Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 96: 96th

When Xiaoxiao was very young, Su Qiuyun said to her, “This world is multifaceted. It’s hard to follow the trend by being alone. Sometimes it’s hard to do something simple, and it’s hard to be a good person, Xiaoxiao. , You just need to remember who you are and what you are doing. +++ The latest ranking of Tanmei novels:"

But she still didn't understand why things were like this.

On a sunny day, she squatted on the ground, watching the hot search on Weibo that had been topped as hot.

——The prestigious college students were taken care of by others, swallowed up donations, pretended to be charitable, and their biological parents were unwilling to recognize each other.


Below, it is not a report or a superposition of a photo, but a large-scale exposure.

Xiaoxiao was originally not well-known, but every word in this hot search is like a knife, and every knife can bring flesh and blood.

At the beginning of the article, there was a chat record. It was written about the boy in the impoverished mountainous area that Xiaoxiao and the others had funded before, and then suspended the funding, and had a conversation with his family.

——What do you think of Mu Xiaoxiao?

Oh, what can I do? It was said that we sponsored our child to go to university, but in the end, it was only the second year of the junior high school that I didn’t ask about it.

——Then where did all her funding expenses go?

What do you think? There are a lot of people like me in our village, 300 per person per month. As far as I know, she has funded at least a dozen people, which is three to four thousand dollars.

——How is the child now?

Feeling uncomfortable, crying, this is equivalent to giving hope, and wiping out hope, hey.


In the first picture, there is a screenshot of Xiaoxiao's WeChat profile picture. The other party is intentionally disgusting, but he didn't make a code.

And the next second and third photos are photos of Xiaoxiao walking out of school and getting on a famous car. The license plate number of these photos is intentionally obscured, but there is no car model.

That was the car that the eldest lady drove when she came to pick her up. It was mostly luxury cars. Xiaoxiao smiled happily. Even as soon as the car was opened, she couldn't wait to stretch out her hand to hug her like a baby.

The fourth photo was shot by a senior who left after graduation from the Xiaoxiao School Forum.

——Mu Xiaoxiao? Everyone in our school knows that people are beautiful, proud, and have a very strong relationship. They don’t study at school all the time and go out to hook up everywhere. Just like this, I can get a first-class scholarship all year round. Words can be described.

If talking about the fourth photo, the attitude of netizens is still vacillating, but the following video completely pushes Xiaoxiao into the abyss of public opinion.

The interviewer was Xiaoxiao's parents.

Mu Shan wore a mask, his face was dark, "I don't want to answer her question."

Su Kui also bowed his head, and the two of them walked home together, and the other was chasing them: "Why don't you talk about it? Isn't this your biological daughter?"

Mu Shan said with a cold face, "We are not worthy of such a daughter."

They walked swiftly, waving their hands to refuse to communicate with each other, and the camera was deliberately brought up, showing them white hair, which made people sad.


Xiaoxiao never felt that she was a kind person, but she couldn't bear such evil either.

In just a few hours, netizens left over ten thousand comments, and several topics were also picked up.

Netizen 1: Damn, is this the quality of contemporary college students? All day long, I lost my hair for the postgraduate entrance examination. I couldn't get a first-class scholarship. People ride in luxury cars, collect donations, eat, drink, and play.

Netizen 2: Shameless? The long one looks like a fox, look at this figure, and wear shorts, isn't it just to seduce people?

Netizen 3: When I saw the photos, I still questioned. After all, I can still ps, but... Seeing the interview with her parents, although her father covered his face, his eyebrows and disgust are too obvious...

Netizen 4: This is the goddess of our school. I remember, I don’t know how many people like it. She rushed forward and embraced her. I didn’t even see her moving. It turned out that she was spending money outside. It’s a fake high school. Her reputation was ruined by her.

Netizen 5: I don't care about anything else, this kind of bad guy, if she swallows the funding, she must be punished, so she wants to graduate from university, but I don't accept it! Like it, let me see how many people are not convinced...

Netizen 6: What has to be done to make the biological parents like this...I dare not imagine.


"I* fucking, a bunch of idiots, what are these things!"

Zhang Qiao was so angry that she was going to blow up on the spot. She couldn't wait to drop the phone.

Director Wang was also completely stunned when he saw this message and the chat log. He was stunned for a long time, and his heart was very cold.

The country has attached great importance to the guidance of public opinion in recent years. For such topics that have occupied the hot search, various departments must act in the first place.

The village chief believed Xiaoxiao in his heart. After all, Xiaoxiao was the one she got along with day and night, but the pressure from above was suppressed and he couldn't bear it, so he had to bend down.

This Weibo involves a wide range of areas. It seems that it has been planned for a long time, and it is waiting for a heavy blow to defeat Xiaoxiao.

Moreover, the time chosen by the other party was very clever, it was exploded when the eldest lady was on the plane, let alone anything else, the Internet has memories, and only a dozen hours can ruin Xiaoxiao's life.

"Loyalty, righteousness, courtesy and filial piety" are all included in this Weibo.

Mu Xiaoxiao has become a generation of "infidelity," "unfilial," "injustice," and "indecent". Occasionally, some people have raised questions, and they are all overwhelmed by the tide of abuse from netizens.

The tide of public opinion is like a scourge, capable of swallowing people quickly.

Under the scorching sun, Mu Xiaoxiao watched this video and watched the "slut", "sordid", "vicious", "shameless" in the mouths of netizens... In this case, her hands and feet were cold, even the body The blood is cold.

Xiaoxiao did not expect that it would be such an occasion when she entered the police station for the first time in her life.

Because her case was relatively sensitive, the local criminal police and serious cases came. As soon as Xiaoxiao entered, she entered the third room of the police station and was treated as a suspect in the interview transcript.

Zhang Qiao should follow in whenever he said. If the principal and Director Wang hadn’t pressed it, and almost clashed with the police, her eyes flushed with anger, and she pulled her neck: “Is there anyone like you? She is a good person, a good person! !!!"


How could this be? ? ?

What kind of person Xiaoxiao is, Zhang Qiao knows best, is it just because of a video and a few screenshots that she should be convicted? ? ?

What illegal fundraising, what kind of money? Not at all!

That's all that Xiaoxiao earned by herself, and that's all she made it out day and night! ! !

Before Xiaoxiao went in, she looked back at Zhang Qiao, and she smiled faintly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

She believes that there is justice in this world.

What she is worried about now is her mother and the eldest lady. The eldest lady is still on the plane. Once she landed, she would be blown up by her personality when she saw such news.

And Su Qiuyun just called her and took all the antihypertensive medicine.

She's getting older, and she doesn't know that the Internet age is the era of the keyboard man. She doesn't understand why netizens leave such malicious messages, and don't understand who is so malicious who will fabricate these unnecessary things.

Her Xiaoxiao has endured enough since she was a child, why should she do this?

Xiaoxiao went in, and a policeman next to the police station looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, then looked down at Weibo in an incredible way, pulled the friend next to him, and said in a low voice: "It's her, the one who was taken care of..."

"I ** your mother!!!"

Zhang Qiao was really crazy. She rushed up to fight the opponent, but was held down by the guide Wang next to her. "You are crazy, Zhang Qiao, what is this place, calm down!"

calm down? How is she calm?

Zhang Qiao's tears came out, and the other party shuddered when she saw her like this: "Fuck, isn't it a neurosis?"

In this era, it is too easy for the Internet to destroy a person.

Nowadays, the general trend is like this. Everyone pushes down the wall, and everyone starts to slander and slander Xiaoxiao. There are even many unreasonable accusations.

Some people grabbed her mobile phone number and made up some lewd forum information. Some people said that she had been ambiguous with several wealthy second-generation generations at school, and some people said that they had given her money because they trusted her so they went to donate. Such an end...

Words and pens, saliva can drown Xiaoxiao's future.

Even in the village, some people who did not understand the matter began to discuss things. Some villagers even went to the principal to make trouble, and asked Mu Xiaoxiao if he came with donations from social caring people, but was secretly caught by her. Swallowed.

After Xiao Hua squatted at the school gate and heard it, she rushed up like a mad dog to tear each other. The man was startled and pushed her, but Xiao Hua suddenly bit her hand.

If it weren't for a lot of people to come out to pull, watching Xiaohua's posture, he would bite off his hand.

Xiaohua’s grandmother stomped her crutches on the ground, shaking her body with anger, and the troublemaker slapped her hands and cursed: "Wipe, a nest of snakes and rats, no wonder I am building a house for your family. I have two dogs, one old and one young, I Just say, help your family for whatever reason, there are many people in the village with bad conditions, and there must be some tricks behind this."

The onlookers were still silent at first. When they heard this, some nodded and agreed: "Isn't it? My roof is leaking, why didn't you see her pay a penny?"

"Yes, she said that she would build roads in the village before, maybe it was her means of making money."

"Never let children learn from such a teacher, no!"


Not only in the village, but also on the official website of the school where Xiaoxiao is located.

——Mu Xiaoxiao is a senior student in the Department of Psychology of our school. Regarding online remarks, our school will actively cooperate with the public security and other relevant departments to investigate the student's false donations and other issues. According to our school's preliminary self-examination, the student performed well during the school period. There are no problems reported by netizens, such as bribing tutors to get scholarships for not attending classes.

As soon as this announcement was made, netizens held the keyboard instantly, and the school suddenly became a sieve.

What kind of background is this? It's all like this, the school is still protecting it, why will it have a leg with the school leader, and there are a bunch of ahref=\"/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection\" class=\"__cf_email__\"data-cfemail=\"420a02\">[emailprotected] The Bureau of Education requires careful observation, and some netizens even keep saying that if such social worms obtain a college diploma, the next generation will be over. It is a scum to pretend to be unfilial parents by pretending to collect donations for charity.

Suddenly, the wind was on the cusp, and the waves surged, and all the negative information surged over like a tide, as if there was no room for reversal.

Even Dao Wang was frustrated. He had experienced a lot of big winds and waves in his entire life, but it was the first time like this.

His heart sank to the bottom.

He knows that in this society, it is not easy to create a kind person, but it is too easy to destroy a kind person.


There were two police officers in the interview transcript for Xiaoxiao. One of the policewomen looked at Xiaoxiao's clothes, and looked at her colleague next to him suspiciously.

Xiao Xiaocai came back from home visits busy with Zhang Qiao. She had been running around for a long time, her trouser legs were worn out, and the corners of her mouth were blistered because of the hot weather, her eyes were dull, and she was very haggard.

But the process is still there, this case has become a special case, and the director is watching the progress of the report.

The two of them suppressed their doubts and started to ask according to the process.

"We are the ** County Public Security Bureau. We are now asking you relevant questions in accordance with the law. You must answer truthfully..."


"Mu Xiaoxiao..."

"Birth year and month."


When the eldest got off the plane, she turned on her phone the first time, and mag looked at her with a smile: "Qin, you really have changed so much. I never thought that you would be so in love with children now. , I think you have been thinking of her on the plane."

Missy smiled faintly, ignoring mag's teasing, she was looking at her phone while holding her luggage.

As soon as the phone was turned on, many messages and missed calls came in.

"It's a heart addiction, I am not a good-tempered person, but I am tolerant to you again and again, it is a heart addiction!"


Xiaoxiao’s broken gong voice spread throughout the plane, and the few people who were preparing to get off the plane looked back and couldn’t help but look back at the eldest lady. Mag almost hid their faces and said, "Oh, just mute it. You are so rare in your home. baby."

After she said this, she went to see Qin Yi. Qin Yi didn't react at all, but stopped and looked at the message in her hand.

Her expression changed a lot, from smiling to doubting to stunned to final fury for only a few seconds. Mag was stunned, "What's wrong, Qin?"

The eldest lady raised her head, she bit her lips and her eyebrows sharply, "mag, I want to go back."


Mag was stunned: "You just arrived, what happened?"

The eldest took a deep breath, her hands clenched into fists, and she gritted her teeth: "Xiaoxiao has something wrong."

She stopped talking, picked up the phone and dialed a call.

The eldest lady has friends in the United States. She is not a person who asks for help on weekdays. But now, she can’t be delayed for a moment. The latest flight will be three hours later, and she will take a private jet to rush back as quickly as possible. .

Mag listened to her conversation with each other, and watched the lady turn around and walked out with her luggage. She grabbed the lady's hand in a hurry: "Qin, are you thinking about it? You can't miss this opportunity."

One month later, the important board of directors will be. The support of her father determines Qin Yi's tomorrow in Nanyang. No matter what happens to Mu Xiaoxiao, she can't leave with such a knotty eye.

Mag has also had emotional experience. She knows that emotionally, it will make people impulsive, but they are different from ordinary people. They have a big network of interests behind them, and they have a group. Once they sit in this position, they will just lead it. Just move your whole body, and you must not affect the overall situation because of your personal emotions.

Mag understands this, and she believes Qin Yi also understands.

She has been so courageous for so long, has suffered so many grievances and humiliations, and what she is waiting for is this day. Now, is she going to give up all her efforts for a child?

Mag has always believed that no one can say anything about feelings. Maybe I will pay you back today, and I will be indifferent tomorrow. Only the right and the powerful financial power in his hand are his own.

But Qin Yi, who had always been gentle, shook off Mag's hand. As she turned around, the windbreaker was thrown out of an arc. She took a quick walk with her luggage, and left without looking back.

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