the eldest lady, she laughed: "You are safe, what are you worried about here? I just ate two big steamed buns, good health and good spirits, don’t worry. ."

Hearing Xiaoxiao's voice, it was indeed full of breath.

The eldest lady turned off the phone with confidence.

The flight from Beijing to the United States took nearly 14 hours. The tiredness of the past few days made the eldest lady fall asleep on the plane, but she was still not at ease in her heart. In her dream, she still dreamed that Xiaoxiao was still kissing the tears on her face.

Xiaoxiao also thinks that the eldest is thinking too much. In the afternoon, she and Zhang Qiao just persuaded a family to let their granddaughter come to study, but they just gave it a try. If the grades were not good, they would go back to work and wait to get married. Although it was only a small hope, the two teachers were still very happy. They talked all the way excitedly, thinking that they would tell the principal the good news as soon as they came in, but the principal, the village head, the director Wang, and the black paint A group of people stood in the yard, saw them coming in, and raised their heads all together.

Director Wang was holding a cigarette in his hand with a solemn expression. Although he was addicted to cigarettes, he never smoked it at school.

Zhang Qiao was stunned, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoxiao also put down the things in his hands, and Director Wang walked over with a blue face. He looked at Xiaoxiao with a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, something has happened."

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