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Chapter 98: 98th

Not only did Su Qiuyun come, she also brought Xiaoxiao's diary for so many years and the account book. After she squatted on the ground and opened it, she was dazzled and filled with boxes. Several police officers gathered around. +++All Tanmei Novels:

Everyone is amazed, these notebooks are too old, some of them are still cartoon covers of Sailor Moon, Doraemon, and f4 star photos.

The words inside witnessed the growth of Xiaoxiao along the way.

The earliest one has turned yellow, and Xiaoxiao's handwriting on it is still very scribble, not like the beautiful Xingkai of the later period.

That was the first time Xiaoxiao remembered money. She sold bottles with Qiuqiu on the first day of the junior high.

——On March 16, 2012, I sold the canned mineral water bottles that I had saved for a week with my sister. The price of the cans has increased, and the price of the cans has increased. It was a dime. I made a total of 10 yuan. I wanted to When I came back and gave it to my mother, on the way, I saw a blind grandma selling vegetables. It was raining and it was so cold. Qiuqiu and I bought all of her vegetables, and only three dollars were left.

That was the beginning, the beginning of Xiaoxiao's life.

——On March 17, 2012, my mother rewarded my sister and me for doing good deeds, and gave us five dollars each. Qiuqiu was too greedy and bought her a fried chicken leg, and the rest of the money was put in the piggy bank. Here, wait till the end of the month, take them out to buy stationery for the siblings.


—— On March 31, 2012, at the end of the month, I saved a total of 38 yuan, a good number, and bought books for my brothers and sisters. They were happy, and I was happy too.


——On April 5, 2013, I went to the town by car with my brother Yu Yue today. It’s not the same to make a fortune with my head. I actually made a hundred yuan a day and gave it to my mother. The seasons have changed too much recently. Brothers and sisters are not in good health, worry, tt.


——On May 8, 2014, the class leader confessed to me today, telling me that his family is very rich and can give me 200 pocket money a month. I coldly refused. He is afraid that he does not know that I will give it to the town today. The widow and lonely old man donated 250 yuan, this little kid with a handsome face.

2015, 2016, 2017...

Book by book, stacked together, page by page, is the accumulation of years and witnesses Xiaoxiao's growth.

——On June 4, 2018, the murderer who killed Lan'er was released. I couldn’t help but beat him and broke with my parents. I swear to God that I will pay them off in two years. The money paid for me. The orphanage is not a humble representative. It will always be my home. Mom and grandma are the most important people in my life. Mom, you have no words to repay your kindness, I will use this life to walk the path you have taken, to practice the faith in your heart.

——On June 5, 2018, I took the big job. Today, the home of stray dogs in Shanxi was set on fire. I donated 4,000 yuan together with my senior sister.


——On October 8, 2018, this year's National Day, I didn't go home, I was a little irritable, but now, I got the biggest income in my life! Three thousand yuan! ! ! I'm so happy, I can't wait to fly home immediately to tell my mother! I want to buy her a silver bracelet, a silver bracelet! ! ! I have grown up, I have made so much money, I have to work harder!

The policewoman looking through the notes looked up with red eyes. She looked at the blackened silver bracelet on Su Qiuyun's hand, and she almost shed tears.

Among them, Xiaoxiao had also wavered.

——March 4, 2019 is another year's school season. When I come back from home, there will be a moment of confusion. I have been busy for so long and have not saved almost a cent, classmate Everyone looks at me and thinks how much money I have. Sometimes I don’t know if such persistence is right.

——On March 5, 2019, I received the transcripts from the sponsored children. I am so happy. Today, I bought rice noodles for the orphanage and spent a total of 3,000 yuan, and the three children funded by the mountainous area paid 800 yuan.


——On January 24, 2020, New Year’s Eve, my so-called biological parents had a dispute with me, asking me whether my blood relationship is important or the orphanage is important. I just want to laugh. Today, I doubled them all these years Give it back, at that moment, I felt my body relaxed a lot.

——February 18, 2020, this year is so uncomfortable. The epidemic in Wuhan is getting worse and worse. I wanted to sign up to be a volunteer but failed. Go on Wuhan, go on China, and work overtime during the New Year. By the way, six times the salary, a total of 5,662. Yuan, all replaced with materials and sent to Wuhan.

——On March 7, 2020, watching Wuhan's epidemic news every day and watching the rolling bright red data, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Go on Wuhan, go on China, but don’t tell me, I can only donate silently. , 8,000 yuan.


——On August 1, 2020, I read a sentence today——The world kisses me bitterly and I want to reciprocate with songs. At that moment, I couldn’t help crying and moved. In this world, I’m still a person who insists on with me . Today, taking Qiuqiu to the hospital for an examination cost 1692 yuan. Sometimes I'm really sad to see my younger siblings get sick, and I can't wait to replace him. Qiuqiu cries so cutely, turning into Shar Pei like when he was a child.


——On December 31, 2020, a year has passed. I went to the nursing home and left some daily necessities, 2 bags of rice, 3 bags of noodles, bought 4 boxes of walnut milk, 2 boxes of dried fruits, and 1 box of Daoxiang Village The cakes cost 1432 yuan in total. By the way, I booked my position with the dean. The dean smiled and told me that if I go, I can get a 20% discount. I am very happy.


Outside the sky, Qiu Yu started to fall, a bit cold, like a human heart.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked out with a heavy body. Various departments of the Public Security Bureau took thick notes, and her notebook and ledger were also kept and returned after cleaning.

Important people around him are also recorded one by one, because they need to cross provinces and cities, so the cycle will be relatively long, and the police can only be notified after the evidence chain is tight.

Everyone knows that Xiaoxiao will not get better during this time.

The online verbal criticism is still there, and the angry waves can easily tear a person to pieces. They are the executioners of the midnight carnival, and Xiao Xiaoling will not let it go without a single knife.

They just want to watch her cry, watch her break down, watch her have nothing.

It's just that here, in this interrogation room, under the notebooks and transcripts, the policemen wearing the lights are silent.

When Xiaoxiao came, most people looked at her with contempt and repulsion.

Most people are like this. Before they don't understand the truth, they are easily moved by the wind of public opinion and left and right to judge.

But when Xiaoxiao helped her mother to go out, as long as the policemen appeared in the corridor, they all naturally stood aside and paid attention to her.

The bustling corridor was suddenly quiet. Everyone was watching Xiaoxiao. Just as she was about to walk out the door, the policewoman who had been taking notes for her, despite her wearing a navy blue uniform, suddenly walked towards Xiaoxiao and bent over. Fifteen degrees and bowed deeply.

Where the duty is, she can't say anything in words, but the emotions in her heart almost overflow.

Xiaoxiao slowly turned her head to look at her, she wanted to smile at her, but she couldn't.

The policewoman bit her lip, her eyes flickered as she looked at Xiaoxiao's eyes.

The silence speaks.

When Xiaoxiao went out, it was getting late, and there were many waiting villagers standing outside the door, with anxiety and anger in their eyes.

There were too many people piled up, and the director came out to maintain order himself, and also asked for the support of the superior.

I don’t know who has the sharpest eyes. Seeing Xiaoxiao coming out, he immediately shouted: "Mr. Mu is out!"

Everyone swarmed up. The first ones were Xiaohua and Xiaohua’s grandmother, Uncle Liu and Uncle Song... The donkey eggs that were able to return to school because of Xiaoxiao... Because of the arrival of Teacher Mu, the house was installed with tap water. Xu Ying...The east courtyard chats with Zhang Qiao every day, and asks her to live broadcast the uncle Wang who bought the air conditioner...

Too much too much.

A pair of anxious eyes.

A series of staring eyes.

Everyone instantly surrounded Xiaoxiao from the third and third floors.

Originally, in the interrogation room just now, Xiaoxiao had told herself repeatedly that her mother was still with her. She was old and could not be anxious. After she came out, no matter what happened or what was waiting for her, she could not cry or cry. .

But now, looking at these familiar faces, her tears are still rolling in the circles of her eyes

"Teacher Mu is innocent!"

"Yes, yes, teacher Mu, don't be afraid, the folks will testify for you!"

"Who would dare to beat Teacher Mu, I will fight her desperately! Without her, my baby would still not be able to go to school!"

"Mr. Mu!"

"Sister, I came from Nanjing. Do you remember the people you have funded?"

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I'm from Tianjin. You used to visit me in the hospital and touched my head to cheer me on."


Don't say it was from the village, even the leaders above came. They had never seen this scene before, standing there in a daze like a pillar.

Xiaoxiao was surrounded in the middle of the crowd. Everyone was indignant and angered.

Qiuqiu, who had been waiting for a day, ran over. She hugged Xiaoxiao and cried, "Sister..."

She hugged her sister's waist tightly, sad for her and wronged for her, Su Qiu next to her wept silently.

At the moment of chaos and hustle and bustle, Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly straightened. She looked at the eldest lady who was standing in the autumn rain a few meters away.

Time seemed to slow down at that moment.

Xiaoxiao looked at the eldest lady, and the eldest lady also looked at her. She looked very tired and her eyes were bloodshot. At this time, her hair was messy, her face was pale, and her makeup was worn out.

In the twenty-odd hours of the plane, the eldest lady felt that her body was soft, but at the moment she saw Xiaoxiao, she looked at her red eyes, and a voice in her heart told her not to cry, not to cry.

Xiaoxiao stood still on the spot, and the voices around her could not hear half of her voice. She watched the eldest lady walk towards her slowly apart from the crowd, watched her stretch out her hand, and listened to her softly saying, "Xiaoxiao, Go, I will take you home."

At that moment, Xiaoxiao couldn't help it anymore, she lowered her head, and the tears in her eyes fell drop by drop.

The autumn rain was silent, blending with tears, washing the dark ground.

Not afraid of others’ eyes, the eldest lady wiped Xiaoxiao’s tears a little bit. She took a deep breath and restrained the emotions in her heart, like a promise to Xiaoxiao, and as if she was cruel to herself, "I will pay you back. One innocence, everyone will return you an innocence!"

Those who make rumors behind their backs and those who rely on public opinion to harm humanity, they are not worthy of being human, and they will pay the price.

The author has something to say:    is in the novel, it is not so easy for the eldest lady to do this, let alone in daily life.

Originally, I didn't think about the second change. Seeing that everyone was looking forward to it, the leaves were put up.

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