Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 302: Suppress everything! Who dares to disagree?


Pale golden eyes swept across a group of monks with a wary expression.

With a slight pick at the foot of the Violent Ape King, Kun Wu's body fluttered like a straw for several miles under an invisible force.

"Take this seat?"

There was a sneer at the corner of the King's mouth, and he said, "With you rubbish? How do you know this king's methods!"

After all, he was no longer interested in speaking.

Even if this is just the incarnation of a ray of will, he still asks himself that he can sweep the invincible against this group of monks who are the highest in the middle stage of concentration.

The Violent Ape King took a step forward.


The tyrannical demonic energy swept in all directions, shaking all directions.

The earth seemed to have turned into water, and the swaying layers of ripples set off a huge wave of soil that was dozens of feet high, and smashed down on the monks around.

The figure of the violent ape king disappeared in the smoke and dust that covered the sky and the sun.

"Go all out! He is only in the realm of concentration!"

Qian Yang's deep voice spread to everyone's ears in the blast of Gangfeng.

All the monks responded in unison, and the true qi suddenly burst out.

The power of the incarnation of the King of the Apes is nothing but concentration, and the demonic energy that is raised in an instant is suppressed by the infuriating energy cover.


The golden infuriating energy vibrated, rolling up the air and surging wildly like a tide.

Except for a group of Qi Zong disciples who avoided and surrounded them.

Qian Yang and other six concentrating mirror warriors, together with Kun Tong, took a step forward at the same time, pushed out their fists with all their strength, and slammed into the violent ape king in the middle.




Seven strong and arrogant zhenqi rose up and turned into seven golden dragons, smashing the raised earth and stone curtain in an instant.

"not good!"

Qian Yang pushed out with a palm, and a warning sign rose in his heart.

I saw that, in the dust that swayed, the body of the violent ape king swayed golden light bursts, and his arm suddenly pulled in the air.

tear it up!

In Qian Yang's shocked look, the space suddenly turned into a huge picture.

As the violent ape king's arm was pulled horizontally, a huge picture scroll depicting the endless mountains suddenly peeled off from the space!

The sky picture scroll of the sky warrior!

Gan Gang was shocked, and he could barely hold the blood in his body.

Immediately, I saw that most of the picture scroll was shrouded in clouds and mist, with only a corner leaking out.

At the moment, his heart loosened slightly, his whole body trembled, and his five fingers pinched a heart-shaped fist mark, and the oscillating air surged frantically like a tide.

The pale golden light shone brightly, and the cover pressed down.


The Violent Ape King shook his hand to take a picture and swept it all over his body.

Bang bang bang!

The seven air-splitting palms from the blast were all swallowed up by the picture scroll.

In that picture scroll, violent and terrifying power suddenly swept the four directions.

The air within a few miles was suddenly blown up by the force from the picture scroll, the space oscillated slightly, and layers of ripples rose.


The earth shakes, the earth cracks.

Thousands of tons of soil, sand, and gravel rise up to hundreds of feet in the promised land around the King of the Apes!

A huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and the raised dust covered the sky.

Terrifying beyond imagination.

The faces of Kun and others who rushed over changed wildly.

When I was caught off guard, I only felt an overwhelming force vibrating, as if being hit by a mountain, one by one flying upside down tens of hundreds of meters away!

Still in mid-air, coughing up blood one by one, the muscles and bones all over my body burst.

"A mere ants, how do you know the tyranny of the sky?"

The Violent Ape King shook the picture scroll and retracted his body, his figure was slightly illusory.

The picture scroll of Qiongtian is to store his own body, and to bless his own body by turning his own body into an incomplete cave world.

This picture of the sky of the King of the Apes is to depict the endless mountains of Daming Mountain with gods. Once the cultivation is completed, the advanced level will appear.

With every move, there are hundreds of millions of sacred mountains to bless him, and his strength is unbelievable.

Although his real body is only in the middle of the sky, the power of the map of the sky is extremely small, but it is also blessed by the power of several giant mountains.

But the King of the Apes is just an incarnation, and naturally it is impossible to use much of the power of the map of the sky.

I used a little bit before, and I almost crushed my avatar.

In the swaying dust, Qian Yang's white eyebrows were as red as soaked in blood, and his monk robe was torn, revealing a thin body like a vajra.


The turbulent and hot rolling air waves rolled in all directions, and the air flow suddenly blew away the turbulent dust.

Straight to the violent ape king!

"Huh? Scarlet gold dragon elephant golden body?"

Violent Ape King's golden hair trembled and sneered.

The golden body of the red-gold dragon elephant is another concentrating-level secret book of the Hanging Temple. After cultivation, not only does it have a golden body that is not bad, but it also possesses the mighty power of an ancient dragon elephant.

This old monk, at least he has cultivated this divine art to a great extent, in order to resist his own power of the sky.

"The mayfly shakes the tree!"

Facing the punch marks from Qian Yang's cross attack, the King of the Ape smiled disdainfully.

He swung his body, and under the vigorous explosion of his whole body, the air moved like a tidal wave, sending out a violent whistling.

Immediately, he swayed his arm, pinched his five fingers tightly, and slammed into Gan Gang with a violent punch.

"This is?"

A look of shock rose between Qian Yang's brows.

I saw the gang wind howling violently, a fist covered with golden hair, with the terrifying fist intent of fighting the sky and the earth, destroying everything, crashing down.

The air within a hundred zhang was suddenly smashed by this punch!

A large wave of air swept in all directions in a violent tearing sound like a ghost crying and wolf howling.

Qian Yang's mind was shaken, his whole body seemed to become a vacuum in an instant, and his mind was like a copper bell tolling, roaring.

Still ten feet away, he was shocked by the domineering fist intent, and he froze in place like a puppet!

"Senior Brother Qianyang!"


"Uncle Master!"

At this moment, Kun and others who were shocked and flew out by the painting of Qiongtian rushed over.

Seeing this scene, they let out roars.


The warning signs in Qian Yang's heart were suddenly activated, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

But between the lightning and flint, he didn't have time to dodge at all, so he had to raise his arms and cross his arms in this moment of life and death!

next moment,

The Violent Ape King looked indifferent, and slammed it down with a punch!


The huge shock wave spreads evenly like ripples, and the sky-high air waves carry countless dirt and sand, like a tsunami, centered on the place where the two meet, sweeping away in all directions!


Qian Yang felt that an unimaginable force was instantly transmitted from the place where his arms were crossed to any small part of his body!

In the past, the body that thought King Kong was not bad was like the bubbles in the water being poked by someone else's finger!

It exploded suddenly!


Blood splatters!

In front of all the monks of the Xuankong Temple who came over, Gan Gang was punched by the King of Violent Ape into a puddle of flesh all over the sky!


In the turbulent wind, the voice of the king of the ape spread faintly: "A mere human race, dare to fight with this king?"


In the dust that covered the sky, the King of the Ape walked indifferently and walked out.

With a touch of disdain in his pale golden eyes, he swept over the stunned monks of the Hanging Temple.


"Uncle Master!"

Kun Xiang had a sad face, put his hands together, and bowed slightly towards the blood-colored mist that was still floating in the sky.

"Senior brother, you go one step first, and junior brother will definitely take back the "Buddha and My Unique Sutra" and return to the temple!"

The oldest old monk among the six took a step forward, his eyes full of determination.

"The monk is still coming up to die?"

The Violent Ape King frowned and said coldly.

The power of his incarnation is only at the level of concentration. If he fights with these monks again, it is inevitable that his power will be greatly reduced.

On the way back to the mountain, if a hostile demon king came to **** it, he would have worked hard for nothing.


The six people of Kun Xiang swept away the sadness in their hearts, their faces were calm, and they blocked in front of the violent ape king.

Whether for the death of Qianyang, or for the sake of the Buddha I alone respect the scriptures, the six of them have absolutely no reason to retreat.

Even in death, it is impossible to be timid in front of the demon clan.



The group of Qi Zong-level monks who were far away from them all gathered around.

The crowd is fierce, and the killing intent is rolling straight to the violent ape king.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The King of Violent Ape laughed, but there was absolutely no smile in his eyes. Instead, he glanced at the monks with murderous intent:

"The human race that is over-comprehensive!"

"Give me all to die!"

He has put aside all worries in his heart, and is ready to conquer all these monks in one fell swoop!

If you don't agree, they'll all be killed!


The King of Violent Ape stepped on his feet and smashed away with a punch amid the violent shaking of the ground.

All the visible and intangible matter in the space exploded in the direction of the punch!


In the midst of the sound waves, a fist covered with golden hair with a powerful fist like fighting the sky and fighting the earth, slammed into the Kun and other six people, and even the countless monks who came from behind into the fist!

There are obviously dozens of people, besieging the King of the Ape.

At this moment, all the monks suddenly had the illusion that they were facing this world-beating monster alone.


Kun and the other six made thunderous roars at the same time, pulling out the monks behind them who had fallen into the demonic illusion.

Immediately, six golden infuriating qi suddenly stirred the sky, and instantly turned into a palm shadow that covered the sky and the sun, and greeted the fist mark of the violent ape king.

In the torrent of turbulent qi, the punch of the king of the ape was like a dragon ascending to the sky, with a strong fist that fights the sky and the earth, suppressing all wills, and hit three consecutive punches in the rolling golden light shock.

One punch is as ruthless as one punch, as if three punches slammed into the void at the same time, and suddenly a large group of white air waves exploded.


It was as if a meteor fell and fell on the ground.

As the ground shook and the mountains shook, the ground suddenly burst into countless huge cracks, which were extremely hideous.

The air wave with golden light rose like a tsunami, and it suddenly smashed into the monks of the Hanging Temple!

Among the countless roars, it was faintly visible that the monks headed by Prime Minister Kun all vomited blood and retreated, and even the less powerful ones flew out dozens of meters like scarecrows.


Countless dirt and gravel fell like heavy rain within a radius of ten miles.

The body of the violent ape king flickered slightly, and the power consumption was too large.

But at this time, he put aside all his concerns, and his murderous intentions burst into flames, his golden eyes burning like flames:

"Now, this king is going to take away the Sutra of the Buddha and I! Who, dare to refuse!"

"Monkey! Uncle Gu refuses to accept it!"

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