Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1422: Thousands of worlds shake, finally promoted!

"Good one, I am the butcher, the world is the cud..."

Beyond the distant time and space, the Immortal Mountain is at a high place, and the Emperor Huang Tian sighed softly.

Any Hunyuan is an outstanding person that is hard to find in all ages.

Even he can't fight beyond the ranks.

That butcher knife, even if he faced it directly, would only end in two cuts.

Because behind that knife is a source of Dao that overwhelms the heavens of all realms and is intertwined in the endless sea of ​​chaos!

However, after countless years of battle, he has pushed his method of transforming into great freedom to the limit.

Have a solid foundation!

It's just a ray of will, it can't hurt him.

"He transforms into freedom, he transforms into eternity!"

The sword was extinguished and the light was born, and in the endless silence and nothingness, the indifferent and transcendent voice of Huang Tiandi echoed.

The voice drifted in endless time and space.

What followed was a burst of light that seemed to contain all the great secrets of the world.


The strands of light that contained Shi Hao's Dao Yun pierced through time and space, like a meteor shower that overwhelmed hundreds of millions of epochs.

At the moment when the butcher knife slashed down.

Evolved millions of Shi Hao silhouettes.

Those countless figures of Shi Hao are all real and true existences, and they are the incarnations that Shi Hao has evolved from his great way of transforming into freedom.

In the past, Shi Hao could evolve past, future, Taoist, etc.

And at this time, with a single thought, he can manifest himself in every moment of the eternity, the endless future, and every moment!

Although only one hit.

However, one blow was enough for him to retreat before any Primordial Primordial!

At this moment, what Shi Hao has comprehended and comprehended since eternity, all turned into the most terrifying power and burst out!

The endless radiance of Heba Lie ripped through the boundless silence, rivaling the boundless silence swayed by the butcher knife.

Boom! ! !




The terrifying ripples swept through the boundless darkness, shook the nine-layered demon abyss, and spread uncontrollably in all directions, reaching the infinite and far-reaching places.

Shake countless worlds.

The land of the **** battle of the gods has become a place of boundless destruction, the scorched earth cracked, the sea of ​​blood boiled and set off a huge wave, and countless demons wailed and shattered.

Even above the ancient city of Xianyang, above the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, there was a moment of brilliance!


"Shi Hao! My brother!"

Somewhere in the great realm under the ancient city of Xianyang, at the moment when the brilliance burst into pieces, Duan De suddenly woke up from the retreat.

However, even if his Primordial Spirit boiled to the limit, the supernatural power was pushed to the peak.

It is also impossible to see the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, which is infinitely far away from here.


In the boundless destruction of nothingness, the demon **** like a butcher roared in the sky, and the killing intent stirred up the sky:

"You really **** me off!!!"


"Shi Hao is indeed at the final stage..."

Under the linden tree at the end of the endless time and space, Gu Shaoshang's eyes were calm with a trace of anticipation.

The powerhouses above the sky are like clouds, and the world is like rain, but Shi Hao is such an outstanding person, and his brilliance is bound to bloom.

In fact, even above the gods, the Immortal Emperor is by no means an ordinary person.

"Master, are you talking about Huangtian Emperor?"

The ancient Bodhi tree swayed its branches that became more and more crystal clear, and asked aloud:

"Is Huang Tiandi in danger?"

As the avenue to balance the law of all worlds, the center of the yin and yang of the heavens, and the place where Gu Shaoshang realizes the Tao, this ancient Bodhi tree has naturally undergone a great baptism.

It seems to be lightening up.

"When has there ever been a time in his life when he was not in danger?"

Gu Shaoshang sighed softly:

"But for the time being, there is no major danger."

The Lord of the Nine-layer Demon Abyss is the capital of the Chaos Great Demon God.

Jidu knocked on the door of Hunyuan with the chaotic way, and then became Hunyuan Wuji. In the Nine-layer Demon Abyss where he was located, fighting was never forbidden, and he would not pay attention to the hatred in the Demon Abyss, so he naturally became countless demon gods. The place of belonging.

Not only the demon gods, but all those who have fallen into evil ways, or who have provoked unbelievable powers, immortals, gods, Buddhas, and even many innate gods and demons, all exist in the Nine Layers of Demons.

That's what he thought, even if Shi Hao was targeting the Demon God, he wouldn't pay attention, let alone make a move.

Because of chaos, I hate all order.

For example, the Antarctic Longevity Emperor who is in charge of the Fadu Order.

And as long as those real giants don't make a move, with Shi Hao's transformation into great freedom, the speciality of his transformation of the ancients, the ordinary Primordial Primordial, it is not easy to kill him.

"The Emperor Huangtian is too bitter, sir, won't you do anything?"

Bodhi ancient branches and leaves swayed and asked.

"You do not understand."

Gu Shaoshang was a little dumbfounded.

He has already shot, but unfortunately, except for a few people, no one can see the traces of his shot.

Although the ancient Bodhi tree is comparable to the Quasi Immortal Emperor at this time, there is no way to see the traces of his shot.

The ancient Bodhi tree fell into silence, and he really did not understand.

Gu Shaoshang did not explain, his eyes drooped down, overlooking the vast sea of ​​clouds and the heavens of all realms.

The time flow of all worlds is endless, Ye Fan has stepped into the sky for 100,000 years, and the evolution of this world has already evolved for tens of millions of years under the urging of Gu Shaoshang and the inner demon.

Under the circumstance that he had consumed a lot of Hongmeng Purple Qi regardless of the cost, he had already reached the brink of promotion.

However, the promotion of the world is much more difficult than that of living beings.

The foundation of a perfect world is still insufficient. Even with the completion of the Law of Ten Thousand Realms and the instillation of Hongmeng Purple Qi, it is still a little reluctant to want to be promoted.

Unless.... come to a few Hunyuan blood sacrifices!

"I can barely try it... Maybe, there is an unexpected joy..."

Gu Shao thought sadly.

In the next instant, thousands of great worlds and countless heavens all shook.

The transformation has truly begun!




In the world of immortality, the ground reaches the sky, as straight as the top of Wuzu Mountain in the center of the universe, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw that above the sky, Wan Dao was rumbling, the laws were manifested, and time and space were boiling.

The boundless and boundless ripples rippling above the boundless sky, like thousands of giant dragons, rolling into the immeasurable portal of the world.

Towards a perfect world that is infinitely far away, yet so close at hand.

"Is it finally time to start?"

Xiao Chen's mind, which had been tense for thousands of years, suddenly relaxed.

In the next moment, he stepped out and climbed to the top of the nine heavens. His arms shook, and from the depths of the endless void, he summoned the pious will of countless sentient beings who practiced the martial arts for countless years.

Incomparably stalwart, the indescribable martial arts river is coming!



"Master's plan, is it finally going to start?!"

The revival of the Martial Dao River has shaken the entire world of Longevity.

Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Xiang Yutian, Shi Zhixuan, Shi Feixuan, Zhang Sanfeng, etc. all came out of the retreat.

Step into the sky.

The long river of martial arts that manifested in the endless void became more and more agitated, and within it, countless outstanding martial artists who had been born and died in this world since the endless years were clearly manifested.

Countless martial arts exercises, countless martial arts supernatural powers!

In the depths of the void, many of the former human ancestors, and the Kyushu ancestors who fought side by side with Gu Shaoshang, all opened their eyes.

"Go across the border and help Martial Ancestor!"

Under the dark shroud, the Sui Renshi let out a long howl.

"Cross the border!"

"Cross the border!"

"Cross the border!"

Since time immemorial, countless martial arts experts and outstanding martial artists have all responded with a bang.

It envelops the atmosphere of the martial arts between heaven and earth, suppresses the vibration of the endless laws, and the light of the avenue.

Like thousands of meteors, heading towards the perfect world connected by the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!

Countless years of practice, countless years of preparation.

They are the biggest Qi number, the biggest Qi Luck, the biggest source in this world!



Thousands of rays of light swayed, and in the endless turbulent airflow, one person stood on the sacred mountain of the human race, hunting in clothes.

"Injury Supreme!"

The indifferent Fengyun Wuji stepped out of the cultivation place, climbed to the top of the holy mountain, bowed slightly and said:

"I, the 86,000 Supremes of the ancient human race, are all ready, just wait for your order, and move the world!"

"Wuji, your three bodies are one, and you are in charge of the law of balance. This world can be said to be in your hands. If you integrate into the perfect world, you will not be able to control the law of balance..."

The Wushuang Supreme turned his back to the situation and sighed softly:

"It doesn't have to be."

Since the endless years, the ancient people have already dominated many planes, and countless ancient powerhouses have been promoted to the supreme.

Fengyun Wuji completely blew the howl of the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness, the law of palm balance, for this reason, apart from him, the first Supreme.

"In those days, the Supreme Being of Mingshang and you were killed by that one finger from the air. Wuji couldn't use the law of balance to protect the Primordial Human Race, but for thousands of years, he couldn't make an inch..."

Fengyun Wuji's expression was as indifferent as stone:

"Today's Taikoo people don't need me anymore, I have to pursue my own way."


Wushang turned around with a hint of relief: "Sit back to yourself, Wuji, you are not far away."

Fengyun Wuji bowed for a long time, then stepped out and climbed to the top of the Nine Heavens.

As soon as the body moved, before the chaos of this world opened up, at the beginning of the ages, the king of the most ancient law, the law of balance, suddenly crashed, in the whistling of the hunting wind.

Completely manifested!

"Cross the border!"

Fengyun Wuji let out a long howl.

The law of balance is self-inclined Primordial Continent, the interface of billions of dimensions, and it is lifted up by the law of balance between the thoughts of the situation.

Towards the other end of the law of balance, the perfect world connected by the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!

Tens of ten percent of the Qi in this world, and the situation is Wuji occupying ninety-nine!

In his words, the world will tilt!


"Huh?! The world has changed drastically!"

Somewhere in the vast universe beyond the endlessly distant void, in a heavenly palace with countless stars and stars, Qin Mu suddenly woke up and looked up.

The sky and the earth roared, and the boundless splendor shot up from the ancestral court, Xuandu, Yuandu, Youdu, Guixu and other places, like a heavenly sword piercing the void of the universe.

And in his induction, the endlessly distant sixteen past cosmos epochs also vibrated, exuding immeasurable Taoism.

Then, Qin Mu saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

A burst of blue light!

A 33rd grade green lotus is boundless.

The green lotus is rooted in the boundless void, and the lotus leaves slowly stretch, holding up sixteen cosmos epochs, the epoch where it is located, and many cosmos epochs in the endless distant future!

A green lotus holds up the age of eternity, spanning the past, present and future!


Qin Mu got up, and the indescribable giant green lotus was reflected in his eyes.

The green lotus blooms in the universe, and the light shines on the ancient era.

And between Qinglian, the place where all the light of the universe converges.

A stalwart man with black hair and a shawl stood with his hands behind his back.

"Mu Tianzun!"

During the vibration of the universe, the man in the blue shirt stood up and bowed his hands to Qin Mu.

Stepping into the sky, in a portal that appeared at an unknown time:

"Wan Qing is gone!"

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