Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1421: Heaven and earth are cud dogs, I will be the butcher!


Ye Fan closed his fists and stood upright, looking at the eight faces wriggling and twisting in the boundless darkness, shook his head slightly:

"If you lose yourself, you will not be an Immortal Emperor."

Daluo's essence is not grinding, but it can be covered by a more tyrannical essence.

The essence of this nine-layered abyss is much higher than that of Da Luo. Under the invasion of darkness, the Immortal Emperor will completely degenerate, and the essence of spiritual wisdom will be blinded by darkness.

But it's not me anymore.


The mysterious yellow energy poured out in the ten directions, and the mother energy of all things traveled in all directions at a speed that surpassed time, suppressing all the dark origins of the eight immortal emperors.

Daluo is inherently difficult to wear, although these eight dark immortal emperors are not as powerful as Shaoyangyou, who has been suppressed and wiped out by the cauldron of the mother of all things for nearly 100,000 years.

But it is not easily wiped out completely.

Once at the end of the world sea, the Dark Immortal Emperor had been fighting against the darkness for tens of millions of years, under the wear and tear of its essence.

It took ten thousand years for the Huangtian Emperor to completely kill him. Is it a joke?


Ye Fan reached out and took the Xuanhuang Mother Qi Ding, and he stepped into the boundless darkness, standing in the constantly rotating vortex sky.

Almost at the same time, a tyrannical will rising from the abyss swept across the boundless darkness.

"Come without a sound, go without a trace! Kill me and sit down for eight envoys, but you can't know! Which old thing is embarrassing me behind my back? I sense it!"

Youyuan seems to have whispered anger in the vast demonic voice that flows out of endless years.

That existence raises anger in the heart.

With a cultivation base like his, there are very few things that can be hidden from him.

To be able to kill his subordinates under his nose, although the person who started the attack is infinitely superior to the eight dark immortal emperors, there must be an old antique standing behind him!

Otherwise, it will never be able to hide from him!

"Pretend to be a ghost, and wait until the deity catches you out!"

The magic voice shouted angrily:

"Time and space are reversed, the Great Way manifests!"


A huge roar resounded through the darkness and nothingness, and boundless demonic energy rose from the abyss.

The billowing magic fog surging vertically and horizontally, bursting out with shocking power!


In the next instant, the endless nothingness was shaken. In this strange place where time and space should not exist, there seemed to be invisible fluctuations that manifested a long river of time and space!

The long river is rolling in two directions, the past and the future are endless, covering the ten directions and covering everything.

For a time, the darkness was temporarily suppressed.

Time and space appear, time goes against the flow!

The intangible but tyrannical will swept past, and it was just a wisp of will, which almost crushed the long river of time and space that emerged.

Incomparably arrogant and domineering sweeping time and space, spying on the years.

In a ten-thousandth of an instant, the will suddenly moved, and he saw that the years were blurred, the void was clear like water, and the hidden scene inside was completely erased!

"Invisible without a trace, I will kill him too!"

That will was completely outraged:

"Time and space are reversed!"

The boundless tide of darkness boils, and the darkness of nothingness flows against it in an instant. This one is attached to the nine-layered abyss, and the void that buried the trillions of Hengsha Great World vibrates instantly.

It seems that there is a supreme being that is about to be born, to go back in time and space, and go back to the past!

I peeped at the years before, but what I intercepted was a moment of years in the void passage before the nine-layered abyss.

But at this moment, this countercurrent time and space is to shake the entire Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm, the Five Fang Era, and the time and space of the Hengsha Great Realm!

At this moment, the existences above the countless big Luos in the Jiuzhong Moyuan, Xiandao Jiutian, Xianyang Ancient City, Cangzhi Ancestral Court... all shook their hearts.

There are many great powers in the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial, so the sky is chaotic, and the time and space are even more intricate. The existence of the Daluo series depends on the time and space.

Those who can touch time and space will naturally alarm countless people.

"Who is against time and space?!"

"Tu Gu, the eighth-level controller of the Nine-layer Demon Abyss? What are you planning to do?!"

"Who angered the Demon God Tugu?"

For a time, the great experts in the endless time and space frowned and deduced.

Jiuzhong Moyuan is the time and space where the first big demon in Hunyuan's prehistoric world is located. There are many demons in it, and there are not a few Da Luo. There are two people in Hunyuan, one of which is Tugu!

It is said that this demon was born from a butcher with a lowly business among the common people.

It is one of the demon gods who has survived for a long time and has lived through endless years.


The Hengsha Great Realm shook, and the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss roared and shook.

With a long drink from Tu Gu, the vast darkness changed.

Ye Fan, who had just stepped into the scorched earth of the Demon Abyss, felt an invisible but irresistible force flowing through his body.

To pull him out of the Demon Abyss!

"Country years?"

Ye Fan's eyes trembled, and he felt the familiar light of the years.

He doesn't know who is doing it, but he won't sit back and watch.

"Got you......."

A cold and deep magic sound crossed time and space.

Immediately, the void shook, and an endless indifferent and cold gaze cast down, and saw Ye Fan, who was holding the cauldron of the mother of all things on the boundless scorched earth.

"Tugu Demon God..."

Ye Fan's eyes narrowed.

Meng Tian once introduced him to many powerhouses in the Era of Demons. This Demon God Tugu is said to be among the top three in the Era of Demons, including the supreme Demon God of Jidu!

At this moment, Ye Fan only felt a chill in his heart.

His blood energy, which is far more scorching hot than a trillion suns, is actually unable to resist that cold gaze.

"The devil?"

Ye Fan's eyes shot out a compelling light, golden light burst out from all over his body, and the air of black and yellow was even more oscillating.

In the countercurrent of time, one step at a time, a peerless fist burst out.

Life has shattered the power of the countercurrent of the years, and now stand on the ground!

"It turned out to be the remnants of that world..."

It seems that the ancient magic sound from the endless years has a trace of fluctuation:

"Then.... **** it!"

The next moment, that will is squeezed out, and it is about to come out!

"Tu Gu!"

At this moment, a cold drink exploded from the endless void.


A long and unbroken sound of sword cries cut through the endless sky, manifesting a magnificent immortal mountain.

Immortal Mountain stands on the boundless scorched earth, the sky is immeasurable, and its upper palace towers are countless.

And above the sea of ​​clouds, the Immortal Mountain is the highest place.

A stalwart figure in white clothes with unparalleled aura flicked his sword and slashed across!

"Huang, don't think that you and his transformation into freedom are weird, I can't kill you!"

The boundless sword energy poured out, and the supreme will that was about to come was slightly stagnant.

Manifested above the boundless darkness.

He was immeasurably large, his body was burly and boundless, and every inch of his muscles and bones seemed to be formed by endless stars.

Looking at it, there is a rough and wild aura blowing towards the face.

And in his palm, he was holding a blood-infested, magical butcher knife!

In the secular world, the butcher's knife used to kill dogs and pigs is actually the same!

In the distant time and space, the Huangtian Emperor looked calm, his eyes were cold and deep:

"Then you will kill me!"


The moment the voice was uttered, it radiated to the ten directions with the sound of the sword, and the sword light shone in the eternal time and space, and it was far and wide.

Wherever the tip of the sword touches, the realm is born, the realm is destroyed, all things evolve within it, recover within it, and return to ruins and annihilation within it.

When one realm arises, three thousand realms are destroyed, and three thousand realms are born!

And faintly, you can see that in the countless great worlds, there are countless figures in white clothes who are opening the sky, saving the world, and destroying the world!

The sky is opened by me, the world is destroyed by me!

This sword, however, is not pure swordsmanship, but the way that Huang Tiandi condenses his way of proving the way, he transforms into the great law of freedom, and evolves countless shocking blows from himself in the infinite time and space!

For countless years, this Dafa of He Transformation has already reached an indescribable level!

That sword slashed across the boundless and vast territory, time and space!

"The Emperor of the Wild..."

Ye Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, the Desolate Heaven Emperor appeared illusory in his eyes, as if he was in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and seemed to be detached from all things.

There is no doubt that he has come to the end of the road of Daluo.

Even Ye Fan doubts whether his past Shi Hao's body is one with him, and he can push him into another unpredictable realm!

"That will kill you!"

The will of a butcher, standing in the boundless darkness, utters the sound of extinction.

The next moment, he suddenly raised the butcher's knife on which the blood of some kind of **** and demon was flowing.

With no elegance, no sense of and even a posture full of loopholes, in the boundless darkness of time and space, he cut out that butcher knife!

This knife is so simple, so vulgar, it is like a knife that a butcher would slaughter pigs and dogs in the market.

But when this knife fell, all things in the world became pigs and dogs!


With one knife cut out, the sky and the earth all darkened, turning into endless nothingness!

Time and space disappeared completely, sword light, the world seemed to no longer exist, the most terrifying power bloomed!

It was only for a moment, but all the powers who watched this battle across time and space only felt that the statement in their sight did not exist.

"This is......."

Above the boundless scorched earth of the Demon Abyss, Ye Fan couldn't see anything in front of him either.

His heart shook.

This is not because the darkness has blinded the perception, but after the burly demon **** slashed down, the time and space, the years, and even all things in the world, all thought that they were dead!

Not darkness, but nothingness!


When all ten senses disappeared, Ye Fan heard the sound transmission of Emperor Huang Tian exploded in his heart, dispelling a ray of darkness:

"The second level of Demon Abyss, the mountain of chaos, join me!"

"Heaven and earth are the cud, and I'll be the butcher!"

In the endless nothingness, all visible and intangible things disappeared, only a long and rough sound echoed in the nothingness, as if it was going to last forever.


The next moment, the butcher's knife fell.

In that boundless darkness, where no one could see, the thousands of great worlds opened up by the Emperor Huangtian's sword were all split open.

Jianmang, Jianyin, Jiandao, Jianguang...... also cracked!

That is no matter what Da Luo immortal, what heaven and earth universe, under one knife.

The coldness of the two must be broken!

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