Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 301: That 1 knife style

woo woo

The sonic boom roared vertically and horizontally, and within a radius of several miles, there was the sound of air tearing like ghosts and wolf howls.

Amidst the terrifying whistling sound, red-golden rays of light shot up into the sky.

The mighty demonic energy suddenly erupted like a volcano that had been silent for countless years, the turbulent dust stirred up the sky, and countless mud boulders swept in all directions like a tidal wave.

A terrifying scene of the birth of a giant monster!

"Not good! This is the breath of the demon king!"

"How dare he! How dare he!"

"Run away!"

The four males around the mountain who rushed over had their scalps numb, and let out a mournful wailing unwilling to despair.

Too late to think, too late to escape.

In the despair of the four, a fluffy palm suddenly protruded from the golden light.

It grows in the wind and turns into a big palm that covers the sky and the sun.


He grabbed the four of them in one hand.

In the air explosion mixed with the sound of dense bone explosions, the four of them instantly turned into a puddle of meat!


The golden light disappears, and the dust dissipates.

A six-foot-tall demon ape stood proudly, with golden eyes looking at him, and his aura was extremely domineering.

The monster ape was wearing a golden armor and a crown on his head, standing with his hands down, his red-gold hair dancing in the wind.

On the ground under his feet, Kun Wu was crawling on the ground with scars.

"The King of the Ape!"

"The King of the Ape!"

Qian Yang and others immediately changed color.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The territory of the King of the Apes is the closest to Dayan. As one of the three major sects, the Hanging Temple is naturally not ignorant.

Once the qiongtian-level demon king makes a move, everyone present will die on the spot!

For a time, all the monks in the Hanging Temple froze on the spot.

"Huh? No! Is it a clone?"

After being surprised, Qian Yang was the first to react.


His monk robe shook, and he put one hand on his chest and said, "I don't know if the demon king is coming, the poor monk is disrespectful."

After he woke up with a word, the monks came back to their senses, and after a closer look, they found clues.

This tyrannical ape king, although imposing and tyrannical, but his strength is only in the initial stage of concentration.

It is even worse than Qianyang.

Immediately relieved.

"Ha ha!"

The Violent Ape King laughed loudly, and the sharp sound seemed to fill the brain with a magical sound, causing everyone to frown.

The golden hair trembled slightly, and there was an indifferent and ruthless light in the golden pupils of the Violent Ape King.

Looking around the monks around, he said softly, "It's really amazing to push my son to this level."

There was no joy or anger in his voice, but the sudden murderous aura surged like a cold wave.

"Kunwu stole my Xuankong Temple's secret book "Buddha My Unique Sutra". I wonder if it was the demon king's instruction?"

Qian Yang's white eyebrows drooped down, and his expression remained motionless amid the murderous aura of the Violent Ape King.

"So what?"

The King of the Ape was slumped with both hands, and his indifferent eyes stared at Qian Yang's eyebrows.

"Then today, the demon king will speak to the old monk."

Under the gaze of the King of the Apes, Qian Yang's expression was as usual, and he refused to give in an inch: "If you don't leave the "Buddha and My Unique Sutra", this incarnation of yours will also stay!"


The atmosphere suddenly froze.


A group of monks from the Hanging Temple stepped forward at the same time, their infuriating energy rose, and surrounded the violent ape king.


In the ironwood forest.

"Qiantian-level violent ape king?"

Feeling the tyrannical domineering aura, Gu Shaoshang's pupils shrank.

The more he practiced, the more Gu Shaoshang could feel the huge gap in his practice.

Before he had set his life, he was already able to fight fiercely and fiercely among the warriors who were at the final stage.

After advancing to the air sect, Gu Shaoshang did his best and defeated the team leader of the gods and ghosts who were comparable to the contemplative spirits.

Now in the middle stage of Qi Zong, there is no certainty that he can win the martial artist.

After concentrating, the span of his cultivation has become wider and wider. If it is a demon king of the sky, Gu Shaoshang thinks to himself that even if he activates magical powers, he may not be his opponent.

"Yeah! Demon King? Brother Gu, you're just waiting, a demon king?!"

Shen Wuxia's face froze, and she turned to look at Gu Shaoshang: "You guys really have the courage."


Gu Shaoshang's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

After taking a closer look, he frowned and wondered in his heart: "No, this demon king, although the momentum is amazing. But looking at its strength, it is only concentrating."


The savage swordsman stepped forward, walked towards the two of Gu Shaoshang, and said indifferently: "Half-demon Lengyue, I have seen you two!"


Gu Shaoshang raised his long eyebrows and looked at the savage swordsman: "So you are a half-demon."

Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised, but never too unexpected.

He had previously felt that this savage swordsman had a strange aura, but because he had never seen a half-demon, he did not dare to confirm it.

"Little Wolfdog, can't you make it difficult for this young master?"

Shen Wuxia opened and closed the folding fan and said with a smile that was not a smile.

Judging from his expression, he seemed to have expected it.

"Small dogs?"

The face of the savage swordsman changed, and his long hair was raised, revealing a face full of long beards.

Killing intent rolled in his eyes, and he said indifferently, "Quickly follow me to meet the Demon King, and wait for the hair to fall!"


Gu Shaoshang's arm trembled slightly, and he flew into the sky in anger.


Gu Shaoshang sneered: "A mere avatar is also here to bluff?"

Gu Shaoshang's arm moved and stopped in front of Shen Wuxia.

Gu Shaoshang was naturally very interested when he saw the demon clan for the first time.

"Master Monster King is a strong man in the middle of the sky. Even if a clone can wipe out the group of monks, it will be effortless."

Leng Yue glanced at the two of them and smiled contemptuously.

"A mere avatar can carry a bit of the power of the sky?"

Gu Shaoshang said lightly.

The most tyrannical thing at the Qiongtian level is to condense the gods and artistic conception into a picture of the sky, which may be the big sun, the mountains, or the gods and demons.

Unleash a powerful force far beyond the level of concentration.

But how much of the power of the sky can a mere avatar in the early stage of concentration carry?

Gu Shaoshang said indifferently when Leng Yue's complexion changed greatly: "After I take you down, I will go to meet the so-called Violent Ape King!"

"court death!"

Leng Yue's face changed greatly, her tattered clothes were suddenly torn, and her thick silver hair was surging wildly.

Immediately, the hairy claws suddenly grabbed the handle of the knife.


The long knife suddenly came out of its sheath with tyrannical killing intent!

In an instant, the brilliance was released, and the ruthless knife light poured out like mercury, rippling out a large sea of ​​knife light!

Split the world, criss-cross!

The scattered energy chopped the iron wood within a radius of several dozen feet into countless pieces that floated around.


In the violent roar of the air, the knife light was like a crescent moon, slashing down at Gu Shaoshang.

This wolf demon impressively displayed its profound knowledge of swordsmanship.

But in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, this wolf demon's swordsmanship is full of loopholes.

All relying on the tyrannical body slashing sword technique, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is naturally tyrannical and invincible.

But in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, it is simply ridiculous!

"You also play with knives?"

Gu Shaoshang drew a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a voice full of contempt pierced through the dense sea of ​​knife light floating in the iron wood forest:

"Knives, that's not how they are used!"

Gu Shaoshang pressed his palm down to his waist, and Jing Zhongyue, who had not been out of the sheath for a long time, suddenly shot out.

Clang clang!

The sound of the knife roared like a thousand thunder, and the cold and ruthless killing intent instantly covered the entire Ironwood Forest.

A chaotic yellow sword light rose like a roaring dragon in the wind and thunder.

He rushed straight into the sea of ​​sword energy surging by the wolf demon.

This knife, it seems that there is no change, there is no trick.

But in fact, the position, time, strength, and speed of the knife all flowed through Gu Shaoshang's mind.

If you don't go out, you will hit it when you go out!

When this knife was issued, even Shen Wuxia, who was standing behind Gu Shaoshang, could only see the yellow light of the knife as swift as a thunderbolt, but it was withdrawn as soon as it was fired. To the extreme!

"Such a sword technique, me!"

The hair on Leng Yue's body trembled, and the shock in her heart couldn't be added.

He has been in the human form for over a hundred years.

But he has never seen such pure and terrifying knife light as Gu Shaoshang!


With a neigh in his heart, the swept sea of ​​sword light suddenly closed.

Resist Gu Shaoshang's sword technique.


After a slight sound of gold and iron symphony.

The clouds were light and the wind was light, and the sea of ​​sword light that had previously spread throughout the Ironwood Forest had disappeared.


Gu Shaoshang drew back his knife and stood upright, his face indifferent.

During the fifty years in the Tang Dynasty, Gu Shaoshang had already mastered all the things he had obtained before, such as the sword drawing, the three swords of Abi Dao, the sword cutting, and even Song Que's nine methods of the heavenly sword.

Although Song Que does not have the supreme talent in the Dao of the Blade, fifty years is enough for Gu Shaoshang's blade skills to take a big step forward.

"you you!"

Leng Yue kept her long knife unsheathed with a look of shock and despair on her face.


A breeze blows.

Leng Yue's stiff figure moved.


The wanton flow of blood slid to the ground with pieces of flesh and hair.

On his head, upper body, and limbs, he couldn't see a single flesh and blood, and all the bare bones were all bones!


Immediately, his skeleton turned into a burst of bone powder and flew away.

Going down with a knife is like a thousand cuts!

"Good swordsmanship, good swordsmanship!"

Shen Wuxia, who had avoided far away when Gu Shao was injured, exclaimed in admiration with a hint of shock on his face.

He is a master at the concentration level, and he has also learned the swordsmanship, so he naturally understands the horror of Gu Shaoshang's sword.

Even for him, under this knife, it is difficult for him to retreat.

In the realm of Qi this knife can almost rule the roost!

"Nature is a good sword technique!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded unceremoniously.

His sword was created by countless magical and secret methods that he had collected over the past 100 years in three years.

Although it is far from reaching the peak, it is also where his own efforts are, and he is naturally worthy of anyone's admiration.


Shen Wuxia was startled by Gu Shaoshang's attitude, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.


Gu Shaoshang ignored him, feeling a little apprehensive about this big week visitor.

"where are you going?"

Shen Wuxia raised her eyebrows.

"Naturally, let's get to know that sky-level master!"

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