Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 99: 99th

The heat of this incident is really too great, not only the public security has taken action, other departments have also moved. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

When the group went back, the principal was squatting in the alley and smoking dry cigarettes. He was always cheerful and optimistic, frowning, and the curling smoke from his nose seemed to be heavy.

Seeing Xiaoxiao coming, the principal stood up suddenly, his voice trembling: "Xiaoxiao..."

He didn't know how to face her.

He has suffered for a lifetime and devoted a lifetime to education. Before, in order to improve the school environment, he repeatedly rushed to the village and township government, and even wrote letters to the city, but it seemed like a stone sinking into the ocean without any response.

Nowadays, for the sake of Xiaoxiao’s affairs, the small schools are "brilliant." One day is the education bureau and the inspection team. They all come here. They check this and that again, let The principal was in discomfort, while the students stood in the classroom in fear, staring blankly at everything outside.

The small yard was full of black people.

The principal was struggling to deal with it. At first, he could answer what others asked. In accordance with the process, when the inspection team asked, "The principal, do you think Mu Xiaoxiao came to our school to support teaching, is it hype? Cut scene, □□? Is there another plan?” When his emotions reached that point in an instant, he collapsed like a bow, the principal's face was pulled down, he said nothing, and entered the room with a muffled voice.

The village chief who had been with him stopped talking at the time, he hung his head and was silent.

The village chief and several teachers knew the principal, and seeing him in this way would know that the situation was not good.

The principal came back soon. He threw a cowhide notebook on the table, coldly: "You said she walked through the scene, you said she was hyping? You said she had a plan?" He took a deep breath, biting his cheeks. Tightly: "Do you know what our school was like when Teacher Mu did not come? Have you ever been concerned? Do you know how she worked so hard to contact the engineering team for the children, repaint the classroom, and Can the engineering team help repair the leaking roof and have a lot of good things to say?

do you know? !

The people in the inspection team were choked by him and were smashing the fire. The principal looked at him coldly: "Our school has insufficient teaching resources. Teacher Mu takes a grade by herself. The school can’t afford to hire a cook, so she will help. Sometimes I have to go to the village for other things. She cooks meals for the teachers and students of the school by herself. She continues to have classes in the afternoon. With such an intensity, I have to lie in bed for a long time at home, but I cannot recover. I saw her running around the villagers’ homes again, calling friends in the city to see if she could help the villagers sell tea and increase their income. There was no complaint. She went home and stayed idle. It was even more difficult to work like this day after day. Why did she go to pick up work? She would not be reluctant to give the children a meal. Everyone happily eats a meal of meat, and it is all her own pockets! But have you seen her shoes? They are all glued, I want to ask you In the face of such a teacher, what kind of show can she do? What kind of show can she use? Will she use her life?"

The principal was merciless. He just hurriedly read a few online comments and collapsed this afternoon. How about if Xiaoxiao saw it?

I fed the dog with blood, fed the dog!

The principal's generous and angry words resembled a pair of scissors, and he ruthlessly tore off the vain disguise, making the atmosphere on the scene very embarrassing.

When the village cadre saw this, he winked at Teacher Meimei and motioned to her to save the field.

Teacher Meimei is the only female teacher present, and she is also the gentlest and most friendly in the day.

But now, with a cold face, she pulled out a large cardboard box from the table directly in front of the leadership of the Education Bureau, "Don't you want to check it? Check it, these are all the homework she has approved and the revised test papers. , You can check it out!"

Seeing that the principal and several teachers became excited, in the inspection team, a softer and calmer female leader went out to look at the children.

The children are hiding, either under the pillar or in the classroom, looking at them with alert eyes.

The children Xiaoxiao brought were the lowest at the end of the year and the purest. Although they were small, they all understood everything. One of the children cried suddenly. She put her hand on her back and wiped her tears: "Mr. Mu, I To Teacher Mu, you are bad guys! Bad guys!"

She is a child whose parents divorced since childhood and followed her father. Her father married her again, had a stepmother, and soon had a younger brother. In her memory, there has never been a motherly love.

In life, the only person who picked her up, rubbed her hair, gently kissed her cheek, and called her "little baby" was Teacher Mu.

Teacher Mu made her feel loved.

The children's world is very simple, there are not so many right and wrong, not so many masks of hypocrisy.

What they say is clean and pure.

After the inspection team and the Education Bureau collected the materials, they left in a dingy manner. Today's school is very silent, without the laughter and laughter of the past.

The principal went to the village entrance to wait for Xiaoxiao very early. He is not a person who can express. After seeing Xiaoxiao, there are tears in his eyes.

He didn't know how he should tell Xiaoxiao. As mentioned above, Mr. Mu was suspended from his current work during the investigation, and everything was waiting for the result.

Such as knuckles in the throat.

The principal couldn't tell. Xiaoxiao looked at him. It was only one day. She felt that the principal was much older.

Reluctantly smiled, Xiaoxiao pointed to Su Qiuyun next to her: "Principal, this is my mother I always mentioned to you, she is here."

Without mentioning grievances or sadness, Xiaoxiao was still smiling at him, but because of this smile, the principal's tears almost fell.

Su Qiuyun also heard Xiaoxiao talk about the principal several times, and knew that he had paid a lot for the children in obscurity, and he was Xiaoxiao's private idol.

Shaking his hands, the principal looked at Su Qiuyun and nodded, Su Qiuyun also nodded to him.

If they hadn't met on such an occasion, the sympathy between them such "unsung heroes" would have long chatted all night long, or they would set up a charcoal fire in the small courtyard to eat, burn, drink and laugh and talk about life with emotion.

But now...

Xiaoxiao is no longer a naive child. She has experienced too much since she was a child. She knows what happened in school and knows that she will never go back.

Seeing the principal from the entrance of the village, the eldest lady guessed what was going on. She didn't look at the others and only said lightly to Xiao Xiao: "Go pack things."

It's not the time to leave, but I have to leave.

Xiaoxiao may be able to bear it and suppress it. This is something she has been carrying since she was born. She has become numb and used to it.

But the eldest lady doesn't allow it.

She would never allow Xiaoxiao to suffer such a frustration here.

When Mu Xiaoxiao went back to pack her luggage, she found that she had almost nothing to pack. She only had a few pieces of clothes, toiletries, and two pairs of shoes. When she came, the suitcase was still full, and she brought a lot of money. At that time, she and Teacher Zhang were still trying to figure out how much more suitcases could be stuffed with the children's pens and other school supplies. She even got the eldest lady's idea and was directly hit by a fierce knife.

Now, she was going back, and the suitcase was empty.

Xiaoxiao was held by the eldest lady, Su Qiuyun, Qiuqiu, and Zhang Qiao were next to her. She looked around the school with red eyes for a week.

She didn't leave nothing.

When she first came, the school playground was still that kind of loess land. The house was dilapidated, rudimentary like a dilapidated factory building, and there was a tattered table tennis rack on the playground.

But now, the walls are clean for them, with innocent smiling faces, sunshine, and red scarves painted by children.

The line in the middle of the yard-reading for the rise of China gleams.

Xiaoxiao emphasized these words when communicating with the engineering team and the principal at the time. The others may save a province, but simple and practical, but this word must be shiny and dazzling, even in the dark. , I can read these words even when I walk in the village and look at the school.

The school has been so many years, although there has been no name, but this is their school motto, it is to be carved in the heart of every child, and it is their forward belief.

——Reading for the rise of China.

These words are to be written in the hearts of the children.

Looking around, Xiaoxiao's eye circles were red. She took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Qiao: "Teacher Zhang, I am leaving temporarily. You must stick to your post."

She tried to make her tone easy, but she still trembled.

Zhang Qiao was already in tears and speechless, and she wanted to leave with Xiaoxiao, but she couldn't let it go. She knew that Xiaoxiao couldn't let it go, and the children were like their family members when they got along day and night.

Xiaoxiao bit her lip and looked at the eldest lady: "Let's go."

At this moment, the lights in the classroom suddenly turned on, and several people turned around together.

Under the blurry moonlight, the children who worried Xiaoxiao and worried her came out of the classroom one by one.

None of them went home, and none of the 34 children in the school left.

They stayed spontaneously, waiting to return to their teacher.

They all looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, with tears in their eyes and shouted together: "Mr. Mu, don't go!"

"Mr. Mu..."


Moonlight brushed the fragility in the children’s eyes, and they looked at Xiaoxiao deeply with a pair of eyes, and even the lower grades couldn’t help but came over and hugged Xiaoxiao’s legs: “Oh, Mr. Mu, don’t go. , I won't let you go."


Don't go, teacher don't go.


At that moment, not only Xiaoxiao, but everyone present couldn't help crying.

The air was full of parting, and even the eldest lady raised her head, looking at the bright moon, trying to force her tears back.

She still remembered that under the same starry sky, Xiaoxiao was very tired and tired, holding her in her arms and murmured: "The children are so miserable. I'm really scared to see their tears. I always thought that I would be Very pitiful, abandoned by their parents, but many of them, although they have parents, have not seen them for a long time, let alone the love of their mothers and grandma."

"Anyway, for these three months, I must treat them well, Miss, we will come back to see the children when we have time in the future, OK?"


The past is still in sight, but now, Mu Xiaoxiao sitting in the car is leaning on the young lady to endure silently.

She told herself to look back.

But in the mirror, the scene of the children chasing the car was always engraved in her heart.

Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help turning her head back, she covered her mouth and burst into tears.


It was another day of rushing, and when she got home, Xiaoxiao was not only mentally overdrawn, but also physically collapsed.

She developed a high fever, 394. Doctor Xu has already come to give the infusion. He said that it was caused by a sudden fire and her body was too tired and overdrawn. Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed vaguely, her eyes closed tightly, and her hands were still Struggling: "No...I don'"

Su Qiuyun held Xiaoxiao distressedly, "It's okay, kid, it's okay..."

Qiuqiu followed this toss, and couldn't stand it anymore. She was crushed back to the orphanage. She stayed to take care of Xiaoxiao.

Seeing the child feel so uncomfortable, Su Qiuyun was really heartbroken.

She couldn't help asking, what is going on in the current society?

In the past, those who contributed to everyone will be passed down and admired by every family, but now just because of a few photos, videos with obscure themes, and random rumors, just to persecute a person like this?

If this is always the case, who is willing to be a good person in this society? Be a good person? Is it true that a good person does not live long and harms a thousand years?

sad! hateful! hateful!

The eldest lady stood aside looking at Xiaoxiao who was bewildered and burnt, her eyes flushed, she bit her lip and turned around and went to the living room.

In the living room, all the direct descendants that the eldest had cultivated over the past few years came, and sat in a room. They were all relatively young, and Mr. Lu was among them. He watched the eldest come out and helped his glasses: "Miss, you Did you really decide to do this?"

They did the investigation separately according to what the eldest lady said. The other party's methods are so despicable, and the manipulation of public opinion is wave after wave, rhythmic and ups and downs, very grasping, definitely not alone, but organized and premeditated.

The eldest lady expected that Sulan alone would not have such an ability. It was Qin Shuang or Qin Hailong behind her, but Qin Hailong was eventually found out.

They obviously kept a hand, and all the information and photos that exposed Xiaoxiao deliberately obscured the existence of Missy.

What are they afraid of? What do they want?

They are afraid that if Qin Yi is really involved, they will be retaliated hysterically.

And what they want is to force Qin Yi hard at this critical moment, so that she can be embarrassed by the enemy.

The eldest lady is standing on both sides of the balance between personal interests and feelings, and she will be hurt wherever she goes.

If she chooses personal interests, then she will definitely lose Xiaoxiao forever, even if there is no relationship between two people, there will be irreparable rifts.

If she chooses feelings, then her years of hard work will be hit hard, and there must be something in their hands. If Qin Yi stands up to speak for Xiaoxiao at this time, no matter how powerful she is, she will not be able to suffer. Thousands of people swear by thousands of people. Originally, Xiaoxiao's identity has made netizens speculate. If it is related to the young lady, it is very likely that they will be dragged down into the abyss together.

But if the eldest lady chooses to remain silent, put the evidence in front of the netizens one by one, and deny the rumors thrown out to the other party one by one, the netizens who have killed the red eyes will not care at all now. The publicity of Xiaoxiao School was met before The bombardment by netizens is a living example. They no longer have public knowledge, kindness, and humanity in their eyes.

If you send letters to the lawyers one by one, when things don’t turn around, it will only cause more frantic bombardment. The cyber thugs may want to say how amazing Xiaoxiao’s background is and how to step on the shoulders of giants to ignore the law and want Rely on power to suppress everything.

The eldest lady got news on the way back. Someone already wrote letters online, called the municipal government hotline, called the school and bombed the school to create pressure.

They are the bloodthirsty demons with the name "Master of Justice" on the surface, and they just want to pull Xiaoxiao into hell, and they will never stop.

At this time, to deal with public opinion, you can't force it, you can't withdraw hot searches, and simply send a lawyer's letter.

They need time to perfect the chain of evidence, they need to dig out more truths, and more people need to stand up, and ultimately defeat the other party with one blow.

The time is urgent and cannot be delayed.

The eldest lady hugged her arms and looked at the moonlight outside the window for a moment. She turned around and cut the mess quickly: "Just do what I said before."

What if the fish die and the net breaks?

What about losing everything?

She was originally a lonely family. It was Xiaoxiao who pulled her out of the abyss and held up her broken heart. She was already fearless.

And justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

The author has something to say:    This chapter was written by Ye Ye on his mobile phone... I have been out for a day, and I have not got off work, so I will post it first.

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